AC 2012-4279: THE ICOLLABORATE MSE PROJECT - 2012Prof. Kathleen L. Kitto, Western Washington UniversityDr. Debra S. Jusak, Western Washington University Debra S. Jusak has been employed at Western Washington University for 24 years. During most of that time, she was a professor in the Computer Science Department with interests in distributed systems, operating systems, computer architecture, and formal models of computing. She is now Vice Provost for Academic Resources. Jusak directed the group of computer science students that implemented the materials science iPod Touch applications. Page 25.1304.1
AC 2012-4115: PRACTICING NEEDS-BASED, HUMAN-CENTERED DE-SIGN FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT COURSE INNOVA-TIONDr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University Shawn Jordan is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the College of Technology and Innovation at Arizona State University, where he teaches junior- and senior-level project-based electrical engineering courses.Mr. Micah Lande, Arizona State University Micah Lande is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the College of Technology and Innovation at Arizona State University, where he teaches undergraduate, human-centered design-focused, project-based engineering courses
AC 2012-3478: RELATING USAGE OF WEB-BASED LEARNING MATE-RIALS TO LEARNING PROGRESSDr. Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is a professor of mechanical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a teacher and researcher in the field of engineering education and mechanics. His research has focused on student learning of mechanics concepts and developing new course materials and classroom approaches. Drawing upon methods of cognitive and learning sciences, he has led the development and psychometric validation of the statics
AC 2012-3512: STUDENT PERSPECTIVES OF ENGINEERING DESIGNEDUCATIONRichard J. Aleong, Queen’s University Richard Aleong is a master’s of applied science candidate in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. His research interests are in engineering design, qualitative research methodology, and teaching and learning in higher education.Prof. David S. Strong, Queen’s University David Strong joined Queen’s as the NSERC Chair in Design Engineering in March 2003 and is currently in his second term as Chair. In this faculty-wide appointment, his goal is to enhance student’s engineering design and professional skills by working collaboratively on educational
outreach work focuses on creating resources for K-12 educators to support engineering education in the classroom. She is also the founder of STOMP (, and Jessica E. S. Swenson, Tufts University Page 25.1228.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Systemic intervention: Connecting formal and informal education experiences for engaging female students in elementary school in engineeringAbstract This paper describes a project that is a work in progress on engaging female
Session 3538 The Design Process, Ideation, and Computer-Aided Design David S. Kelley, Jeffrey L. Newcomer, and Eric K. McKell Engineering Technology Department Western Washington UniversityAbstractLargely due to engineering design applications such as computer-aided design, most en-gineering graphics curriculums have changed significantly since the middle 1980’s. Thecontent of an engineering graphics course is governed by the needs of students taking thecourse. This paper focuses on the engineering graphics curriculum at Western Washing-ton University
Session 2613 Integrating Soft Criteria into the ChE Curriculum Phillip C. Wankat, Frank S. Oreovicz, and W. Nicholas Delgass Chemical Engineering, Purdue UniversityAbstractIncorporating the soft criteria included in ABET 2000 into the curriculum has proved tobe a challenge for many engineering programs. Our approach has been to prioritize theimportance of the six criteria and proportion effort accordingly. We have been quitesuccessful in integrating communication skills into the ChE curriculum and more thanmeet ABET criteria. We believe that we do a more than adequate job with our secondand third priorities, teamwork
Session 1620 Interactive Signals and Systems Laboratories Using Notebooks Maurice F. Aburdene, Richard J. Kozick, Jaskeerat S. Baweja Bucknell UniversityAbstractThis paper presents three interactive signal processing laboratories that use Matlab programslinked to a Microsoft Word document (a “notebook”). The active filter analysis and design,convolution and concert halls, and spectral analysis labs are designed for third-year students in asignals and systems course. These labs engage the students in the learning process by providingthem with the opportunity to experiment and ask “what if” questions
Session 2793 Interactive Tutorial for an Introductory Electrical Engineering Course Maurice F. Aburdene, Rami W. Zarrouk, Ryan S. Magargle Bucknell UniversityAbstractThis paper presents a tutorial and diagnostic tool called, "What You Already Know." The objective of this tutorial isto prepare students for their first electrical engineering course, and it is designed to diagnose what the studentsalready know and aid them in understanding some basic concepts through hands-on experience. The tutorial iscomputer-based
