Asee peer logo
Displaying results 871 - 900 of 1570 in total
Conference Session
Maker Spaces within the University
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Forest, Georgia Institute of Technology; Helena Hashemi Farzaneh, Institute of Product Development, Technical University of Munich; Julian Weinmann, Munich University of Technology; Udo Lindemann, Technical University of Munich
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
prototype. An international comparison of the linkage between embedded knowledge and objective learning, Engineering Education 8(1), 2013.3. Fisher, E.: Makerspaces move into academic libraries. TechConnect blog article Nov 2012.4. Sheppard, S. et al.: Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field. San Francisco: A Wiley Imprint 2009. ISBN: 978-0-7879-7743-6.5. Gagné, R; Driscoll, M.: Essentials of Learning for Instruction. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc. 1988. ISBN- 13: 978-0691026664.6. Bransford, J et al.: How People Learn, National Academy Press, July 2002.7. Clive, L. et al.: Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching and Learning. Journal of Engineering Education, pp. 103-120. January 2005.8. Hatch
Conference Session
Instrumentation Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Asad Yousuf, Savannah State University; Mohamad A. Mustafa, Savannah State University; Keenya G. Mosley, Savannah State University; Mir M. Hayder, Savannah State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
and the Minority Teacher Shortage. CPRE Research Report # RR-69. Consortium for Policy Research in Education.2. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership Program Grants. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 509-518.3. Gningue, S. M., Peach, R., & Schroder, B. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teaching: Assessing Content and Pedagogical Knowledge, Student-Centered Teaching, and Student Engagement. The Mathematic Enthusiast, 10(3), pp. 621-646.4. Heaton, R/ M., & Smith, W. M. (2013). Developing Effective Mathematics Teachers through National Science Foundation Funded Math and Science Partnership
Conference Session
Size, Civility, and the Classroom Culture: Setting Class Tone with a Student-centered Perspective
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dimitra Michalaka P.E., The Citadel; Michael Golub, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
Sensing (S) or Intuition (N). The third categoryis about the way one takes decisions. Does he/she base decision on logic and consistency(Thinking (T)) or on people and circumstances (Feeling (F))? The last category is about howpeople deal with the outside world. Do they prefer to get things decided (Judging (J)) or stayopen to new information and options (Perceiving (P))? When the preference in each category isrecorded, the personality type is expressed as a code with four letters, one from each of the fourcategories. That leads to sixteen different personality types. This test is widely used in Americancompanies to form teams and it is used more than twenty years to form engineering designteams.12 However, some studies have shown that the Myers
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Robotics in Pre-K-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fethiye Ozis, Northern Arizona University; Anna Danielle Newley, Sonoran Science Academy - Phoenix; Erdogan Kaya, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
like to thank Sonoran Schools CEO: Fatih Karatas, and CAO: RobertHobbins, also Sonoran Science Academy’s administrators Jim Satterlee and Naci Karadeniz fortheir support during this study.Bibliography[1]Stoeger, H., Duan, X., Schirner, S., Greindl, T., & Ziegler, A. (2013). The effectiveness of a one-year online mentoring program for girls in STEM. Computers & Education, 69, 408. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.07.032[2]Christensen, R., Knezek, G., & Tyler-Wood, T. (2014). Student perceptions of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) content and careers. Computers in Human Behavior, 34, 173-186. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.01.046[3]Chatzinikolakis, G., & Papadakis, S. (2014). Motivating K-12 students learning
Conference Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert McMasters P.E., Virginia Military Institute
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
notbeneficial to the students. The homework exercises provided here have been well-received bystudents and allow them to see the integrated effects of the components of a plant to its overallperformance. Even aspects of nuclear power are introduced using student-written computersolutions to generate numerical results as opposed to rote learning from a textbook or from aslide presentation in class. The calculation aspect of presenting the material in this way holdsstudent interest and gives them a more foundational understanding of the physical effects ofvarying system parameters.References[1] S. McClain, “MathCAD Functions for Thermodynamic Analysis of Ideal Gases,”Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Conference, Portland, Ore., June 2005.[2] S. McClain, “A
