limited number of Graduate Research Assistantships, International Research Programs, Peer Mentoring, Professional Development Institute, Weekly Research Presentations, Global CUNY Conference. Ongoing Program Components - Collaborative Infrastructure, Institutionalized Workshop Instruction in Gatekeeper courses, Research AssistantshipsWhile in Phase I, the Learning Centers formed the hub of the activities for the NYC LSAMPproviding tutoring in STEM courses and workshops for the restructured gatekeeper courses, theACs did not require a STEM background and were full time positions at each campus. Initiallyfocused on the operation of the STEM Learning Centers across the LSAMP in Phase I (1992-1997), the role was institutionalized and changed to
LSAMP Scholars were also allowed to participatein BTD activities and are encouraged to apply directly to doctoral programs nationally and tocompete for Graduate Research fellowships. BTD scholars also act as peer mentors and rolemodels to undergraduate NYC LSAMP Scholars. Workshops on science and engineeringpresentations, writing workshops, the transition to graduate school, and survival skills ingraduate school are conducted by NYC LSAMP doctoral students and BTD Scholars. BTDScholars come from a variety of disciplines, have graduated from ten BA/BS degree grantingunits of CUNY, with five graduating from non-CUNY schools.Table 1. Bridge to the Doctorate Program Activity Bridge Scholar Activity Description 1
research approach includes a combination of an- alytical models, micro-simulations and empirical analysis of transportation data. He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, over 50 refereed conference proceedings, and numerous research reports to sponsors. He has worked on research contracts valued at more than $5 million, sponsored by the Penn- sylvania, Washington State, Montana and South Dakota Departments of Transportation, US Department of Transportation (via the Mineta National Transit Research Consortium and the Mid-Atlantic Universi- ties Transportation Center), Federal Highway Administration, National Cooperative Highway Research Program and National Science Foundation. Dr. Gayah currently
with paint that allowed students todraw and write on the wall’s surface. The approach to the makerspace design supported theReggio Emilia philosophy that the environment benefits the learning experience. Further, thesespaces can provide a feeling of belongingness for students, as has been the case in makerspacesat the university level. [11][12] For this paper, we begin with one of the stories shared with the kindergarten students,Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds. This fictional text was read and discussed as a preliminaryactivity to provide a problem for students to think about followed by students’ designs of asolution to the problem (the Youtube read aloud may be found here: ). The crux of the problem is
. Novelties of Our ProjectAmong all the programs available for freshman and sophomore students, it has been shown thatengaging students via summer research and enrichment programs can significantly improveretention [4] [9] [11] [12], GPA [5] [6] [7], and graduation rates/time [10]. The rationale behindthese success stories is that engaging students in the summer program promotes their interests,broadens their knowledge, and fosters a closer relationship between students and their peers andprofessors, which in turn positively affects academic performance. Different from the previouslyestablished summer programs, our project activities had the following novelties:(1) Low floor, wide walls, and high ceiling: The summer research was based on project
for building educational resiliency and academic success of blacks,Hispanics, and women (Barton & Osborne, 1995; Borman & Overman, 2004; Brotman &Moore, 2008; Castro-Olivo, et al., 2013; Williams & Portman, 2014) all of whom are currentlyunder-represented in STEM fields.Specifically, the work being done in the field is not focused solely on biology (the context for thedesign challenges in this work). Unfortunately, statistics nationwide show that 81% of lifescience teachers do not feel very well prepared to engage classes in problem based learningactivities (i.e., engineering scenarios), while 92% did not feel very well prepared to have studentsmake the subsequent project presentations to peers (Lyons, 2013). These findings
students to improvisation through a series of warm-ups and games.Facilitators then lead a discussion of how science and technology have changed in the past 100years, followed by a group activity in which they build an artifact from 100 years in the future.The workshop culminates with a performance during which the students work with theperformers to envision the ways their designed artifacts might impact future societies.One of workshops primary learning goals is to help students develop a growth mindset, thus,potentially enhancing retention in STEM. Part and parcel to building a growth mindset isenabling students to confidently and effectively communicate with their peers and instructors.This is accomplished by providing an environment where
Engineering Class The goal is to implement HIPs for mechanical engineering students who are still intheir early part of the core mechanical engineering program. This course would be one of thefirst mechanical engineering courses required by the university that is not considered part ofthe general education curriculum. The purpose of this study is to track the effects of HIPs withcarefully planned pedagogies that would provide numerous benefits for the students, such asoverall increased learning gains and graduation rates. There are seven HIPs characteristicsused to measure the results at the end of the semester: these are (1) interaction with faculty, (2)interaction with peers, (3) feedback from instructor, (4) quality time spent on the course