Session 3220 Teaching One degree-of-freedom vibration on the WWW N W Scott * , S Hiranniah +, M A Mannan + and B J Stone* + Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, The National University of Singapore. * Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, The University of Western Australia.AbstractThis paper describes an extensive set of WWW pages that include the transient and forcedvibration of a single degree of freedom system. There are Java applets that allow animation,parameter variation and self-test questions with diagnostic feedback. In addition there are moreconventional
Session 2532 Undergraduate Research Participation: Designing and Building a New Generation Beowulf-Class PC Cluster Nickolas S. Jovanovic, Zachary R. Kaufmann, Lance W. Laettner University of Arkansas at Little RockAbstractMassively parallel processors (MPP) are the laboratories for computational science andengineering. It is important for computational scientists and engineers to have a local platformfor developing, testing, and debugging MPP codes, so that computer time on large national-resource MPPs such as those at the national laboratories and NSF supercomputing centers can besecured and used
Session 2633 Energy Conservation in Existing Commercial Buildings Saeed D. Foroudastan,. Katherine Mathis, Ahad S. Nasab, Linda Hardymon Middle Tennessee State University Abstract Old, outdated buildings with inefficient electrical and mechanical systems pose aproblem for owners because of the expense of turning them into energy conserving, healthy, andregulation compliant facilities. The technology is available to make the needed improvements,but financing is usually a problem. The answer to those facing the expense of makingimprovements that can
Session 2553 Experiences with A Freshman Engineering Problem Solving and Reasoning Course S. Cem Karacal, John A. Barker, Jacob Van Roekel Mech.& Ind. Eng./ Philosophical Studies/ Mech. & Ind. Eng. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 62026ABSTRACTThis paper describes our experiences with a new freshman-level engineering problem solvingcourse jointly designed by the School of Engineering and the Department of PhilosophicalStudies. The main objective of the course is to incorporate
Session 2659 Facilitating Interdisciplinary Hands-on Learning using LabStations Lawrence E. Carlson, Lee D. Peterson, Walter S. Lund & Trudy L. Schwartz Integrated Teaching and Learning Program College of Engineering and Applied Science University of Colorado at BoulderAbstractCulminating five years of planning by faculty and students, the Integrated Teaching andLearning (ITL) Laboratory opened its doors in January 1997. One of the goals of the newfacility is to link theory and experimentation in a hands-on way. Custom designedLabStations facilitate this goal with the capability to
Session 1532 A Graduate Student’s Views of a Mentored Teaching Program Eskild T. Arntzen, Dr. Robert F. Kubichek, Dr. Donald S. Warder University of WyomingI. IntroductionThere are many reasons why colleges and universities use graduate students to instruct theirclasses. In the current economic situation, many schools are faced with budgetary shortfalls anddeclining research funding. In order to avoid cutting back programs or eliminating programs, itis tempting to use graduate assistants to teach classes when regular faculty are not available.Unless done properly, this could result in ineffective
Session 2322 Developing Product and Manufacturing Integration Engineers: Integrating Graduate Education, Training, and Managed Job Assignments into a Strategic Career Path Edward R. Alef, Mary S. Bonhomme, Edward G. Borbely General Motors Corporation/Purdue University/University of MichiganAbstractThis paper describes two separate but interrelated learning programs that integrate advancededucation and training into a twelve-year experiential learning process. One program is inintegrated product (vehicle) engineering and another in integrated manufacturing engineering.The objective of these programs is to
Session 1663 Effective Visualizations for an Electric Machines and Power Systems Course S. Chickamenahalli, M. Bollepalli, V. Nallaperumal, C-P. Yeh Wayne State UniversityAbstractThis paper presents the visualization examples developed to accompany an Electrical Machinesand Power System course. Several of the examples that were developed are currently utilized inthe electric machine courseware for the NSF-funded Greenfield Coalition for new ManufacturingEducation. The course introduces essential types of electric power and electric machines inindustrial
Session 3257 Planning for Curriculum Renewal and Accreditation Under ABET Engineering Criteria 2000 Michael S. Leonard, Donald E. Beasley, Katherine E. Scales, Clemson University and D. Jack Elzinga University of FloridaAbstractThis paper presents a set of integrated methodologies for the enhancement of engineeringacademic programs and for preparation for accreditation review under ABET EngineeringCriteria 2000. The Curriculum Renewal Methodology builds on a
Paper ID #43022Examining the Relationship between Local Sense of Belonging and Students’Development of Socio-Academic Relationships in Introductory STEM ClassesDr. Trevion S. Henderson, Tufts University Trevion Henderson is Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University. He earned his Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of Michigan.Collette Patricia Higgins, James Madison University ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Examining the Relationship between Local Sense of Belonging and Students’ Development of Socio-Academic Relationships in Introductory STEM
