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Displaying results 661 - 690 of 1088 in total
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanical Systems: What's New
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arun Chintalapati, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Hong Sheng, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Richard Hall, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Robert Landers, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Learning Program: A Pioneering Learning Environment for d1st Century Engineering Education", in Proceedings: Realizing the New Paradigm for Engineering Education, 1998. 3. Davis, F. "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology," MIS Quarterly), 1989, pp. 323-340 4. Domagk, S., Hessel, S., & Niegemann, H. M. (2004). How do you get the information you need? Triangulation in usability testing: Two explorative studies. In S. Banks, P. Goodyear, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, V. Lally, D. McConnell & C. Steeples (Eds.), Networked Learning 2004. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (pp. 749-750). Lancaster: Lancaster University. 5. Felder
Conference Session
Computer Education Innovations II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Ryan Smith, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
, skills, content, and knowledge contained in the instruction are appropriate for Indiana Academic Standard(s) 2 All components - example samples, explanations, graphic illustrations - are appropriate for a broad spectrum of students in the designated grade level. 3 The level and methods of interaction are effective for teaching. 4 The presentation encourages effective and/or active learning. 5 The instructional technology has a clear and engaging representation/interface. 6 Using this technology has a significant advantage over traditional classroom methods. 7 Scores, reports, diagnostic results
Conference Session
Teaching College Algebra and Using Mathematics Tutoring Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aarti Narayanan, Magnificat High School; Ganapathy Narayanan, The University of Toledo
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
computer languages that have been developed for use inautomating sequence of ‘computations’. Some older computer languages such as FORTRAN &BASIC (developed in 1950’s) have given understanding to the development of modern object-oriented languages such as Visual Basic, C++ and JAVA. Of course, these are not the onlyknown exhaustive set of computer languages. There are many other computer languages ofspecial purpose significance and are used in select scientific environment.In particular, the students today are taught some computer language programming constructs andthe associated program creation to help solve science and engineering problems, with some built-in graphical user interface convenience. In fact, many schools and college curricula
Conference Session
Automation Subjects in Manufacturing Education I
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Gutierrez, Oregon Institute of Technology; John Anderson, Oregon Institute of Technology; David Culler, Oregon Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
attain several areas in engineering, for this reason is importantfor all the future professionals be familiarize with this kind of technology. Page 15.401.8References[1] M. Chang. J. He, Enrique Castro-Leon, Service-Orientation in the Computing Infrastructure,2nd IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, Shanghai, Oct2006, pp 27-33[2] Chen, Y. & Bai, X. (2008), On robotics applications in Service-Oriented Architecture, The28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops proceedings;Beijing, China, 551-556[3] S. Kant Vajpayee (1995), Principles of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Prentice Hall
Conference Session
Instructional Innovations in Architectural Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Pamalee Brady, California Polytechnic State University; Allen Estes, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
preferences for learning?We will seek to answer these questions with further investigation through engineering studentinquiry. The next step is to survey women and men students in the ARCE major to discern ifboth genders are influenced by the proximity of the program within the College of Architectureand Environmental Design versus the College of Engineering. Along with focused questionsregarding perceived strengths in technical topics as well as communication and collaboration,existing measures of learning style modes will be used including identify students learningpreferences in relation to the major. Possible assessments include the Kolb Learning StyleInventory, Myer-Briggs Type Indicator and Felder ‘s Index of Learning Styles. We hope toshow why
Conference Session
New Methods and Tools
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Donald Carpenter, Lawrence Technological University; Melissa Grunow, Lawrence Technological University; Katie Hayes, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
, Austin, TX.3. Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., McMahon, T.R. (2007) Exploring Leadership – For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference. 2nd Ed. Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons.4. Komives, S. R., Owen, J. E., Longerbeam, S. D., Mainella, F.C., and Osteen, L. (2005) “Developing a leadership identity: A grounded theory.” Journal of College Student Development. Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 593- 611.5. Komives, S. R., Longerbeam, S.D., Owen, J.E., S. D., Mainella, F.C., and Osteen, L. (2006) “A Leadership Identity Development Model: Applications from a Grounded Theory.” Journal of College Student Development, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 401-418.6. Karnes, F. A. & Chauvin, J. C. (1985) Leadership Skills Inventory
Conference Session
New Research & Trends for Minorities in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Willie Ofosu, Pennsylvania State University, Wilkes-Barre; Francois Sekyere, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology; James Oppong, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
