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Displaying results 691 - 720 of 1517 in total
Conference Session
Construction Project Delivery and Control
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
MaryEllen C. Nobe, Colorado State University; Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University
Tagged Divisions
sample of the students’ papers. The preliminary results provide insight intostudents’ evaluation of their success during their first semester, which is a critical semester instudents’ college careers.IntroductionProject Control is an interactive process in which actual performance is compared to plannedperformance with adjustment(s) being made to address identified deviations3.The project controlcycle has seven basic steps: (1) develop project plan, (2) establish benchmarks, (3) monitorproject performance, (4) identify deviations, (5) evaluate corrective options, (6) makeadjustment, and (7) document, report and evaluate4. When attempting to teach this projectcontrol cycle, the importance of ‘evaluate’ can be difficult to convey to students
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carla Lopez Del Puerto, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Rodolfo Valdes-Vasquez, Colorado State University; MaryEllen C Nobe, Colorado State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
the course.References1. Abudayyeh, O., Fredericks, T. K., Butt, S. E., & Shaar, A., (2006). An investigation of management's commitment to construction safety. International Journal of Project Management, 24(2), 167-174.2. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), (2013). Accessed 2-28-2014 from: Construction Industry Institute (2003, February). Safety Plus: Making Zero Accidents A Reality, Research Summary 160-1. The University of Texas at Austin.Delatte, Jr., N. J.4. Delatte, N. (1997). ‘‘Integrating failure case studies and engineering ethics in fundamental engineering mechanics courses.’’ J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract., 123(3), 111–116.5. Delatte, N. and Rens
Conference Session
Construction Education Topics
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George D. Ford, Western Carolina University; Aaron K. Ball, Western Carolina University; Sungho Tae, School of Architecture & Architectural Eng., Hanyang Univ., Ansan, Korea; Michael E. Smith Ph.D., Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
using the AssociateConstructor Exam. Journal of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering, 28(1), pp 2-7.Thambyah, A. (2011). On the design of learning outcomes for the undergraduate engineer’s final year project.European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(1), pp 35-46.Weber State University website, (2015). Retrieved on January 24, 2015 from:, M., Brown, S., King, M., Barnstone, D., Beyreather, T., and Olsen, K. (2011). Journal of ProfessionalIssues in Engineering Education & Practice, 11(4), pp 94-101. Page 26.1264.8
Conference Session
Innovative Project-based Learning Practices in Manufacturing
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tumkor Serdar, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Tagged Divisions
download at, last accessed in February 2015[6] Kadlowec, J., Bhatia, K., Chandrupatla, T. R., Chen, J. C., Constans, E., Hartman, H., & Zhang, H. (2007). Design integrated in the mechanical engineering curriculum: Assessment of the engineering clinics. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(7), 682-691.[7] Carlson, L. E., & Sullivan, J. F. (1999). Hands-on engineering: learning by doing in the integrated teaching and learning program. International Journal of Engineering Education, 15(1), 20-31.[8] Lamancusa, J. S., Jorgensen, J. E., & Zayas‐Castro, J. L. (1997). The learning factory—A new approach to integrating design and
Conference Session
Aerospace Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven H. Collicott, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
course, AAE418 “Zero-gravity Flight Experiment” who donate tosupport subsequent undergraduate team travel. In addition, three consecutive Department Heads Page 26.1287.12in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics and three consecutive Deans in the College ofEngineering at Purdue University have been avid supporters of these educational endeavors.Bibliobgraphy1. Stern S. A., “Commercial Spaceflight Companies Will Revolutionize Space Science,” Scientific American, 308:69-73, 2013.2. Collicott, S. H., “An Undergraduate Project Course for the NASA Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program,” 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber DeAnn Graviet, Washington State University ; Jacqueline Gartner Ph.D., Washington State University; Bernard J. Van Wie, Washington State University; Paul B Golter, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
200 35cm 100 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (s)Figure 5: Temperature of the reactor compared to the varying the wire length ofKanthal 145 alloy.Testing was also done on Kanthal 145 alloy comparing wire lengths of 20, 30, and 40-cm at themaximum voltage on the power supply, 18.3-18.5V. The voltage was held constant in theexperiments for all lengths of the Kanthal 145 alloy. It was used to complete the quantitative Page
Conference Session
Mathematics Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emre Tokgoz, Quinnipiac University; Gabriela C. Gualpa, Quinnipiac University
Tagged Divisions