Paper ID #41051A University-County Collaboration to Excite Students about Citizen ScienceDr. Leigh S McCue, George Mason University Leigh McCue is Chair of George Mason University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering.Brianne Elizabeth BellElliot Foster ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024A University-County Collaboration to Excite Students about Citizen Science with Maritime Robotics Leigh McCue1, Wren Bell2, Elliot Foster2 1 George Mason University, 2 Prince William CountyAbstractThis paper builds on a prior ASEE-SE
Paper ID #43840Entrepreneurial-minded learning modules reveal differential learning characteristicsin historically marginalized groupsMary S Jia, Duke University B.S. in Biomedical Engineering at the University of ArkansasDr. Mostafa Elsaadany, University of Arkansas Dr. Mostafa Elsaadany is a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Elsaadany teaches Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering, Senior Design, and Entrepreneurial Bioengineering. He is active in Engineering Education Research, where he studies
Paper ID #42663Contradicting Objects: An Activity Systems Perspective Towards TransformativeLearningDr. Lorena S. Grundy, Tufts University Lorena Grundy is an ASEE eFellows postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University, where she works with Milo Koretsky to study chemical engineering education. She received her BSE from Princeton in 2017 and PhD from UC Berkeley in 2022, both in chemical engineering.Dr. Milo Koretsky, Tufts University Milo Koretsky is the McDonnell Family Bridge Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering and in the Department of Education at Tufts University. He is co-Director of the
Paper ID #43011WIP: The Impact of Formative Assessment on Students’ Attitude, AnticipatedAcademic Performance, and Design Skills: Insights from Three Design-OrientedElectrical Engineering CoursesDr. Muhammad S Zilany, Texas A&M University at Qatar Dr. Muhammad Zilany earned his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, in 2007. He held academic positions at the University of Malaya and the University of Hail before joining the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program at Texas A&M University at Qatar in 2019. His research focuses on signal processing in the auditory system
Paper ID #42284Visual Voices in Computing: Exploring Photovoice in Computer Science Educationfor Underrepresented GroupsMiss Disha Patel, Florida International University Disha Patel is a computer science Ph.D. Candidate in the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) at Florida International University. Her research interests include using the photovoice method to investigate how underrepresented students perceive they can be best supported through navigation of the computer science field.Mrs. Monique S. Ross, The Ohio State University Monique Ross earned a doctoral degree in Engineering Education from Purdue
strong commitment to equity and social justice. Through his research and advocacy efforts, he strives to remove barriers and create environments where every individual’s voice is respected. Actively involved in his community, Animesh recently took on the role of Vice President-Elect of Projects & Programs at Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Incorporated (oSTEM), with a vision of fostering a future where diversity flourishes and opportunities are accessible to everyone.Dr. Racheida S Lewis, University of Georgia Racheida S. Lewis, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia in the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) and the Department of Electrical and
Engineer- ing from the University of Virginia. Her research interests include Team Effectiveness, Collaborative and Active Learning, Engineering Education and Pedagogy, and Quality Control and Management.Rosalyn S. Hobson, Virginia Commonwealth University Dr. Rosalyn S. Hobson has been at Virginia Commonwealth University since 1996. Currently she is the School of Engineering Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer- ing, and Director of the VCU/University of KwaZulu Natal International Partnership in South Africa. She received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Virginia. Her research interests include artificial neural networks, K-16
AC 2011-2441: WHAT DO MARKETS TELL US ABOUT DEMAND FORENGINEERS IN THE WORKPLACE?Martin S. High, Oklahoma State University Marty High is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. His aca- demic interests include teaching in all areas and at all levels of chemical engineering with a focus on instruction in thermodynamics and mass transfer. His research interests are in the areas of mass transfer in polymeric systems, corrosion modeling, equation of state development and refinery catalysis. Marty also writes in the area of sustainability and on the intersection of law, science and society. He received his engineering education at Penn State (B.S., M.S., and Ph.D.) and earned his law
AC 2011-1629: ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVES OF GRADE 7 STUDENTSMary Elizabeth Spencer, Queen’s UniversityDavid S Strong, Queen’s University Professor David S. Strong has held the NSERC Chair in Design Engineering since joining Queen’s Uni- versity in 2003. His previous experience includes 22 years in the private sector in research, development, and manufacturing with three companies spanning the metals, biomedical, and consumer products indus- tries. Page 22.601.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Engineering Perspectives of Grade 7