by supervisors and chosen by students, while many projects were integrated into thecommunity making them service learning challenges. Furthermore, most projects were funded byindustry partners and thus, the University incurred little or no research costs. Anecdotal feedbackfrom students indicated that most were inspired in their project selection by a particular pre-requisite course (and/or associated faculty member). Usually, students demonstrated a strongaptitude in the research discipline of their project indicating that they perform better in topicswith which they enjoy. We are unsure how students chose their team mate(s) as some of thegroup members had very different aptitudes, work styles and attitudes. We speculated thatstudents
helpinstitutionalize the program, a learning network has been created to support the partnership ofuniversity faculty, community college faculty, K-12 schools, and industry participants.The project approach is based on the strategy of promoting teachers’ deep understanding offoundational STEM concepts and processes and the connections between them. Research showsthat STEM teachers in U. S. schools lack content knowledge and mastery of subject-related Page 11.1044.5pedagogy that enables them to teach content most effectively5. They also lack a sense of theconnections among concepts that reveal mathematics as an internally logical and coherent systemof
stereo method and studentswho used the polarized stereo method.Although Volbracht et al.’s study provided quantified effectiveness measures for different displaymethods, they only collected data related to their subjects’ objective performance, when using thedifferent display methods. However, Mills and deAraujo (1999) determined that students’subjective perceptions of technologies used in teaching should not be ignored when comparingthe effectiveness of different technologies used in education.The research problem of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference inthe effectiveness of anaglyphic and HMD-based stereo display methods in design and graphicseducation. Specifically, the study intended to measure the impact of
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 F W S F W S F W S F W S Figure 1. Timeline of course in this study with major events labeled. F, W, and S represent the fall, winter, and spring quarters, respectively. The purpose of this work is to describe the methods used to implement a two-person TA team withina graduate-level engineering course, describe how the team operated in practice, and retrospectivelyassess the effectiveness of the team. The objective of this TA team was to aid the course directors andinvited lecturers in transitioning a medical imaging course from a traditional format to a flippedclassroom format and help define policies and procedures
. References 1. M. G. Brown, R. M. DeMonbrun, S. Lonn, S. J. Aguilar, and S. D. Teasley, “What and when: the role of course type and timing in students' academic performance,” in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (pp. 459-468), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2016. 2. B. J. Zimmerman, “Investigating self-regulation and motivation: Historical background, methodological developments, and future prospects,” American Educational Research Journal, vol. 45, no. 1, 2008. 3. R. J. Waddington, S. J. Nam, S. Lonn, and S. D. Teasley, “Practice (Exams) Make Perfect: Incorporating course resource use into an early warning system,” Journal of Learning Analytics, in press. 4. L. R
pollution as a member of the engineering faculty at another institution.Kristina R. and Nick S.: Dog Safety HarnessThis team developed a harness that allows dogs to be clipped into seat belt restraintswhile they are riding in automobiles. Traditional designs of “seat belts” for dogs aim toprotect the lives of drivers and passengers by restraining the dog. In a serious accident,those restraints can do serious harm to the dog. The design created by Kristina and Nickprotects the dog’s vulnerable shoulder bones. Kristina had the idea when a friend’s dogdied in an accident and she could not find a good seat belt for her own dog. The teamreceived positive feedback that demonstrated that there may be a market, but the team didnot pursue these leads very
. Smith, and J. Strohl. Projections of jobs and education requirements through 2018. June 2010. [2] National Science Foundation. What level of education do U.S. S&E workers have? [3] K. Luchini-Colbry, K. Wawrzynski, R. Mangiavellano, and E. McCune. Guiding them to graduate school: Professional development for undergraduates participating in engineering research programs. In 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, June 2012. ASEE Conferences. [4] M. Lagoudas and B. Yalvac. A model for multidisciplinary experiences for undergraduates that promotes retention and pipeline to graduate school. In 2011 ASEE