encompasses a broad range of activities that engage thestudents in meaningful learning.2,5 While homework and laboratory sessions likely includemeaningful learning activities, advocates of active learning focus on approaches that take placein the classroom in place of traditional lectures.2 Felder and Brent use the following definitionfor active learning: “anything course-related that all students in a class session are called upon todo other than simply watching, listening and taking notes” (p. 2).6 Active learning strategiesinclude the use of clicker questions in class, peer instruction, inquiry-based learning,collaborative learning, and problem- and project-based learning.4,5,6, 7Many active learning strategies have been used successfully in
devices are replacing traditional desktops,awareness of security on mobile devices has been raised in both public and private sectors. Thedemand for researchers and field expertise in security and mobile networks with strongbackground in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is expected toincrease.In recent years U.S. students’ proficiency in STEM disciplines has fallen behind their peers fromother countries [1–3]. There has been growing concern that the U.S. may not have enoughqualified workers in the future to fill positions in the cybersecurity field [4]. A report by theCouncil of Graduate Schools states that first-time enrollment in graduate schools of US studentsdropped 1.2% in 2010 while first-time enrollment for
this writing, C# is the language that is taught in the first course and C++ in the second course of our introductory programming courses.Literature review has also shown that the retention rate tends to increase if the students areinvolved early with both faculty and peers in the academic and social systems of the university.6,7By enhancing student-to- student and student -to-faculty interactions increases the retention rate.These interactions are most effective if they occur within the first semester of the collegeexperience9.LEAP Project Management PlanAs part of the LEAP grant application to the NSF, UVU developed a project management planfor the S-STEM scholarship program. Specifically, the PI has the overall
future.In response to these needs, the California Regional Consortium for Engineering Advances inTechnological Education (CREATE) proposed the development of international learningexchanges to provide a cohort of renewable energy faculty with relevant international exposurein their discipline. As a result, the National Science Foundation’s Advanced TechnologicalEducation program funded two CREATE learning exchanges. Participants were charged withlearning how their international peers had met similar challenges in terms of teaching renewableenergy technicians, with expanding their knowledge of the global renewable energy sector, andwith sharing the results of their study. Fourteen nationally recognized educators from across theU.S. were selected to
research over past 10 years has resulted in national and international recognition, industry collaborations, 5 patents/patent appli- cations and over 75 scholarly publications in highly regarded discipline specific journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and invited book chapters. He is a scientific and technical reviewer for over 50 in- ternational journals, book publishers, and several funding agencies. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Mexico and a board certified environmental engineer. His research interests include water and wastewater treatment, bioelectrochemical systems, desalination, algae, biofuels, and sustain- ability. He enjoys teaching and mentoring undergraduate and
. The teamworkfostered by the competitive atmosphere encouraged peer-learning so that everyone couldcontribute. Before the conclusion of the first game, most students were able to grasp the overalllesson and contribute to the advancement of the team’s objectives.Although in general the students had a grasp of the topic from lecture, as in any new assignment,students are often initially hesitant. Groups would at first labor over the initial placement ofcards. As the game evolved, they were able to make quicker and more informed decisions. Oftenthey had to reconcile their initial moves with the changing board, making decisions later in thegame to create new parallel or series combinations and offset earlier errors. In lecture, studentsoften
,students discuss their answers to the question with a peer. Finally, after the discussion, all of thestudents answer the question again. Often the students in the classroom converge on the correctresponse after discussing the question with their peers.18 The Think-Pair-Share pedagogy wasselected for comparison since implementing it in a class is fairly easy and did not require asignificant redesign of the instructor's notes. Additionally, implementing the Think-Pair-Sharemethod in thermodynamics was made even easier by the development of the AIChE ConceptWarehouse,19 which has hundreds of concept questions that instructors can use for free.The driving motivation for this study is the comment from Bishop and Verleger that states, "Wesuggest that in