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
R. Danner Friend, Norwich University
Tagged Divisions
the new course format in acquiring those skills.Bibliography1. National Academy of Engineering, The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century (Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004).2. National Science Board, Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education (Arlington, VA.: National Science Foundation, 2007).3. Gretar T. and Diran A., Re-Engineering Engineering Education for the Challenges of the 21st Century, Journal of Engineered Materials (JOM), pg. 14, (2006).4. Sheppard, S. D., Macatangay, K., Colby, A. & Sullivan, W. M., Educating Engineers: Designing the Future of the Field, (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008).5. Howard, I. and Smith, B., Hands-on Development of Communication
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Robotics in Pre-K-12 Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Saeedeh Ziaeefard, Michigan Technological University; Nina Mahmoudian, Michigan Technological University; Michele Miller, Michigan Technological University; Mo Rastgaar, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
the spring to present the co-roboticcourse to recruit teachers.AcknowledgmentNational Science Foundation supports this work under grant numbers 1426989 and 1453886.References[1] J. L. Irwin, J. Pearce, G. Anzolone, and D. Oppliger, “The reprap 3-D printer revolution in stem education,” in 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2014.[2] S. Ziaeefard, G. Ribeiro, and N. Mahmoudian, “GUPPIE, underwater 3d printed robot a game changer in control design education,” in American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, pp. 2789–2794, July 2015.[3] N. L. States, “Next generation science standards: For states, by states,” 2013.[4] A. Bonarini and M. Romero, Robotics and Design: An Interdisciplinary Crash Course, 2013.[5] X. Zhu and J. Lin
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David C. Zgonc, United States Military Academy; Phil Dacunto P.E., United States Military Academy; Emily Arija Ezerins, United States Military Academy; Dalton Jefferson Alexander Combs, United States Military Academy; Jacob Neil Palmer, United States Army
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
novice designers.Design Studies. 2009; 30; 38-59.4. Smith D, Hedley P, Molloy M. Design learning: a reflective model. Design Studies. 2009; 30; 13-37.5. Chua KJ. A comparative study on first-time and experienced project-based learning students in an engineeringdesign module. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2014; 39(5); 556-572.6. Gomez-Puente S, van Eijk M, Jochems W. A sample literature review of design-based learning approaches: asearch for key characteristics. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 2013; 23; 717-732.7. Chua KJ, Yang WM, Leo HL. Enhanced and conventional project-based learning in an engineering designmodule. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 2014; 24; 437-458.8. Rasul MG
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computing and Information Technology Programs II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yujian Fu P.E., Alabama A&M University; Peter J. Clarke, Florida International University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
of Testing Tools in SE Courses," in the 42nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE '11)., New York, NY, USA, 2011. [8] A. P. Rovai, M. K. Ponton and M. J. Wighting, "A Comparative Analysis of Student Motivation in Traditional Classroom and E-Learning Courses," International Journal on E-Learning, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 413-432, 2007. [9] A. Goswami, G. S. Walia and S. Aburardeh, "Using a Web-Based Testing Tool Repository in Programming Course: An Empirical Study," in the 2014 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Enginee, 2014. [10] S. Wolfe and R. Flewitt, "New technologies, new multimodal practices and young children’s metacognitive," Cambridge Journal
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 6
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara P Rimer, University of Michigan; Sahithya Reddivari, University of Michigan; Aline Cotel, University of Michigan; Elizabeth Frances Cloos Dreyer, University of Michigan
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