. Page 26.1396.2APOS Theory In this section, APOS theory and the relevant literature that is employed to evaluate thequestion and the corresponding interviews to discern the students’ conceptual function knowledgeare explained. The philosophy of mathematics affected engineering and mathematics education in theundergraduate curriculum in the 1990s. Piaget‘s schemes idea in the 1970’s, and its developmentwith detailed explanations by Piaget and Garcia in the 1980’s, influenced researchers ofundergraduate engineering and mathematics education curriculum in the 1990’s. Students’conceptual view of the function was defined by Breidenbach, Dubinsky, Hawks, and Nichols in1992, which relied on Piaget’s study of functions in 1977 (Piaget, Grize
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division – Program Development & Desired Outcomes
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergio Celis, Universidad de Chile; Aileen Huang-Saad, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
credit hours.” Among these experiences, the author suggestedsupporting a student organization, participation in conferences, and networking activities withstudents at other schools. In summary, this literature review demonstrates that empirical studies of entrepreneurshipprograms often overlook socio-demographic characteristics and simplify the conceptualization ofco-curricular experiences, suggesting a vague alignment with the curriculum.Conceptual Framework In an effort to work towards a more structured approach to studying the complexities ofengineering entrepreneurship education and its impact on students in higher education, we havechosen to position this analysis in the context of Lattuca et al.’s (2014)30 use of the Terenzini
Conference Session
Issues in Engineering Technolgy Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christina R Scherrer, Southern Polytechnic State University; Leigh Sharma; Jennifer Vandenbussche, Kennesaw State University; Valerie Washington, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. Sheeran, P., Abraham, C. & Orbell, S., “Psychosocial correlates of heterosexual condom use: A meta- analysis,” Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 125, pp. 90-132 (1999). 9. Gibbons, F. X., Gerrard, M., & Lane, D. J., “A social-reaction model of adolescent health risk,” In J. J. Suls & K. A. Wallston (Eds.), Social Psychological Foundations of Health and Illness (pp. 107–136). Oxford, England: Blackwell (2003). Page 26.200.910. Webb, T. L. & Sheeran, P., “Identifying good opportunities to act: Implementation intentions and cue discrimination,” European Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 34, pp
Conference Session
Pedagogical Approaches in Construction Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tripp Shealy, Virginia Tech; Audra Ann Kiesling, Clemson University; Timothy R. Smail, Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
morelikely to implement codes into their work even when not required or enforced by law. A portionof learning to build back stronger includes educating to the IRC. Understanding the current statusand best practice for teaching students majoring in architecture, civil engineering, andconstruction science management (here in after known as “construction students”) about the IRCprovides the first step to mitigating communities in the future 6.BackgroundA literature review for teaching about the IRC produced no new publications since the early2000’s when the International Code Council (ICC) was formed and states began adoptingversions of the IRC. Prior to the ICC, research publications discussed the difficulty in codeintegration to the curricula due to
Conference Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Joe Branch, University of Utah; Anthony Edward Butterfield, University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Utah. He received his B. S. and Ph. D. from the University of Utah and a M. S. from the University of California, San Diego. His teaching responsibilities include the senior unit operations laboratory and freshman design laboratory. His research interests focus on undergraduate education, targeted drug delivery, photobioreactor design, and instrumentation. Page 26.214.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Analysis of Student Interactions with Browser-Based Interactive Simulations
Conference Session
Software and Programming
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clinton Andrew Staley, California Polytechnic State University; Corey Ford, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
found that almost all of the most common error messages could beimproved by simple regular-expression style substitutions. Page 26.217.9Bibliography1. Berland, M., & Martin, T. (2011). Clusters and patterns of novice programmers. In The meeting of the American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.2. Blikstein, P. (2011, February). Using learning analytics to assess students' behavior in open-ended programming tasks. In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on learning analytics and knowledge (pp. 110-116). ACM.3. Blikstein, P., Worsley, M., Piech, C., Sahami, M., Cooper, S., & Koller, D. (2014
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 4 K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design (Part 2)
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siddika Selcen Guzey, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Tamara J Moore, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
