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) offers three undergraduate-only engineeringprograms: Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE), Manufacturing Engineering (MFGE),and Polymer Materials Engineering (PME). The Becoming Engaged Engineering Scholars(BEES) S-STEM scholarship program, funded by the National Science Foundation, providesacademic and financial support to 4 cohorts of low-income undergraduate students interested inmajoring in engineering. The BEES program supports scholars for the first two years of theirstudy at WWU.In addition to two years of financial support, the scholarship program that provides the focalpoint of this study offers curricular and co-curricular supports for pre-major engineering studentsduring their first and second years of undergraduate study. These
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in engineering curricula was discussed as early as 2004 by Frame et al.[5], who mentioned that PLM is best introduced in relation to the holistic design of a product,covering its entire lifecycle. Frame et al.’s solution was to include usage of PLM softwarethroughout the undergraduate program of study however, this solution is unable to provide thecontinuity of following a singular product. Another approach is the formation of anextracurricular project group focused on providing undergraduate students with hands-onexperiences using PLM tools in a structured environment that simulates a typical industrialutilization paradigm through providing employee roles, structured workflows, collaborativeprojects, and formalized review processes. This
AccreditationCommission (ETAC) criteria and construction engineering programs at 27 institutions using itsEngineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) criteria [3].Clearly, construction management remains intertwined with engineering. This connection cannotbe ignored or discounted when studying the “supply” of construction managers. The Bureau ofLabor and Statistics (BLS) defines a construction manager as someone who “plan[s],coordinate[s], budget[s], and supervise[s] construction projects from start to finish” in theOccupational Outlook Handbook (OOH) [1]. The work of construction management (planning,coordinating, budgeting, and supervising) involves solving problems whether those problems arebefore the start of construction (planning and budgeting), during
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is tailored to the unique needs ofSTEM, and specifically engineering, students. The composition sequence was designed andtaught by a member of the English Department in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences(CLAS).CU Denver requires its undergraduates to take two composition courses, Composition 1 (ENGL1020) and Composition II (ENGL 2030). The ELC began including English Composition in Fall2017 and several enrolled students have been supported through a National Science Foundation(NSF) S-STEM grant beginning in Fall 2019. Students participating in the first semester of theELC must co-register for ENGL 1020 unless they have already met the requirement (a 4 or 5 onthe Advanced Placement Language and Composition exam, for example); students
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and has since moved into the Computer Engineering Department. His areas of interest have branched out to include web applications for teaching and learning, as well as new approaches to digital- to-analog converters with first and second order holds.Prof. Dominic J. Dal Bello, Allan Hancock College Dom Dal Bello is Professor of Engineering at Allan Hancock College (AHC), a California community col- lege between UC Santa Barbara and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. At AHC, he is Department Chair of Math- ematical Sciences, Faculty Advisor of MESA (the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Pro- gram), and Principal/Co-Principal Investigator of several National Science Foundation projects (S-STEM, LSAMP, IUSE). In
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(Automotive, aerospace, apparel, electronics, etc.), products and businesses. Students will beinvestigating and identifying what new business ideas these challenges will be (or currently) generating.Students were asked to identify sustainable practices and processes during their VSM mapping. At theend of the term, there was a team competition based on the deliverables of the project. In the competition,students presented their cartoon(s) and VSMs that helps to illustrate some of the challenges SC designersand users face. Student teams will also suggest up to three possible captions in to accompany eachcartoon. Sample student submitted VSM charts and Cartoons can be find in Appendix B.Project DescriptionA process map documents how work either is, or
move on toother opportunities, leaving mentees without a support system. Additionally, without an explicitinstitutional support plan for sustainability, the program may not continue if the faculty and staffare assigned other duties in future semesters. However, with clearly defined interaction pointsand assessment, the mentorship model described would likely need minimal administrativesupport for long-term sustainability.4. AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank the support from Georgia Tech's Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellows Programand the Provost Teaching Learning Fellow Program.5. References[1] J. H. Lim, B. P. MacLeod, P. T. Tkacik, and S. L. Dika, "Peer mentoring in engineering: (un)shared experience of undergraduate peer mentors and mentees
will typically increasethe pass rate of a course. This course is also one of the first programming classes taken by transferstudents which may contribute to the high DFW rate. Future work will include a comparison ofthe DFW rates between historic offerings and those that have made use of Plickers.In conclusion using Plickers in class is a positive experience for both the instructor and the stu-dents. Since each class has a clear structure of: Plicker question, lecture, break, Plicker question,lecture/activity, quiz, students are never doing any one task for very long. This aids in keepingstudents engaged and on task.References [1] L. Porter, D. Bouvier, Q. Cutts, S. Grissom, C. Lee, R. McCartney, D. Zingaro, and B. Simon, “A Multi
