, the CIT-E community had a deeper understanding of flipping.We understood that flipping is not simply a matter of recording some screencasts for students to watchout of class. Rather, the design of the flipped classroom exercises must be intentional. The SecondAnnual Infrastructure Education Workshop is planned in May 2015 to answer the following questions,and the answers will be reported on the companion poster to this paper. What material in the current course(s) can readily be adapted to out-of-class screencasts? The answer to this question will provide an estimate of how much class time is now freed up for active learning exercises. What are the characteristics of an effective in-class question for the flipped
ASEE Conference, Chicago, IL, June 18-21, 2006. 6. Lopez, A. (2007). Mathematics education for 21st century engineering students: Literature review. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute. Posner, G. J., 7. Manseur, R., Ieta, A. & Manseur, Z. (2010). Mathematics Preparation for a Modern Engineering Program, Panel Session. Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 8. Ganter, S., & Barker, W. (2004). The Curriculum Foundations Project: Voices of the Partner Disciplines. Mathematical Association of America. 9. Buechler, D.N. (2004a). Mathematical Background Versus Success in Electrical Engineering, Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City
the mesh equation game.7. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation through the TransformingUndergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Program underGrant Nos. DUE-1044497 and DUE-1323773. We thank Drs. J. Aberle, M. Ardakani, R. Ferzli,S. Goodnick, R. Gorur, G. Karady, Hongwei Mao, B. Matar, L. Sankar, Donghoon Shin, MengTao, C. Tepedelenlioglu, T. Thornton, D. Vasileska, Chao Wang, Hongbin Yu, and Hongyu Yufor using our software in their sections of EEE 202 at ASU; A. Holmes for using it in his courseECE 2630 at the University of Virginia; and Y. Astatke for using it in his course EEGR 202 atMorgan State University. We thank Daniel Sayre of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. for
: Lessons Learned From Community College Transfer Scholarship Recipients AbstractWith funding from the National Science Foundation’s S-STEM grant program, the ECASE(Engaging the Community to Achieve Success in Engineering) Scholarship at Seattle PacificUniversity (SPU) has targeted transfer students from urban and rural community colleges in theregion. For the past nine years, this program has provided scholarship and other support funds toassist these transfer students in obtaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.The goal of the ECASE Scholarship is to provide pathways for financially needy, academicallytalented transfer students to thrive in the university environment, enter the workforce as well-trained
National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No 1745347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] M. K. Orr, R. K. Anderson, and M. L. Rucks, “Work in progress: Developing a procedure for identifying indicators of ‘overpersistence,’” in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2017.[2] K. M. Ehlert, M. K. Orr, and S. J. Grigg, “WIP: What’s Your Major? First-Year Engineering Students’ Confidence in Their Major Choice,” in Proceedings of the First- Year Engineering Experience Conference, 2018.[3] J. P. Byrnes, The Nature and Development of Decision
skills, as the adopted hands-on pedagogy facilitates theutilization of skills and abilities. The resulting changes in the course delivery is captured usingthe ECP module instructional design form which captures the purpose of the module,instructional process to be adopted, formative/summative assessment, differentiated instructionand instructor reflection. Table 1 illustrates the process that was used during the curriculumdevelopment process to ensure the electrical engineering team developing the circuit to supportthe experiment understood the interaction with the content expert (user) and the assessment team.The module(s) developed for each course is outlined below.Biology: The module developed for the Biology 101 course in the pilot phase was
advantage of rapid feedback while preventing the useof solution manuals and copying. This approach will be explored in future work.7. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the National Science Foundation through the ImprovingUndergraduate STEM Education and Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Programs under Grant Nos. 1821628, 1044497, and1323773. We thank J. Aberle, G. Abousleman, M. Ardakani, J. Blain Christen, S.Chickamenahalli, S. Dahal, A. Ewaisha, R. Ferzli, G. Formicone, S. Goodnick, R. Gorur, O.Hartin, S. Jayasuriya, G. Karady, R. Kiehl, H. Mao, B. Matar, A. Maurer, D. Meldrum, B.Moraffah, C.-Z. Ning, S. Ozev, L. Sankar, A. Shafique, W. Shi, D. Shin, M. Tao, C.Tepedelenlioglu, T
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Colorado State University before going on to earn her PhD in Engineering Education andDr. Melissa M. Bilec, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Bilec is an associate professor in the Swanson School of Engineeringˆa C™s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Dr. Bilecˆa C™s research program focuses on the built environment, life cycle assessment, sustainable healthcare, and energy im ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Providing and Implementing Inclusive Practices in Engineering Classrooms: Final Reflections from Three Partner Institutions Authors and AffiliationsAbstract Historically marginalized and minoritized students often have
