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topics they would be interested in reviewing. They were able to selectas many as they wanted. The Mines faculty were solicited via a personal email from us. Theywere asked if they would be willing to review course content in their discipline and/or specialtopics page(s) of their choice.15 librarians from various academic institutions completed the form expressing interest inreviewing course content. They volunteered for all nine special topics and 15 of the 16disciplines. Several disciplines were sent to three librarians, including Math, Computer Science,Design Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Chemistry. Two pages were onlysent to a single librarian reviewer, Geology and Chemical and Biological Engineering.Additionally, nine
introvert, Kathy enjoys reading WWII historical fiction, listening to podcasts, spending time with her family, exploring the world of craft cocktails, enjoying Finger Lakes wineries, and making a fuss over her Boston Terrier, Gatsby. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 20241234WE@RIT was founded during the early Millennial era in the early 2000’s and itsengagement playbook worked famously right up through the end of the Millennial era(the last class of Millennials graduated in 2018).Millennials were quick to sign up and show up for one-off events and programs.Gen Z is slower to sign-up and far more likely to no-show if they do sign up.Millennials took no issue in being part of programs that addressed
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theactivity, exhibiting excitement and curiosity throughout. One of the girls was so inspired andloved the experience so much that she wrote a report about it. The success of the first in-personSTEM workshop signifies the potential for future outreach events in collaboration with RBTVand other partners. Insights from survey data will be instrumental in refining future engineeringactivities, aiming to enhance the interest and engagement of female students across variousSTEM modules.7. References[1] R. Rifandi and Y.L. Rahmi, "STEM education to fulfil the 21st century demand: a literature review," Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1317. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2019.[2] S. Benish, "Meeting STEM workforce demands by diversifying STEM
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promote the apprenticeship program and preparestudents to apply. The following procedure was used to prepare the apprenticeship cohort underdiscussion here. During the summer prior to the apprenticeship, a full list of all students in theaccepted major(s) was requested from the school and was filtered by GPA and course creditcompletion. Then the remaining students were individually reviewed for program eligibility, andindividual outreach was conducted over the summer to form a cohort of interested and eligibleapprenticeship applicants.Toward the beginning of the Fall semester, a member of Career Services responsible forcoordinating the apprenticeship program began conducting individual meetings with students.These sessions were typically 45
the first semester, the instructors encouraged students to use “DesignThinking” to guide their efforts in defining the elements in the exhibit (which correspond tostudent projects). The Design Thinking steps are: empathizing with the customer (i.e., theparticipant, in the case of the exhibit), defining the elements in the exhibit, ideating about how torealize the elements, and next to make and test low fidelity prototypes (that is, prototypes madewith a relatively small investment in time and energy and just good enough to be able to tell ifthe current approach is good). Design Thinking was developed in the late 1950’s through acollaboration of faculty from the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Art andArchitecture at Stanford
Paper ID #19077Engineering Pathways Fellows: Four Years of Successful Retention Initia-tives, Including International CollaborationDr. Amy L. Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Dr. Amy L. Freeman holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering and a Ph.D. in Workforce Edu- cation. She has a been a practitioner of retention programming for over two decades and is a member of several organizations and networks that support her research interest: access and inclusion to STEM education. She is the primary PI for the NSF sponsored S-STEM award, ”Engineering Pathways: An Undergraduate Scholars Program.” Dr
education (especially in regards to the design of complex systems), student preparation for post-graduation careers, and innovations in research-to-practice.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University and holds a PhD in Education, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. She researches cross-disciplinarity ways of thinking, acting and being; design learning; and engineering education transformation.Dr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is
andscience in their degree programs, connections with local artists and community members, andconnections with local, state and federal legislatures.Acknowledgements Funding for this work was provided by the University of New Mexico Grand Challengeon Sustainable Water Resources.References[1] D. Buffalari et al., “Integrating Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum: 1. Early Research Experiences and Training,” J. Undergrad. Neurosci. Educ., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. A52–A63, Dec. 2020.[2] S. Pierszalowski, J. Bouwma-Gearhart, and L. Marlow, “A Systematic Review of Barriers to Accessing Undergraduate Research for STEM Students: Problematizing Under- Researched Factors for Students of Color,” Soc. Sci., vol. 10, no. 9, Art. no. 9
institution is relatively small, these young scholars arealmost invisible when compared to students, staff, and faculty at an institution [2]. There is alsono one size fits all solution for postdocs to improve in all the ways needed to becomecompetitive candidates in the highly competitive market for the tenure-track jobs less than 20%of them will eventually obtain [3]. Nowell et al.’s [3] systematic review of professional development (PD) of postdocsthoroughly examined what was and was not working for post doctoral PD. One of the areas theyidentified as an important skill postdocs wanted to learn or further develop were “grant,manuscript, and proposal writing” and improving their presentation skills. Teaching skills sawthe greatest
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back the first cohort, COVID moved both introductory courses online in their firstiterations. Cohorts of students taking introduction to data science, for example, were learningonline in a pandemic, and although we didn’t study COVID-19's impact expressly, it would beeasy to see how outcomes and experiences of students would be much different in on campuslearning environments. Additionally, we struggled to recruit students into the data science micro-credential, and although we have a number of plans to address this difficulty, the effects of thepandemic on students’ willingness to adopt new lines of study is assumed.Recruitment of Students & Finding Room in CurriculumDue to COVID-19, student recruitment was through virtual informational
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