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, marketing strategy, marketing, and public pol- icy. She has published research in Organization Science, International Journal of Engineering Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, and Journal of Business & Management. She employs project-based learning and multi-method research in many of her courses. American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Developing Intrapreneurship in the Next Generation of Engineering Innovators and LeadersabstractThis National Science Foundation Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) project responds to agrowing disparity among technology firms and the number of under-represented people inmanagerial and
, determine an expression for the skydiver’s acceleration x ¨.(b) After falling for awhile, the skydiver will approach terminal velocity: the velocity at which they areno longer accelerating. Starting with the expression from part (a), determine this terminal velocity x˙ ⇤ .Exercise 2After free-falling near an initial terminal velocity x˙ ⇤0 , the skydiver deploys a parachute which increases theirdrag coefficient Cd . Determine the distance travelled s until the skydiver is within 10% of the new terminalvelocity x⇤ due to the parachute. Assume that x˙ ⇤0 = 55 m/s, Cd = 40 kg/s, and that the skydiver has yourmass.Exercise 3Express the di↵erential equation for the
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and being.Finally, following [11]’s lead to draw the audience into the experience, we stepped, well beyondour comfort zone, into the unknown and its possibilities to bare our souls to our community.What follows are only a part of the outcomes of that fearful yet determined step. We hadintended to perform our respective narratives; however, due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019(COVID-19) pandemic, that is not feasible at this time. Therefore, as you read through ourrespective narratives, we ask that you attempt to fully enter into the experience by exercisingyour imagination. Try to imagine the countenance of each subject. Try to hear their voices. Tryto visualize their movements. Are they uncertain or forceful, elegant or awkward? What
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Testing lab at Missouri S&T, teaches mechanics of materials and develops digital educational resources for the engineering students. He had the opportunity of leading several scientific and industrial research projects and mentoring graduate and undergraduate students. Over the span of his career, Dr. Libre authored and co-authored 3 chapter books, 17 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 60 conference papers. He has advised and co-advised 8 gradu- ate students and mentored over 30 undergraduate students. He has collaborated with scholars from several countries, including Iran, China, Slovenia, Canada, and the US. He also served as a reviewer for 6 journals and a committee member of 5 conferences. He is the
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approximation in the s-domain(i.e. s / (τs + 1) with 0 < τ and τ sufficiently small but not so small as to introduce numericalproblems). For the students, this was the first time that they could participate in all steps in theprocess, including: (1) dynamic modeling of a mechanical system and obtaining the differentialequations, (2) creating a CAD model in SolidWorks, (3) performing simulations in Simulink®and porting data into MATLAB®, (4) creating a design table in Excel with MATLAB® data, and(5) creating time-sliced configurations and an animation using Animator.Temperature Control of a Die (see Figure 8) This problem was worked on in the early-nineties by the author in response to a friend (andhis colleague) who was working on a die
these lectures, students are encouraged to engage withpresenters about topics from the holistic perspective. At the end of lecture class sessions, the finalhalf hour is dedicated to a Critical Thinking Exercise (CTE) related to the main topic(s) of thelecture. During the CTE, students form small groups to solve a complex problem. The CTE is oftenposed as a free-form design challenge or a debate; however, another CTE structure is underdevelopment in the form of an open-ended engineering challenge (similar to a hack-a-thon) thatrequires student groups to recruit a more technical skill set to develop a potential solution. TheCTE has often been cited in end of the semester surveys as a key learning element and encouragesa changed way of
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governments and universities [1] [2]. Chile is no exception.In 2019, 28.7% of students who entered STEM disciplines were women, increasing only by 1.3% in2020 to 30%. Family, cultural, economic and social factors influence this under-representation, factorswhich tend to reduce women´s self-concept on learning and ability in this area. Women have lowerself-concept in the STEM disciplines than do men, consequently the dropout rate for women is doublethat of men [3].An intervention was designed aiming to promote and increase self-concept in learning capabilities infirst-year engineering students in Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Such interventionwas based on three types of collaborative activities within the classroom, which seek to
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techniques,thorough literature review on selected passive technique, learning the required software,verification and validation of numerical model, parametric investigation to determine optimalconfiguration, and authoring technical papers. This independent study was a three-credit hourcourse that replaced a required technical elective for the student. Meetings were held everyWednesday and lasted for a maximum of three hours. Since dimples have proven to be effectiveon golf balls, it is also of interest to test their efficacy on airfoils to enhance aerodynamicperformance by energizing the flow and delaying boundary layer separation. There has beensome contradictory research with respect to the optimal location, size and geometry of thedimple(s) on an