Advanced”, Prentice Hall, 2004, pp. 623-643.[5] Henry, Paul S., “Interference Characteristics of Broadband Power Line Communication Systems Using Ariel Medium Voltage Wires” IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2005, pp. 92-98[6] Burke, Gerald J., “Numerical Electromagnetics Code – NEC-4, Method of Moments, Part I: User’s Manual”.AcknowledgementsI thank EiF for its grant that provided some pieces of equipment one of which, the Protek3201 RF Field Analyzer has been valuable in the experimental measurements. Myappreciation also goes to Prof. Mohsen Kavehrad for his encouragement in this work. Page 15.123.8
Conference Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, University of Pennsylvania; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Chad Dean, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
from it. There is no doubt that it is a great idea toteach a data mining course in computer science curriculum. As you can tell, students taking adata mining course need to have background in quite a few areas to be successful. Not everystudent taking this course may have the background required in all these areas. The question ishow can an instructor remedy the challenge of teaching a group of students with widely-rangingbackgrounds, and at what level should this course be taught. Furthermore, the issue of groupwork arises, specifically as to whether data mining course projects should be accomplishedindividually or as teams.Studies show that many universities are teaching data mining course(s) within their computersscience curriculum. Each
Conference Session
Incorporating Advanced Technologies into Curriculums
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; John Mativo, The University of Georgia
Tagged Divisions
Reverse Engineering – The Stimulu”, 2002 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.7. Robertson, J., Wales, B., Weihmeir, J.,“Reverse Engineering as a Means to Understand Complex Tool Design”, 2004 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT.8. Forsman, D., “Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping: A Senior Level Technical Elective for Mechanical Engineering Students and Much More”, 2004 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT.9. Orta, P., Medoza, R. R., Elizalde, H., Guerra, D., “Engineering Education Through Reverse Engineering”, 2006 ASEE Conference Proceedings, Chicago, IL .10. Shooter, S., “Reverse Engineering to Design Forward: An Introduction to Engineering Experiential Learning
Conference Session
Engaging Students in Learning
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ronald Rockland, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Howard Kimmel, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology; John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Levelle Burr-Alexander, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
, and computer science.Linda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Program Evaluator in the Center for Pre-College programs. She has a doctoral degree in educational psychology with a specialty in psychometrics and a Masters degree in statistics. She has been involved in all aspects of educational and psychological research for 15 years. Dr. Hirsch has extensive experience conducting longitudinal research studies and is proficient in database management, experimental design, instrument development, psychometrics and statistical programming.John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of Technology JOHN D. CARPINELLI is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Conference Session
Teaching Technological Literacy - College Courses and Minors
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roy McGrann, State University of New York, Binghamton
Tagged Divisions
Technological Literacy Constituent Committee
Page 15.32.6Literacy, National Academy of Engineering; National Research Council; Greg Pearson and A. Thomas Young,Editors (2002), p. 3.2 Linda S. Hirsch, Siobhán J. Gibbons, Howard Kimmel, Ronald Rockland, and Joel Bloom, “High School Students’Attitudes To And Knowledge About Engineering,” 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2003.Paper #1145 Page 15.32.7
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Deborah Mechtel, United States Naval Academy; Samara Firebaugh, United States Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
circuits. Students discover the utility of parameter sweeps to optimize theirdesign instead of guessing different values and the utility of their ideal design as astarting point for their finished design. Students were able to use chapters 10 and 11from the SONNET ™ User’s Manual to learn about parameterization. The concept of de-embedding a circuit from connectors and feed lines was introduced. Students readchapters 7 and 8 of the User’s Manual and use SONNET™ ’s de-embedding capability Page 15.850.4during the laboratory exercise. In addition students discover the efficacy of using aSmith Chart rather than a linear graph to display their simulation
Conference Session
Faculty & Program Exchanges: Internationalizing, Collaborations, Interactions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ilka Balk, University of Kentucky; John Balk, University of Kentucky
Tagged Divisions
switch to full-time research after final exams.The research completed by the exchange students is a collaborative project between theprofessors in the United States and Karlsruhe. Because the duration of each student’s timeabroad is roughly one and a half semesters, consisting of one academic semester and part of thesemester break(s), German and American students overlap at both universities. This interactionoccurs both in the classroom and in the laboratory, and facilitates continuity in the researchprojects.The students and faculty have enjoyed early success with this arrangement. Two of thecollaborative research projects have led to publications in a respected materials science journal.The exchange has also fostered further collaboration
Conference Session
Special Session: Next Generation Problem-Solving
