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Displaying results 61 - 90 of 620 in total
Conference Session
Professional Development/Scholarship & Service Learning
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Sanger, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
ofthe course. It was preferred that the project be an actual and useful project but often times it wasonly an imaginary project. In the fall 2005 semester, the instructor chose to plan and execute anactual project during the course. This pedagogical approach has been successfully demonstratedto work at the graduate level2 but had not been tried at the undergraduate level. After carefulevaluation, the project was selected to plan and execute the move of an organization that servespersons with disability from their existing facility to a new location. This paper presents thecriteria for the project selection, the approach to the project plan, the reality of this approach, thelessons learned and the reflections of the students and faculty on the
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Schreier, University of Dayton; Carl Eger, University of Dayton; Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
and participation in all class sessions, • complete weekly readings and homework, • weekly electronic status while traveling, • written technical report upon return, • written reflection paper on experience, • submission of University expense report, • two presentations to either a technical or non-technical audience, one of which must be Page 11.1285.5 given to an on-campus audience.As set forth in the EGR syllabus, grades are issued according to the breakdown in Table 2. Table 2: EGR330 Grading Item Weight (%) Class
Conference Session
Ocean, Marine, and Coastal Engineering Topics
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Waters, U.S. Naval Academy; Randy Broussard, U.S. Naval Academy; Jenelle Piepmeier, U.S. Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
variability of illumination. Precisely located control points were used tocalibrate the stereo camera system. Contour plots are generated, but wave properties arenot computed.A review of optical ocean wind wave imaging was done by Jähne et al1. Jähne (focusingon short wind waves) concludes that optical imaging of the water surface is a difficultexperimental task that has not yet met with good results. Jähne concludes that techniquesusing reflection are best for deriving wave-slope statistics and refraction techniques arebest for wave slope imaging. The authors also point out the correspondence problem (tobe discussed later) restricts stereo photography to rough seas with many small-scalewaves.Most optical imaging has been limited to small surface
Conference Session
What's New in Dynamics?
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Perry, University of Memphis; Jeffrey Marchetta, University of Memphis
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
characterized and reported to the student in terms of each of the followinglearning style pairs: • Active vs Reflective Learning Style • Sensing vs Intuitive Learning Style • Visual vs Verbal Learning Style • Sequential vs Global Learning StyleIn our case we were most interested in the Visual vs Verbal learning style. Page 11.1281.3MethodologyTwo introductory undergraduate mechanical engineering courses, dynamics and fluid mechanics,were selected for this study. The courses were taught by different instructors, both of whom hadtaught the courses a number of times in the past. In each course students were made aware duringthe first
Conference Session
ChE: Innovation in the Laboratory
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Lefebvre, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
overall problem or task. 3. Design an authentic task. 4. Design the task and the learning environment to reflect the complexity of the environment they should be able to function in at the end of learning. 5. Give the learner ownership of the process used to develop a solution. 6. Design the learning environment to support and challenge the learner’s thinking. 7. Encourage testing ideas against alternative views and alternative contexts. 8. Provide opportunity for and support reflection on both the content learning and the learning process.Critics contend that the constructivist approach stimulates learning only in concepts in which thestudents have an existing interest.4 Taken to the extreme, the
Conference Session
Building Communities for Engineering Education Research
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi Diefes-Dux, Purdue University; Robin Adams, Purdue University; Monica Cox, Purdue University; Deborah Follman, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the questions were posed by astranger on an elevator ride), a teaching philosophy, and a research philosophy. Each statementwas developed through a series of revision cycles, starting with auto-biographical reflections(ABRs). ABRs provided an (1) entry point for discussing ideas about engineering education andlocating identities within an engineering education landscape and (2) an initial framework fororganizing current views and exploring future ideas. An example of an ABR is presented below:ABRII: Teaching EngineeringWrite a reflection on your ideas about teaching engineering. Your reflection should clearly address thesequestions:• What are features of effective engineering education instruction (e.g. in or out of the classroom, at a
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Carlotta Berry, Tennessee State University
