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Displaying results 661 - 690 of 1049 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lori Sowa P.E., University of Alaska Fairbanks; Denise Thorsen, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
on labs and homework. Mini-quizzes were given at the beginning of most class sessions to gage students’ conceptualunderstanding of the material.MethodsThe overall study design includes mixed-methods; however, the majority of the qualitativeportion of the study design and data collection will be described in future papers. Students wereadministered online surveys composed of Likert-scale and open-ended questions. The surveyinstrument was designed to measure students’ video use patterns, ease of video accessibility,preferences for study media, and social capital indicators along with demographic information.Although the survey was generalized as much as possible, specific questions within theinstrument were adjusted for wording to reflect the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven; Jean Nocito-Gobel, University of New Haven; Christopher Martinez, University of New Haven; Mark J Graham Ph.D., Yale University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
studiesand participating in the life of the university. Financial aid eligibility is determined based on theprevious year’s FAFSA that includes student wages in some cases that the student may haveneeded to earn in order to attend college. However because the student worked, their financialaid eligibility is reduced. This seems somewhat contrary to the purpose for the scholarship.Second, changes in a student’s EFC might result in a scholarship recipient’s eligibility changingfrom year to year. There have been instances where parents have needed to liquidate entire stockpositions in order to pay a tuition bill the year a recipient has received the ASPIRE scholarship.Because sale of the stocks is reflected in the following year’s FAFSA, this has
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jana Lunt, Southern Utah University; John S. MacLean, Southern Utah University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
indicated the seminar helped “a moderateamount” or “a little,” and (as during the 2013-2014 school year) only one student felt it did nothelp him/her at all with coursework. Those for whom the seminars were less relevant to helpingwith coursework may have attended sessions designed for other purposes, such as to widenexposure to the field or to introduce students to topics not closely related to current coursework.Sixteen out of 20 students (80%) rated the S-STEM program as being “very supportive” or“somewhat supportive” when difficulties were encountered. One student (5%) rated the programas “minimally supportive,” and three stated that they “have not had major difficulties requiringsupport.” These responses reflect a slight drop from the previous
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; James M Widmann, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Gina C Adam, National Institute of Microtechnologies, Romania
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
conceptualunderstanding in Heat Transfer12, 13 as well as in Dynamics14. The term “inquiry” has been usedto describe a number of teaching activities and has been used extensively in science education.The NRC15 identifies five critical features of inquiry that extend across all K-12 levels:1. Learners are engaged by scientifically oriented questions.2. Learners give priority to evidence, which allows them to develop and evaluate explanations that address scientifically oriented questions.3. Learners formulate explanations from evidence to address scientifically oriented questions.4. Learners evaluate their explanations in light of alternative explanations, particularly those reflecting scientific understanding.5. Learners communicate and justify their
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Catherine Mobley, Clemson University; Catherine E. Brawner, Research Triangle Educational Consultants; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University; Rebecca Brent, Education Designs, Inc; Cindy Waters, Naval Surface Warfare Center
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
reflected in the professions [6]. Themajority of undergraduate engineering degrees in the U.S. are awarded to students who identifyas White. In 2015, Whites received 65% of the engineering Bachelor’s degrees, Asians over13%, and Hispanics nearly 11%. Blacks received 4% of all engineering degrees [7], an increasefrom 2014 and reversing a nine-year decline from 5.3% in 2005 to 3.5% in 2014 [8]. Therepresentation of minorities among engineering graduates is not keeping pace with the changingdemographic landscape of the general population or undergraduate population of the 21stcentury.This lack of diversity in engineering educational and career pathways has been identified as anational security issue [9] and a “workforce train wreck” [10, p. v
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Merredith D. Portsmore, Tufts University; Adam V. Maltese, Indiana University; Karen Miel, Tufts University; Kelli Paul, Indiana University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
items and explore underlying factors.Recent research indicates there are likely three components of one’s engineering identity:recognition, interest, and performance/competence [23]. Our data yielded a 5-factor modelwhich expanded on these three components. While we expected to find a factor that representedrecognition, two factors emerged: recognition by others and self-recognition. This is consistentwith work which suggests that recognition by others is important in developing a scienceidentity, but also important is whether one views one’s self as a science person (self-recognition)[11]. The interest factor captured an individual’s enjoyment in doing engineering activities,while the performance/competence factor reflected students’ ability
