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this summer program.References[1] "Engage-to-Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science,Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics," Executive Office of the President Washington, D.C.2012.[2] C. Vest, "The Image Problem for Engineering," The Bridge vol. 41, pp. 5-11, 2011.[3] S.-A. Allen-Ramdial and A. G. Campbell, "Reimagining the Pipeline Advancing STEM Diversity, Persistence, and Success," Bioscience, vol. 64, pp. 612-618, 2014.[4] NAS, NAE, and IOM, "Rising Above the Gathering Storm," National Academy of Sciences2007.[5] N. Bell, S. Brainard, P. Campbell, M. Coomes, E. Derrick, M. Gomez, et al., "In Pursuit of a Diverse Science, Technology, Engineering, and
, as well as several years of electrical and mechanical engineering design experience as a practicing engineer. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Swarthmore College, his Master’s of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Doctorate in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Ms. Ann E. Delaney, Boise State University Ann Delaney is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator and the SAGE Scholars Program Director in the College of Engineering at Boise State University. SAGE Scholars is an NSF-funded S-STEM scholarship program which is part of the Redshirting in Engineering Consortium. As part of this program
gratefully acknowledge the alumni participants in this study and the contributions ofour research team. Finally, we acknowledge the generous support of this work from theHasso Plattner Design Thinking Research Program.References1. National Academy of Engineering, U. S. (2004). The engineer of 2020: Visions of engineering in the new century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.2. Wigner, A., Lande, M., & Jordan, S. S. (2016). How can maker skills fit in with accreditation demands for undergraduate engineering programs?. In 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.3. Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. John Wiley & Sons.4. ABET Student Learning Outcomes, Retrieved from
teachers made in-the-moment that didand did not align with the planned curricular materials.Teachers’ instructional decision making To examine the kinds of supports that teachers use during instruction, we adapted theGess-Newsome (2015) instructional decision-making model that synthesizes other existingmodels of teacher professional knowledge (e.g., Ball et al., 2008; Grossman, 1990; Marks, 1990)as it articulates relationships among professional knowledge and teachers’ classroom practice. Inparticular, this framework helps articulate the ways that teachers’ topic-specific pedagogicalknowledge (TSPK), amplifiers and filters (i.e., teacher beliefs and prior knowledge), andteachers’ personal pedagogical content knowledge and skill (PCK&S
, broadening participation initiatives, and S-STEM and LSAMP programs.Dr. Susan M Lord, University of San Diego Susan M. Lord received a B.S. from Cornell University and the M.S. and Ph.D. from Stanford Univer- sity. She is currently Professor and Chair of Integrated Engineering at the University of San Diego. Her teaching and research interests include inclusive pedagogies, electronics, optoelectronics, materials sci- ence, first year engineering courses, feminist and liberative pedagogies, engineering student persistence, and student autonomy. Her research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Dr. Lord is a fellow of the ASEE and IEEE and is active in the engineering education community including
Research and Education c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Implementation of an Introductory Engineering Course and its Impact on Students’ Academic Success and RetentionAbstractThis Complete Research paper will describe the implementation of an introductory course(ENGR194) for first semester engineering students. The course is meant to improve retention andacademic success of engineering first-year students in the College of Engineering at the Universityof Illinois at Chicago. The implementation of this course is part of an ongoing National ScienceFoundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM)project. This paper reports on the impact of combinatorial
is a paradox of knowingwhat exactly wholly “Scientific” and “Non-Scientific” is and where everyone’s teaching,learning, and research practices lie on this spectrum. Deciding on important technological andpedagogical/philosophical underpinnings for “Indigenizing the curriculum” may help situate therole of AI more transparently and equitably. Using AI programs to thematize the perspectivesand experiences of individuals, groups, and organizations, and using them as a starting point toaddress Indigenous-related concerns in the curriculum may also be useful.References[1] M. Fee, “The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Canadian Literature,” 2012.[2] M. Belarde-Lewis, S. Cote-Meek, M. Parkhurst, N. A. D., Duarte, M. Dutta
