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Displaying results 871 - 900 of 1900 in total
Conference Session
International Division (INTL) Technical Session: Assessment and Accreditation, Globalization without Travel
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jose Texier, LACCEI; Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Jusmeidy Zambrano; Laura Eugenia Eugenia Romero Robles, Tecnologico de MOnterrey
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International Division (INTL)
learning. o Effective feedback and continuous improvement. o Self-assessment and peer assessment in the engineering context • Module 4: Communicate, Disseminate and Socialize. o Reading, writing, and speaking in teaching contexts. o Writing to publish in engineering and be part of the engineering community as a teacher, student, and/or professional. o Engineering writing standards: norms, styles, etc. • Module 5: Science and Knowledge in Engineering Education o Scientific processes in engineering education. o Bibliographic bases and academic scientific research in engineering. o Open science in engineering education.DurationThe program will have a duration of 140 h
Conference Session
Reviewing Methods for Educational Research
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexandra Mary Jackson, Rowan University; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University
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Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
engineering students are often notconsidered [4, 13].As described by Polkinghorne [20], narrative research commonly includes two forms of analysis:narrative analysis, in which structured narratives are built from existing data, and analysis ofnarratives, in which data already exists in narrative form. This outcome of the analysis ofnarratives technique often consists of a set of themes that the researcher can use to makeinferences about the sample they studied. Meanwhile, the outcome of the narrative analysistechnique is a story, ordered chronologically, that synthesizes various data into a cohesiveelement. This form of narrative analysis can be thought of as writing an account of someone'slife, such as a biography. The researcher may interview the
Conference Session
Technical Session 4 - Paper 4: Developing a Strategy to Include Financially Disadvantaged Undergraduate Students into Graduate Engineering Programs
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Sanjivan Manoharan, Grand Valley State University; Shabbir Choudhuri, Grand Valley State University; Brian Krug, Grand Valley State University; Paul D. Plotkowski, Grand Valley State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
a student encountering other students with diverse backgrounds, it does notguarantee a high-quality interaction. Gurin et al. [1] discuss two other forms of diversity:informal interaction diversity and classroom diversity. The former involves interaction withdiverse students outside of the classroom, and this is where most meaningful interaction happens,while the latter involves learning about diverse people and interacting with such peers in theclassroom. Informal interaction diversity and classroom diversity generate the impact oneducational outcomes, but structural diversity is required for the other two to exist.Piaget [3] states that encountering diverse students results in differing perspectives and equalityin relationships, and both
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 4
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadah Al Theeb, Purdue Engineering Education
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Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
Mathematics (STEM) fields, particularly in engineering. This studyconducted a systematized literature review to identify these challenges, guided by the researchquestion: "What challenges affect Arab women's engagement in STEM fields, particularlyengineering?" A search was conducted using databases such as ERIC, Education Source from theEBSCO platform, and Compendex, Inspec from the Engineering Village platform. After applyinginclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of twelve peer-reviewed articles were selected and analyzedto examine the challenges that Arab women encounter in these fields. The analysis revealed threemain themes: The inherent nature of Arab culture and society and the role of family support in theEngineering field, gender
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julia Yoo, Lamar University; Selahattin Sayil, Lamar University; Gleb Tcheslavski
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
study the effectiveness of online lab experiences with the goal of improvingstudent success and self-efficacy. Online lab sessions must offer active learning experiences,which may include ample opportunities for students to interact with their peers and instructors,and tackle real problems by experiencing trials and errors. This research on the online labs cangreatly contribute to enhancing EE engineering student learning. Further, it will address thecritical component of EE engineering - experiential learning - with a lot of hands-on lab learningexperiences that can lead to a deeper understanding of engineering concepts. Well-designedonline labs can help students maintain enthusiasm for engineering fresh and can also increase theretention rate