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: REU 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maeve Drummond Oakes, Purdue University; Kristin Everett, Western Michigan University; Michael T. Harris, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Maryanne Sydlik, Western Michigan University; Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
revised lessons and reflections on the implementation and itssuccess back to the program leaders. While on campus, the teachers attended professionaldevelopment sessions including presentations about engineering majors and careers, discussionsabout gender dynamics and teaming, specifically with CATME, a system of web-based tools thatenable instructors to implement best practices in managing student teams. To help teachersconnect design elements and projects with outreach to solve the needs of a community, teachersparticipated in a three-day Engineering Projects In Community Service (EPICS) K-12 workshop.Their session culminated in a poster presentation for CISTAR faculty, staff, and graduatestudents.REU ProgramSeven undergraduate students
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: REU 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mathew Kuttolamadom, Texas A&M University; Jyhwen Wang, Texas A&M University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
external evaluator). Reflection essay. Professional networking.Follow-Up Database & mailing list setup. Scheduled periodic status updates for continued guidance on career (1-year) objectives (for 1-year). Posting of opportunities. Strategies to position for success. Extended Periodic contact (beyond 1-year). LinkedIn updates. Track professional career progress. [Fall] Evaluator report; discussion & intervention plans. Grad student & mentor training. *[College of Engineering (CoE) Undergraduate Summer Research Grants (USRG) activity]-[Optional] [Deadline] #[Evaluation activity] %[Brown bag lecture by Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP)]The majority of the 10-week on-site period involved the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: RED 2 / Civil Eng
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mohamed ElZomor, Florida International University; Piyush Pradhananga, Florida International University; Gabriella Santi; Shahin Vassigh, Florida International University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
terminology and limited training content, which also hinder theprogress in such a preeminent domain. Similarly, designer, system integrators, softwaredeveloper, and building technologist shared their perspective, which included challenges such aslack of affordable training resources and opportunities such as confidence in job security, newopportunities for entrepreneurship, and job opportunities. Figure 2: AEC Industry Professionals Interview ResultsIn the same phase, 18 industry professional construction representative in South Florida weresurveyed. Those professionals represent a targeted sample associated with the ConstructionIndustry Advisory Board at the Minority Serving Institution, thus reflecting a representativesample to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan; Kenyon M Richardson; Shanna R. Daly, University of Michigan
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the faculty and students from theCollege of Engineering who participated in the project.References1. Eccles, J. S., Barber, B.L., Updegraff, K., & O’Brien, K.M. (1998). An expectancy-value model of achievement choices: The role of ability self-concepts, perceived task utility and interest in predicting activity choice and course enrollment. In L. Hoffmann, A. Krapp, K. A. Renninger, & J. Baumert (Eds.), Interest and learning: Proceedings of the Seeon Conference on Interest and Gender (pp. 267-279), Institute for Science Education at the University of Kiel: IPN.2. Finelli, C. J., & Daly
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marilyn Barger, National Science Foundation ATE Centers; Richard Gilbert, University of South Florida; Marie A. Boyette, FLATE
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
with both Resources  for  Student  Tours  of  Manufacturing  Facilities   the number of tour events and total number of student participants per year. The sharp decline in the number of participants in 2007 and 2008, strongly reflected the very unstable fiscal environments that schools Find  pre-­‐tour  lesson  plans,  post-­‐tour
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University; Gül E. Okudan Kremer, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
solving by connecting diagnosed problems with solution types42. Participatingin review encourages student reviewers to reflect upon their own skills while examining peerwork43-44.Some of the emerging technologies are also enabling new ways of peer review. For example,online videos changed the way we create, view and share videos online today. With smartphoneslike the iPhone, and phones running on Android and Windows operating systems, it is effortlessto create, share and evaluate videos using the basic features phones offer. Videos can be aneffective media to quickly generate content and provide feedback to peers.Overview of Teaching to Learn: The SystemAs part of our work, we intend to test the potential of technology-enhanced peer-learning