visits eight specific countries and places that represent the cultures ofother faculty in the department. This provides students with some cultural context of the otherfaculty members and an opportunity to engage in conversation relative to engineering in theirplaces of origin.World Structures Reports and PresentationsAs part of the ESCALA certificate program, the author performed a Timed Observation Protocolfor Student Engagement and Equity (TOPSE) in the prerequisite Mechanics of Materials course[6]. In the lessons studied, the author noted that he does not regularly give students anopportunity to teach one another in class. Peer-to-peer instruction is a powerful tool; therefore,when incorporating the new culturally relevant pedagogy, the
,interactions between students and the instructor and among students are the norm.3.1 Cohort ConfigurationsThe Live Platform we use for instruction supports three fundamental configurations: • One classroom: This configuration, shown in Figure 1(a), connects the instructor with one classroom as described in [6]. In this configuration, the instructor can directly interact with the students in the classroom, and students in the classroom can interact with their peers. • Multiple classrooms: This configuration, shown in Figure 1(b), enables the instructor to interact with multiple classrooms at the same time. Each classroom perceives the instructor as dedicated to their location, but the instructor can monitor all
-level attrition, persistence, and career trajectories; engineering writing and communication; and methodological development. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024A longitudinal investigation of international graduate students’ first-year experiences inU.S. engineering programsKeywords: Attrition, longitudinal study, SMS, time series data, International doctoral students,EngineeringAbstractThe purpose of this full research paper is to explore international engineering graduate students’experiences in U.S. graduate programs through one year of short message service (SMS) (i.e., textmessage) survey data. Although international graduate students constitute a high proportion ofengineering students in
identify meaningful and recurrent aspects of disabled students’ experiences inengineering from the transcribed interviews. The second round of coding used pattern coding toorganize aspects of these experiences into sub-themes. Presented in this paper are aspects relatedto intersectionality within two of the co-researchers’ disabled identities. The research team employed multiple measures throughout the research process to buildtrustworthiness and quality (Tracy, 2010; Saldaña, 2016). During all stages of the researchprocess, we carefully reflected on our positionalities and how they could influence and/or biasthe work. We met multiple times throughout the data analysis and writing process to providediverse perspectives, interrogate our
group also included master’s levelstudents from the university’s engineering and computer science programs.Regardless of academic field or degree program, all students cited a fervent desire to thinkcritically about different career paths in a writing prompt issued on the first day of class.The instructional methods for CAR 551 combined practices of empowerment associated withstudent development [22] as well as recent scholarship related to teaching online [23].Furthermore, the course relied on insights from resources based on virtual feminist pedagogy[24]. The instructional goal was to promote an online culture that encouraged students toinvestigate social variables that can influence professional choices while learning collectivelyfrom peers
about us without us. Havingneurodivergent and neurotypical researchers collaborating on work focusing on neurodivergencehas been an exciting and effective way to explore our biases and subjectivities.Literature ReviewThere is a shortage of thorough research on the implications of neurodiversity in highereducation; however, research is fertile on the experiences of neurodivergent students in primaryand secondary school. Neurodivergent learners are often framed in unfavorable comparison totheir neurotypical peers, e.g., they struggle to focus in class, keep their possessions organized,follow instructions, and develop proficient writing skills related to their neurotypical peers [4].Of course, not all people who identify as neurodivergent learners
STEM enthusiasts, particularly those who may not traditionally have had access to such opportunities.Ms. Cynthia Hampton Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Cynthia Hampton (she/her) is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Center for the Enhancement of Engi- neering Diversity (CEED) at Virginia Tech. She has done work as a transformational change postdoctoral research associate with the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her research and practice spans student intervention programs, faculty agency, evaluation, grant-writing, and facilitation of change initiatives.Dr. Kim Lester, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr.Lester serves as the Coordinator of Pre-College Programs at
