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Displaying results 601 - 630 of 1900 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tuncay Aktosun, University of Texas at Arlington; Jianzhong Su, University of Texas at Arlington
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Mathematics Department was formed in 2002, and it is akey component of our active mathematics learning community. Currently it has 130 activestudent members, and that number is roughly half of the number of UTA mathematics majors.The average number of the SURGE scholars has been 20, which is about 7% of all UTAmathematics majors and about 15% of the MAA Chapter members. All of our SURGE scholarsare very active in the MAA Student Chapter, and they hold key leadership positions there.Over the last ten years, our MAA Chapter has become a great venue for mathematics majors tointeract with faculty, build a peer support network, develop study skills, enhance professionaldevelopment, perform community services, organize social activities, gain leadership
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna-Lena Dicke, University of California, Irvine; Athena Wong, University of California, Irvine; David A. Copp, University of California, Irvine; Analia E. Rao, University of California, Irvine; Lorenzo Valdevit
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
community colleges holds great potential in contributingto the desired diversification of the engineering workforce[1]. However, transfer studentscommonly experience a “transfer shock” when transitioning from community colleges to four-year bachelor-degree awarding institutions. They need to learn to navigate a new environment[2] and often struggle to gain access to departments, people and guidance to help them with thistransition [3,4]. Due to the fact that they are also joining already existing social networks, theyoften also experience a lack of personal relationships with faculty and a lack of social integrationinto their peer group [3,4]. All these extra challenges can affect their academic achievement,retention, and degree attainment
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session #4: Global DEI
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Carlos Quadrado, ENTER Network; Kseniya Zaitseva, ENTER Network
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International Division (INTL)
Engineering EducatorRegistered).Applying to become a registered International Professional Engineering Educator is acomprehensive and quite rigorous process. Potential educators are required to digitally submitthe necessary evidence of the competencies they possess in all the domains as an educator,fill out an application form, submit their portfolio, and evidence of their professionaldevelopment achievements.Each application is reviewed by three international experts (members of the Evaluation andMonitoring Committee) necessarily from other countries and preferentially from othercontinents, to verify that it meets the criteria of the ENTER Registry.Once the peer review is complete, the educators will be notified whether they are eligible
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robin G. Tuchscherer, Northern Arizona University; Ron Gray, Northern Arizona University; Christine Allison Gray, Northern Arizona University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
researchers, “the results suggest that academics are less ofa reason for leaving engineering than the less tangible feelings and beliefs side of the equation”.While the tendency is to relate a sense of lack of belonging to underrepresented students, the datasuggest lack of belonging may be the strongest factor for all students [12], irrespective of socialgroup. Strategies for creating a welcoming and inclusive climate within the academic settinginclude: 1) directing student-peer interactions; 2) broadening the scope of early course work; and3) providing students with authentic learning experiences.Reshaping Engineering Classroom NormsAt the heart of student identity formation is students’ sense of belonging. Students’ sense ofthemselves as engineers
Conference Session
Student Division Development of Professional Skills Technical Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahra Shahbazi, Manhattan College; Mary Ann Jacobs Ed.D., Manhattan College; Alexandra Emma Lehnes, Manhattan College; Kathleen Christal Mancuso, Manhattan College; Anthony Scotti, Manhattan College
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering UndergraduatesAbstract:When engineers enter the workforce they are expected to have professional skills and thetechnical background. However, beside some isolated presentation and writing trainingsincorporated in courses such as senior design, usually there is no official training for suchprofessional skills in engineering curriculum. With the support from National ScienceFoundation, we have developed a program where students have the opportunity to receivetraining on professional skills and practice them in a non-threatening environment. In thisprogram students prepare engineering related lesson plans and present them to local middle andhigh school students. The program offers special workshops on leadership, teamwork,presentation
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division Technical Session 3
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Christe, Drexel University; Jay J. Bhatt, Drexel University; Christopher Michael Sales, Drexel University; Yaghoob Farnam, Drexel University
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Engineering Libraries
12engineering topic of self-healing infrastructure, explore contextually relevant knowledge,synthesize actual self-healing concrete samples, and synthesize online and offline findings topresent in front of a peer audience. They are also well-suited to project-based courses and“unconference” sessions that inculcate greater interaction and collaboration between participants.For instance, at the time of writing, Elsevier’s Engineering team has partnered with a series ofAiChE Regional Student Conferences to launch similar sessions having as many as 100participants, to provide a professional development experience around real industry corrosionmitigation and asset management challenges. The format is agnostic to the particular challengeor toolsets used and
Conference Session