authors only and not of funding agencies.References [1] Hirose, S., 2020, “IFRR Colloquium on Creative Design”, URL creative-design. [2] Reuleaux, F. and Kennedy, A. B. W., 1876, The Kinematics of Machinery: Outlines of a Theory of Machines, Macmillan, URL WUZVAAAAMAAJ. [3] Thurston, R. H., 1878, A History of the Growth of the Steam-engine, International scientific series, Kegan Paul, URL [4] Erdman, A. and Gustafson, J., 1977, “LINCAGES: Linkage INteractive Computer Analysis and Graphically Enhanced Synthesis Packages,”, Technical report. [5] Erdman, A. G. and Riley, D., 1981, “Computer-aided linkage design using the lincages
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Table 3, we provide a summary of identified themes for each researchquestion and further describe these findings in the following sections.Table 3: Research Questions and Identified Themes. Research Question Theme(s) Present RQ 1: How do undergraduate students’ • Prioritizing engineering-related interpretations of course performance experiences and relationships as indicators influence the formation of their professional of engineering identity identities? • Being a student versus becoming an engineer RQ 2: How do undergraduate students’ • Decreasing influence of
gender. Most of all programs and gendersspecified ramps as the facilitation way used for entrances. Looking at the EnvE program that wasnot exposed to the presentation or the tour we can see that female students mentioned theuncommon facilitation ways while male students didn’t think of them. This includes adequatelightings, door handles and sliding doors.Table 5 Facilitation ways by program and gender shown in percentages. The following abbreviations are used: PAT = Preferanother term; PNS = prefer not to say; A P = Accessible parking; A L = Adequate lighting; A D = Automatic Doors; C C = Colorcoding; D H = Door Handles; E = Elevators; L D = Light Doors; R = Railings; Ra = Ramps; S = Signage; S D = Sliding Doors; U =unknown; U B= Use of Braille
. Further testing could determine if a more rigid padmaterial would better transmit vibrations to the sensors, or if a different form-factor of PZT sensoris required. Regardless of the drawbacks of, or potential improvements that might be made to thePAL, it demonstrates the utility of using piezoelectric sensors to create an agility ladder thatinteracts with its users.AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank our professor and advisor, as well as the staff of the First Year EngineeringLearning and Innovation Center at our University for their support during this project. We wouldalso extend our thanks to Operation & Technology Manager Nicholas Cunningham, whosetechnical guidance was invaluable to the fabrication of this project.ReferencesAli, S. M
improving theirinterest in engineering and STEM.VII. Study Limitations and Next StepsThe generalizability of the results of this study is limited by study context and participants. Thestudy took place at one private high school with one teacher and seventeen students to date, all ofwhich were advanced learners. Thus, the ability to infer potential impacts on high school scienceteachers and students is limited. The other two lessons developed during the teacher professionaldevelopment workshop will be conducted to increase the sample size of this study. Additionally,performing these lessons in schools with greater representative student diversity would alsoenhance our ability to generalize impact.VIII. References[1] S. L. Robinson and J. A. Mangold
):• I definitely really liked the fact that you chose to solve the problems live - it helped understand your thought process for each step. Your explanations were really well explained and detailed. I also like how for question two, for example, you didn't just write the units, but you explained the meaning of Kp, the equation and how you got your final units.• The explanation was very thorough and the exam solutions themselves were very neat and easy to follow. the only error I noticed was that in #5, your math for the limit is slightly wrong, as when s goes to 0, there is still the + 1 in each parenthesis, meaning the terms dont reduce to 0, but the K value instead. I believe there should be an s in the
Degree Programs,” in 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings, Virtual On line: ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2020, p. 34069. doi: 10.18260/1-2--34069.[2] E. A. Kuley, S. Maw, and T. Fonstad, “Engineering Student Retention and Attrition Literature Review,” Proc. Can. Eng. Educ. Assoc. CEEA, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.24908/pceea.v0i0.5813.[3] A. Sithole, E. T. Chiyaka, P. McCarthy, D. M. Mupinga, B. K. Bucklein, and J. Kibirige, “Student Attraction, Persistence and Retention in STEM Programs: Successes and Continuing Challenges,” High. Educ. Stud., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 46–59, 2017.[4] M. W. Ohland, R. A. Long, S. M. Lord, M. K. Orr, and C. E. Brawner, “Expanding Access to and Participation in the
. Studentsindicated that industry involvement aided them in improving their performance in five corecourse outcomes, as well as increasing project deliverable quality and gaining additionalemployability skills. Industry members likewise perceived an improvement in student outcomes,community outcomes, and a net benefit for themselves and their employers through theirengagement. This partnership model could be adopted by other programs to increaseparticipation of industry members in their programs.References[1] S. R. Brunhaver, R. F. Korte, S. Barley and S. D. Sheppard, Bridging the gaps between engineering education and practice. In US engineering in the global economy, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2017.[2] W. Groeneveld, J. Vennekens and K
Paper ID #38334Analysis of factors that influence the academic performance offirst-year Chilean engineering studentsMs. Cristian Saavedra-Acuna, Universidad Andres Bello, Concepcion, Chile Cristian Saavedra is an assistant professor at the School of Engineering at the University Andres Bello in Concepcion, Chile. He holds a bachelorˆa C™s degree in Electronics Engineering and a masterˆa C™s degree in Technological Innovation and EntrepreneurshiDr. Monica Quezada-Espinoza, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile Monica Quezada-Espinoza is a professor and researcher at the School of Engineering at the Universidad Andres