Paper ID #44379Board 346: Plants, Power, and People: Using Agrivoltaics Engineering toCreate a Network of K-12 Teachers and Students Contributing to SustainableEnergy TransitionsDr. Michelle Jordan, Arizona State University Michelle Jordan is as associate professor in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University. She also serves as the Education Director for the QESST Engineering Research Center. Michelleˆa C™s program of research focuses on social interactDr. Kelly Simmons-Potter, The University of Arizona Dr. Kelly Simmons-Potter is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering
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) Grant No. 1037808Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Page 23.1166.2AbstractPublished research has provided a robust set of documented tools and techniques fortransforming individual engineering courses in ways that use evidence-based instructionalpractices. Many engineering faculty are already aware of these practices and would like to use 2them. However, they still face significant implementation barriers. The E R2P effort
among high school students”. The Journal of Higher Education, 91(4), pp.620, 2020.[5] K.G. Ricks, J.A. Richardson, H.P. Stern, R. P. Taylor, and R. A. Taylor. “An Engineering Learning Community to Promote Retention and Graduation of At-Risk Engineering Students.” American Journal of Engineering Education, 5(2), pp.73-90, 2014.[6] S. Relles, and B. Rincón. “Beyond the Cut-Point: College Writing Readiness for Linguistically Diverse Students.” Teachers College Record, ID Number: 22952, 2019.[7] A. Boatman. “Accelerating college remediation: Examining the effects of math course redesign on student academic success”. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(6), 927-960, 2021.[8] S. R. Relles. “Rethinking
groups such as women and racial/ethnic minorities.Of course, the professional field of engineering provides its own formal definitions, including viaaccreditation standards for higher education, including the U.S.’s Accreditation Board forEngineering and Technology [14]. Unsurprisingly, the first student outcome for ABETaccredited engineering programs is “an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complexengineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics (p. 5).[14] However, other standards emphasize the importance of social awareness and interpersonalcommunication to the modern practice of engineering. [15] For example, the 2019 ABET studentoutcomes include 2. an ability to apply engineering design
science fields, only 15-20% eventually obtaintenure track faculty positions [20], while others find employment in non-tenure track positions oremployer sectors outside of academia [11], [19]. Using data from Taiwan, Lin and Chiu [10]found that postdoc training is associated with higher likelihood of maintaining an academicresearch career for engineering PhDs. Using data from Frances, Hanchane and Recotillet [9]found postdoc experience to be correlated with likelihood of a research career in science, but notin engineering fields. Andalib et al.’s [11] analysis of the NSF SDR data shows that compared toother STEM fields, engineering postdocs are particularly likely to leave the postdoc role beforeobtaining a tenure track position, and instead
the ideas related to career readiness, employability, and life careers [4].According to NACE, career readiness is “a foundation from which to demonstrate requisite corecompetencies that broadly prepare the college educated for success in the workplace and lifelong1 This project is supported by NSF Grant #2000847. Findings, opinions, or recommendationsexpressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.career management” [4, Para. 1]. Gained through a variety of actions and activities, the eightcareer readiness competencies are: career & self-development; communication; critical thinking;equity & inclusion; leadership; professionalism; teamwork; and technology.These competencies provide a helpful
diversity.4 The program consists of five classes,unique to the minor, that span across two academic years (4 semesters) and relies on the use ofcohort-based program structure, near-peer mentoring, and project-driven learning. The cohortstructure allows for close relationships to form, combatting the social isolation that historicallymarginalized students may feel in CS classes. Peer mentoring benefits students by offeringfurther academic, social, and professional development support within the program. Project-based learning provides strong ties to students’ major area(s) of study (primarily biology andbiochemistry) and supports students’ future success in fields that are becoming increasingly data-driven.1 Finally, the minor program courses focus
Science Foundation grant efforts includ- ing S-STEM, REU, and Includes Alliance grant efforts.Dr. Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University Jennifer Love is a full-time faculty member of Northeastern University’s College of Engineering, most recently in the First Year Engineering program. She is currently the Associate Director for the Center for STEM Education. She has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1993), a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering from The University of Iowa (1997) and a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern University (2022) where she recently completed her dissertation in elementary STEAM education. She also worked as a professional
