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Displaying results 751 - 780 of 866 in total
Conference Session
Reports from ADVANCE Institutions
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jan Rinehart, Rice University; Eden B. King, George Mason University; Mikki Hebl, Rice University
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
program. • 71% reported the mentor program "mostly" or "totally" met their goals • 78% reported they will participate next year • 50% reported they are part of another mentor programWhen asked, “As a result of my participation in the Triad Mentor program, I feel…”,participants' responses (indicated on a 5 point Likert scale, with 1 being “not true” and 5 being“very true.”) reflect that the program goals were being met. We anticipated that participantswould believe their success matters to the university and their school because the mentors wereoutside their departments, but found that mentees felt that their success mattered not only in theuniversity and school but also in their own departments. This suggests that the Triad Mentor
Conference Session
Design Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John E. Pakkala, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
forces, roll and pitch angles, and suspension travels. The multiple plots reflect varying stiffness parameter values.These data can be analyzed by comparing the peak values or standard deviations of the differentgraphs. It can be seen that the normal force peaks increase with increasing suspension stiffnessand the suspension travel decreases. The analyses may be performed at different velocities tovary the road input frequencies to ensure correlation to generally accepted valid results.The maximum suspension travel and the maximum forces may be determined for a simulatedimpact of the vehicle after a jump. This is executed by an initial condition for the velocity of thesprung and unsprung masses. This simulation starts at
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoffrey L. Herman, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Michael C. Loui, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
grants DUE-0618589.The opinions, findings, and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation or the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.References[1] Almstrum, V. L., Henderson, P. B., Harvey, V., Heeren, C., Marion, W., Riedesel, C., Soh, L.-K. & Tew, A. E. (2006). Concept inventories in computer science for the topic discrete mathematics. ITiCSE '06: Proceedings of the 11th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ACM press, 163-167.[2] Allen, K. (2006). The Statistics Concept Inventory: Development and analysis of a cognitive assessment instrument in statistics. Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Oklahoma.[3] Allen, M. J. & Yen, W
Conference Session
Advanced Aerospace Student Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Narayanan M. Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
as well, so that the spread in the class grade distribution became quitelarge. As the above assignment started (after Drop Day, which comes past the middle of thesemester), there were many questions asked in class about the prospects for supersonic flight.One feature of the final reports is that even the students who did not pay much attention to theassignment, actually did some exploration and rationalization regarding hydrogen-fueledsupersonic airliners. The best assignments reflected superlative independent thinking andexploration, (“superlative” is not defined as “agreeing with instructor!”). Before going into theirown approach they sought and found relevant references from the literature and actually readthrough them to a good level of
Conference Session
Modeling and Problem-Solving
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morris M. Girgis, Central State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
’ feedback and reflection on the pre-test and initial knowledge and skills.2. Review and Explain the concepts needed for problem- Preparing students andLecture Session solving. The lecture is based on the pre-test keeping them motivated results and students’ feedback.3. Laboratory Session Assemble and measure one-spring-beam Engaging students in under loading to experimentally determine hands-on activity system behavior and compare results with estimated analytical values.4. Preparatory Students work on simple problems similar to Scaffolding and
Conference Session
What Else do Environmental Engineers Need to Know
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brett Borup, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
was equal to the mean weight assigned by each of theother groups was equal was tested using the twosample t test at the 95% confidence intervalNo differences were found when comparing weights of the values as assigned by the consultantsand educators. This suggests that educators and consultants values are very similar. It wasfound that between 2 and 4 of the 15 values were determined to have mean weights that are notequal in each of the other comparisons. It is interesting to note that educators’ values aregenerally reflected by the students’ values. The two exceptions to this are the values of “ease ofoperation” and “dependability of the process
Conference Session
Rethinking PowerPoint and Other Acts of Communication
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Keri Lynn Wolfe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Sarah E. Zappe, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Lauren Elizabeth Sawarynski
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