engineering transfer partnership when we began our S-STEMproject. We now know our preconceived notions only lightly orbit the current reality.” Thissaying has become symbol of our NSF DUE (Division of Undergraduate Education)-funded S-STEM project, the Kansas City Urban Renewal Engineering (KCURE) scholarship program.Now in its third operational year, the KCURE program supports the transfer of low-income civiland mechanical engineering students. When our research team applied for S-STEM funding, weassumed we had a solid engineering transfer student partnership between MetropolitanCommunity College (MCC) and University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC).However, the MCC engineering coordinator’s retirement three years into KCURE programoperations
. student in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Tulsa. Page 26.1544.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 The Impact of International Research Experiences on Undergraduate Learning1.0 IntroductionThis paper compares the learning outcomes for students participating in domestic andinternational research experiences. This question is important given that science andengineering (S&E) research is increasingly collaborative and international in scope withresearch teams comprised of faculty and student researchers in multiple
improveretention, researchers have applied asset-based perspectives to studying retention of marginalizedstudents. This approach often emphasizes the role of social capital [1], [11] and socializers [12]–[14] as primary drivers of motivation to pursue STEM education and careers. This present paperbegins to unpack the unique relationship between socializers and the decision students atminority serving institutions (MSIs) make to pursue STEM. We report on the experiences ofstudents gathered using qualitative methods and examined through the lens of expectancy valuetheoretical framework.Theoretical Framework: Expectancy-ValueMotivation to pursue a career in STEM can be modeled through Eccles et al.'s Expectancy-Valuetheory (EV) [15]. EV establishes a direct
Statistics [8], first-generation college students were characterizedas students’ whose parents did not have postsecondary educational experience. Another studystated, “first-generation college students include students whose parents may have some college,postsecondary certificate(s), or associate’s degree, but not a bachelor’s degree” and this definitionclosely aligns with the definition set forth by the Federal TRiO program (i.e., outreach and studentservice programs created to serve students from disadvantaged backgrounds) [9, p. 8]. There areinconsistencies and numerous ways in defining first-generation college students, so much so thatWhitley et al. [10] found at least six different definitions. However, regardless of how first-generation
through undergraduate education. This frame is visually represented inFigure 2. Figure 2 Visual Representation of Relationships between Local Standards, National Directives, Higher Education Outcomes and Literature Synthesized for Engineering Epistemic Frame The epistemic frame elements are skills(S), knowledge(K), identity(I), values(V), andepistemology(E), and have been coded as such for analysis. Each parent code (S,K,I,V,E) has aset of sub-codes that allow for macro and micro analysis. The nomenclature for each code isparentcode.subcode, for example k.localknowledge represents the sub-code localknowledgeunder the parent code K. (but indicated in lowercase). Figure 2 shows how sub-codes
Techniques,” AK Peters, Ltd.[8] Nistér, D., Naroditsky, O. & Bergen, J., 2006, “Visual Odometry for Ground Vehicle Applications,” Journal of Field Robotics, 23(1) 3-20.[9] DeSouza, G. N. & Kak, A. C., 2002, “Vision for mobile robot navigation: A survey,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24(2) 237-267.[10] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Esche, S. K. & Chassapis, C., 2013, “Universal Range Data Acquisition for Educational Laboratories Using Microsoft Kinect,” Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 23-26.[11] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Aziz, E.-S., Esche, S. K. & Chassapis, C., 2013, “Kinect-Based Universal Range Sensor for Laboratory