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of inferior educationalopportunities through organizing and activism in the U.S. Southwest primarily [1-3], educationaloppression and school failure for Latinos/as/xs has been marked by institutional processes thathave led to detrimental outcomes – particularly deficit thinking [4-6]. Even though deficitthinking has not been widely explored in engineering education research, there is a growing pushfor asset-based perspectives [7-9].Despite the resistance of the Mexican and Mexican American communitie in the U.S. Southwest(one of the areas with the largest proportion of Latino/a/s students) against unfavorable policiesthat have negatively impacted their educational attainment, the borderlands continue to have “thelongest and most pronounced
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connecting students, faculty, and staff with NGOˆa C™s around the world for technical projects as part of immersions, teaching, and scholarly activity. She also is thDr. Amy Anderson Amy Anderson is the Associate Provost for Global and Intercultural Affairs and Executive Director of the Center for International Programs (CIP) at the University of Dayton. The CIP provides coordination, strategic planning and administrative support forElizabeth GenerasMrs. Marjorie Langston LangstonSharath Krishna ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Towards an Understanding of the Impact of Community Engaged Learning Projects on Enhancing Teachers’ Understanding of Engineering and Intercultural
, Virtual Online, 2020.[3] E. Davishahl, R. Pearce, T. R. Haskell and K. J. Clarks, "Statics Modeling Kit: Hands-On Learning in the Flipped Classroom," in 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, 2018.[4] E. Davishahl, T. Haskell and L. Singleton, "Feel the Force! An Inquiry-Based Approach to Teaching Free-body Diagrams for Rigid Body Analysis," in 127th ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Virtual Online, 2020.[5] E. Davishahl, L. Singleton, T. Haskell and L. G. O'Bannon, "Hands on STEM Learning at Home with 3D-Printed Manipulatives," in 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference, 2021.[6] R. Gorska and S. Sorby, "Testing Instruments for the Assessment of 3-D Spatial Skills
-immersive summer camps at our home institution. Beyond the first year, we continue tocontact IDEA teams to share resources and opportunities for their students and families to use. During the second year of CISTEME365’s three-year, multi-layered programming, theCOVID-19 global pandemic significantly changed everyday life. These changes required greateruse and reliance on technological tools to address STEM inequalities and inequities. Despitemany of our programming interventions being planned for in-person contact, we adjusted ourexpectations and content delivery to carry on despite the pandemic, shifting our professionaldevelopment training to 100% virtual, as well as supporting schools in planning andimplementation of virtual informal-STEM
Science Foundation under grant No. 1725674 forsupporting this work. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] M. Ashley, K. M. Cooper, J. M. Cala, and S. E. Brownell, “Building better bridges intoSTEM: A synthesis of 25 years of literature on STEM summer bridge programs” CBE—LifeSciences Education, vol. 16(4), pp. es3, 2017.[2] D. L. Tomasko, J. S. Ridgway, S. V. Olesik, R. J. Waller, M. M. McGee, L. A. Barclay, andJ. Upton, “Impact of summer bridge programs on STEM retention at the Ohio State University”In Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE North-Central Section Conference, Washington, DC:American
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modalities as possible, we open access and allow for a diverse groupof educators to learn about how to better support the metacognitive development of their students.ReferencesWiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding By Design: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.Cunningham, P., Matusovich, H., Carrico, C., Ellestad, R.M., Tantum, S., Santillan, S., & Simmmons, R. (Under Review). Supporting Students Skillful Learning: Lessons Learned From a FacultyDevelopment Workshop. Presented at the 2021 ASEE Annual COnference & Exposition. LongBeach, CA.Table 2: Backward design plan for the flipped workshops in the Skillful Learning Institute short course W0 Before W1
innovation in STEM education. Retrieved from: https://www.air.org/system/files/downloads/report/STEM- 2026-Vision-for-Innovation-September-2016.pdf 2. Elam, M., Donham, B. & Solomon, S. (2012). An engineering summer program for underrepresented students from rural school districts. Journal of STEM Education, 13(2), 35-43. 3. Goodpaster, K. P., Adedokun, O. A., & Weaver, G. C. (2012). Teachers' perceptions of rural STEM teaching: Implications for rural teacher retention. The Rural Educator, 33(3). 4. Harris, R. S., & Hodges, C. B. (2018). STEM Education in Rural Schools: Implications of Untapped Potential. National Youth-At-Risk Journal, 3(1). 5. Hartman, S., Hines-Bergmeier, J. & Klein, R. (2017
) and engineering (E) in science (S) instruction (ETS) can also supportgreater science achievement; especially among elementary-aged students (Becker & Park, 2011).Therefore, elementary teachers should include a range of technologies to support studentunderstandings about engineering and science and to develop technology-related competencies.However, research indicates teachers may not be doing so (Gonczi et al., 2016; Maeng et al.,2017; Wang, Moore, Roehrig, & Park, 2011). For example, of 52 elementary teachers in Virginiawho included an engineering challenge in their science instruction, only 15 (28.8%) incorporateddigital technology to support engineering. Of these 15 teachers, 9 (60%) used a video and noneused a computer simulation