literature.25-26 These criteria include having no more than twolines for the sentence assertion headlines, supporting those headlines with relevantgraphics, and having as few words as possible for the bodies of the slides. As shown inTable 2, the average number of words per slide was 19.3, and every slide in the assertion-evidence set had a relevant graphic. Appendix B presents the assertion-evidence slides.Not reflected in this collection is that some of the slides included simple animationswhich took the form of presentation of additional details of graphics on nine of the tenslides (the animations followed the choice of “Appear,” which the assertion-evidenceliterature recommends). In developing the topic-subtopic slides, we followed the
Conference Session
Poster Sessions for Unit Operations Lab Bazaar and Tenure-Track Faculty
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Prudich, Ohio University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Robert Y. Ofoli, Michigan State University; Robert B. Barat, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Norman W. Loney, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ali Pilehvari, P.E., Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Michael J. Elsass, University of Dayton; Robert J. Wilkens, University of Dayton; Danilo Pozzo, University of Washington; Jim Pfaendtner, University of Washington; William B. Baratuci, University of Washington; Jim Henry, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; Bridget R. Rogers, Vanderbilt University; John F. Sandell, Michigan Technological University; Adrienne R. Minerick, Michigan Technological University; Jason M. Keith, Michigan Technological University; Horacio Adrian Duarte, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; David W. Caspary, Michigan Technological University; Charles Nuttelman, University of Colorado, Boulder; Pablo LaValle, University of Michigan; Naoko Ellis, University of British Columbia; Sergio Mendez, California State University, Long Beach; Arne Biermans, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Conference Session
The Best of Design in Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Betsy Palmer, Montana State University; Patrick T. Terenzini, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Ann F. McKenna, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Betty J. Harper, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Dan Merson, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
embrace its principles. Bordogna, Fromm, and Ernst,[5] for example, argue that“contextual understanding capability” is an important component of engineering innovation, and Page 22.430.2this growing recognition is reflected in the emphasis reports by the National Academy ofEngineers,[1,2] the National Science Foundation,[6] and the National Research Council[7] place oncontextual competence; in ABET‟s standards for engineering accreditation;[3] and in the growingbody of research literature that explores students‟ contextual understanding and ways toincorporate contextual competence into the engineering curriculum.Despite this increased national
Conference Session
Graduate Student Experience
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine E. Winters, Virginia Tech; Holly M. Matusovich, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Student
have differing GTA interpretations. Lecture andworkshop course coordinators provide PowerPoint slides for all GTAs and instructors eachweek, and then lead weekly meetings to go over the slides and associated activities. Natedescribes that the course coordinators communicate to the GTAs “that within some bounds wehave a lot of freedom”, but that “I‟m not sure that I‟d be free to change [course materials] verymuch because it has to reflect their decisions.” In GTA meetings, “the overall theme of theiranswers [to GTA questions about making changes] has been „you can feel free to personalize,but we have to maintain consistency‟. It‟s always been that kind of emphasis on consistency”.However, Sam seems to have different perceptions of the same
Conference Session
They're Not "Soft" Skills!
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eckehard Doerry, Northern Arizona University; James Dean Palmer, Northern Arizona University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
reflect on their teaming success.This "open evaluation" model is similar to Clark [6], who advocates for open discussions of peerevaluations as a basis learning and improvement. Scores from the Teamwork Report werecounted as 10% of the final course score.Version 1: EvaluationThis approach at first appeared to be successful, with insightful narratives of successfulteamwork appearing in Teamwork Reports. It soon became apparent, however, that thegenerally positive reviews appearing in the reports often did not match up with reality. In manycases, serious dissatisfactions with teammates revealed in private office consultations withinstructors never appeared in the peer ratings or, if they did, then in much milder form. Evenwhen poor performance was
Conference Session
Best Zone Paper Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito G. Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Topics
Council of Sections
3 12.0% 3 12.0% Undecided 8 32.0% 8 32.0% Other (Landscape Architecture) 0 0.0% 1 4.0% Total 25 25The failure of the SEI program to achieve its primary goal of recruiting students into engineeringis also reflected in Table 11. Although student enthusiasm for the program increasedsignificantly, there was a statistically significant decrease in student confidence that the Institutewill help them select an appropriate engineering major. The slight increase in student level ofconfidence that they have the necessary