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Hamilton, United States Air Force Academy; Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Barbara Olds, Colorado School of Mines; Nora Siewiorek, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
. Mizukami, Student Assessment of a Problem- Based Learning Experiment in Civil Engineering Education. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education & Practice, 2005. 131(1): p. 13-18.22. Downey, G.L., et al., The globally competent engineer: working effectively with people who define problems differently. Journal of Engineering Education, 2006. 95(2): p. 107- 122.23. Hennessey, M.P. and S. Kumar, Integrated graphical game and simulation-type problem- based learning in kinematics. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2006. 34(3): p. 220-451.24. Butler, A.B., Effects of Solution Elicitation Aids and Need for Cognition on the Generation of Solutions to Ill-Structured Problems
Conference Session
Pedagogy and Assessment in ECE II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Aman Yadav, Purdue University; Mary Lundeberg, Michigan State University; Dipendra Subedi, Michigan State University; Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer Camargo Ribeiro, L. R. (2008). Electrical engineering students evaluate problem-based learning (PBL). International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 45(2), 152- 161.Hung, W., D. Jonassen, and R. Liu. 2008. Problem-based learning. In Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, eds. J.M. Spector, M.D. Merrill, J.V. Merriënboer, M.P. Driscoll, 485-506. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Eberlein, T., Kampmeier, J., Minderhout, V., Moog, R. S., Platt, T., Varma-Nelson, P., et al. (2008). Pedagogies of engagement in science. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 36(4), 262-273.Ehrlich, T. 1998. Reinventing John Dewey’s “pedagogy as a university
Conference Session
Improving Mechanics & Structural Modeling Courses
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Timothy Doughty, University of Portland; Steven O'Halloran, University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
Surface 70 60 Temperature (deg. C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Time (s) Figure 3: Temperature distribution of acrylic cylinder with time.ExperimentThis heat transfer study was revisited by the same set of students the following semester in theirSystems and Measurement course. There students experimentally measured the cooling at thecenterline
Conference Session
Special Session: Innovation through Improv
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Ludovice, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lew Lefton, Georgia Institute of Technology; Richard Catrambone, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
BME Laboratory and Project Experiences
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Purvis Bedenbaugh, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
AC 2010-1661: A TEAM-BASED NERVE CUFF SIMULATION PROJECT IN ATHIRD YEAR FOUNDATIONS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING COURSEPurvis Bedenbaugh, East Carolina University Purvis Bedenbaugh is the director of the biomedical engineering concentration within the newly ABET-accredited general engineering program at East Carolina University. He obtained the B. S. E. degree in biomedical engineering from Duke University, the M. S. degree in bioengineering from Clemson University, the Ph. D. degree in bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Keck Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Department of Otolaryngology of the University of California, San Francisco
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Tuba Pinar Yildirim, University of Pittsburgh; Nora Sieworiek, University of Pittsburgh
≠ Test discoverer questions ≠ Assigned as a in- class followed by take home exerciseBased on our experience, we have identified the major factors that contribute to the success ofMEA implementation [5]. An important factor influencing MEA success is the guidance fromthe instructor throughout MEA implementation. Limited, corrective guidance can best ensurethat students are properly focused and are addressing the targeted concept(s), especially wherethe solution time is constrained. Such guidance may be
Conference Session
Normative Commitments and Public Engagement in Engineering
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
George Catalano, State University of New York, Binghamton; Caroline Baillie, Western Australia; Donna Riley, Smith College; Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Chris Byrne, Cascadia Community College; Margaret Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology; Katy Haralampides, University of New Brunswick
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
and Wagon in theirannual workshop Rocky Mountain Mathematica. 2 After finishing the different (eight) tutorials,each of the four course modules is introduced. Two weeks of in-class time is devoted to eachmodule. Students are arranged in teams of three or four per group with the group assignmentsalternating between self-selected, random or purposefully chosen. The first period of each two-week block is used to introduce the topic, discuss any new analytical or numerical techniquesthat are relevant and, lastly, talk briefly about the broader societal issue(s) that each modulebrings forth. The remaining two class periods then are used by the students to work on finishingthe module. It should be pointed out that though students are put into
Conference Session
Student Attitudes and Perceptions
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tuba Yildirim, University of Pittsburgh; Mary Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh; Larry Shuman, University of Pittsburgh
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Blekhman, California State University Los Angeles; Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University; Ahmad Sleiti, University of Central Florida; Eileen Cashman, Humboldt State University; Peter Lehman, Humboldt State University; Richard Engel, Schatz Energy Research Center; Michael Mann, University of North Dakota; Hossein Salehfar, University of North Dakota
