in class example problems and homework problems (as identified in the textbook).These problems involve calculations associated with safety concerns (leaking tanks, tankruptures, asphyxiation, LFL, etc.) and often require student reflections as to how the safetyincident could be avoided. Similar problems are also part of the weekly quizzes and/or examquestions. In addition, in recent semesters, each class period starts with an ice breaker. The icebreaker is a short activity, typically started as students arrive in the classroom, with a randomquestion, which allows the students to get to know one another. After the first few week of thesemester, the ice breaker questions transition to topics more relevant to chemical engineering,and often
, it must be prepared for, facilitated, and reflected on in particular ways and that“intercultural learning does not happen automatically”. [13] Study abroad programs, especiallyshort-term ones, need to carefully develop and plan a program that provides opportunities forenhancing global competencies. Especially knowing that immersion by itself is not sufficient forstudent learning and ensuring direct focus on cultural exchange and how intercultural learninghappens is important for the success of short-term programs.[10] Davis and Knight found thatwell-structured study abroad programs that prepare students before departure, offer support forthem to leave their comfort zone during their time abroad, and integrate their experience uponreturn help
student learning.PurposeTo prepare students entering the workforce, a simulated experience targeting the constructionbidding process has been adopted as a culminating project in a construction cost estimatingcourse. This paper will discuss student preparation throughout the semester and the integration ofthe simulated experience, its format, interactions, and use of technology. The reflective nature ofthe report will provide a detailed examination of the impact the intervention had on studentlearning using direct and indirect measures currently within the course as well as identify futureassessments through subsequent coursework and feedback provided by program constituents.Current direct measures will include student performance in specified
related to the student’s educational journey. During the participatory workshop, staff felt that they could voiceconcerns and ideas of how to improve the existing system.Preliminary conclusionsThis work in progress shows there is an opportunity to use participatory design methods to improve themultivocality of the design of a mentoring experience in an engineering school. There has been acceptance and eveninterest in participating, overall, from the students and teaching faculty. Interviews with faculty and the workshopwith advisors might have served as a reflective practice, in line with what [56] showcased in their study oncollaborative course reflection. We believe that this participative process might be the first step toward building
classroom modality.In the fall of 2022, first-year ECE students were given a survey about their experiences in bothcourses. The same survey was given to sophomore ECE students, who persisted in the programand complete the aforementioned course sequence one year prior, asking them to reflect on theirfirst-year experience. A quantitative analysis of the Likert scale survey questions and adiscussion of themes present in the student responses are detailed in the next section.IV. Results and DiscussionResulting from 24 responses from students who began their university studies in the fall of 2021and fall of 2022, figure 1 shows a picture of the student experience with respect to usingtechnology for learning. For the survey responses, rarely was defined
submissions. • Conference papers represented a writing activity the members engaged in, mostly outside the live writing sessions. • Participants noted that they worked on other writing products as well outside the writing sessions. All respondents indicated that the community writing sessions were of benefit to completing thescholarly products noted above. The writing sessions were viewed as a community comingtogether and was meaningful beyond the writing accomplishments during the sessions.Cohort Member Reflections and Lessons LearnedWriting for Academic Job ApplicationsThe following represents reflections and lessons learned from a cohort participant whoparticipated in the academic job application portfolio preparation
would take advantage ofthese research opportunities. In addition, for the 29% of undergrads that take the opportunity towork on a research team, utilizing the knowledge in pedagogical advancements to enhance thoseresearch experiences could have a significant impact on those students.The Kolb model is characterized by a cycle that begins with Concrete Experience (CE), proceedswith Reflective Observation (RO) and Abstract -Conceptualization (AC), and ends, beforerestarting, with Active Experimentation (AE) (see Figure 1). Educational environments thatincorporate all four parts or categories of the cycle have been shown to span the spectrum ofstudent learning styles more fully, and in general to enhance the overall learning experience [4-7]. The