Conference Session
Aerospace Teaching and Learning II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Praveen Shankar, Arizona State University; Jenefer Husman, Arizona State University; Valana L. Wells, Arizona State University; Wen-Ting Chung, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
for cruising flight.Homework 3: Longitudinal Static Stability (Hand Solved)Students’ understanding of longitudinal static stability was tested in this assignment. The effectof configuration of aircrafts including the location of the center of gravity, location andinclination of the horizontal tail on the static stability was evaluated using hand-solved numericalproblems.Homework 4: Longitudinal Static Stability (DATCOM)Prior to this assignment, students were introduced to the USAF DATCOM software. Descriptionof how to modify the input file to reflect the geometric configuration of the given aircraftfollowed by execution of the program and analysis of the data was discussed in the classroom.Students were provided with 3 wing models and 3 wing
Conference Session
Best of Computers in Education Division
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Patrick Hogan, Missouri S&T; Dan Cernusca, Missouri University of Science & Technology
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
clarify confusing concepts with peers” (Student 11) “Working together in groups was excellent practice for the work world. I learned more thinking about these problems and assignments than I do just working out a problem on paper or reading a textbook.” (Student 12)The perceived weaknesses covered issued such as lack of examples to guide the work on theseprojects, difficulty with Wiki editing, high workload outside the classroom, or ethical issuesrelated to the workload within groups as reflected in the sample answers below. “Some people might work harder than others, and if they just divide the tasks, some might not know what's going on the discussion, and conclusions.” (Student 1) “Could be frustrating at
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abul K. M. Azad, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
developments and their implementation outcomes. Page 22.1002.6Design PhilosopyTo maximize the benefit of remote laboratories, the design philosophy includes a number offeatures: a) use of emerging technologies; b) individualized learning; c) knowledge-centeredlearning; d) embedded assessment strategies; and e) scaffolds. These features provide anengaging laboratory experience, working with students pre-existing knowledge, anddeveloping skills of self-monitoring and reflection, which contribute toward improving thequality of STEM education.Design ImplementationsMost of the implementations are done through two NSF grants (DUE-044xxxx and DUE-083xxxx). This
Conference Session
High School Engineering Programs, Curriculum, and Evaluation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Krystal S Corbett, Louisiana Tech University; Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech University; David E. Hall, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
input, computations 2.29 3.33 1.04and plotsQ. Computation of servo efficiency under various operating 1.71 3.08 1.38conditionsR. Solving of work, power and efficiency problems 2.33 3.25 0.92S. Fabrication of a solar oven from foam board 1.63 3.38 1.75T. Use of a Boe-Bot to measure temperature 1.46 3.08 1.63U. Use of uss digital temperature sensors to measure temperature 1.46 2.96 1.50potentialV. Use of a solar oven to explain infrared reflection 1.46 2.71 1.25W. knowledge of the relationship between thickness of insulation 1.83
Conference Session
Ethical Perspectives on the Grand Challenges of Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy E. Slaton, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
are readily found in textbooks, newspapers, speeches and policy documents across the 20thcentury) reflect this enduring framing of technical enterprise as invariably a welcomecontribution to general human welfare. In 1923, a journalist's profile of General Electricpresident Gerard Swope noted that the American engineer promises "industrial well-being, ofcreating greater happiness through the wider distribution of nature's gifts and resources, andthrough a general furtherance of the march of civilization."9 Prominent civil engineer WilliamBarclay Parsons, then supervisor of subway construction in New York City, told an audience atColumbia University in 1927, that "should our civilization perish, its ruins, if excavated, willdisclose that it
Conference Session
Integration of Liberal Education into Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vassilios Tzouanas, University of Houston, Downtown; Lea Campbell, University of Houston, Downtown
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
exit interview rubric can be found inAttachment B.Next StepsThe curriculum, pedagogy and assessment strategies reflect several months of research onteaming as well as lessons that the authors have learned over many years of participating in andleading teams. The next step is to determine if the curriculum does, in fact improve students‟knowledge of teaming and their performance within teams. Beginning in Spring 2011 theteaming curriculum will be integrated into a number of project-based Engineering Technologycourses and piloted over several semesters. Assessment data collected from these pilot groupswill then be compared to similar assessment data collected from other student groups who didnot have the benefit of deliberate instruction in
Conference Session
Liberal Education Revisited: Five Historical Perspectives