not promising for continued instruction online in the upcomingsemesters under the COVID-19 epidemic.References[1] Blaich, C. & Wise, K. (2020, September 14). Comparison of how faculty and staff have experienced their institutions’ responses to COVID-19. Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS). Available: https://www.hedsconsortium.org/wp-content/uploads/2020.09.14-COVID-19-Survey-Faculty-v-Staff- Memo.pdf[2] The Chronicle of Higher Education (2020, October). ‘On the Verge of Burnout’: Covid-19’s impact on faculty wellbeing and career plans. Available: https://connect.chronicle.com/rs/931-EKA- 218/images/Covid%26FacultyCareerPaths_Fidelity_ResearchBrief_v3%20%281%29.pdf[3] Fox, K
, including those many subtle layers of educational experience conveyed via the hiddencurriculum.AcknowledgementsThis material extends from work supported by the National Science Foundation’s CultivatingCultures of Ethical STEM program under grant number 1635887. The authors would like tothank two anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful input. 11References[1] G. Wiggins and J. McTighe, Understanding by Design, 2nd Edition ed., Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2005.[2] I. Villanueva, L. A. Gelles, M. D. Stefano, B. Smith, R. G. Tull, S. M. Lord, L. Benson, A. T. Hunt, D. M. Riley and G. W. Ryan, “What does
education using cognitive and non-cognitive factors. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 11 (2), 178–198.Aryee, M. (2017). College students’ persistence and degree completion in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM): The role of non-cognitive attributes of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and interest (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Seton Hall University.Asparouhov, T., & Muthén, B. (2014). Multiple-group factor analysis alignment. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 21 (4), 495–508.Bartholomew, D. J. (1980). Factor analysis for categorical data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 42 (3), 293–312.Bearden, W. O., Sharma, S., & Teel
Qualtrics, with surveylinks posted in the online course management system.MeasuresCritical ConsciousnessCritical Consciousness was measured using the Short Critical Consciousness Scale (CCS-S), avalidated 14-item instrument measuring all three dimensions of critical consciousness [18]. Inparallel with the original CCS [19], the CCS-S measures critical reflection’s two sub-components: (1) perceived inequality and (2) egalitarianism. In addition to the CCS-S items, weadministered eight additional items related to critical reflection, motivation, and action orientedtoward inequities in infrastructure and civil engineering. Data for each dimension of criticalconsciousness was analyzed separately, in accord with original scale design features [18], [19
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valuable design. People play a role by engaging in projects and tasksfocused on problem-solving and value creation.2.2 Curriculum Design ComponentsThis section provides an overview of the standardized, holistic approach for integrating theentrepreneurial mindset into existing courses across the disciplines using the four curriculumdesign components [1].#1: Curriculum Design for Entrepreneurial IntegrationFrom a macro perspective, a learning experience should provide the ability to discover, evaluate,and/or exploit opportunities. When working towards developing the most valuable design(s),opportunities that create the most value should be derived from customer desirability, technologyfeasibility, and business viability. From a theoretical lens
offered in cities.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank all the high school students and their parents for their participation in thelessons and this study, as well as the teachers who helped in recruiting these students. This workwas supported in part by NSF grant AST-2037830.References[1] Project Lead the Way, https://www.pltw.org/our-programs/pltw-engineering-curriculum[2] S. Karaman, A. Anders, M. Boulet, J. Connor, K. Gregson, W. Guerra, O. Guldner, M.Mohamoud, B. Plancher, R. Shin, J. Vivilecchia, "Project-based, collaborative, algorithmicrobotics for high school students: Programming self-driving race cars at MIT," IEEE IntegratedSTEM Education Conference (ISEC), Princeton, NJ, 2017, pp. 195-203, 2017.[3] First Robotics, https
on what contextual factors and supports help faculty adapt to new realities related to theCOVID-19 pandemic and best address the needs of students from underrepresented andunderserved communities across a broader variety of contexts.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1623105. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] C. Hodges, S. Moore, B. Lockee, T. Trust, and A. Bond, “The difference between emergency remote teaching and online learning” Educause Review, vol. 27, pp. 1-12, 2020.[2] F. Martin, K
andjunior years responded to a semi-structured list of questions through focus group participation,with some individual follow-up interviews. Sophomore experiences were examined in theacademic year 2018-2019, while the experiences of primarily junior participants were capturedin 2019-2020. Themes from data analysis of the qualitative responses were developed. The workdraws from a larger investigation conducted under an NSF S-STEM award.BackgroundRedShirt Programs and the Consortium ModelThe Redshirt in Engineering Consortium was established in 2016 with funding from an NSF S-STEM award (#1564494) to bring together six universities in the Midwest and West working toimprove the success of students from low-income backgrounds. Beginning with three
the first time since the course. In this case these students invariably all comment on how theystill remember the mistakes and misconceptions they had during the game, or how they still drawon the knowledge from the game in their current decisions and strategies. The authors are notaware of many other courses where the content left such an impression, rather than, for example,the peculiarities of the lecturer or simply only the amount of work.References[1] C. J. King, "The Multidisciplinary Imperative in Higher Education. Research & Occasional Paper Series. CSHE. 11.10," Center for Studies in Higher Education, 2010.[2] S. Menon and M. Suresh, "Synergizing education, research, campus operations, and community engagements
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