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jerrod A. Henderson, University of Houston; Erik M. Hines, Florida State University; Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina - Greensboro; Jared Larenz Davis, University of Houston; Waldemiro Muanha Junqueira, University of Houston; Tyron Slack, Florida State University
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
research has appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Journal of Counseling and Development, Professional School Counseling, The High School Journal, and Urban Education. Equally important, Dr. Hines is an ACA Fellow and received the Al Dye award for co-editing the special issue, Group Work with African Americans Children and Adolescents published in the Journal for Specialist in Group Work. Dr. Hines received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park in Counselor Education with a concentration in Urban School Counseling. Finally, he has worked as a counselor in various K-12 settings and for the Ronald E McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program.Dr. Ayesha Boyce, University of North Carolina
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering in K-12 and the First Year
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Anthony Butterfield, University of Utah
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Chemical Engineering
course involve technical communication, team writing, and analysis of thedata collected in lab. While creation of devices and collection of data occurred in the lab spaces,the rest of this work typically occurred outside of lab. As such, it is perhaps no surprise thatmoving from UOL to MIL had no statistically significant impact on student project scores. Whileteam projects were scored higher on average in MIL than in UOL, the p value was only 0.088.Furthermore, it may be worth noting that the same observations could be made for student peerevaluations of their team members. In the test course, students switch teams for each of their sixprojects and they tend to work with almost every peer in their section. Part of the score for theirteam
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Teresa J. Cutright, University of Akron; Rebecca Kuntz Willits, University of Akron; Linda T. Coats; Debora F. Rodrigues, University of Houston; Lakiesha N. Williams, University of Florida
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Minorities in Engineering
Fellows from each yearindicated that they would recommend the professional development to their peers. Table 5contains a few comments from each year as to why they would recommend it to their peers. Acommon theme was the how much was learned about they learned about the topics andacademia. Table 4. ACADEME Fellows perceptions of the quality of the professional development workshop % Strongly %Disagree %Agree % Strongly Disagree Agree Cohort year 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 Content was useful for my 0 8 0 0 4 0 20 0 26 80 88 74 professional
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sreerenjini C. Nair, University of the Incarnate Word; Michael Frye, University of the Incarnate Word
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Women in Engineering
12 African-American 2 9th Grade 6 Asian 2 For 2016, the ninth graders shown in Table 2 were miniGEMS Peer Mentors. All thepeer mentors participated in the 2015 miniGEMS camp and had the opportunity to share theirexperiences and, acting as group leaders, provided further assistance to the 2016 campers for theduration of the camp.miniGEMS Program Content Each day of the camp was different and fun-filled with interesting and engaging studentactivities that emphasize active learning with minimal lectures and extensive collaborativelearning. The purpose was to encourage the students to actively participate in the camp andthereby to
Conference Session
Engineering Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kirsten A Davis, Virginia Tech; Andrea M. Ogilvie P.E., Virginia Tech; David B Knight, Virginia Tech
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Two Year College Division
management, program assessment, university-industry partnerships, grant writing, and student development in the co-curricular learning environment with a special focus on recruiting, supporting, and graduating students from groups historically underrepresented in engineering.Dr. David B Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University David Knight is an Assistant Professor and Director of International Engagement in the Department of Engineering Education and affiliate faculty with the Higher Education Program, Center for Human- Computer Interaction, and Human-Centered Design Program. His research tend to be at the macro-scale, focused on a systems-level perspective of how engineering education can become more
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Neal I. Callaghan, University of Toronto; Jose Luis Cadavid, University of Toronto; Huntley H. Chang, University of Toronto; Ileana Louise Co, University of Toronto; Nicolas Ivanov, University of Toronto; Nhien Tran-Nguyen, University of Toronto; Jonathan Rubianto, University of Toronto; Locke Davenport Huyer, University of Toronto; Dawn M. Kilkenny, University of Toronto
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Pre-College Engineering Education