activity and a virtual simulation to study light reflection. They measured learningoutcomes using a questionnaire focused on basic concepts of light reflection using trigonometryand observed similar learning outcomes in learners from both laboratory types. Makransky, et al.[9] also reported that virtual simulations (as a substitute for physical demonstrations) wereeffective in teaching key laboratory skills. These studies reveal the adoption of onlinelaboratories and their impact on a variety of learning objectives.Prior Work and related reviews In an earlier related study, Ma and Nickerson [10] conducted a comparative review of differentforms of laboratories, where they observed an emphasis on; conceptual understanding, social,professional
reality under investigation, we, theresearchers, identified a telling consensus across their interviews. Participants illuminatedunrelenting reflections about their programs and “what does it mean” to offer one that is ofquality and how even answers to these questions may exist only “at that time” since they werelikely to change. Finally, there were other key quotes that found participants examining how theyused program goals and outcomes “to assess the[ir] program” and change them accordingly ifthey were not “working so well.” After three stages of (descriptive, linguistic, and conceptual)analysis, authors present a singular superordinate theme The Role of Assessment in Eng Ed PhDProgram Quality. Implications of this study are applicable to
, women in engineering programs, funding, and writingproposals were facilitated by the principal investigators and invited speakers. To help Fellowsbegin to develop action plans, they were encouraged to keep a daily reflective journal abouteach session with personal notes, notable takeaways, resources, and action steps for their ownuse. To document their potential action plans, they were asked to prepare a 5-minuteindividual presentation (using a provided Google slide template) about themselves, theirinstitution, what they learned from their “deep dive” data exercise, evidence-based practicesthat would impact their efforts, and their proposed Implementation Project. Thesepresentations were delivered on the last day of the summer institute and
test usage in engineering courses. Tests and exams are typically heavily usedin FECs like statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, and other courses in various engineeringdisciplines. Understanding why engineering instructors heavily rely on tests to assess studentlearning in these courses can be crucial in promoting the use of more diverse types ofassessments, such as portfolios, concept inventory, reflection-based practices, project-basedpractices, and intentionality in terms of designing, administering, and interpreting tests, butresearch has been scarce on documenting research on this topic. Conversations around why instructors make certain course decisions typically involve thecontexts these instructors are situated in, emphasizing how
, efforts made to diversity campuscannot be chalked up to individual accomplishments or failures, but rather demonstrate howinstitutional cultures determine which policies are adopted and acted upon [13]. We have selected these frameworks to reflect our commitment to better understanding howinstitutions, in conjunction with individual actors, can improve their diversity outcomes.Furthermore, our rationale is to look specifically at the institutional barriers that participantsmention that prevent them from being effective at carrying out diversity work, even if they arecommitted to that effort.Methods, Context and SampleThis paper developed from a larger project aimed at creating a sociotechnical framework toview, analyze and understand the
around making researchopportunities accessible and also suggest what can be done in class instruction to provide similarbenefits to student curiosity. In the current study, we found that students reported that classesencouraged their curiosity when the students encountered uncertainty that led to informationseeking, were able to see connections to real world applications and when they had engaginginstructors. Redundant content, overwhelming classes, time constraints, motivation to get the“right” answer, and critical professors were described as obstacles to students’ curiosity inclasses. Students also reflected on how their experiences of curiosity in research compared totheir classes in ways that aligned with the identified supports for and
]. Inter-rater reliabilitywas not calculated numerically due to a focus on consensus [21], [27]-[30].Results & DiscussionPractitioners' definition of engineering intuition did not vary by level of experience but did varyby gender. Men more frequently defined the concept in terms that reflected Innate whereaswomen leaned on Experience in their definitions. Despite these differences in how engineeringintuition was defined, there was largely consensus in participants’ responses to how engineeringintuition is developed. All participants attributed the development of intuition either completelyor in part to Experience, underscoring the notion that intuition develops alongside expertise, asexpertise is largely developed through experience [8]-[12
. Learning is a process of encountering new ideas, productive practice, giving and receiving feedback, reflection and continuous monitoring and adjustment.Research and Assessment and PlanWe plan to pilot the EMSLC for four years starting in Fall 2023 with a cohort of up to 24students per year. Table 5 lists the research questions we will investigate to assess progresstoward the goals described previously.Research MethodologyWe will use a mixed methods approach to investigate RQ1. WCC has been administering theSUCCESS survey since 2018-19 to learn about the non-cognitive and affective (NCA) profilesof the College’s engineering student population [52] [53]. The project team will compare surveyresults for EMSLC students with results from a comparable