standards: For states, by states. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.11. Lachapelle, C. P. & Cunningham, C. M. (2014). Engineering in elementary schools. In S. Purzer , J. Strobel, & M. Cardella (Eds.), Engineering in pre-college settings: Synthesizing research, policy, and practices (pp.61-88). Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.12. Fortus, D., Dershimer. C.R., Krajcik, J.S., Marx, R.W., (2004). Design-Based Science and Student Learning. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(10), 1081 - 1110.13. Penner, D.E., Lehrer, R., & Schauble, L. (1998). From physical models to biomechanics: A design-based modeling approach. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 7, 429–449.14. Roth, W.-M. (1996). Art and artifact of
Conference Session
Instrumentation Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mustafa G. Guvench, University of Southern Maine; Mao Ye, University of Southern Maine
Tagged Divisions
. Page 26.271.11References: [1] Guvench, M.G., "SPICE Parameter Extraction from Automated Measurement of JFET andMOSFET Characteristics in The Computer-Integrated-Electronics Laboratory", Proc. ofASEE’94, vol.1, pp.879-884.[2] Beams, D.M., "Project TUNA - The Development of a LabView Virtual Instrument as aClass Project in a Junior-Level Electronics Course", Proc. of ASEE, s2259, 2000.[3] Guvench, M.G., “Automated Measurement of MOS Capacitance and Determination of MOSProcess Parameters in The MicroFabrication Laboratory” Proc.of ASEE, s2659, 1997.[4] Walsh, S. and Orabi, I.I., "Application of LabView for Undergraduate Lab Experiments onVibrations Testing", Proc. of ASEE, s2320, 2000.[5] Gile, S., Qazi, S., and Guvench, M.G., “Automated
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division – Design and Entrepreneurship
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryan O'Neil Boulanger, Ohio Northern University; Joe Tranquillo, Bucknell University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
NSF Pathways to Innovation Faculty Fellow. When not working Joe enjoys improvisational dance and music, running trail marathons, backpacking, brewing Belgian beers and most of all enjoying time with his children and wife. Page 26.287.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Blending Entrepreneurship and Design in an Immersive Environment  1​ 2  Bryan Boulanger​ and Joseph Tranquillo​1​  ​ Department of Civil Engineering, Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main St, Ada, OH 45810
Conference Session
First Year Programs Division Poster Session: The Best Place to Really Talk about First-Year Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tracy Jane Puccinelli, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; John Murphy, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
Engineering Curriculum on Graduation Rates and Student Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Engineering Education, 2004.2. Courter, S. S., S. B. Millar, et al. "From the Students' Point of View: Experiences in a Freshman Engineering Design Course." Journal of Engineering Education 87(3): 283-288, 1998.3. Puccinelli, J.P., Nimunkar, A.J.. “Experiences with Electronic Laboratory Notebooks in Real-World, Client- Based BME Design Courses.” In ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2014.4. Cardenas, M. “Electronic Laboratory Notebooks versus Paper Laboratory Notebooks: A Comparison of Undergraduate Experimental Engineering Laboratory Submissions .” In ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, 2014
Conference Session
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies: Bring-Your-Own-Experiments 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jun Nogami, University of Toronto; Scott Ramsay, University of Toronto; Scott D Ramsay, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
small but efforts are being made to get the attentionof a larger pool of students next year.References1 Hatch, R.A., Comeforo, J.E., Pace, N.A., “Transparent, Plastic-ball, Crystal Structure Models,” AmericanMineralogist, vol.37, no.1, pp.58-68 , 19522 Sow, C.H., Udalagama, C., Lim, G.Q., “Teaching crystal structures using a transparent box with tennis balls,”Journal of the NUS Teaching Academy, vol.3, no.1, pp.18-33, 20133 Hallouin, I. A., & Hestenes, D. Common sense concepts about motion (1985). American Journal of Physics, 53,1043-1055.4 Krause, S., Tasooji, A., Griffin, R., “Origins of misconceptions in a materials concept inventory from student focusgroups,” ASEE Annual Conference, 2004
Conference Session
Ocean and Marine Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Villalobos; Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra Ph.D., University of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Abbas H. Diab, University Of Maryland, Eastern Shore; Xavier Shastri Domnique Henry, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
driven by two 25.4 cm counter-rotating propellers each individually powered by a28mm 920 kV brushless motor. Using 30A electronic speed controllers (ESC) with a 12V 9Ahsealed lead acid (SLA) battery; they generate a max thrust of approximately 21.6 N which canpropel the boat up to a max speed of 3 m/s given favorable weather conditions. However forstandard operation, the boat is limited to 1 m/s to conserve power use and provide operationendurance of up to 1.5 hours.Air propulsion was chosen based on the intended environments CAUTION was designed for andexperiences from previous platforms under the AIRSPACES project. For example, a prior platformattempted to use dual motors with in-water propellers for propulsion. However, the weeds, algae,and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph Jinlee Kim P.E., California State University, Long Beach