have external barriers to learning.Therein, focus tends to be on additional resource deployment or encouragement to perseverethrough challenge for specific students. However, not all strategies need focus exclusively on theindividual student; a powerful means to enhance a student’s academic interest and performanceis through the culture and environment of the classroom [7-8]. In fact, one could speculate thatindividual focus on particular students by an educator need be optimized, as social implicationscould have detriment to equitable goals. Therefore, this sum of interpersonal interactionsbetween students and the educator, in its optimal form, would allow for shared experience andachievement between students, spurring peer support and
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica Lauren Singer, AmeriCorps VISTA; Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Emily E. Liptow, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Katherine C. Chen, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Minorities in Engineering
Wealthmodel. We discuss the role of financial support, navigating a predominantly white institution(navigational capital), a smoother transition into university life (Social Capital), peers as socialsupport (Social Capital), and aspiring to make a social impact (Resistance Capital).It is our hope that this paper gives voice to these students who have brought with them assets asthey maneuver this predominately white institution. It is our hope the insights from this paperwill help all of us develop support structures that will transform our institutions and others like it.IntroductionIt has been four years since the first cohort of students in the S-STEM PEEPS grant started at CalPoly. There are only 13 of them, but we wanted to capture their
Conference Session
Teaching and Advising Tools Using Computers and Smart Devices
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan L. Miertschin, University of Houston (CoT); Barbara Louise Stewart, University of Houston; Carole E. Goodson, University of Houston (CoT)
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Computers in Education
ERM Division, and a past Chair of the Gulf Southwest Section of ASEE. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Mobile Devices and Lifelong Learning: The Students’ PerspectiveIntroductionAlvin Toffler, writer and former associate editor of Fortune magazine has often been quoted assaying that, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, butthose who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”.1 With rapid advances in information andcommunication technologies (ICTs) that include devices becoming more portable, moreintuitive, and not particularly costly, the process of pursuing knowledge for a lifetime hasbecome more impelling. With advanced technical tools readily
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Postcard Session 2: Identity and Sense of Belonging
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sura Al-Qudah, Western Washington University ; Jill Davishahl, Bellingham Technical College; Eric Davishahl, Whatcom Community College; Michael Andrew Greiner
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First-Year Programs
. A largenumber of factors can make URM students of varying ethnic backgrounds feel like they do notbelong. Most of these factors appear in direct contact with are directly related to students’interactions and relations with people around them such as faculty, classmates, lab instructors,teaching assistants, significant others, family members, friends, and college staff. The researchersemphasized that faculty and peer interaction is one of the biggest driving forces behind increasingthe sense of belonging among those students in higher education. This can range from saying helloto having a casual interaction with a professor in the hallway. Accordingly, faculty plays one ofthe most crucial roles in improving students feeling of belonging to
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 3: Identity & Belonging
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evelyn Walters, Temple University; Cory Budischak, Temple University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
and thus effective teamwork?InterventionWe have adopted several modules of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tools for Teamwork:Asset Mapping and Team Processing Handbook [11] to introduce students to important teamconcepts. Prior to forming groups and as part of the Handbook, students are asked to reflect ontheir identities, strengths, communication and conflict styles. As part of this, they complete aseries of self-assessments [12] and generate an asset map where they give thought to how theirlife experiences, not only educational experiences, will benefit a team. For an example of whatan asset map looks like, see examples in [4], [13]. Further, students read several articleshighlighting diversity and engineering and write a short
Conference Session
STEM Education at the Two-Year College
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zeynep Akcay Ozkan, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Yuanhong Yu, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College; Ewa Stelmach, City University of New York, Queensborough Community College
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Two-Year College Division (TYCD)