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Yao, East Carolina University; Loren Limberis, East Carolina University; Steve Warren, Kansas State University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. External Power Supply MyDAQ RASCL Board Laptop with ELVIS (a) (b) Figure 1. The portable electronics experiment kit (PEEK): (a) kit setup and (b) PEEK with a case (Figure excerpted from [1]).During Fall 2011, these toolsets were applied to laboratory activities associated with two courses:ENGR 3014—Circuit Analysis and ENGR 3050—Instrumentation and Controls; specifics of each aredescribed below:ENGR
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian F Martensen, Minnesota State University; Deborah K. Nykanen P.E., Minnesota State University, Mankato; Marilyn C. Hart, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Rebecca A. Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
-term surveys is comparedto past feedback. Reflections by faculty mentors will be used to highlight challenges andattempts to address them. Reflections on the process of transitioning mentoring and cohortleadership to faculty in permanent and temporary roles will also be included.BackgroundStudents in our program are selected on a competitive basis with an eye towards supporting adiverse working group. Here, diversity includes majors, years, gender, race, socioeconomicbackground and cultural experience. During the weekly seminar, students engage with eachother and the faculty mentors as a large group, in smaller teams and in various affinity groups.Our program has demonstrated past successes in addressing issues important to the field
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.); Radian G. Belu, Drexel University (Tech.)
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
including vibration, acoustic emission, cuttingdynamometers (existing equipment) are used for remote process monitoring and control. Dataacquisition and processing for tool breakage and quality control of machined parts has beenadded to the course curriculum. MET316 reflect the competitive trend in the evolution ofmanufacturing towards increased flexibility, high speed machining, remote quality control,sensors, and Internet-based information and communication technologies using CNC systemsand simulators. Students will be able to study parametric programming techniques to run in-process gauging and tool setting probes. The students will convert a CNC machine tool into acoordinate measuring machine, which will eliminate post-process part inspection
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jianyu Dong, California State University, Los Angeles; Huiping Guo, California State University, Los Angeles
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
goal under realistic constraints Week 8 –network with optimal performance: 2) Be able to reflect the knowledge and apply skills Week 10An open-ended design project that acquired thru the previous projects to develop design planrequires the student teams to define 3) Develop ability to find and evaluate available technicaltheir design goals, do research on information from various sourcesvarious network components, consider 4) Be able to present the design clearly in both oral andpractical needs and constraints, present written formattheir design plan, do simulations and 5) Be able to use OPNET to evaluate the performance andselect the best design with optimal validate the
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Garrick A. Aden-Buie, University of South Florida; Autar Kaw, University of South Florida; Ali Yalcin, University of South Florida; Ram Pendyala, Arizona State University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
and design a test that"elicits the kind of behavior reflected in [that] definition"4.From an administrative perspective, CR examinations can be one to several orders of magnitudemore costly to implement and score than MC examinations, especially as the size of theexaminee population grows3. CR items are generally considered more reliable than MC items, asstudent guessing is minimized and more nuanced scoring is possible; however, maintainingvalidity and consistency requires strict maintenance and fair application of a grading rubric1. Asa result, CR items require allocating students more time during the examination and increase theadministrative demands in preparing for and scoring the examination and providing feedback tostudents. Scoring
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
DeLean Tolbert, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E. Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
intelligence [13-15].Literature ReviewOf the four concepts of our theoretical framework, which are introduced above, this literaturereview will focus on the use of video data to observe convergent and divergent thinkinginstances. Mathematical modeling and fixation will be discussed briefly but we anticipate morefully exploring how video data support observing those concepts in future publications. We focuson convergent and divergent thinking because it reflects our desired primary focus duringobservations where field notes were recorded, where this focus was chosen based on ourhypothesis that students with increased mathematical background would engage in moredivergent thinking. The researcher looks for instances of convergent and divergent thinking
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Kline, Western Michigan University; Betsy M. Aller, Western Michigan University; Ikhlas Abdel-Qader, Western Michigan University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
desirable when compared to other engineeringschools because they have a shorter on-the-job learning curve as a result of the practicalexperience they gained. Faculty members engaged in industry-supported research usuallyinvolve undergraduates. Thus, the graduate profile reflects the College vision of “A scholarlycommunity dedicated to excellence through student-centered education and researchemphasizing professional practice in engineering and applied science" and the College missionof preparing “job-ready graduates.”Background on S-STEM Scholars ProgramBegun in 2010, the S-STEM Scholar Program increases opportunities for financially needy butacademically talented students. These students: • Come into the S-STEM Scholar Program as first-time