; Education, vol. 11, pp. 609-630, 2012.[2] L. M. Braender and M. I. Naples, "Evaluating the impact and determinants of student team performance: Using LMS and CATME data," Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 24, p. 281, 2013.[3] C. P. Pung and J. Farris, "A Preliminary Assessment of the CATME Peer Evaluation Tool Effectiveness," in American Society for Engineering Education, 2011.[4] A. J. Dutson, R. H. Todd, S. P. Magleby, and C. D. Sorensen, "A Review of Literature on Teaching Engineering Design Through Project-Oriented Capstone Courses," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 86, pp. 17-28, 1997.[5] N. M. Dixon, "Organizational learning: A review of the literature with implications for HRD
for teachingengineering design concepts.References[1] Torrance, H., 2007, "Assessment as learning? How the use of explicit learning objectives,assessment criteria and feedback in post‐secondary education and training can come to dominatelearning. 1," Assessment in Education, 14(3), pp. 281-294.[2] Topping, K., 1998, "Peer assessment between students in colleges and universities," Reviewof educational Research, 68(3), pp. 249-276.[3] Yoo, M. S., and Chae, S. M., 2011, "Effects of peer review on communication skills andlearning motivation among nursing students," Journal of Nursing Education, 50(4), pp. 230-233.[4] Casey, D., Burke, E., Houghton, C., Mee, L., Smith, R., Van Der Putten, D., Bradley, H., andFolan, M., 2011, "Use of peer
Science.As SEP-CyLE continues to evolve and as more information is collected regarding itsimplementation in classrooms in educational institutions across the country, it is likely to becomea valuable tool that students and instructors can use to facilitate teaching and learning incomputer science courses.References[1] Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor , "Software Developers," 13 4 2018. [Online]. Available: technology/software-developers.htm. [Accessed 4 2 2019].[2] D. F. Shell, L. Soh, A. E. Flanigan and M. S. Peteranetz, "Students' Initial Course Motivation and Their Achievement and Retention in College CS1 Courses," in Proceedings of the 47th ACM
Things applications and solutions. Asengineering educators, it is imperative that we strive to constantly update course content anddelivery mechanisms to reflect the rapidly changing innovations in technology. This workdocuments our experience in designing and implementing IoT-based enhancements to ourEmbedded Systems course, for two consecutive years. The fall 2017 project focused on voicecontrol of robots, while the fall 2018 project was centered on hand-based gesture control. In bothinstances, overall student responses were positive and encouraging.References: 1. S. Guo and J. Liu, "Guest Editorial Special Issue on Large-Scale Internet of Things," IEEE Internet of Things, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 439-440, August 2016. 2. (2019
cookie sale," San Diego State University, 2013.[6] L. S. Anderson and K. A. Gilbride, "Discover engineering girl guides conference: Helping girl guides achieve their ‘engineer’badge," in Proc. 2003 National Conference Society of Women Engineers, SWE 2003, 2003.[7] K. E. Schmahl, "Introducing engineering to girl scouts," age, vol. 1, p. 1, 1996.[8] J. M. Trenor, S. L. Yu, C. L. Waight, K. S. Zerda, and T. L. Sha, "The relations of ethnicity to female engineering students' educational experiences and college and career plans in an ethnically diverse learning environment," Journal of engineering education, vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 449-465, 2008.[9] A. R. Brown, C. Morning, and C. Watkins, "Influence of African
behavior can be observed in a building environment.More specifically, the building environment is represented using vertex for nodes and connecting structureslike doors, stairs by links. The occupant in the model is represented using a variable o having state s, where o = ph, v position, id , g id , l from , s staying s = moving inqueue Here, ph represents the phase of the occupant which represents the environment condition of the building,vposition represents the current vertex the
. Sethupathy, “The Age of Analytics: Competing in a Data-Driven World,” McKinsey Global Institute, New York, NY, 2016.[5] S. Olsen and D. G. Riordan, “Engage to excel: Producing one million additional college graduates with degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” Executive Office of the President, Washington, DC, 2012.[6] US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Projections of occupational employment, 2014-24,” Career Outlook, Washington, DC, 2015.[7] Burning Glass Technologies, “The art of employment: How liberal arts graduates can improve their labor market practices,” Boston, MA, 2013.[8] J. Rothwell, “The hidden STEM economy,” Brookings Institute, Washington, DC, 2013.[9
some are entirely out of our control from an instructional effectivenessstandpoint. Factors considered to be under our control are semester (SEM), lecture (LEC), andsession (SESSION), as these factors relate to the overall performance of the instructor(s) as awhole (assuming the nature of students in the course is consistent from year to year). Factorsthat are partially under our control are TA, experience (TAEXP), and degree (TADEG). While itis not always possible for the faculty to select each TA, some control is possible, and it is alsoattainable to improve the training and mentoring of TAs. Factors considered to be outside ourcontrol include major (MAJ) and lab attendance (LABATT), average lab score (LABSCORE),and homework score (HWSCORE