have been calls to develop and deploy graduate STEM education modelsthat prepare students for careers outside academia. Few innovations have emerged to meet students attheir current skill and preparation levels when entering their graduate studies while also consideringstudents' individual desired career paths. The U.S.'s current approach to graduate STEM education doesnot emphasize preparing students with professional skills and experience outside the lab. Further,students from differing socioeconomic and underserved backgrounds are often not adequatelysupported. Through a National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) award, theUniversity of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering is creating and validating a
design their class.Among the multiple ways to reveal collaborative problem-solving processes, temporal submissionpatterns is one that is more scalable and generalizable in Computer Science education. In thispaper, we provide a temporal analysis of a large dataset of students’ submissions to collaborativelearning assignments in an upper-level database course offered at a large public university. Thelog data was collected from an online assessment and learning system, containing the timestampsof each student’s submissions to a problem on the collaborative assignment. Each submission waslabeled as quick (Q), medium (M), or slow (S) based on its duration and whether it was shorter orlonger than the 25th and 75th percentile. Sequential compacting and
definition highlights the depth and complexity of successful mentoring. After a close review of theliterature, we opted for sticking to [31]’s identification of 4 latent variables that were validated by [32] in 2009 forthe College Student Mentoring Scale. The variables underlying the mentor-protégé relationship at the collegiatelevel involve (a) Psychological and Emotional support, (b) Degree and Career Support, (c) Academic SubjectKnowledge Support, and (d) the Existence of a Role Model. While more testing is needed to validate theseconstructs in a variety of settings, it provides an important starting point for a contextually sensitive mentoringstudy. A definition with this level of theoretical specificity can be helpful for assessing program
skills.The testing will be done with students from varied backgrounds to assess how individuals studyingin a variety of domains are impacted by their beliefs about knowledge and their own abilities.Subsequently, the researchers will develop interventions that are applicable in existing curricula.Such interventions will be informed by the knowledge that designing and building are correlatedwith a high level of spatial skills.Bibliography1. Martín-Dorta, N., Saorín, S. J., & Contero, M. (2008). Development of a fast remedial course to improve the spatial abilities of engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(4), 505-513.2. Kell, H., Lubinski, D., Benbow, C., & Steiger, J. (2013). Creativity and technical innovation: Spatial
panel, interdisciplinary collaboration results inan emergent field [ABC] that requires a complete rethinking and development frominterdisciplinary fields A, B, and C. In the bottom panel, multidisciplinary collaboration, overtime, might bring A, B, and C disciplines “closer” but does not result in an emergent discipline.Note that //’s on the dashed lines denote the independence between the disciplines while the solid||’s represents the existence of commonalities between disciplines.Over time, these organic fusions induced by inter-/trans-disciplinary approaches cannot beeffectively and exhaustively categorized into any single, isolated, independent mother fields(e.g., squares A, B or C Figure 1, top left panel). The field of interdisciplinary
marginalized students in the engineering college, which consists of 12 disciplinary departments [1]. Our previous quantitative studyfound that students marginalized on the bases of gender, race/ethnicity, and/or household incomelevel experienced both disproportionately low representation rates and diminished outcomes. Weare interested in determining how the quantitative results are impacted by a focus specifically onaerospace engineering students.Existing research on retention of diverse students in aerospace engineering undergraduate programs is scarce. General reports of demographical representation are published annually by theAmerican Society of Engineering Education [2]. Orr et al.’s 2015 study [3] was effectively thefirst study to
Paper ID #37422Board 398: The Effects of COVID-19 on Students’ Tool Usage in AcademicMakerspacesMr. Samuel Enrique Blair, Texas A&M University Samuel Blair is a Graduate student in Mechanical Engineering program at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. His research interest include bio-inspired design of complex systems for human networks.Claire CroseDr. Julie Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Julie S. Linsey is a Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technological. Dr. Linsey received her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at The University