1. Course Major Distribution Figure 2. Course Classification DistributionThe remainder of this section will present the team composition based upon student learningstyles, performance on the concept inventory, student self-assessment responses and pre-requisitegrades.Index of Learning StylesThe Felder-Solomon Index of learning styles has four basic categories: active-reflective,sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, sequential-global. This index will indicate that a student has amoderate to strong preference towards one of the learning styles but it does not indicate that thestudent can only learn by being taught to that particular style5. This index may be used to informthe instructor about techniques for tailoring information
Conference Session
Approaches to K -12 Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Pelletier, Northern Essex Community College; Wayne Kibbe, Northern Essex Community College; Paul Chanley, Northern Essex Community College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
operating systems were discussed, includingWindows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. File management, virus protection, andbackup were also discussed. A hands-on lab exercise on configuring an operating systemwas performed.The final course topics were Basic AC Quantities, followed by Light Propagation, Snell’sLaw, and the Critical Angle of Reflection. These modules covered some of the contentfield of Applied Mathematics by using algebra, geometry, and trigonometry to solvetechnical problems. In addition, the content field of Science/Technology was introducedwith the discussions of fiber optics and light propagation. Engineering notation wasexplained, including the importance of representing very large and very small numbers ina systematic way
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Giri Venkataramanan, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Annette Muetze, University of Wisconsin-Madison
significantobservations of objective physical phenomena in controlled experiments conducted on learners, Page 11.640.3with repeatable results leading to the development and acceptance of a coherent theoretical model.In start, contrast to the behavioral model that focuses on external conditioning variables, theconstructivist model posits learning to be an internal process negotiated by the students whoconstruct a mental model that describes the world of reality by reflecting on their experiences11.Learning is viewed as the development of mental models with individuals to accommodate theirworldly experiences through observations and reflections. In such a learning
Conference Session
Assessing Design Coursework
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho; Denny Davis, Washington State University; Phillip Thompson, Seattle University; Michael Trevisan, Washington State University; Olakunle Harrison, Tuskegee University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
11.249.2Guiding PrinciplesIdeally, achievement targets in capstone engineering design courses must be meaningful toclassroom researchers, to professional practitioners who evaluate engineering programs, and ofcourse to engineering students. Researchers depend on a clearly conceptualized cognitive modelthat reflects the latest understanding of how learners represent knowledge and develop expertisein the domain18. Researchers also expect alignment between the cognitive model and themethods used to observe performance as well as the protocol for interpreting results.Professional practitioners expect to see course outcomes that are responsive to the diverse rolesplayed by an engineering professional19. Prominent roles in capstone courses include those
Conference Session
Preparing Engr Students for International Practice
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalia Kapli, Pennsylvania State University; John Wise, Pennsylvania State University; Thomas Litzinger, Pennsylvania State University; Wesley Donahue, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
research paper onthe topic of their presentation as a team effort for the first two modules and as an individualeffort for the third presentation. For the last presentation, the team was to submit theirrecommendations in the form of a formal written business proposal.Other Written AssignmentsStudents were also required to maintain written individual reflection journals. Throughout thesemester, students were expected to reflect on the content contained in the various web-based Page 11.1019.4training modules and to make a record of their thoughts and possible applications of the contentto their own lives. At the end of the semester, students
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade for Teaching II
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Yi-Min Huang, University of Washington; Matt Eliot, University of Washington; Jennifer Turns, University of Washington; Emma Rose, University of Washington; Jessica Yellin, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
this material is essential for the students’ future success in their coursework and careers as engineers. She’s afraid that the students will not be prepared and that this may reflect poorly on her. Thinking about the class lectures, she wonders what she can do differently to better engage her students both this quarter and next time she teaches the class.Each of these scenarios highlight some common challenges that engineering educators face.Engineering education is a complex design activity where educators create a range of teachingartifacts including course curricula, classroom policies, lecture notes, exams, and timelines forstudent group projects. In order to design such artifacts, engineering faculty must make a
Conference Session