Conference Session
NSF Grantees' Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna Tsenn, Texas A&M University; Daniel A. McAdams, Texas A&M University; Julie S Linsey, Texas A&M University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
found in Figure 1. For each task-specific self-concept, a nine-item scale was developed using the design process. The first item asked for the participant’sself-percept towards conducting engineering design as a whole (giving the engineering designscore) while the other eight items reflected each step of the engineering design process (averagedto be the engineering design process score)2. Page 23.30.3 Figure 1. Steps of the engineering design process12.Self-efficacy affects a person’s behavior towards an activity, and their self-percepts can affectthe thought patterns and neurophysiological reactions13. Those with high self
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vikram Kapila, Polytechnic Institute of New York University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, microcontrollers,and robotics to prototype a variety of mechatronics projects. These activities illustrated real-world applications of fundamentals covered in introductory lectures to reinforce and impart agreater sense of understanding. Such a curriculum and instruction strategy exposed teachers tofundamental mechatronics design principles as they learned the core concepts through activitieswherein they built practical devices that integrated and illustrated their learning. The discussionportion of each session provided participants with an opportunity to reflect on the session’s workand to brainstorm ways of integrating these activities in K-12 STEM learning. On the last two days of guided training, an entrepreneurship module—consisting
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Brianna Benedict McIntyre, Purdue University; Jacqueline Ann Rohde, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Heather Lee Perkins, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Joana Marques Melo, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Andrea Lidia Castillo, University of California, Irvine
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the Fall of 2018. Eachinterview used journey maps to elicit students’ identity trajectories and probed further into theirshort and long-term goals and current educational environments, especially in response to theCOVID-19 global pandemic and its impact on engineering education. In this research, wespecifically use journey maps as a reflective tool for students to document their “high points” and“low points” within a particular semester (i.e., Summer 2019 to Fall 2019 or Winter 2019 to Spring2020). We also used journey maps as an artifact to guide the interviews and operate as an elementof procedural and communicative validation [11]. In alignment with the identity trajectory model,these journey maps allow us to differentiate between the most
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda Gonczi, Michigan Technological University; Whitney Nicole McCoy, University of Virginia; Robert M. Handler; Jennifer L. Maeng, University of Virginia
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
incorporate computers only forresearch (Wang et al., 2011). If integrated ETS instruction reflects these narrow views, studentswill not develop an understanding of the breadth of technologies and/or how they support scienceand engineering. Therefore, professional development and teacher preparation is needed toensure teachers have robust understandings and confidence to implement ETS instruction(Brophy et al., 2008; Dare Ellis, & Roehrig, 2014; Roehrig et al., 2012).The ill-defined nature of ETS instruction can also pose unique challenges for teachers. By nature,science instruction that incorporates engineering is student-focused, involves active learning, andemphasizes process rather than a single correct answer. This is a stark contrast with
Conference Session
NSF Grantees: Identity
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Allison Godwin, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Brianna Benedict McIntyre, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Jacqueline Ann Rohde, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Dina Verdin, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Aaron Robert Hamilton Thielmeyer, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Herman Ronald Clements III, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Zhihui (Sherry) Chen
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
interviews was designed to understandstudents’ background and pathways into engineering. The second round of interviews involvedasking the students to complete a journey map to guide the interview focused on understandingtheir identity trajectory. This journey map documented the “high points” and “low points” of astudent’s experiences over the previous semester and was used as a reflective tool and datacollection artifact to guide the narrative interviews. The third round of interviews continues to usejourney maps and students’ stories to understand their development in engineering.The interviews were used to develop “restoryed” case summaries. A restoryed case summary is ashort version of each student’s pathway and highlights. In addition to these
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria Soledad Santisteban, University of North Carolina at Pembroke; Jill E. Thomley, Appalachian State University; Rebecca Bullard-Dillard