.      References[1] A. Taylor. Women and the city: Examining the gender impacts of violence and urbanisation. ActionAid USA, Available:, Accessed 17 October 2013.[2] A. Taylor. Women and the city 2 ­ combating violence against women and girls in urban public spaces ­ the role of public services. ActionAid USA, Available:, Accessed 17 October 2013.[3] US Agency for International Development, Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development Request for Applications 669­10­019, Available:, Accessed 25 June 2013.[4] Reddivari, S., Dreyer, E. F. C., Rimer, S., & Cotel, A. (2016). Towards a global virtual community of female engineering students and professionals
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary R. Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
programs such as S-STEM for just such students with unmet financial need. Thescholarships allow the students to work less or not at all, and to put more of their energy intoacademics. At Arizona State University, the author has led such scholarship programs with anAcademic Success and Professional Development classes for nearly 15 years. During this timeshe has continually done research on the best way to support and encourage students to do wellacademically, to graduate, and to go right on to graduate school. This research has used groundedtheory and Social Cognitive Career Theory to understand how best to recruit and retain students.Beginning with seminars, over the years, the author developed a successful two-credit AcademicSuccess and
Conference Session
Additive Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mathew Schaefer, Milwaukee School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
the inside border.Figure 12 Replica of an oversized penny. Fine details in the surface of the part turned outsurprisingly well.Casting the Parts in MSOE’s FoundryFigure 13 Casting the finished parts in MSOE’s foundry.ConclusionsIn past years MSOE students did sand molding in lab but did not use the SolidCast™ simulation.The approach used was very simple and based on an accepted “rule of thumb” that thesolidification time for a riser should be at least 1.25 times the solidification time of the parts.Solidification time of each can be calculated based on Chvorinov’s rule. Solidification time t(s) = B (V/A)^2 Where V = volume of the part or riser, A = surface area of the part or riser, B = anempirical mold constant. Then, according
Conference Session
Diversity in Community Engagement Implementation II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Queen Retherford, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Kelly Summerford Ellenburg, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
campus through initiatives such as the ”S” course designation and showcasing of best practices. Mrs. Ellenburg’s work on campus-level initiatives at UT has included service on the 2015 SACS Qual- ity Enhancement Plan writing team, the 2014 Carnegie Community Engagement writing team, the 2010 UT Community Engagement Task Force writing team, and coordinating author for the 2010 whitepaper ”Student Ownership, and the College Experience.” Last year she received the Chancellor’s Award for Environmental Leadership for her leadership of sustainability-focused service-learning and the SCI. Mrs. Ellenburg serves on the Board of Directors for the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communi- ties Network (EPIC-N), the
Conference Session
Social Responsibility and Social Justice I: Pedagogical Perspectives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Juan C. Lucena, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
). Dr. Leydens won the James F. Lufkin Award for the best conference paper—on the intersections between professional communication research and social jus- tice—at the 2012 International Professional Communication Conference. In 2015, he won the Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education from the Professional Communica- tion Society of the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). His current research focuses on rendering visible and integrating the social justice dimensions inherent in three components of the engineering curriculum—in engineering sciences, engineering design, and humanities and social science courses. That research, conducted with co-author Juan C
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Retention Programs for Diverse Students
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Carlson, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Shaobo Huang, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Cassandra M Birrenkott, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Sarah Folsland, Woment in Science and Engineering
Tagged Topics
ASEE Diversity Committee
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering, Women in Engineering