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith E. Hedges, Drury University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
ding several survivor sto ories concernning its lack of adequate distributionn.Discussio onThe primmary purposee of the study y was to bettter understannd the naturee of student eengagementt andthe seconndary purposse was to stu udy the broad d implicationns of disasteers in educatiion. The autthorexplored the research h question, “What “ is the nature of syynchronous eengagementss between thhelearner annd the disastter event?” I extruded thhree educatioonal lessons learned by oobserving theestudent thhemes evolv ve. These aree reflections from the reaal-time disasster inquiriess in the areass ofcourse in nstruction, co ontent, and student
Conference Session
Issues and Answers in Mathematics Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amelito G. Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
-minoritystudents. This higher rate of participation among minority students and the success of MathJam in enhancing their academic performance are reflected in the increase in enrollment intransfer-level courses since the program was initiated. Although enrollments in STEMtransfer-level courses have increased for all student groups and for all STEM areas, the rates ofincrease are significantly higher among minority students, especially for engineering,mathematics, and physics where minority student enrollment has traditionally been lower dueto inadequate high school preparation in math.The success of Math Jam has prompted Cañada College to institutionalize the program.Beyond the duration of the three-year Minority Science and Engineering Improvement
Conference Session
Capstone Courses and Design Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Trian M. Georgeou, Arizona State University; Scott Danielson, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Chell A. Roberts, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
engineering programs (NorthernArizona University and the University of Utah) on a set of design and build problems funded bythe Grand Canyon River Outfitter’s Association (GCROA) with support from the National ParkService (NPS). This organizational structure reflects a primary objective of the capstoneexperience at the College of Technology and Innovation; to provide, in a project setting, aneducational experience consistent with professional practice. Student motivation was increasedas this project was part of a larger effort to enhance the environmental aspects of float tripsthrough the Grand Canyon. Thus, the curricular design “flavor” of the project is consistent withrecommendations from several recent engineering educational studies1,2 Such
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ing-Chang Jong, University of Arkansas; William T. Springer, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
understanding the deflection ofbeams, and students favor this method in solving the problems. (a) Quiz result on using MoI (b) Quiz result on using MoMF (overall average = 69.1%) (overall average = 79.7%) Fig. 14. Students’ performance in using MoMFIV. Concluding RemarksIn the method of model formulas, no explicit integration or differentiation is involved in applying Page 22.1380.15any of the model formulas. The model formulas essentially serve to provide material equations(which involve and reflect the material property) besides the equations of static equilibrium ofthe
Conference Session
Developing Young MINDS in Engineering: Part I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Horacio Vasquez, University of Texas, Pan American; Arturo A. Fuentes, University of Texas, Pan American; Robert A. Freeman, University of Texas, Pan American
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
with a procedure in which they haveseveral opportunities to acquire and demonstrate their knowledge. Also, repeating thelegacy cycle to solve several challenges becomes an iterative process that allows studentsto apply and reinforce knowledge in different contexts to achieve adaptive expertise. It isimportant to look ahead and reflect back after solving each challenge in order to leave alegacy and to accumulate knowledge and experience. The success of CBI depends greatlyon how well every step of the legacy cycle is prepared and performed by the learners andinstructors as a team. The Challenges Go
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pavlos George Mikellides, Arizona State University; Chen-Yuan Kuo, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
rocket time of flight (including descent), tflight. The evaluation scores were designed to give 2/3 ofthe total 30 maximum points to the predictive capability of each team’s rocket behavior which waspredominantly a reflection of the accuracy and rigor of the analytic and/or numerical models emergingfrom the engineering analysis background that was introduced in the early stages of the semester. Inthis manner, the students realized that trial-and-error experimentation prior to the launch was not goingto be as useful in winning the competition; rather the direct application of the theoretical backgroundwith some necessary empirical data was the essential proficiency for success.IVa. Engineering analysis background The primary concentration of
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Technical Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Barbara A. Masi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Shanette A. Go; E. Hosoi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