Curricula of the Past, Present, and Future
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Banzaert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; John Duffy, University of Massachusetts-Lowell; David Wallace, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
the integration of academic subjectmatter with service to the community in credit-bearing courses, with key elements includingreciprocity, reflection, coaching, and community voice in projectsiv. Reflective activities helpstudents process their experience and gain insight into the service they perform, the concepts thatthey are reinforcing, and the connection between the twov,vi,vii. When S-L is used effectively inan academic class, students typically benefit in a number of important ways, includingmotivation for learning, teamwork, communication, synthesis of multiple technical concepts,understanding of engineering ethical responsibilities, and civic engagementi,ii,iii.As shown in Table 1, S-L can help educators to fulfill ABET Criterion 3
Conference Session
Climate Issues for Women Students
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elizabeth Creamer, Virginia Tech; Soyoung Lee, Virginia Tech; Peggy Meszaros
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
processing.Theoretical Framework We employ the developmental construct of self-authorship as a theoretical lens tounderstand the cognitive processes students use to make decisions, including career decisions9.Defined as “the ability to collect, interpret, and analyze information and reflect on one’s ownbeliefs in order to form judgments” (p. 143) 6, self-authorship is grounded in the work of Perry33 Page 11.632.2and Kegan23. Self-authorship is linked to decision making because it influences how individualsmake meaning of the advice they receive from others and the extent that the reasoning theyemploy reflects an internally grounded sense of self6, 7, 8
Conference Session
Questions of Identity
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education
few forty-somethings and aneasy majority of engineering elders. Why would an “old guard” be the dominant courseinventors for this topic, when new engineering courses are typically initiated by youngerfaculty ? Why would accomplished senior researchers and a former dean and departmentheads teach a course characteristically populated by undergraduates outside theirdepartments and college? And why did no consensus technology literacy emerge at thisworkshop, when undergraduate engineering courses are famous for their uniformitywithin the US, due largely to common utilization of a few widely accepted texts in eachdiscipline? Reflection on the individual presenters showed that their academic journeys werelogically similar in origin, but not
Conference Session
Novel Measurement Experiments
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jun Kondo, University of Hartford; Santiago Noriega, University of Hartford; Devdas Shetty, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
ofdynamic vibration; such as in a turbine rotor or a fan blade, they would have touse either two lasers or measure the same points from two different angles. Thesesteps result in an increase in cost and time. Page 11.960.4Page 11.960.5Proposed System:The main application of this laser measuring system is to measure displacement in2-axis in order to determine dynamic vibration. This system consist of a laserbeam reflected into a position sensing detector (PSD) off a reflective tape (1x1mm) which is placed on the surface of the object to be measured.The PSD consist of a resistive layer which creates an electric charge proportionalto the laser bean intensity that is
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Bunting, Oklahoma State University; Alan Cheville, Oklahoma State University
commitment wouldbe reduced in further iterations of their course. Page 11.576.3Open-ended questions on the survey reflected the individual approach faculty took inimplementing reform in their courses. Several points were consistently reported by allfaculty and supported by student responses (see below): 1. Faculty who explicitly addressed team building and implemented peer evaluation in their classes had fewer problems transitioning to team-based projects. 2. Faculty who had prior experience in the teaching techniques used reported more success than inexperienced faculty. 3. While all faculty reported that personality conflicts created
Conference Session
Curriculum for Green Materials
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Chen, California Polytechnic State University; Linda Vanasupa, California Polytechnic State University; Blair London, California Polytechnic State University; Richard Savage, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
significantchallenges for scientists and engineers. The materials engineer has great opportunity to helpdevise sustainable solutions through appropriate materials selection and processing, and ourfaculty has been trying to convey such ideas and skills to our students.Many different sustainability activities and assignments have been woven into several of ourmaterials engineering courses. Some activities are to promote awareness and to give motivationfor our students to use their engineering skills for the betterment of society and the planet.Pertinent articles from popular media sources have been used as the basis for reflection exercisesand to stimulate student discussions. A freshmen design course has been developed to highlightsustainability through service
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade for Teaching I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth McDonald, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