together to solveimportant societal problems.” Another interviewee reflected on the range of perspectives thatneed to be integrated, putting it this way: If we’re going to have engineers who are trying to make a positive impact on the world, and understand sociotechnical problems and the context in which they’re trying to work, they need to understand society and power and history and beauty and art and what really matters to people. All sorts of things like that. And they won’t get that with a narrow disciplinary perspective.Interviewees not only indicated that sociotechnical integration could develop students’ skillsetsand impact on the world, but also could transform their very ways of being. For example, oneinterviewee
strategies as either necessary to succeed or even as desirable depending on theextent to which they have internalized dominant narratives about the irrelevance of sexual andgender identity to STEM, a reflection of the ways LGBTQ people are prone to minimize harmfulexperiences pertaining to sexual and gender identity [21]. However, each of these strategiesintroduces additional psychological and emotional burden that can interfere with the cognitiveresources needed to maintain motivation and succeed in a STEM major.The most immediate of these consequences is that LGBTQ people are much more likely toconsider leaving, and to leave, STEM than their cisgender, heterosexual counterparts [1-3]. Inaddition to this attrition, regardless of whether they leave
and ability to motivate students to internalize the covered material [5]. Someinstructors reflected that often students join class discussions without completing the requiredpre-requisite reading [7].Inquiry-Based Learning for Pre-trainingDifferent from traditional methods, Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is an active learning formatthat involves students in a process of discovery and exploration [8]. Prior research has shownInquiry-Based Learning Activities (IBLA) increase student motivation and engagement, improvecritical thinking and problem-solving skills, and promote deep learning and understanding ofsubject matter. Inquiry-Based Learning is also associated with positive attitudes towardslearning, increased self-efficacy, and greater
schools, such as Texas Tech - Costa Rica, have accessed thecourse GVV modules on the OEC, suggesting that the course has the potential to be widelyadopted. We hope that ASEE members will find this to be a valuable resource for instruction.This evidence-based practice paper introduces the engineering ethics course and provides anoverview of how the GVV framework may be used in an engineering context. Its purpose is toprovide a framework for engineering educators who might wish to consider incorporating theseGVV modules into ethics courses. It further includes the instructors’ reflection on the new courseand how well it is achieving its goal of equipping undergraduates with knowledge,understanding, and practice to prepare them for ethical
course facilitators (ELAs). The grading rubric for the groupproject was based on previous HCD projects implementation at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, using the following set of criteria: context, identified need, iterative process,reflection on feedback, solution, next steps, and presentation organization and skills. Thecomplete rubric is included in the Appendix A. For the second round of the project, a group peerevaluation was also developed based on feedback from the year before those students felt therewas an unequal distribution of work in some teams. The project runs from mid-October through mid-November for a total of six weeks.These dates were chosen because they fall between Chinese National Day and Fall Break for
established disciplinary context to new information, experiences, and ideas through a process of re-evaluating the ideas and/or approaches. 4. Evaluate the limitations imposed on any new approach or solution within a discipline to propose original contributions to problems. 5. Synthesize disparate or conflicting thoughts when evaluating questions/problems to form cohesive and collaborative solutions.The general education attributes (GEA) for learning outcomes 1 and 2 are structured through oral,writing, and reflection activities. Therefore, the developed communication module includes basicwriting and editing original contributions, writing scientific abstracts, and manuscripts, oralcommunication (speaking clearly and effectively
meanratings from the project-based sections. Results are presented in Table 1 below. Note that thelecture content across all course offerings was essential the same, it was the method ofassessment that differed.Table 1. Statistical analysis of student ratings for assessment practices and course impactcomparing a lecture-based version of the course to a PBL version Category Title Question t-value p-value Assessment Relevance of The assessments/assignments 4.62 0.000853 Practices assessment reflected what was covered in the course. Grading The grades I have received thus 3.13 0.00703