. Indianapolis.8. Perez-Castilleos, R, & Santhanam, P. R. (2014). Student-led Mentoring Program Fostering Retention of FemaleUndergraduate Students in STEM Fields. Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education. Indianapolis.9. Clark, J. I., Godd, S. L., Des Jardins, A. C., Foreman, C. M., Gunnink, B. W., Plumb, C., & Stocker, K. R. (2015).Peer Mentoring Program: Providing early intervention and support to improve retention and success of women inengineering, computer science, and physics. Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education. Seattle.10. Kim, D. L., Lee, Y. H., & Oh, M. S. (2012). Effect of Women in Engineering Programs on the Retention ofFemale Engineering Students. Presented at the Inaugural International
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4B: Assessing Student Motivation and Student Success
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander E. Dillon, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Jonathan D. Stolk, Southern Methodist University; Yevgeniya V. Zastavker, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Michael D. Gross, Wake Forest University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
: The Industry View. The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, 2006.[12] L. H. Jamieson and J. R. Lohman, “Creating a culture for scholarly and systematic innovation in engineering education: ensuring U.S. engineering has the right people with the right talent for a global society,” Phase 1 Report, ASEE, 2009.[13] I. C. Peden, E. W. Ernst, and J.W. Prados, “Systemic engineering education reform: an action agenda,” National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1995.[14] E. L. Deci and R. M. Ryan, The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the selfdetermination of behavior, Psychological Inquiry, 11, 227-268 (2000).[15] C. F. Ratelle, F. Guay, R. J. Vallerand, S. Larose, and C. Senécal
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Design and Design Chanllenges
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward W. Davis, Auburn University; Joni M. Lakin, Auburn University; Virginia A. Davis, Auburn University; P.K. Raju, Auburn University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
this paper are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science FoundationReferences:(1) Yawson, R. M. An epistemological framework for nanoscience and nanotechnology literacy. Int J Technol Des Educ 2012, 22, 297-310.(2) Resources: Courses Browse Visually. (accessed May 25, 2014.(3) Veety, E. N.; Ozturk, M. C.; Escuti, M.; Muth, J.; Misra, V. In Tilte, Indianapolis, Indiana2014(4) Rodgers, K. J.; Kong, Y.; Diefes-Dux, H. A.; Madhavan, K. In Tilte2014.(5) Schlosser, P.; Trott, B.; Tomasko, D.; Clingan, P.; Allam, Y.; Merrill, J. In Tilte, Chicago, Illinois2006.(6) Abernathy, S. M.; Carruthers, B. E.; Presley, K. F.; Clingan, P. A. In Tilte, San Antonio, Texas2012.(7
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Courses in Emergent Areas
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Lepek, The Cooper Union; Marc-Olivier Coppens, University College London (UCL)
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, Proceedings of the 2012 ASEE Conference & Exposition, San Antonio, TX, 2012.4. Blum, MM., Cadwell, KD., Hasenwinkel, JM. A Mechanics of Materials Outreach Activity – Reconstructing the Human Body: Biomaterials and Biomimicry. Proceedings of the 2015 ASEE Conference & Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015.5. Yen, J., Helms, M., Gibbons, S., Hinds, B., DeLuca, D., Ching, J., Gould, C., Wong, C., Hastrich, C., Zegarac, D., Eggermont, M. What Has Fins Like A Whale, Skin Like A Lizard, And Eyes Like A Moth? The Future Of Engineering, Proceedings of the 2009 ASEE Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX, 2009.6. Moore, TJ., Maruyama, K. Nature-Inspired Design: A PictureSTEM Project Curriculum Module (Curriculum Exchange
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries: Extending Our Outreach
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan R Sapp Nelson, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries
design communication. Advanced Engineering Informatics 27, 580-597 (2013).9 Neuroscience, N. Revolutionizing peer review. Nat. Neurosci 8, 10.1038 (2005).10 Vaughan, L. & Shaw, D. Web citation data for impact assessment: A comparison of four science disciplines. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 56, 1075- 1087 (2005).11 Thelwall, M., Vaughan, L. & Björneborn, L. Webometrics. ARIST 39, 81-135 (2005).12 Sud, P. & Thelwall, M. Evaluating altmetrics. Scientometrics 98, 1131-1143 (2014).13 Popielarski, M. Assessing Altmetrics: Why Law Librarians (and Law Schools) Should Care About Altmetrics. AALL Spectrum 19, 28 (2014).14 Galligan, F. & Dyas-Correia, S. Altmetrics