the basics of a particular subject. In an ideal world, college shouldbe a place for the initial stages of development for a profession and should encourage learningthat reflects the way professionals learn and work. [10]To make classroom discussion a successful experience the teacher must prepare and follow somefundamental considerations. First, the discussion should fit some objective or purpose. Failureto provide an overarching purpose tends to have students wondering “why”. [7, 11] That is not tosay that the discussion cannot be free to follow various meanders. When good discussion isoccurring, student input can take the discussion into equally relevant subject areas that may ormay not be applicable to the objective but valuable
Conference Session
Curriculum for Green Materials
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Natalie Becknell, Garver Engineers; Micah Hale, University of Arkansas; Seamus Freyne, University of Oklahoma; Stephan Durham, University of Arkansas; Anthony Lamanna, Tulane University
Tagged Divisions
heatisland is based on the increased solar reflectance of the materials used for large areas. The solarreflectance is the amount of radiation reflected back from a surface compared to the amountshone on the material. Concrete generally has a solar reflectance of approximately 0.35 and“white” concrete can have a value of 0.7 to 0.8.1 Slag cement will also increase the “whiteness”of the concrete when added in significant amounts. Asphalt, on the other hand, will generallyhave a reflectance of less than 0.2. Another LEED criteria for points states, “specify a minimumof 25% of building materials that contain in aggregate a minimum weighted average of 20%post-consumer recycled content material, or, a minimum weighted average of 40% post-industrial
Conference Session
Integrating Math, Science, & Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Maor, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology; Igor Verner, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
, algorithmic analysis, and reflection were selected. Through integrating them with the ideas given by the architects we developed the concepts of learning activities in the course.Data on learning outcomes and students’ reflections were collected by:• Design project portfolios The design assessment criteria were based on the existing practice of studio evaluation and referred to the three following aspects: concept, planning/detailing, and representation/expression. The mathematics assessment criteria were: perception of mathematical problems, solving applied problems, precision in drawing geometrical objects, accuracy of calculations and parametric solutions. Frequencies and correlations of grades in design vs. mathematics evaluation grades
Conference Session
ECE Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Hossein Mousavinezhad, Western Michigan University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
subject area for engineeringmajors. In our school, the text by Alexander and Sadiku1 is used for the first course andalso the second on signals & systems (network analysis). Another textbook is the recentedition of basic engineering circuit analysis by Irwin and Nelms2, including manyexamples of a Web-based tutorial. Assuming good coverage of fundamental concepts ofcircuit analysis typically consisting of resistive, first-order/second-order RC/RL and RLCcircuits, AC voltages/currents, impedance and power relationships; the students will beready to study such concepts and principles as impedance matching, lossless transmissionlines, reflection coefficients, standing waves in a first electromagnetics course (assumingfour hours of lecture per
Conference Session
Manufacturing Laboratory Experience
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Hye Jeong Kim, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
desired cycle time and production rate (Figure 7). The opinion surveyasked students to rate various characteristics of the prototype on a 7 point Likert scale. The ILSis a 44-question survey that asks users about their learning preferences. The ILS ranks usersalong four attribute continuums: Active/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Visual/Verbal, andSequential/Global. Each attribute pair (e.g., Active/Reflective) represents opposite ends of a 12- Page 11.262.7point scale. More information about the ILS can be found at addition, the system automatically captured user data such as mouse movements, key
Conference Session
Sustainable Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Martha Garcia-Saenz, Purdue University-North Central; Maria Consuelo Garcia Alvarez, Universidad La Gran Colombia
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
thanthose who only contacted the co-op. During this service-learning project, it was beneficial forstudents to receive feedback directly from users because it allowed then to connect withcustomers and accomplish the technology-transfer.After the final presentation, students had the opportunity to reflect on their experiences. Belloware some of their comments:• “I am glad to be an engineer because I can apply my creative talent and skills to serve the community”.• “I never imagined that as a student, I could develop a real project like this one”.• “It’s incredible that solar energy can have many applications and give economic solutions to the low-income families”.• “Because we started studying the more expensive water heater system, I never
Conference Session
Hurricane Katrina
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Qin Chen, University of South Alabama
Tagged Divisions
Ocean and Marine