currently working at a start-up andperceives the climate to be much more positive than P0’s previous employer (a largecompany). P0 attributes this difference to the fact that it is a smaller company, and thuspeople are more apt to rely on and get to know each other.The interviewees used a variety of approaches to deal with their situations. P0 “never feltconnected with the Black [company employees]” and eventually left that company for asmall start-up. P1 did not expect to feel connected when first hired. Instead, P1’s approachwas to focus on the technical aspects of the job and “when I want to see Black folks I justdrive home.” P5 has decided,that I’m not pushing the envelope, I’m just sitting there collecting my paycheck…The less I dothe more
kg ρ(air density) 1.2 kg/m3 Coefficient of Drag CD 0.5Mass of Propellant 0.0625 kg dm/dt 0.03676 kg/s Trust T (constant) 80.35 N 2 Agravity 9.8 m/s t(burn) 1.7 s Mass ratio 0.85 2 θ 0 Frontal area A 0.0034211 m Total Impulse 136.6 N-s Time step analysis Vi+1= Vi+[Ti-Di-Migcosθi](Δt/Mi
thisprocess, students are bringing a variety of ideas of areas they are interested in studying, includingwater quality, air quality and walkability of their city. Using the refined ideas, the research teamadapts the sensors to the students’ question(s), and the student team(s) deploys the sensors. Theteams also simultaneously engage in qualitative data collection that provides more face-to-faceand in depth data about the identified community issue. Students then monitor and analyze datafrom the sensors to answer their question, and present their findings and potential solutions tocommunity members, parents and family members, other youth, and city officials. While also allowing the research team to evaluate CPS technology as a
focuses on policy and regulatory issues related to developing efficient and low-carbon energy sources [21]–[24].Future WorkAs we move into Year 2 of the project, we plan to develop the learning objectives and coursematerials for the energy course to be offered in Spring 2020. We will explore opportunities forhands-on student engagement with data analysis techniques, innovative homework problems, andlab activities. We will conduct assessment and evaluation to determine the impact of CSPs andmake improvements for the next offering of the course in Spring 2021.References[1] G. D. Hoople, J. A. Mejia, D. A. Chen, and S. M. Lord, “Reimagining Energy: Deconstructing Traditional Engineering Silos Using Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
scientists and engineersfor the coming generations. Page 26.945.3IntroductionBentley and Kyvik, 2012 found in their studies that faculty members spend more than 50hours of their time every week on the job, out of which only 20 hours are spent doing theactual teaching. Depending on the faculty status, either Tenure-Track or Tenured, or even asa function of the nature of the institution in which one find himself/herself, research orientedor purely teaching institutions as the case may be, these hours can be much higher (Bentley,P.J., and S. Kyvik, S.).It would be needed to inculcate time-efficient teaching practices into these new courses fromhere-on in order to give the students the best and facilitate their learning in
(S-STEM) grant to increase engineering degree completion of low-income, high achievingundergraduate students. The project aims to increase engineering degree completion byimproving student engagement, boosting retention and academic performance, and enhancingstudent self-efficacy by providing useful programming, resources, and financial support (i.e.,scholarships). This work is part of a larger grant aimed at uncovering effective strategies tosupport low-income STEM students’ success at HBCUs. The next section will discuss thebackground of this work.Keywords: Historically black colleges/universities (HBCUs), learning environment,undergraduate, underrepresentationBackgroundA public historically black land-grant university in the southeastern
. Mosterman et al., “Virtual engineering laboratories: Design and experiments,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 279–285, 1994, doi: 10.1002/j.2168- 9830.1994.tb01116.x.[3] M. Abdulwahed and Z. K. Nagy, “The impact of the virtual lab on the hands-on lab learning outcomes, a two years empirical study,” Proc. 20th Annu. Conf. Australas. Assoc. Eng. Educ. Eng. Curric., no. March, pp. 255–260, 2009.[4] M. D. Koretsky and A. J. Magana, “Using technology to enhance learning and engagement in engineering,” Adv. Eng. Educ., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1–53, 2019.[5] R. Heradio, L. De La Torre, D. Galan, F. J. Cabrerizo, E. Herrera-Viedma, and S. Dormido, “Virtual and Remote Labs in Education: a Bibliometric Analysis