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session I Curriculum
2016 ASEE International Forum
Douglas Moore Schutz, Tokyo University of Science; Dante Dionne, Korean Air; Yong-Young Kim P.E., Konkuk University
Tagged Topics
International Forum
., Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 2013: Sage Publications.4. Nonaka, I., A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Organization Science, 1994. 5(1): p. 14-37.5. Brown, J.S. and P. Duguid, Knowledge and Organization: A Social-practice Perspective. Organization Science, 2001. 12(2): p. 198-213.6. Alavi, M. and D.E. Leidner, Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues. MIS Quarterly, 2001. 25(1): p. 107-136.7. Hansen, M.T. and M.R. Haas, Competing for Attention in Knowledge Markets: Electronic Document Dissemination in a Management Consulting Company. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2001: p. 1- 28.8. Moran, P. and S
Conference Session
Concurrent Paper Tracks Session II Courses
2016 ASEE International Forum
Lokesh P Padhye, The University of Auckland
Tagged Topics
International Forum
student engagement and learning, Last AccessedOctober 20, 2015.14. Salas-Morera, L., Arauzo-Azofra, A., and Garcia-Hernandez, L. (2012). Analysis of Online Quizzes as aTeaching and Assessment Tool, Journal of Technology and Science Education, 2(1).15. Johnson, B. C. and Kiviniemi, M. T. (2009). The effect of online chapter quizzes on exam performance in anundergraduate social psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 36, 33–37.16. Bonham, S. W., Deardorff, D. L. and Beichner, R. J. (2003). Comparison of student performance using weband paper-based homework in college-level physics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 10, 1050–1071.17. Engelbrecht, J. and Harding, A. (2004). Combing online and paper assessment in a web-based course
Conference Session
Concurrent Virtual Sessions
2016 ASEE International Forum
Christoph Matthies, Hasso-Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany; Thomas Kowark, Hasso Plattner Institute; Matthias Uflacker, Hasso Plattner Institute for IT Systems Engineering
Tagged Topics
International Forum Virtual Presentation
Press and IEEE Computer Society Press, December 2013. 2. F. T. Anbari. Earned Value Project Management Method and Extensions. Project Management Journal, 34(4):12–23, 2003. 3. S. Augustine. Managing agile projects. Prentice Hall PTR, 2005. 4. K. Beck, M. Beedle, A. Van Bennekum, W. Cockburn, Alistair Cunningham, M. Fowler, J. Grenning, J. Highsmith, A. Hunt, and R. Jeffries. Agile Manifesto, 2001. 5. B. Bruegge, M. Reiss, and J. Schiller. Agile principles in academic education: A case study. ITNG 2009 - 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pages 1684–1686, 2009. 6. T. Chow and D.-B. Cao. A survey study of critical success factors in agile software projects. Journal of Systems and Software, 81:961
Conference Session
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Design Projects
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Richard Y. Chiou, Drexel University; Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University; Tzu-Liang Bill Tseng, University of Texas - El Paso
Tagged Divisions
University [Said, et al,2015]. A critical component of a national “green industries/green/energy jobs” effort is to motivatestudent communities and workforce to become proficient in STEM and associated manufacturingfields and trades, thus ensuring a 21st-century workforce. This senior design project engagesstudents in the implementation of an innovative method for improving design and measuringenergy efficiency using statistical process control. Through this project, students learn how toprovide a design method for evaluating the characteristics of green energy manufacturing. Thisstudent senior design project was in collaboration with Higginbothom Farm in New Jersey, whichis s  a commercial farm that supplies restaurants, farmer’s markets, and grain
Conference Session
Faculty Development I: Attitudes Towards Teaching
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James J. Pembridge, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Kari L. Jordan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Science Foundation.References[1] Froyd, Jeffrey E., et al. "Estimates of use of research-based instructional strategies in core electrical or computerengineering courses." Education, IEEE Transactions on 56.4 (2013): 393-399.[2] Borrego, M., Cutler, S., Froyd, J., Prince, M., & Henderson, C. (2011). Faculty use of research basedinstructional strategies.[3] Prince, Michael, et al. "Use of research-based instructional strategies in core chemical engineering courses."Chemical Engineering Education 47.1 (2013): 27-37.[4] Henderson, C., Beach, A., and Finkelstein, N., Facilitating change in undergraduate stem instructional practices:An analytic review of the literature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2011. 48(8): p. 952-984.[5] Borrego