Coasts. In fact, from the Florida Panhandle to theLouisiana-Texas boarder, there are no graduate programs in coastal engineering on the centralGulf Coast. The inadequate coastal engineering research and education in the Gulf Coast regionare reflected in the failures of civil engineering infrastructure and buildings seen in the HurricaneKatrina’s aftermath. We use the collapse of coastal bridges during Hurricane Katrina as anexample to demonstrate the need for and importance of coastal engineering research andeducation in hurricane-prone areas. An examination of the engineering practice in thetransportation engineering community has indicated transportation engineers often rely oncoastal engineers to assist their design and construction of
Conference Session
Trend in Construction Engineering Education I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eddy Rojas, University of Washington; Carrie Dossick, University of Washington
Tagged Divisions
) methods effective for certain students but ineffective for others ….” There are several models of learning style preferences. However, the authors recommend Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model7 as a starting point to understand student differences. Experiences can be developed to teach around the Kolb’s cycle by teaching for all four learning styles: Type 1 -- the diverger (concrete, reflective), Type 2 -- the assimilator (abstract, reflective), Type 3 -- the converger (abstract, active) Type 4 -- the accommodator (concrete, active) For example, Experiences in a lab setting can illustrate engineering concepts with the physical materials that perform or fail in
Conference Session
FPD2 -- Highlighting First-Year Programs
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Freeman, Northeastern University; Beverly Jaeger, Northeastern University; Richard Whalen, Beverly Jaeger and Richard Whalen are members of Northeastern University's
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
design process represented by Voland18: NeedsAssessment, Problem Formulation, Abstraction and Synthesis, Analysis, Implementation, andReflection. Along with a design-to-construction project, which is a key component in the course,the students are continuously required to apply the process, innovate, and take advantage ofopportunities to reflect on what was learned. This keeps the students involved at every step, andthe instructor is rarely lecturing to a sleepy, inert group. This certainly is a desirable outcome.The students, who often work in teams, appear enthusiastic about their numerous projects andactivities. Through continuous involvement, the engineering design process becomes integral tothe students’ thinking, and they subsequently are
Conference Session
Progress on Raising the Bar
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Ressler, U.S. Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
of which correspond nominally to ABET Criteria 3(a) through 3(k).3Outcome 12 describes a requirement for knowledge in a specialized area related to civilengineering; and Outcomes 13, 14, and 15 require understanding of professional practice topicssuch as management, business, public policy and administration, and leadership.The fifteen outcomes of the BOK reflect five major areas of emphasis: • Fundamentals of math, science, and engineering science • Technical breadth • Breadth in the humanities and social sciences • Technical depth • Professional practice breadthThe association between these “big picture” areas of emphasis and the fifteen BOK outcomes isillustrated in Figure 1 below.In October 2004, the ASCE Board
Conference Session
Emerging Trends in Engineering Education Poster Session
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donald Elger, University of Idaho; Scott Metlen, University of Idaho; Robert Carson, University of Idaho; Tristan Utschig, Lewis-Clark State College; Dan Cordon, University of Idaho; Marie Racine, University of District Columbia; Steven Beyerlein, University of Idaho
learner. ToRogers, experiential learning is equivalent to personal change and growth. Rogers believed thatall human beings have a natural propensity to learn; the role of the teacher is to facilitate suchlearning. Page 11.12.5Both Rogers and Knowles posit that learning is growth or development of self. This type oflearning theory, called humanism is concerned with learner’s self-direction, inner motivation,self-reflection, personal growth, creativity, and autonomy. Other proponents of humanism in-clude Abraham Maslow, John Dewey, and Steven Covey. In addition to humanism, the work-shop also made extensive use of teams and community learning
Conference Session
Factors Affecting Student Performance
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abel Fernandez, University of the Pacific; Camilla Saviz, University of the Pacific; Jeff Burmeister, University of the Pacific
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
homework assignment grades.This seeming contradiction prompted a study to examine, at an individual student level,the relationships between homework assignment grades and traditional courseperformance outcome measures; i.e., quizzes, tests and final examination.Substantial homework is dogmatically accepted as an indispensable component ofengineering courses. Faculty reflect on their own education and proudly maintain atraditionally heavy homework load as a rite of passage, while students resignedly acceptthe heavy workload as part of the cost of entering into the engineering profession. Thenature of engineering, as with other hard sciences, is such that conceptual and practicalunderstanding comes from applying principles and techniques to solve