Fundamental: K-12 Students and Engineering Design Practices (Part 2)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michelle E Jordan , Arizona State University; Tonatiuh Munguia-Villanueva, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Standards (NGSS)foregrounds the importance of collaboration in science and engineering practices by integratingcommunication as a fundamental criterion at all levels of K-12 education: “Engineers need to beable to express their ideas, orally and in writing, with the use of tables, graphs, drawings, ormodels and by engaging in extended discussions with peers.” 13 Such communication practicesare necessary for generating design solutions and for planning and carrying out collaborativeinvestigations.Previous studies indicate that young learners encounter communication challenges related totask, relational, and identity issues when collaborating on engineering design projects.14, 15 Otherresearch has identified effective scaffolding to support middle
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session: Works in Progress
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Danilo Garbi Zutin, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Michael E. Auer, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; Christian Kreiter MSc, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
apositive impact on the usage and utilisation of Online Laboratories. After developing the userinterfaces based on the mock-ups they had the chance to discuss with their peers from otherpartner schools and try the online labs developed by their colleagues. The project runs untilNovember 2016. At the time of writing we are in the process of carrying out tests and asurvey where the students will test labs developed by their peers. Results are expected to beavailable during the summer break.In general, we value this self-paced student activity as a kind of inquiry and project-basedlearning. Students showed high engagement with the project objectives and clealy enjoyedparticipating. They had additionally the opportunity to work together with other
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University, San Marcos; Araceli Martinez Ortiz, Texas State University, San Marcos; Clara Novoa, Texas State University, San Marcos; Vedaraman Sriraman, Texas State University, San Marcos
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
increasingstudent retention as a part of an NSF IUSE grant, Texas State STEM Rising Stars. One of thesestrategies is to introduce a new first-year course, “Introduction to Engineering & EngineeringTechnology,” that was designed to support student retention through exploration of relevantacademic and career issues, early contact with faculty as mentors, and development of a learningcommunity with peers in the major. A special challenge for developing this new Introduction toEngineering course is that the state legislature implemented a law2 that limits the number ofhours that can be required for a college degree. As a result, a new course cannot simply beadded to the existing curriculum of the university’s engineering and engineering technologydegrees
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 5
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Haley Briel, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Deesha Chadha; Chris Dakes, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Erica Jean Hagen, University of Wisconsin, Madison; James Iain Campbell, Imperial College London; Umang Vinubhai Shah
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Faculty Development Division (FDD)
ofAgriculture and Life Sciences (CALS).Returning TAs at UW-Madison attend a required training called ReTA, a much shorter programheld virtually for 1.5 hours to focus on lessons learned from prior experience. This focusempowers TAs to give each other advice rather than relying on facilitators as experts. NEO andReTA both have virtual courses through the University Learning Management System, Canvas,with quizzes, readings, and reflections that participants are expected to complete independentlybefore their synchronous sessions meet. They also maintain access to the resources after thetraining is completed for reference throughout the semester as needed.Both institutions have made peer feedback of presentations a priority, a useful skill for
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 3 - Innovative Pedagogy
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James N. Jensen, University at Buffalo
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Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
advantage. Thishypothesis was tested in two ways. First, to test whether later-testing students did better thantheir peers, the correlation between exam scores and the order in which the students took theexam (hereafter, exam order) was determined. The exam order was recorded for 9 out of the 15years in this study. A typical profile is shown in Figure 6 for 2016. In all nine years, the 95%confidence interval (CI) for the slope of score versus exam order included zero.Second, a measure was calculated to see if students performed better on the oral exam thanexpected. This measure was Δ(rank) = rank in the course – rank on the oral exam. (The rank inthe course includes the oral exam.) The Δ(rank) values are plotted versus exam order in Figure 5for
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 16
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University; Julio Urbina, Pennsylvania State University; Reginald F. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State University; Catherine L. Cohan, Pennsylvania State University; Tonya L. Peeples, Pennsylvania State University; Cynthia Howard Reed, Pennsylvania State University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
writing and communication; and methodological development.Dr. Julio Urbina, Pennsylvania State University JULIO V. URBINA, Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Julio Urbina received his BSEE degree from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru, in 1990, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign in 1996 and 2002, respectively. He has worked at Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Arecibo Observatory, and University of Arkansas. Dr. Urbina’s research has used radio and radar technologies to study the Earth’s middle and upper atmosphere. He conducts research in RF and