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
mentors, they made more use of officehours when tutoring was not offered or when the hours conflicted with their schedules.Overall, student ratings for tutoring and SI improved from Fall 14 (the first semester in whichCOMPASS students provided feedback) until Fall 15 (see Figure 1). Ratings declined somewhatin Spring16, which appears to correlated with the fact that fewer students were attending tutoringsessions. It also likely reflects the loss of the SI program after the first year.Figure 1. Student Ratings of Tutoring/Supplemental Instruction Tutoring/SI 100% 90% 80% Extremely  important 70% Very  important
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy L Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Pradip K Bandyopadhyay, Penn State University (Berks Campus); Mark Johnson, Pennsylvania State University ; Mikhail Kagan, Pennsylvania State University, Ogontz Campus; Ann Marie Schmiedekamp; Peter J. Shull, Pennsylvania State University, Altoona Campus; Catherine Cohan, The Pennsylvania State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
the Entrance to Major process at the beginning of the junioryear (i.e., enrollment in a specific major). Secondary outcome measures are retention in STEMmajors and retention at the University. This research is generously funded by the NationalScience Foundation (NSF IUSE #1525367). Please note that any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The Intellectual Merit of this research is two-fold: examine variation in Engineeringretention for three models of bridge programs and produce a series of workshops on Engineeringbridge leadership, funding, and sustainability strategies for Engineering summer
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farhan Azhar, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Kristofer Tite, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Stephen Johnston, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Christopher Hansen, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Sammy G. Shina, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Alaina M Schiano; David Joe Willis, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
Thinking. This included interactive lectures in design process, prototyping methods and production. The course textbook, “Making It”19 was used extensively during this por- tion of the course. • Week 13 (11/30/15): Keys to academic success as a Mechanical Engineering student. This motivational lecture is included to promote reflection on the students’ exposure to Mechanical Engineering, as well as provide advice and insight into expectations in the sophomore, junior and senior years
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joyce B. Main, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Yanbing Wang, Purdue University
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
obtain employment outside of academia. In termsof the effect on career outcomes, previous studies found evidence that postdoc training enhancesresearch productivity and increases research output [14], [15]. However, postdoc experiencedoes not significantly influence STEM PhDs’ earnings up to 15 years after PhD graduation [15],[19], [21]. The importance of analyzing the effect of postdoc experiences that vary by field of studyhas been stressed by Horta [14] and Kahn and Ginther [19], for example, in part because thedifferences across fields of study reflect their distinct traditions and identities, especially atadvanced levels of academic training [22]. Since the differences in postdoc experience acrossfields of study exist even within
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary P. Halada, Stony Brook University; Nada Marie Anid, New York Institute of Technology; Marta A Panero, New York Institute of Technology; Nicole Simon, Nassau Community College; Yeong Ryu, State University of New York, Farmingdale; Barbara Hillery, SUNY Old Westbury
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
energy minor, internships, and related activities of the consortium  Co-development and use of templates for electronic portfolios, used by students in the minor program to document evidence of learning, collect reflections, and assess student progress, both in the minor and in internships related to minor program requirements.  Several consortium meetings held to assess progress, discuss obstacles, and collect information on cross-registration and course development.Energy Education ModelSeveral learning objectives were established for the minor in energy science, technology andpolicy (ESTeP). The goal is that when students complete the minor, they should be able to: 1. Understand
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristina Maruyama Tank, Iowa State University; Tamara J Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Bunmi Babajide, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Anastasia Marie Rynearson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
accountability pressures for reading andmathematics3, 7. Integration of STEM subjects has been suggested as a way to address thechallenges of diminishing instructional time while providing students with the opportunity forengaging in realistic and multidisciplinary contexts that reflect real world problems. With manystates adopting the NGSS8, curricula for integrating engineering with an explicit focus onteaching science are needed.PictureSTEM is a curricular development project aimed at creating STEM integration moduleswith an explicit focus on engineering design, as well as standards-based mathematics andscience, for grades K-5. The PictureSTEM units were developed to meet this need for explicitSTEM integration modules that meaningfully teach each of