environments, systematic barriers, or other factors may limit or negate REM andwomen students’ ability to effectively engage with these spaces. While countless studies point to the manybenefits of Makerspace engagement[2]–[4], [6], [7], no work has studied how these benefits are inequitablydistributed based on race or gender, or what interventions may be needed to ensure Makerspaceenvironments foster a sense of belonging amongst REM and women students.In professions that are significantly gendered and raced, any “otherness” affects the ways in which womenand/or REMs are treated with respect to their technical capabilities[9]. This is particularly true inengineering, which is predominantly White and male [10].The purpose of this paper is to reflect on
generated from lab members’ responses to questions that directly and/orindirectly reflect on their collaborative work. The interviews transcripts, in-person field notes,and field notes taken over Zoom, were consulted to ensure that the patterns and themes identifiedduring the in-person interviewing and observations repeated and recurred with force (Owen,1984) across the three labs. The researchers discussed the emergent themes and compared thethemes with their own experiences in the field along with the memos they took duringinterviews, and meeting and field observations. This data analysis was also accompanied by themanuscript writing process which informed the interpretive processing of interview andobservation data. For example, writing the
spaces andcollaborative learning attitudes. Learning Environments Research, 22, 325-344.(5) Park, E. L., & Choi, B. K. (2014). Transformation of classroom spaces: Traditional versusactive learning classroom in colleges. Higher Education, 68, 749-771.(6) Chang, R. L., Stern, L., Sondergaard, H., & Hadgraft, R. (2009, January). Places for learningengineering: A preliminary report on informal learning spaces. In Proceedings of the Research inEngineering Education Symposium, Palm Cove, QLD. Retrieved December (Vol. 12, p. 2009).(7) Whittaker, C., & Charles, E. S. (2020). Flipping out–reflections on ten years of development,innovation and design in technology-rich collaborative learning spaces and active learningpedagogical capacity
importance of planning, executing and evaluating subjects that are linked to the interestsand objectives of the courses in which these ones are being offered, reflecting on what skillswe want students to acquire and how these are used in their careers.Prado [4] also suggest that it is necessary to develop a more contextualized, consolidated andattractive course, applying multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary activities, using activemethodologies, articulating practice and theory with the support of software, a fact that is alsohighlighted in the document that in Brazil guides the organization of engineering programs,the National Curriculum Regulations for Engineering Education (DCN1) [13].Stewart, Larson, and Zandieh [7] emphasize the need of
theory and practice of integrative engineering education. She contributes to various local and national initiatives dedicated to equity and inclusion in engineering education, technological stewardship, and professional reflection in engineering.Mr. Amit Sundly, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Amit Sundly is an up-and-coming interdisciplinary researcher who has conducted both qualitative and quantitative research. His M.Ed. thesis focused on the previously understudied academic decision-making patterns of undergraduate engineering students, revealing disparities in engineering education in New- foundland and Labrador. Amit received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal
found viewing the videos in addition to face-to-face instruction useful. Nadeem, et al.4found that learning tasks done during an in-person class were more beneficial to students than ifstudents completed the tasks asynchronously. Additionally, Bekkering, et al.5 found thatattendance and attentiveness were good predictors of student performance along with Pilotti6who concluded that attendance reflects a student’s motivation.The current study analyzes data from a section of Thermodynamics I during the fall of 2021 todetermine how many students utilized the recordings and which recordings were most viewed. It © American Society for Engineering Education, 2023was unclear that semester if students would feel safe returning
hope is that more hands-on practice with quantum topics willincrease the rate of student persistence in the course. Other improvements planned includeincorporating more clicker-style interactive questions. These interactive clicker questions are ahallmark of my classes, and one student recently described the questions and resultingdiscussions as, “the best part of my school day.” I hope that more interactive discussions willimprove students’ understanding and persistence in the course.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI acknowledge the use of IBM Quantum services for this work and thank them for making such apowerful educational tool available to my students. The views expressed are those of the author,and do not reflect the official policy or position of IBM
Education,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,vol. 126, no. 3, pp. 169–175, May 2000, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2000)126:3(169).[3] J. Biggs, “The reflective institution: Assuring and enhancing the quality of teaching andlearning,”[]/?t2000=016712/(100), vol. 41, Apr. 2001, doi:10.1023/A:1004181331049.[4] M. A. Cavanaugh, G. Milkovich, and J. Tang, “The Effective Use of MultimediaDistance Learning Technology: The Role of Technology Self-Efficacy, Attitudes, Reliability,Use and Distance in a Global Multimedia Distance Learning Classroom,” undefined, 2000,Accessed: May 13, 2022. [Online]. Available: