understanding of business and lean manufacturing. Based upon nearly 100 intern visits to companies, bachelor degree students need four things: first-technical skills; second-lean manufacturing; third-interpersonal (communications) skills; and fourth-leadership skill to get things done (accomplish projects) with minimal supervision.”Resulting Curriculum AdjustmentsIn response to the priorities reflected in this and the referenced prior surveys several topicspreviously included in my manufacturing management, quality assurance, work measurement,and digital manufacturing courses have been eliminated or reduced in emphasis. Some havegotten increased emphasis. The reductions are largely in response to course consolidationsduring
Characterizing the Environment for Sustainability (SLICES): Im-proving Understanding of Real World Systems via Direct Observation/Reflection. The opinionsexpressed are those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by NSF. The authors gratefullyacknowledge the contributions of the 54 undergraduate interns who collected industry data andprovided important feedback about involving undergraduates in research to improve the SLICESprogram.Bibliography1 Rothman, H. (1992). "You need not be big to benchmark." Nation's Business, December, 80(12), 64-65.2 Fisher, D., Miertschin, S., and Pollock, D.R. (1995). “Benchmarking in construction industry.” J. Management inEngineering, 11(1), 50-57.3 Mitra, C., Pearce, A.R., and Fiori, C.M. (2011). “Developing
individual—change. “Organizational catalysts” and “institutional intermediaries”6 can take action oncampuses to challenge policies and practices that produce and reproduce gender inequality.Institutional Background The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) is a highly selective, public, primarily undergraduateinstitution (PUI) that has earned national recognition for its commitment to excellence. Foundedin 1855, TCNJ has become an exemplar of the best in public higher education and is consistentlyacknowledged as one of the top comprehensive colleges in the nation. With about 300 membersof the full-time teaching faculty and roughly 6200 undergraduate students, TCNJ prides itself onits teacher-scholar model. At TCNJ, gender equity issues reflect
students takethe same liberal arts requirements as all other students on campus. In most U.S. universities,engineering students take fewer liberal arts courses and thus have standard patterns of 4 years.At USD, about half of the students graduate in 4.5 years, one-quarter in four years (if they camein with advanced placement credit and took summer courses) and the other one-quarter in fiveyears (including students in the Navy Reserve Officer Training Core (NROTC) who haveadditional coursework requirements). The unique BS/BA reflects the USD EngineeringDepartment’s commitment to have students experience “extensive technical education and the Page
understanding of theworld and the ability to make judgments in light of historical, social, economic scientific, andpolitical realities is demanded of the professional as well as the citizen” (p. 23). In the twodecades since that paper appeared, engineering educators and practitioners have increasinglycome to embrace its principles. Bordogna, Fromm, and Ernst,[5] for example, argue that“contextual understanding capability” is an important component of engineering innovation, and Page 25.254.3this growing recognition is reflected in the emphasis reports by the National Academy ofEngineers,[1,2] the National Science Foundation,[6] and the National
called a“substantial contribution” to the work [6]. The number of authors has changed dramatically, butso also have the practices that have led to these increases, which are discussed in the followingsection.5. Ethical Issues for Co-Authorship StatusAre the Ethical Issues in Co-Authorship a Form of Research Fraud?The ethical issues in academic research generally focus on fraud in data gathering, analysis,reporting, funding, and in writing (where issues of plagiarism arise). Indeed, the disciplinary andlegal actions and guidelines for researchers also focus on these areas [27, 31]. The forms ofmisconduct in research are broken down into three tiers, detailed below, with the seriousness ofthe breach reflected in the categorization of the conduct
SE.Every viable, mission-oriented, business entity – e.g., services organizations, non-profits, et al –serves a purpose, has interfaces with external systems in its operating environment – e.g.,customers, suppliers, competitors, et al, and produces performance-based outcomes – e.g.systems, products, services, and behaviors – that are delivered to or sold in the marketplace forsome form of return on investment (ROI) or to provide service benefits. This view is reflective ofthe mindset that SE applies only to physical systems and products such as cell phones,computers, etc. without recognition that organizations are also systems that produce products andservices for both external and internal customers and users.To illustrate the two organizational
asynchronous, online group workspace). In the process thecommunity organizes itself into working groups that grow and change in response to the interestsof learners. The workspace preserves the discussions so that the learners can return to them forcomment and reflection. Scardamalia19 provides twelve determinants that define knowledgebuilding discourse, such as exploring real ideas and authentic problems, “rising above” thediscourse to create higher level concepts, taking collective cognitive responsibility and usingauthoritative resources.VI. ConclusionsOverall, there is a need for increased technological literacy and the development of approachesfor supporting learning that are based on the research in the learning sciences. Talk to Meprovides an