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
comprehension through experimental learning.”2009 Construction Research Congress, Seattle, WA, pp. 1409-1418.2. Berwald, S. (2008). “From CAD to BIM: The experience of architectural education with building informationmodeling.” Proceeding of Architectural Engineering Conference, Sept. 25-27, Denver, CO.3. Kim, J.-L. (2012). “Use of BIM for effective visualization teaching approach in construction education,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE, Vol. 138, No. 3, pp. 214-223.4. Kim, J.-L. (2014). “Effectiveness of Green-BIM Teaching Method in Construction Education Curriculum,” Proceedings of the 2014 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 15-18, 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana, No
Conference Session
Teaching the Business Side of Construction
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suat Gunhan, University of Texas, San Antonio
Tagged Divisions
. 2. Chan, E. H. W., Chan, M. W., Scott, D., Chan, A. T. S. (2002). Educating the 21st Century Construction Professionals. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 128(1), 44-51. 3. Pries, F., Doree, A., van der Veen, B., and Vrijhoef, R. (2004). “The Role of Leaders’ Paradigm in Construction Industry Change.” Construction Management and Economics, 22(1), 7-10. 4. Skipper, C. O., & Bell, L. C. (2006). “Assessment with 360° Evaluations of Leadership Behavior in Construction Project Managers.” Journal of Management in Engineering, 22(2), 75-80. 5. Toor, S. R., and Ofori, G. O. (2006). “In Quest of Leadership in Construction Industry: New Arenas, New
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Ronald J Hugo, University of Calgary; Bob Brennan P.Eng., University of Calgary; Jian Zhang; Xiaodong Niu, Shantou University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, International Forum
teamwork. Reflective Teachingand Transformative Reflection have been central to the evolution of this program. Using acombination of instructor observations, constant reflection, and student feedback, it has been Page 19.16.10possible to build a two-course program that achieves in 5 weeks what a typical capstone designcourse will achieve in 8 months. Moreover, the immersion aspect of the courses coupled withthe international exposure make this approach to teaching and learning for engineering students asomewhat fascinating and often life-changing experience.REFERENCES1. Powell, S., Ghauri, P., Globalization, DK Publishing, 2008.2
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks - Session II
2015 ASEE International Forum
Qunqun Liu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Hu Yu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; BO YANG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Chen Bing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
/html/survey_instruments.cfm.Brandsford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (1999). How people learn:Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washinton, DC: National Academy Press.Birol, G., Liu, S., Smith, H. D.,& Hirsch, P. (2006). Educational modules in tissueengineering based on the “How People Learn” framework. Bioscience Education E-journal, 7, 1–13.Cox, M. F., & Cordray, D. S. (2008). Assessing pedagogy in bioengineeringclassrooms: Quantifying elements of the “how people learn” model using the vanitobservation system (vos). Journal of Engineering Education, 97(4), 413-431.Cox, M. F., &. Harris, A. H. (2010). Comparison of pretenured and tenuredengineering professors’ pedagogical practices within undergraduate
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Wenli Guo; Weier Ye
questions such as:How the students’ views of summaries were rooted in their own rhetorical traditions? How doesdirect instruction in summary affect both ESL and NES students’ summarizing development? Inwhat important ways are the discrepancies manifested between ESL and NES summary writingand how they are related to their learning of physics? will also be answered in the futurepublications. The broader collaborative interdisciplinary research project could be conducted tofurther investigate in a larger scale how effectively summary writing can enhance students’learning experience.References 1. Demaree, D., Allie, S., Low, M., & Taylor, J. (2008). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of student textbook summary writing. Physics Education
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Linda Laird; Ye Yang
series, financial support, and the on-going programassessment. Table  5:  Support  of  S-­‐STEM  Program  Goals   S-STEM Goal SwE-LA ProgramImproved Educational Opportunities for Program recruits 15 to 20 liberal arts undergradsStudents per year into Software EngineeringIncreased Retention of Students through Internships, Mentors, Seminars, CohortDegree Achievement Education, 2nd Year Option of Work and Part timeImproved Student Support Programs Mini-Course, Seminars, Cohort EducationIncreased Number of Well-Educated And 15 to 20 additional MS in SwE
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Arthur Rozario; Zhenkang Yang; Abe Yang; San Peng; Qing Guan; Ying Dong; Sunil Dehipawala; Andrew Nguyen; Alexei Kisselev; Todd Holden; David Lieberman; Tak Cheung