: 1) Development of a solution based on a well-specified theory of action appropriateto a well-defined end user; 2) Creation of measures to assess the implementation of thesolution(s); 3) Collection of data on the feasibility of implementing the solution(s) in typicaldelivery settings by intended users; and 4) Conducting a pilot study to examine the promise ofgenerating the intended outcomes [22].Theory of ActionHuman capital theory is a theory of investment in human capital, or the abilities and skills,acquired through investment in education and training, of any individual, that enhance potentialincome earning [23]. Human capital models examine how students make cost–benefit analysesand subsequent decisions on whether to attend and persist
efficiency possible from the powercycle? 1 4 3 2 Figure 3a: T-S diagram for Rankine Cycle Figure 3b: Devices in Rankine Power CycleThe temperature entropy (T-S) diagram and the states at the inlet and outlet of the devices areshown in Figures 3a and 3b. For maximum efficiency it can be surmised the power plant willoperate under a Rankine cycle with an isentropic turbine and pump. Ignoring the kinetic and Figure 4a: State Panel (Given P = 2MPa and T=400oC determines all other properties)potential energy effects, the efficiency can be determined using Equation (1) with the enthalpiesat all the states: (ℎ1−ℎ2)−(ℎ4−ℎ3) 𝑛
theirintern(s). For example, they had to actively encourage confused interns to ask questions.Similarly, the mentors learned that the interns were not always willing to admit when they didnot understand new material. I learned that I should encourage students I am working with to ask more questions earlier on and that I should be more active in confirming that my explanations are adequate. I can do this by asking the student to write in words what I have asked them to do or to show me after they do the first step. I learned that even when a student says they understand and gives a one sentence summary it does not necessarily mean that they understand. I have learned to think from the student side and make
viewof ethics, where the engineer is strongly coupled to the system they affect through their work,provides the opportunity for more meaningful feedback through narrative construction [39]; atopic that will be addressed in future work.Bibliography[1] W. R. Bowen, Engineering Ethics: Outline of an Aspirational Approach. London: Springer-Verlag, 2009.[2] K. Rayne, T. Martin, S. Brophy, N. Kemp, J. D. Hart, and K. R. Diller, “The Development of adaptive expertise in biomedical engineering ethics,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 95, pp. 165–174, 2006.[3] W. Carpenter, “Teaching Ethics To Engineers,” in American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2004, p. 13862.[4] M. A. Selby, “Assessing Engineering Ethics Training
, Power system Author 6 Mechanical Engr. student Liquid cooling systemTable 3: Team CrayowulfFor SBCs, the team chose the Nvidia Jetson TX-2 because each board has a six-core 2-GHzARMv8 64-bit CPU complex, a 1.3-GHz 256-core GPU, and 8 GB of memory. The TX-2’s GPUprovides vector-like SIMD processing, and the vast majority of the current top ten supercomputersin the world are powered by GPUs [20].In October, the team got to work, with Author 6 researching liquid cooling systems and how onemight be designed for the Nvidia Jetson TX-2 SBCs, Author 5 researching post-quantumencryption algorithms and how they might be implemented on a cluster, Author 3 researching thehardware to be purchased, as well as Beowulf cluster system
practice. Then, transfer that knowledge and experience to the final steps in theprocess, when they are fully immersed abroad.The guided CIAs are individual writing, out-of-class assignments that are followed by in-classdiscussions on the significance of the analyses. The papers are structured around the threequestions [24] given below for CIA #1:1. What? – A brief description of: o the most salient emotion(s) experienced so far in your attempt to contextualize and define the design problem o the incident, encounter or activity that evoked the emotion(s)2. So What? o How has the experience impacted your assumptions, expectations and perspectives of the co-learners or design process?3. Now What? o What specific
2017 Mid-Atlantic American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, 2017.[2] D. M. Schutz, D. Dionne, and Y.-Y. Kim, "The Impact of Veterans and Curriculum Heterogeneity on Online Graduate Engineering Program Performance: An Empirical Study," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2017, pp. 1-11: American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).[3] S. Wasserman, "The Pros and Cons of Online Engineering Masters Degrees," in, ed. Mississauga, Ontario, Canada:, Inc., 2015.[4] C. A. Cate, "Million Records Project: Research from Student Veterans of America," S. V. o