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Design Mental Frameworks
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Armando A. Rodriguez, Arizona State University; Nirangkush Das, Arizona State University; Brent Wallace, Arizona State University; Phil Blake McBride, Eastern Arizona College; Clark Vangilder, Central Arizona College; Tim S. Frank, Glendale Community College; John W. Griffith, Mesa Community College; Russell Cox, Mohave Community College; Eddie W. Ong, Phoenix College; Ernest Moulinet Villicana, Phoenix College Engineering; Celia . Jenkins, Cochise College
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
. Despite this, the nation still struggles to produce the ENG talent it needs. Given this, programs to increase the number of ENGs that graduate have been promoted across the nation [1]-[3]. Such programs focus on recruitment [4], retention principles [5], persistence [6], as well as practices that help students with critical thinking [7]-[8], academics [9]-[10] and professional development [11]-[12]. The latter includes mentoring by faculty [13]-[14], peer mentoring [15], project-based learning [16]- [26], research experiences for undergraduates (REUs) [27]-[28], internships [29], preparing for graduate school [30], career planning [31], etc. We at Arizona State University’s (ASU’s) Fulton Schools of Engineering, have
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pablo K. Cornejo, California State University, Chico; Kevin Orner, University of South Florida
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Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
, include student peer review of writing, and emphasize technical writing skills.Instructor Insights and Future RecommendationsFuture studies are needed to understand the importance of culturally-relevant pedagogy for localand international experiences in environmental engineering education. This could be done byexploring differences in student performance between groups that conduct in-country visits andgroups that do not. Alternatively, comparisons could be made to assess student performancewhile addressing local versus international environmental issues to better understand theimportance of global engagement. Local issues could focus on environmental problemsimpacting marginalized communities (e.g., water contamination issues in rural
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jelena Trajkovic, California State University, Long Beach ; Lisa M Martin-Hansen, California State University, Long Beach; Anna Bargagliotti, Loyola Marymount University; Christine Alvarado, University of California, San Diego; Cassandra M Guarino, University of California, Riverside; Janel Ancayan, California State University, Long Beach; Joseph Alex Chorbajian, California State University, Long Beach; Kent Vi, California State University, Long Beach
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
experiences at multiple stages of the major withdifferent support and preparation for a CS major (SES and first-generation status), or the studentswho are at risk of dropping out or who have already dropped out as they may reveal reasons andcircumstances for attrition.Literature ReviewOur team investigated the lived experiences of students on their trajectory to and throughComputer Science. According to Tinto’s “Model of Institutional Departure” [10], the best way tohave student persistence and retention in Computer Science is to integrate positive formal andinformal academic systems (such as academic performance and staff interactions) as well asformal and informal social systems (such as extracurricular activities and peer-group interaction).We
Conference Session
Session 9 - Track 1: Weaving Students into Engineering, not Weeding Them Out
2023 Collaborative Network for Computing and Engineering Diversity (CoNECD)
Jenna P. Carpenter, Campbell University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
Engineering Societies Education Pathways Roundtable Task Force on ways to partner• Engineering Research Visioning Alliance-sponsored Listening Session in October to hear the voices of engineering students• NSF-funded NAE-ASEE Conference in October to develop a framework of initiatives to support student success in recruiting/admissions, onboarding, skills development• Pursuit of additional funding to roll out the framework and engage engineering programs and organizations to implement nationally4 Brainstorming Sessions• Approximately 50 engineering education experts from around the country, nominated by their peers• Diverse range of institutions, roles, and areas of expertise represented• Participants provided feedback on the overview
Conference Session
Graduate Studies Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chi-Ning Chang, The University of Kansas; Guan Kung Saw, Claremont Graduate University; Uriel Lomelí-Carrillo, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Mingxia Zhi, Northside Independent School District; Kahlí Romano, Claremont Graduate University ; Ryan Culbertson, The University of Texas at San Antonio
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
/ethnic minorities (URMs; Black/Hispanic/NativeAmerican), 33.2% reported their household experienced a loss of income during the COVID-19pandemic, 12.0% were students with disabilities, 36.4% were international students, and 38.7%were doctoral students.Measures The survey collected an array of measures on student’s e-mentoring experiences duringthe pandemic. In the mentoring section of the survey, students answered the questions inreference to the primary mentor with whom they learn/work most closely with on campus.Students indicated who their primary mentor was from the following options: academic advisoror thesis/dissertation chair, faculty member, staff member, peer (senior graduate student), orother. To investigate the e-mentoring
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 1 Slot 6 Technical Session 2
2021 CoNECD
Breauna Marie Spencer, University of California, Irvine; Sharnnia Artis, University of California, Irvine; Marjorie C Shavers, Heidelberg University
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CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
experience negative interactions with their faculty and and peer groups (Beoku-Betts, 2004; Patton & Harper, 2003; Johnson-Bailey, 2007; Love, 2017; Robinson, 2013; Schwartz, Bower, Rice, & Washington, 2003). Indeed, because Black women exist a backdrop of myth and stereotype, their voices are often distorted and misunderstood. If she is opinionated, she is difficult. If she speaks with passion, she is volatile. If she explodes with laughter, she is unrefined. If she pitches her neck as she makes a point, she is streetwise and coarse. So much of what Black women say, and how they say it, pushes other people to buy into the myth that Black women are inferior, harsh, and less
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Leda Lunardi, North Carolina State University; Cheryl Cass, North Carolina State University; Katherine Cimorelli, North Carolina State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
. Once ascholar has graduated from NCSU, he/she does not need to repay any of the financial aid back tothe program, nor does he/she need to submit any progress reports back to the STEM Scholarsprogram after graduation.Program ActivitiesAlong with maintaining a high academic merit, each scholar is expected to participate in at leastone extracurricular activity. This includes industry internships, undergraduate research, studyabroad, writing/tutoring services, faculty seminars and workshops, and academic/service on-campus organizations. Participation in such activities enhances students’ academic maturationand professional skills. It helps develop professionalism, teamwork, and time-management skills,which will benefit students in their future
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 4
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gianluca Guadagni, University of Virginia; Hui Ma, University of Virginia; Lindsay Wheeler, University of Virginia
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Tagged Divisions
UTAs activity has evolved; in several cases they aresuperseding Graduate Teaching Assistants. First year students relate more with second yearstudents than with graduate students, seen as much older than their peers. Time UTAs spendtutoring students is now greater than it used to be at the beginning of the program. Some of themeven hold regular office hours for specific tasks, for instance Matlab or R.Now that their role is more relevant, their inexperience can have a greater impact on the class. Inaddition we are recruiting many more UTAs, and we cannot expect from all of them the sameexceptional response we had from the few.Literature ReviewAccording to the National Center for Educational Statistics, nearly half of undergraduate STEMmajors
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vann Priest, Rio Hondo College; Gisela Spieler-Persad, Rio Hondo College; Ryan Taylor Bronkar, Rio Hondo College
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
successful completion of certain prerequisite courses determineacademic merit. Students are to have a 2.7 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in their mathematics and sciencecourses. This GPA was set there to encourage applications from students who would not qualifyfor highly competitive academic scholarships. Program staff chose to focus on those studentswho have the ability and potential to succeed, but who have faced obstacles in their lives.Students may show academic potential by being eligible to enroll in pre-calculus or the firstsemester of general chemistry.In the application, students write an essay in which they describe their professional goals, theirtransfer STEM major, special interests, participation in other programs and clubs, andachievements
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Development Opportunities for Diverse Engineering Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Wolfe, Carnegie Mellon University; Elizabeth A. Powell, Tennessee Technological University; Seth Schlisserman; Alexandra Kirshon
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ASEE Diversity Committee, Diversity
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering, Women in Engineering
Kirshon is a Decision Science major at Carnegie Mellon University with an additional major in Professional Writing and a minor in Public Policy and Management. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Teamwork in Engineering Undergraduate Classes: What problems do students experience?AbstractWhile teamwork is commonly integrated into engineering programs, it often discourages womenand minorities. The purpose of the current research is to better understand what teamworkproblems women and minorities most frequently encounter and the resources they currently havefor solving these problems. The researchers report findings from a two-part study. In Part I, 677engineering
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Brian Limbrick, North Carolina A&T State University
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Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
see if it is capableof solving ten puzzles.Interactive Exercise: Blindfold and Lead In order to teach the students the value of giving explicit instructions the students were requiredto navigate their peers across the room. One student volunteered to be blindfolded and two studentsvolunteered to give instructions. The blindfolded student had the objective of traveling from oneside of the room to the other side based purely on the instructions of his/her peers. This exerciseemphasized the level of precision necessary to describe a sequence of steps.Standardized Test Preparation: System of Equations The students were given a pair of linear equations and instructed to solve for the unknownvariables using an algorithmic approach. The
Conference Session
PBL and Flipped Classrooms in Civil Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Noel Fedesco, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Cary Troy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Civil Engineering
of flipping a large fluid mechanics course isassociated with small but positive improvements to quiz and final exam performance. However,it is best to rely on other indicators beyond course performance in order to more accuratelydepict the impact of a course transformation. To supplement the results of the quantitativeanalyses, student comments about the course and instructor observations of the transformationimplementation were assessed. Students found the work sessions to be very effective, enjoyedcollaborating with peers and the instructor, and thought the online videos were helpful. Theinstructor indicated that the benefits of the flipped class include the following: heightenedstudent engagement during class periods; greatly increased
Conference Session
Track 5: Technical Session 5: Successful mentoring practices for women undergraduate STEM students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Elizabeth Hart, University of Dayton
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
at Dayton and WiE at Purdue have developed a collaborative relationship wherethey have shared tips and strategies to develop mentoring programs as they standtoday.We will start with a brief description of our programs and then talk about ourcollaboration and transferability of mentoring components.Research shows that mentoring works. In particular, longitudinal research is beingconducted by the Purdue team through and initial results indicate that students in thementoring program graduate at higher rates than their peers not in the program.Reviewer 1 stated: “Oftentimes, in academia especially, mentorship programs are usedas a superficial band-aid for systemic inequities and toxic cultural norms.”We acknowledge that there are systemic
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 8: Title: Real life experiences in recruiting, retaining, and supporting LGBTQIA+ engineering students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Amy Rachel Betz, Kansas State University; Craig Wanklyn P.E., Kansas State University; Rachel Levitt, Kansas State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
identity that includes or supports both their engineering and LGBTQIA+ identity?• Group 3 - What student support and training/professional development do you have to minimize the devaluation and marginalization of LGBTQIA+ students?• Group 4 - How does your campus ensure equitable access to health and wellness resources? What about your classroom? Policy or advocacy work? 10Depending on early feedback (and the set up of the room) we may use differentmodels for working together and sharing out the responses. This may includedworking at each table or having large notepad across the room that people can get upand write on
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Curricular Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Olina Wisniewski, Northeastern University ; Rachel Lauren Shapiro, Northeastern University; Emma Kaeli, Northeastern University ; Kristen Barbara Coletti, Georgia Institute of Technology; Paul A. DiMilla, Northeastern University; Rachelle Reisberg, Northeastern University
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Women in Engineering
year general chemistry course. SIincludes group and one-on-one peer tutoring as well as instructor and teaching assistant officehours. Previous research has shown that participation in SI correlates with higher course grades,more confidence in course material, greater material retention, higher overall GPA, and greaterstudent retention and graduation rates. [1] Engaging students in SI, however, has been a persistentchallenge. For example, a previous study found only 40% of students enrolled in historicallydifficult classes (including general chemistry) took advantage of the SI provided. This studyfound participants in SI were more likely to have a final course grade of B or better and lesslikely to withdraw from the class. [2]Last year we
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Focused on Female Students
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeanna R. Wieselmann, University of Minnesota; Emily Anna Dare, Florida International University; Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota; Elizabeth Ring-Whalen, St. Catherine University
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
understand how changes in classroom instruction impacts their attitudes towards and beliefs about STEM fields. In particular, she is looking at methods that positively impact girls, which may increase the number of women pursuing careers in STEM-related fields where they are currently underrepresented.Dr. Gillian Roehrig, University of Minnesota Dr. Roehrig is a professor of STEM Education at the University of Minnesota. Her research explores issues of professional development for K-12 science teachers, with a focus on beginning teachers and implementation of integrated STEM learning environments. She has received over $30 million in federal and state grants and published over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and book
Conference Session
Preparing Engineering Students for Their Professional Practice
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jia Zhu, Florida International University; Ellen Zerbe, Pennsylvania State University; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University; Catherine G. P. Berdanier, Pennsylvania State University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
- Preparing job talks - Excellent written and spoken English - Networking with industryIndustry Career Skills - Resume and cover letter writing - Transitioning from postdoc to industry - Leading a collaborative research team in the lab - Leadership on research projects Leadership Skills - Diversity awareness - Openness to critique - Mentoring graduate students and junior postdocs - Managing small groups Mentoring - Peer - mentorship - Access to role models
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division (SYS) Technical Session 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Drzymalski, Temple University
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Systems Engineering Division (SYS)
showedsignificant increases in performance in underrepresented groups with no loss in achievement ofoutcomes [16]. The creation of active learning modules to teach Finite Element Analysis resultedin an increase in student learning across all demographics and particularly benefitted reflectivelearners more than active or sensory learners [17]. Calibrated Peer Review (CPR)- a disciplinenon-specific online tool developed by Han [18] that facilitates writing assignments in courses –was used by Culver, et. al. In their lab course [19], the use of CPR was shown to not onlyincrease student performance but significantly reduce disparity in grades across demographicgroups. Angrave [20], utilize ClassTranscribe, an accessible video viewing system invarious