students’ motivation for their choice of major. The majority ofMechanical Engineering students (N = 86) chose their major because they liked ―MechanicalEngineering as a discipline,‖ while several noted that advice from peers, faculty, or familyinfluenced their decision to major in mechanical engineering. Less than 5% of these studentswho responded said that they ―wanted to focus studies,‖ and over 25% said that it was because ofthe ―flexibility of the requirements.‖In contrast, of the Cross-disciplinary Engineering Course 2-A undergraduates who responded (N= 54), over 10% said that they ―wanted to focus studies,‖ and over 25% said that it was becauseof the ―flexibility of the requirements.‖ These sentiments are also reflected in their comments
Conference Session
Lessons for New Engineering Educators
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amani Salim, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
sites to experience the challenges withimplementing real world engineering problem solving in classroom settings. It requiredcontinuous innovation on the instructor’s end, to stay at the forefront of the engineering contentknowledge, and to be able to translate the knowledge in teaching.Other challenges are associated with evaluating success of students’ MEA solutions. Success intraditional engineering classroom problem solving is often evaluated based on standardengineering criteria – to calculate correct numbers and to produce working projects20.Traditional engineering problems do not reflect real-world engineering practice. MEA problemsolving looks more into satisfying user needs, where students produce solutions which aremathematical models
Conference Session
Special Session Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the MATE International ROV Competition
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Douglas E. Oppliger, Michigan Technological University; Valorie Troesch, Michigan Technological University; Jean Kampe, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
projects because the heart of the school year is whenmost project work is in full swing. To counter this issue, the TCROV team has, under thesupervision of adults, experimented with using their ROVs under the ice. Figure 10 shows aspecially designed (to be small and maneuverable) ROV being launched through an auguredopening.Figure 10: ROVs exploring under the ice, note the plant material under the ice roof. Also note the Page 22.1577.15excellent real-world physics demonstration of internal reflection of light off the water’s surface.The team has now developed safe protocols for using ROVs under the ice and has captured somefascinating video. These
Conference Session
Accreditation and Assessment in SE Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nan Niu, Mississippi State University; Donna Reese, Mississippi State University; Kui Xie, Mississippi State University; Chris Smith, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
other to achieve the common goal. • Face-to-face interaction: Team members do most of the work together. They provide assistance, encouragement, and feedback to the other team members. • Individual accountability and personal responsibility: Each team member is responsible for doing his/her share of the work, and is expected to master all necessary material. • Interpersonal and small-group skills: Team members use effective communication and conflict-management skills. Page 22.1254.6 • Group processing: Team members set common goals, reflect on team accomplishments, and make adjustments as
Conference Session
A Systems-Thinking Approach to Solving Problems
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adeel Khalid, Southern Polytechnic State University; Scott C. Banks, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
InteroperabilityPlans, DHS evaluated all 50 states with regards to the completion and effectiveness of theirSCIP. It was found that most states had completed their SCIP but many were behind inperforming regular exercises to verify those plans, did not plan for use of plain languagecommunications in their plans and rarely updated those plans to reflect training, equipment orstructural changes. As stated previously, these exercises are invaluable in establishing preexisting relationships. The fact that DHS has made available standards and templates hasallowed the states to make progress in documenting their operating procedures but many statesare still behind in verifying and refining those plans.AlternativesGiven that SDR is new technology with limited
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janice M. Margle, Pennsylvania State University, Abington; Catherine L. Cohan, Pennsylvania State University; Yu-Chang Hsu, Boise State University; Jill L. Lane, Clayton State University; Amy Freeman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Javier Gomez-Calderon, Penn State University; Dhushy Sathianathan, California State University, Long Beach; Renata S. Engel, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees
campus is directly driven byenrollments and state allocation. Hence, administratively, there are varying degrees of resourcesavailable to each of the 15 regional coalition campuses to address challenges associated withstudent retention. To reduce this disparity and examine the effect of intervention strategiesrelative to the project scope and goals, the retention and academic pathways of STEM degreestudents at these campuses are being tracked as part of the Toys’n MORE project.7. Preliminary Results after Two Semesters of Implementation A. Demographic CharacteristicsBased on the first two semesters of implementation, demographic characteristics for theparticipants reflect the overall enrollment patterns in STEM disciplines across institutions