’ organizations such as oSTEM and LGBQTies(a student-developed queer organization). The form collected students' contact information andwas used to gauge overall interest. We also had the students write a few sentences describing theirinterest in the group to select for a reasonable pilot group size. We offered the reading group to allengineering students as an independent study class for credit. Faculty allies in each departmentagreed to sign off credit. In the pilot reading group, we had one student pursue this option.We received 13 total responses, 5 graduate students and 8 undergraduate students all LGBTQIA+identifying (even though the call for participants was open to all identities). We invited all 13students to participate; however, some were not
Assistant Dean for Graduate Student Services at the College of Engineering at Michigan State University, where she completed degrees in political theory and computer science. A recipient of a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, she earned Ph.D. and M.S.E. in computer science and engineering from the University of Michigan. She has published more than two dozen peer-reviewed works related to her interests in educational technology and enhancing undergraduate education through hands-on learning. Luchini-Colbry is also the Director of the Engineering Futures Program of Tau Beta Pi, the Engineering Honor Society, which provides interactive seminars on interpersonal communications and problem solving skills for engineering
disagreed nor agreed or strongly disagreed that theyhad a positive relationship with their research professor/mentor. Both ND and NT participantsresponded similarly to having laboratory peers who collaborate and support each other(Figure 3B). It is well documented that academia has an ableist problem; however, our dataindicate that ND students feel supported by their peers [4]. This is a very positive finding wheremost studies highlight the negative experiences of ND students [22].Figure 2: Research Demographics related to all participants (96 participants) separating outthe type of research conducted and whether the research was volunteer, credit-bearing, or paid.Neurodivergent participants had a larger percentage indicated strongly agree or agree
needs of potential users of the space. Potential users are a residencefor visiting artists and visitors for an art gallery.Journal 3: Write two typed paragraphs explaining your one word design concept. Please explainhow this concept reinforces our client's values and mission in the first paragraph, and providespecific examples how your design will reflect your one word concept in the second paragraph.Journal 4: The first paragraph will include the three most valuable points of feedback youreceived while presenting your color plans to our clients. The second paragraph will describetangible ways you are going to incorporate their feedback moving forward with your design.Journal 5: What have you learned about yourself? What have you learned about
(s)”, as in an industrial setting. In this way, we acknowledge the different nature of the dynamic between ourselves and the students while reminding them that we have the responsibility to evaluate their performance throughout this experience. It also sets the stage for how we establish the reporting structure as well as the self- and peer evaluations. 4. Discuss the syllabus and the expectations rubric in terms of an “employee evaluation”; in an industry environment, these would be the goals of the project as well as expectations of individual employee performance and attitude towards the task at hand as well as towards their colleagues. The rubric is more qualitative than quantitative, emphasizing
served as a primerto begin thinking about veteran issues and areas where ASEE can add support. After the affinitymapping exercise, a brain-writing [30] exercise was conducted, followed by a group discussion.In attendance during the sessions were a total of four session “scribes” that took detailed notes tocapture the conversation that occurred during the session. Three of those four people are co-authors of this paper.Centering the participants on veteran engineering educationThe workshop attendees, including the authors, participated in a modified affinity mappingexercise as a centering tool for veteran engineering education. As part of this effort, we co-constructed different ideas, policies, and concerns surrounding student veteran engineer
, directories, books and monographs. • Engineering database - Compendex & Inspec (Engineering Village): 1884 - Current; Indexes 2,600+ international scholarly and trade journals and conference proceedings in all aspects of engineering. Compendex is Elsevier’s flagship engineering-focused database that provides comprehensive and trustworthy content to improve research outcomes and maximize the impact of your engineering research. • Engineering Education database - Papers on Engineering Education Repository (PEER): This is the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference proceedings database. For the first two databases, to ensure populated results were adequate in achieving
an effective study environment (time and location), seeking helpfrom peers and teachers and engagement in planning and monitoring activities, to name a few5.Because SRL is so complex, there is not a single SRL approach or strategy that students can betaught that will be applicable in all situations. In fact, situation, or context, dependence is one ofthe areas in need of further research so we can better understand the contextual factors thatimpact engagement in SRL6. Research in SRL has already suggested that contextual factors suchas degree of instructor scaffolding7, pedagogical approach used in the classroom8, genderbalance9, learner’s interpersonal relationships as well as school policy or structure10, impactengagement in self-regulated