KLI framework, for instance, but toposition it as a necessary and useful framework to balance constraining more of complexity withcapturing more of it. Furthermore, giving students practice with exploring and capturing complexphenomena is becoming ever more important in a world of increasing collaboration andincreasingly complex phenomena. All instruction molds more than just what knowledge we holdin our minds. Integrative pluralism might be a framework to help us attend to that “more”productively and consciously.References[1] S. Lane, A. Karatsolis, and D. R. Sadoway, “Materials Science and Engineering Reasoning: A New Tool for Helping Students See the Big Picture,” presented at the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New
groups of one to three students to do their respective projects depending on thecomplexity of the project they chose. To get the highest grades in the project, we encouragedstudents to do projects involved with data collection from sensor(s), communicated wirelessly tothe cloud and pulled from the cloud. In this manner, students experienced an end-to-end IoTecosystem endeavor.Some of the projects the students performed are as follows: The mobile-phone accelerometer data was uploaded to IBM Blue Mix and downloaded and presented in real-time TI tags’ data was stored in the cloud (IBM IoT Watson) Used Arduino Uno to store data from a MyoWare ™ muscle sensor and a DHTII temperature sensor in IBM Quickstart Used
knowledge Acquisition of knowledge Time & resource Initiated by instructor but Instructor management have to be managed by student(s) Level of self-direction High Medium to high Level of collaboration and High Low to medium role differentiationLiterature on Simulation EducationSimulation has become one of the critical courses in IE curriculum especially after the 90s withthe increased computerization and computational power in business organizations and highereducation institutions. A wide spectrum of simulation software packages and languages are stillin-use at various institutions worldwide. Literature
furtherFigure 6: The 30-day challenge problems helped me to understand the applicationof course topics to engineering practiceAppendix A: Three challenge problems from Class A Thirty-Day Dynamics Challenge Challenge Problem 2Projectile Motion and Impact: Just for fun, a golfer throws a golf ball horizontallythrough the air and watches it bounce again and again down a long straight concretepath. The ball is thrown horizontally from a height of h0 = 1.5 m with an initialspeed of V0 = 28 m/s. The coefficient of restitution between the golf ball and theconcrete is e = 0.92.(A) Determine the maximum vertical height the golf ball will reach after its third bounce, h3.(B) Determine a formula for the maximum
in examples, case studies, etc. Table 3. Perceptions of MUET faculty regarding course improvements due to participation in CMP My participation in the CMP has improved… Average* a. The learning objectives of my course(s). 4.4 b. The technical content of my course(s). 4.5 c. The student learning assessments I use in my course(s). 4.0 d. The experiential learning elements in my course(s). 4.3 e. The mainstreaming of gender (i.e., inclusion of readings or 2.9** assignments that highlight gender related issues) in
culturally desirable shape of a fish6. Thisexample underscores that value is ultimately in the eye of the beholder(s), and includesperceptions founded within cultural norms and other individual preferences. Another exampleincludes the notion of value within behavioral economics, a field founded on contextualizedeconomic preferences.Other common concepts of value is that it is relative, perceived by the user or customer, and thatit may be situational, seasonal, or temporal7. The perceived value of a snow shovel or bottle ofwater would be vastly different considering a seasonal viewpoint of summer or wintertime.Results from the field of systems engineering provide additional insights into system modelingand value8,9,10. Key findings here include that
- versity. She has a Ph.D. in Experimental Social Psychology from Saint Louis University and has been involved in academic assessment for over 20 years.Dr. Sarah L. Strout, Worcester State University Dr. Sarah Strout is the Assistant Vice President for Assessment and Planning at Worcester State University and was the Associate Director of Assessment at Radford University.Dr. Prem Uppuluri, Radford University Prem Uppuluri is a Professor of Computer Science at Radford University. His primary interests are in cyber security and computer science education. Dr. Uppuluri’s work is supported by grants from NSF and NSA. He is the PI of the NSF S-STEM project titled RU-Nextgen (2014-18) c American
University of Maryland, Baltimore County c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Paper ID #22296Mechanical Engineer 1989-1995 EEC Consulting Rockville, MDPresident, Dome Enterprises 1989 - 1993 Bethesda MDHONORS AND AWARDSBest Presentation Award, ICESEEI 2016 : 18th International Conference on Educational Sciences andEffective Educational Instructions. Paris France 2016 Outstanding Service and Commitment to the En-richment of the Science and Technology Program, Eleanor Roosevelt H.S., Greenbelt MD, 05/2003SELECTED PUBLICATIONS1. A. Bouabid, B. Bielenberg, S. Ainane, N. Pasha, ”Learning Outcomes Alignment across