primary interest of scientists reflects just the motive of understandingthe world. Snow himself characterized the reaction of pure scientists towards applied scienceand engineering as being “dimwitted” and criticized them for failing to recognize that appliedquestions could require first-rate intellectual efforts.Scientists are intelligent people and we should take them at their word when they give primacy tothe understanding of the natural world in their definition of their domain of activity. Here wewill choose to separate engineering from science and explore the consequences of this differencein motive. That does not mean though that there isn’t an overlap or similarity between scienceand engineering that needs exploration. We will use Kagan’s
were not based on the initial question structure. The coding process wasrecursive and it involved all members of the research team in multiple rounds of coding, codingreviews, strength testing, and the review of previous coding decisions. Within-interview analysisof interview data was done and then cross-interview analysis of data was done, resulting in acombining of data codes. Prototype assertions were tested based on strength of evidence andrevised to reflect the strongest evidence.5 The conventions used in quoting participants are asfollows: Statements by interviewees are presented in italics with quotations followed by theirpseudonym. Words in brackets were added by the researchers to clarify context.ParticipantsInterviewees were
throughout thetime abroad, significant cross cultural communication skills need to be acquired and theirapplication stimulated. Introducing specific pre-departure workshops and briefings toenhance cross cultural communication skills (in addition to the traditional country specificorientation) will stimulate curiosity about the similarities and differences between thecultures, and provide tools to interact and reflect on the interaction in a confident andconstructive way. In addition to this pre-departure preparation, and in the context of theformative evaluation of the effectiveness of these components, some specific (and non-courserelated) tasks can be introduced and scheduled throughout the time abroad, for exampleinitiating and executing
use it. It is important to note that all of these factors are perceptions and not Page 25.630.3measures of an objective reality. These are the opinions of the user, however they aredeveloped, and not reflections of the actual functionality or applicability of a system to agiven task.Studies in a wide variety of technology fields, including computer languages, informationsystems, and communication technologies have all been supportive of the TAM and thedistinction between usefulness and ease of use9. Research in educational technology anddistance education has also utilized the TAM or similar analyses of user perceptions.Lee, Cho, Gay, Davidson
many cases is or will be aligned with the GrandChallenges of Engineering as identified by the National Academy of Engineering 7. The partnersprovide our students both with interactions with their engineers and with educational contentaround the selected theme and their company’s related efforts. The theme, in turn, is reflected ina physical presence in the form of a theme-lobby on a floor of the residence hall. Partners onboard at the time of this writing include Consumers Energy, sponsor of the energy theme, and Page 25.645.2GE, sponsor of the transportation theme.Conversations are ongoing with additional potential partners. In addition, the
study focused solely on the nature of the GTAfeedback. Previous research focused on the GTA grading of students’ responses.10 Bylinking these three data sources, conclusions could be drawn concerning the degree towhich the GTA is responding appropriately to the student responses and supporting thegrade they are assigning. In addition, future research could look at the impact of GTAfeedback on students’ responses to the problem formulation questions in subsequentMEAs.AcknowledgementThis work was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DUE0717508). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science
specifically on theproblem or topic, their role in the research process, skills they developed, equipment or methodsthey employed, and the findings or implications of the research. Although few graduate schoolapplications require such detailed research statements, this assignment was designed to helpstudents reflect on their previous experiences and to clarify what they might pursue as a graduatestudent researcher. In addition, drafting one of the three required statements for the NSFapplication may encourage students to apply for that graduate fellowship program.Research ForumThe University’s Summer Undergraduate Research Forum (SURF) brings togetherundergraduate researchers from across campus in one central location where they have theopportunity to
bystudents taking this course. The majority of responses indicated the following commonchallenges: Was this an open-ended question or are there stats to indicate what % of peoplementioned each response? Any value in reflecting that, or OK to lump together under generalconcerns? Cheating (downloadable solutions) Student maturity/seriousness Problem-solving skills Mathematical Software Skills Physics, chemistry & math preparation Preference for familiar units Limited contact time Broad range of student ability
associated with developing an outdoor lab for environmental monitoring will belisted. In the following section, the design of LEWAS to overcome these challenges will bereviewed. In the following section, ongoing challenges associated with implementing LEWASwill be listed. Finally attitudinal data collected from students on LEWAS in the freshmanengineering course will be reflected upon and its educational applications in energy andenvironmental sustainability will be discussed.Educational Context of LEWAS and Prior Programming InitiativesA few years before implementation of LEWAS, a number of program-wide hands-on activitieswere developed and implemented in the freshman engineering program of Virginia Tech as aresult of an NSF funded curriculum
Educational Resources (OER) is further increasing the wealth of up-to-date, relevant and well-presented course material available. However, just as important ashaving first class content, is that the learning activities designed for students using thiscontent are likely to help students learn optimally. To help academics who are contemplatingusing Open Courseware material, guidelines are needed to help them reflect on how best toget their students to learn. The goal is to move away from a focus on teaching, that is, whatthe lecturer told the students, to a focus on activities that would help students learn. The taskof university teachers is to create the conditions where students are most likely to learn. Thispaper presents the results of an
to transfer the approach presented in this study to other practitioners, there are a fewconsiderations to be taken. It is certainly plausible, for example, for departments or institutions toshare these modules. It is even conceivable that a centralized bank of accessible case-studymodules could be established and made available for use, so long as they are updated at regular(2-4 year) intervals to reflect contemporary events. On the whole, the selection of a case studytopic that is timely and interesting to both the instructor and the students is fundamental todelivering this module effectively. An instructor looking for inspiration to author such a modulecan draw topics from emerging technologies, public engineering successes/failures, or
could be in oneresponse. This also applies to the responses to the other three questions with the overallcomments being slightly less than for the first one. Table 3 shows a summary of the responseswith number of responses are indicated in parentheses. Since these students are self-selected forthis course, these responses may not necessarily represent the overall population of studentsmajoring in Mechanical Engineering at Ohio State. Question Main Categories Themes Comments Content Focused Heavier emphasis Comments reflect where Thermodynamics (11) on content than students are in the Kolb13 Physics (11
challengesquestions.2011 Vancouver K-12 WorkshopIn June, 2011 at the Vancouver K-12 Workshop, the division executive board led a discussion on theresults of both the Louisville plenary session and the 2011 member survey over a working lunchNearly 170 participants were given an overview of the information gathered on K-12 EngineeringOutreach at the plenary, and then were shown the results of the member survey identifying the mostpressing research questions on K-12 Engineering. The survey identified the top three researchpriorities as assessment of learning and skills, integrating engineering into STEM, and engagingstudents. Survey respondents reflected general concern about teacher preparation and in serviceteacher professional development overall
reflect the idea that information is sought to enrich design, the six I-RED phases are expressedas a series of focus questions. This approach aligns with the notion of design as a question askingprocess.25 Pilerot and Hiort af Ornas follow a similar approach in formulating guiding questionsfrom not only a process but also a product oriented perspective.26 For simplicity, I-RED approachconcentrates on ‘product-oriented’ focus questions and treatment.The I-RED model locates the six phases on an ‘information space’ with the orthogonal axes for thevariety of knowledge domains and the level of specialization in a given domain as shown in Figure2. The location of each phase indicates the relative ‘breadth’ and ‘depth’ of the types ofinformation sought
and improve their grade beyond the end of the semester.Their course grade is based on: (1) their performance when working to prepare for the competition (2) their performance at the competition (3) their written report on lessons learned from the competition and recommendations for future workThis proves to be an effective and fair way to evaluate their complete body of work whilekeeping their morale high towards the end. It also provides them an opportunity to reflect onwhat they had learned at the competition and be able to document it. Obviously, if thecompetition happens in April or early May before the semester is over, this is not an issue. Itwould always be wise to include their performance at the competition as part of
in CEM education. The research scope for this paper is limited to theextensive literature review.The pursuit of these objectives generates the following questions about BIM and its potentialimpacts on CEM education: What efforts have been made in CEM programs to reflect the BIM needs of the industry? What issues have been found in implementing BIM in CEM curriculum? Page 25.898.3 Which topics should be introduced in CEM education?To address these questions, an extensive literature review was conducted 1) to explore BIM’simpact on the industry; 2) to study the published cases of BIM implementation in CEMcurriculum; 3) to
benchmark of undergraduate engineeringstudents. The goal is to better understand EMEs in relation to students, and to use these insightsand wisdom to empirically redefine the skills and educational methods necessary to reshapeengineering education.Entrepreneurially minded engineers (EMEs) are the drivers of U.S. innovation andcompetitiveness and are unique and distinctive [11]. EMEs have not necessarily started newbusinesses although they may have; they do, most often, work in established small- and medium-sized enterprises, and many work in Fortune 1000 firms [12]. The EME reflects a mindset, notspecifically an entrepreneur; they are the type of engineers who can think entrepreneurially. It isimportant to note that there is not a single type of
studentsreceived job offer. Figure 6 Number of jobs offered to the studentRelated workPrevious work in data clustering has focused on concepts similar to Intelligent Clustering BasedExtended Genetic Algorithm. K-means is most successfully used on data sets because of itssimplicity and its linear time complexity. However, it is not feasible to be used on large data sets.Hierarchal clustering algorithm creates a structure that reflects the order of divided groups. Itgives better results than K-means if it uses random data set. A GA-based unsupervised clusteringtechnique selects cluster centers directly from the data set and allows acceleration of the fitnessevaluation via a look-up table. A limitation of existing techniques is