Conference Session
Idea Generation and Creativity in Design
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keelin Siomha Leahy, University of Limerick; Patricia Mannix-McNamara, Research Centre for Education and Professional Practice
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
materials technology (wood) and construction studies. Dublin: Stationary Office.8. IDEO website. Accessed at Lawson, B. & Bassanino, M., et al. (2003). Intentions, practices and aspirations: Understanding learning in design. Design Studies, 24, 4, 327-339.10. Gray, P. (2012). Freedom to Learn, The Roles of Play and Curiosity as Foundations for Learning. Psychology Today. Retrieved from: freedom-has-declined-so-has-their-creativity11. Osborn, A. F. (1953). Applied imagination: Principles and procedures of creative thinking, (3rd ed.). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.12. Behnam, B. & Alvelos, H. (2011). Exploring the
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Courses in Emergent Areas
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Virginia A. Davis, Auburn University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
stimulated my learning. 1 15 6 I am very satisfied with this workshop. 1 15 7 The presenter(s) was enthusiastic and pleasant. 1 15 8 The workshop was well organized. 1 15 9 I feel prepared to use this module in my class. 3 11 2 10 My students have the necessary background knowledge to complete this module
Conference Session
Curriculum and New Course Development in ET
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mihaela Radu, State University of New York - Farmingdale; Mircea Alexandru Dabacan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
and understanding the electrical characteristics from a data sheet,etc. Using the Analog Discovery Boards, several experiments and tutorials were created, for in-class demonstration and/or lab experiments. Such an example is presented in figure 6. In thisexperiment the transfer characteristics of a CMOS logic gate used as an inverter is investigated. 1 14 1A S VCC 2 13 1B N 4B 12 3 1Y 7 4A
2016 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Lance Hoffman; Rachelle Heller; Costis Toregas
% N % Year in the GW SFS program 12 75.0% 4 25.0% 16 100.0%Why Do These Good Students Apply?During the focus group, participants were asked to discuss their motivation(s) forapplying to the program. Five students provided responses to the questions“What motivated you to apply to the SFS program?” The participants eachoffered multiple reasons that contributed to their motivation to apply to the GWSFS program.From the focus group responses (see Table 2), three primary areas emerged froma number of participants as associated with their motivation to apply to theprogram: CSPRI web site (N=5), flyers (N=3), financial assistance (N=3),recommendation of a non-GW professor (N=2), and alignment with
Conference Session
CEED Paper Session 1: Using Co-Op and Internships to Improve Diversity, Retention, Learning, and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morteza Sadat-Hossieny, Northern Kentucky University; Mauricio Torres, Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
in this paper we were able to assess the degree of academicsuccess of students who fulfil the co-op requirement in different ways. To mention, few of thesuccesses students reported were;  looking forward to continue their education at the Masters level or above,  learned how to work as part of diverse teams with diverse cultural background,  learned new materials (self-directed continuing education).,  conduct themselves at professional level,  improved their communication skills,  improved their interpersonal skills,  be ethical no matter if someone is checking their work or not.The followings are some of the responses when industrial supervisors were asked; 1) In whatarea(s) do
Conference Session
Assessment II: Learning Gains and Conceptual Understanding
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin Lewis Van De Bogart, University of Maine; MacKenzie R. Stetzer, University of Maine
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
% Mathematical calculation 5% 6% 4% No phase shift 49% 19% 50% Explicit justification of unchanged phase 2% 6% 4% Phase shift of ±90° or 180° 32% 63% 38% Explicit justification of specified phase shift 17% 31% 12% Non-sinusoidal output 15% 13% 4% frequency to the calculated 3dB frequency. As an example of the latter kind of reasoning, onestudent wrote, “ω3dB = 1/RC = 1/(10 kΩ)(15.9 nF) = 6.3 * 103 s-1. f3dB = ω3dB / 2π = 1001 Hz ≈1 kHz. So the input voltage is attenuated by a