transcranial direct current stimulation platform and the EEGplatform on smartphones in the client-professor and company-student simulation.VI. AcknowledgementsPartial supports from several CUNY grants are gratefully acknowledged. We thank theanonymous reviewers for their suggestions.VII. Bibliography1. KEEN Video Entrepreneurial vs. Traditional Engineering (2013) D. Kokkinos; S. Dehipawala; T. Holden; E. Cheung; M. Musa; G. Tremberger, Jr.; P. Schneider; D. Lieberman;T. Cheung (2012)Fiber optic based heart-rate and pulse pressure shape monitorSPIE Proceedings Vol. 8218 Optical Fibers and Sensors for Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Applications XII,Israel Gannot, Editors
2015 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Somer Chipperfield; Kelly Yoder; Sadan Kulturel-Konak; Abdullah Konak
awareness for their career. We also observed, thatstudents’ interest in global awareness increased with class standing as the MDL predicts.VI. AcknowledgmentThis work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Award NumbersDUE-1141001 and DUE-1044800. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, and/or recommendationsexpressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.VII. References1. National Science Foundation (2006). Investing in America’s Future: Strategic Plan, FY 2006-2011. Arlington, VA.2. Reimers, F. (2009). Leading for Global Competency, ASCD 67(1). .3. Doscher, S., (2012) “The Development of Rubrics to Measure Undergraduate Students' Global Awareness and Global
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Ruzycki, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
used within the course.These preliminary studies indicate the promise in purposeful inclusion of disciplinary literacy practiceswith engineering classrooms to support core content ideas, and sketch out a few possible model practicesand tools for use in classroom settings by instructors. These activities build sense making, reflectivepractice and engineering habits of mind within materials science courses, and show promise in helpingstudents to move from a novice level of understanding towards expertise through the use of writing,speaking and communicating.References1. McConachie, S. M., & Petrosky, A. R. (2009). Content matters: A disciplinary literacy approach toimproving student learning. John Wiley & Sons.2. Shanahan, T., &
Conference Session
Computer-Based Tests, Problems, and Other Instructional Materials
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dongdong Zhang, Prairie View A&M University; Xiaobo Peng, Prairie View A&M University; Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Deniz Eseryel, North Carolina State University; Uzair Nadeem, Prairie View A&M University; Atiq Islam, Prairie View A&M University; Deron Arceneaux, Prairie View A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 26.737.13References1. Palaigeorgiou, G. and Despotakis, T., 2010, ―Known and Unknown Weaknesses in Software Animated Demonstrations (Screencasts): A Study in Self-Paced Learning Settings,‖ Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 9(1), pp. 81-98.2. Lloyd, S. and Robertson, C. L., 2012, ―Screencast Tutorials Enhance Student Learning of Statistics‖, Teaching of Psychology, 39(1), pp.67-71.3. De Grazia, J. L., Falconer, J. L., Nicodemus, G., and Medline, W., 2012, ―Incorporating Screencasts into Chemical Engineering Courses
Conference Session
Multidisiplinary Student Research Experiences
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Natacha Depaola, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M. Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology; Fouad Teymour, Illinois Institute of Technology; Paul R. Anderson, Illinois Institute of Technology; Roberto Cammino, Illinois Institute of Technology; Bonnie Haferkamp, Illinois Institute of Technology; Jamshid Mohammadi, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
student population as part of a survey conductedfor all students at our home institution, and to enhance participation as much as possible.Acknowledgements: Page 26.25.13   Financial support for this program came from Armour College of Engineering, PritzkerInstitute of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Wanger Institute for Sustainable EnergyResearch (WISER), and Carol and Ed Kaplan (endowed fund to Armour College).Bibliography1. Boyer Commission. (1998). Reinventing undergraduate education: A blueprint for America’s research universities. Stony Brook, NY: State University of New York.2. Smith, S. J., Pedersen-Gallegos, L
Conference Session
Microprocessor, Microcontrollers, and Embedded Systems Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juan Felipe Patarroyo, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Gerson Beauchamp, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Aidsa I. Santiago-Roman, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
and M. Gonzalez, "Integrating Control Concepts in an Embedded Systems Design Course," IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), pp. 1273-1278, 2013.[13] R. Streveler, K. Smith and M. Pilotte, "Aligning Course Content, Assessment, and Delivery: Creating a Context for Outcome-Based Education," in Outcome-Based Education and Engineering Curriculum: Evaluation, Assessment and Accreditation, K. Mohd Yusof, S. Mohammad, N. Ahmad Azli, M. Noor Hassan, A. Kosnin and S. K, Syed Yusof (Eds.)Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 2012.[14] G. P. Wiggins and J. McTighe, Understanding by design, ASCD, 2010.[15] J. McTighe and R. S. Thomas, "Backward Design," Educational Leadership, 2005.[16] J. D. Bransford, A. L. Brown, R. R. Cocking and