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
ofLos Angeles Technology degree) and Mechanical EngineeringMichigan Technological Interdisciplinary Minor in Hydrogen TechnologyUniversityUniversity of North Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Concentration (partCarolina Charlotte of Engineering Technology degree)University of North Dakota Concentration in Sustainable Energy EngineeringUniversity of North Dakota M. S. in Sustainable Energy Engineering Page 15.907.6California State University Los AngelesObjectivesThe main goal of the DOE program at CSULA is to establish an effective educational program inHFCT to work with the local industry and support
Conference Session
Tablet and Portable PCs for Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M. Hossein Hariri, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Shannon Sexton, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
-64.6Barnett, J.E., Di Vesta, F.J., & Rogozinski, J.T. (1981). What is learned in note-taking? Journal of EducationalPsychology, 73, 181-192.7Foos, P.W., Mora, J.J., & Tkacz, S. (1994). Student study techniques and the generation effect. Journal ofEducational Psychology, 86(4), 567-576. Page 15.1249.6
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Johnson, Central Washington University
Tagged Divisions
did you watch the video(s)? 1 (86%) 2 (0%) 3 (14%)2. Did you watch the video outside of class hours? Y (71%), N (29%)3. Did you have foundry experience before watching the videos? Y (100%)4. Was the video helpful in understanding the foundry process? Y (100%)Student comments included some on their impression of the video itself and its length: “shortenthe video”, “the video was a good length”, and “the video was great”. On the video audio: “jazzup the audio”, “narration needs to be much more upbeat”, and “have the dialogue scripted”. On Page 15.444.5the animation and motion: “watch the whole job in fast motion”, and “speed up the animation”.On
Conference Session
Innovations in ECE Education II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Raymond Jacquot, University of Wyoming; David Voltmer, Rose-Hulman Institute; John Steadman, University of South Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
the following parameter values Z0 = 300 Ω L = 5200 m Zg= 300 Ω up = 2x108 m/s f = 105 Hz Vg = 1 ∟0° VWe shall examine what happens as we vary the load impedance ZL by considering three cases:1) ZL = ∞ (open circuit termination, Γ = 1 ), 2) ZL = 300 Ω (the matched case, Γ = 0 ) and 3) ZL= 500 Ω (the arbitrary unmatched case, Γ = 0.25 ).Case 1 ZL = ∞ (Open Circuit Termination)The voltage on the line is shown in Figure 2 for 10 values of time over one temporal period. Inthis case the voltage on the line is a standing wave with the associated nodes and antinodes
Conference Session
Student Engagement in ECE
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maher Rizkalla, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis; MIchael Knieser, ILSI; Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
to increase the Q-factor, can decrease output amplitude. Page 15.974.7 Oscillating Output of the VCO 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Voltage (V) 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.00E+00 5.00E-09 1.00E-08 1.50E-08 2.00E-08 2.50E-08 -0.5 Time (s
Conference Session
Innovations in Materials Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Kitto, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’06), 0-7695-2632-2106.33. Alfonseca, E., Carro, R. M., Artigosa, and Paredes, P., “The Impact of Learning Styles on Student Grouping forCollaborative Learning: A Case Study”, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, September2006, pp. 377-401.34. Saeed, N., Yang, Y., and Sinnappan, S. “Emerging Web Technologies in Higher Education: A Case ofIncorporating Blogs, Podcasts and Social Bookmarks in a Web Programming Course based on Students' LearningStyles and Technology Preferences”, Educational Technology and Society, Issue 12, No. 4,pp. 98–109.35. Brown, E. and Pulske, Jo, “An Application of Teaching and Learning Styles: A Case Study
Conference Session
Student Learning and Assessment
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Josh Coffman, University of Arkansas; Joseph Rencis, University of Arkansas; Daniel Jensen, United States Air Force Academy; Christina White, Columbia University; Ashland Brown, University of the Pacific; Jiancheng Liu, University of the Pacific; Kristen Kaufman, University of Texas, Austin
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
, P., “Finite Element Learning Modules for Undergraduate Engineering Topics using Commercial Software,” Mechanical Engineering Division, Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Pittsburg, PA, June 22-25, 2008.2. Brown, A., Wood, K., Kaufman, K., Jensen, D., Rencis, J.J., and White, C., “A Novel Assessment Methodology for Active Learning Modules to Equitably Enhance Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009.3. Coffman, J., Liu, J., Brown, A., Terdalkar, S., and Rencis, J., “Finite Element Learning Module for
Conference Session
ADVANCE Grants and Institutional Transformation
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna M. Zajicek, University of Arkansas; Shauna A. Morimoto, University of Arkansas; Joseph Rencis, University of Arkansas; Valerie H. Hunt, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
Conference Session
DEED Potpourri
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Singli Garcia-Otero, Virginia State University; Ehsan Sheybani, Virginia State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.4. Dym, C., Agogino A., Eris, O., Frey, D., and Leifer, L., “Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning,” Journal of Engineering Education, Jan. 2005.5. Ford, R., and Coulston C., Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers, McGraw-Hill, 2008.6. Ulrich, K., and Eppinger S., Product Design and Development, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008. Page 15.496.77. Hanson, D., Instructor’s Guide to Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning, Stony Brook University.