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Paper ID #36585Action-State Orientation as An Impediment to EngineeringStudent SuccessPaul E SpectorChris S Ferekides (Professor) (University of South Florida) Chris S. Ferekides received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of South Florida. He has been a faculty member in the Electrical Engineering Department since 1992. He is currently service as the department chair, and is the principal investigator of a NSF Funded RED Project that addresses the professional formation of electrical engineering students. His research is in the areas of electronic materials with a focus on
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, title is checked to ensure proper formatting of the plot. Points will beassigned to each test evenly if the instructor selects the “Correct/Incorrect” option underAssessment Method. Different weights can be assigned to different tests by choosing the“Weighted” option, as shown in Figure 2, if the instructor would like to emphasize certainaspect(s) of the solution. Figure 2, Types of tests for assessmentNormally the default feedback shown under a failed test case is sufficient to help students correctthe mistake. Additional feedback can be entered by the instructor if necessary. An example of afailed test with default feedback is shown in Figure 3. When students are attempting theexercises in MATLAB Grader, their
to Germany. He is currently an Associate Professor at York College of PA. His current research interests include unmanned systems, drones, control theory, and astrophotography.Stephen Andrew Gadsden Dr. S. Andrew Gadsden is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University and is Director of the Intelligent and Cognitive Engineering (ICE) Laboratory. His research area includes control and estimation theory, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and cognitive systems. Dr. Gadsden completed his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and Management (Business) and then earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at McMaster in the area of estimation theory with applications to
summer course focused on writing in engineering.Christopher D. Schmitz (Teaching Professor and Chief UndergraduateAdvisor)John S Popovics John Popovics is a Professor, Associate Head, and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His interests include writing instruction for engineering students.Holly M Golecki (Teaching Assistant Professor) Dr. Holly Golecki (she/her) is a Teaching Assistant Professor in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign and an Associate in the John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. She holds an appointment at the Carle-Illinois College
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Paper ID #37526Work In Progress: Reversi: A Platform for TeachingProgramming LanguagesSiwei He (Student) Siwei is a fourth-year undergraduate student at University of Toronto. He works on research projects in file system, debugger, and machine learning application. Before that, he had experience in projects related to FPGA and worked as an FPGA software engineer intern at Intel. Siwei is an active contributor in the GNU GDB project. Github: @Louis-HeHamid S Timorabadi (Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream) Hamid Timorabadi received his BSc, MASc, and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of
will draw on research team meeting notes, formative feedback survey responses, andnarrative reflections from URFs to support our claims. Research leads also share theirperspectives on recruiting, onboarding and working with the URFs and describe some of themacro-ethical considerations that motivated their partnership with URFs [4, 5].Dr. Turpen and Dr. Radoff, the research leads, and a subset of URFs (K. Rahman, S. Bikki, K.Adkins, and H. Sangha) collaboratively developed this paper. We organize our findings into threeparts; we describe: (a) the multiple ways the research leads benefited from this collaboration, (b)the multiple ways the URFs have benefited from this collaboration, and (c) the joint workprocesses and routines within our
prototyping activities. The specifics of theproject appear to influence the general way that students engage with the design process.However, in both projects, many students engaged in the studying the brief and planning theprocess steps, which is more characteristic of expert designers. Based on our results, wehypothesize that the nature of the materials selection process may prompt students to engage inthese crucial knowledge gaining steps.References[1] H. Mahajan, S. M. Naik, S. M, C. Kannaiah, and S. Majeedullah, “Impact of Project-Based Learning for Improving Students Skills by Incorporating Design Thinking Process,” J. Eng. Educ. Transform., vol. 34, no. SP ICTIEE, Art. no. SP ICTIEE, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.16920/jeet/2021/v34i0/157150.[2