Native Alaskan Age 13-73 Gender Female, Male New Student Description First-time Freshmen, Transfer GPA 0-4 Credits completed 0-188 Course Grade A-D, F, W, Other Math/Reading/Writing Passed, Failed, Exempt, Not tested Placement Exam Score First Generation Status Yes, NoData set comprises characteristics of students and the sections they are enrolled. The students’characteristics include age, gender, ethnicity, first-generation college status, placement examscores, GPA, credits completed, and whether they are freshmen or transfer students. Coursecharacteristics include
2022 ASEE Illinois-Indiana Section Conference
Rashmi Deodeshmukh, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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theworld of work and education vis-a-vis guest speakers and interaction with university faculty. This paperpresents the implementation of the pilot and discusses the initial findings, challenges and lessons learned.MethodologyThe program activities were designed to emphasize self-efficacy and belonging and will be describednext. Faculty researchers developed partnerships with local organizations working with young womenwith a focus on women of color, in grades 6-12th. Based upon partner scheduling and the academiccalendar a twenty week/year program was developed. Students will attend an in-person session (two and ahalf hour duration) every other week, with take home materials the week after. The hands-on exercises arebased on peer reviewed
Conference Session
The Curriculum at Two-year College's Engineering Technology and Engineering Transfer Programs
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Marilyn Barger P.E., FLATE, Florida Advanced Technological Education Center; Lakshmi Jayaram, Inquiry Research Group LLC
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Two-Year College
interaction between peers, increased relianceon instructors, and a significant decline in experiential learning such as labs, groupprojects, demonstrations, problem-based learning, and service-learning. Themajority of students report feeling worried about making progress toward theirdegree, and about half worried about completing the semester. Two benefitsstudents identified was having access to course materials all the time through theLMS and the flexibility of remote learning. Findings also show that technicianstudents are quite diverse by way of age, partner status, having a family, race-ethnicity, employment status, and educational background. About one-third ofstudents who responded are women. This paper concludes with several
Conference Session
Engineering Literacy: Champions of Engineering in General Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert M. Briber, University of Maryland, College Park; Romel D Gomez P.E., University of Maryland, College Park
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Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
, microelectronics, electromagnetics, quantum theory and magnetic technology. As the associate chair for undergraduate education, he helped strengthen the ECE curriculum in communications, embedded systems, cyber security, and power. He is the architect of a novel freshman course that introduces fundamental principles of ECE using hands-on pedagogy and a science course for non-STEM majors. Dr. Gomez is also a researcher in the broad areas of micromagnetism and biosensing. He has co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed publications, several book chapters and has three U.S. Patents. He earned his PhD from the University of Maryland, MS from Wayne State in University and BS from the University of the Philippines all in Physics. Among his
Conference Session
ETD Freshmen Students
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Cioc, The University of Toledo; Sorin Cioc, The University of Toledo; Zachary Linkous, University of Toledo
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Engineering Technology
the objective of increasing studentretention and overall satisfaction. Since this course is one of the first technical courses thestudents have to take, the latest approach is to incorporate hands-on laboratory experience withthe goal of getting the freshmen accustomed with novel techniques of acquiring data, buildingthe skills to analyze and investigate data using Excel software, writing a laboratory report, usinga Word processor, and comparing their results with computer simulation results using Matlab orSimulink. At the end of the course each student will have the opportunity to improve theirpresentation skills by presenting their findings in front of their peers using PowerPoint. For thefirst hands-on experiment the students used a
Conference Session
Electrical and Computer Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiahui Song, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Douglas E. Dow, Wentworth Institute of Technology
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Electrical and Computer
and confidence.Lab 2 Arduino Pulse Width Modulation: instead of using the bench top instrument of a functiongenerator to make the PWM signal, the students needed to write software on an Arduinomicrocontroller. With software and the microcontroller board, the students generated the samePWM signals that they had previously made with the function generator. This lab exposedstudents to the process of writing computer programs, downloading to hardware, running andtesting that hardware. The trial and error experimentation and control of the motor alloweddevelopment of insight and confidence.Lab 3 Sensors and Conditionals: sensor input to the microcontroller was introduced. Studentsactivated sensors, setup analog-to-digital conversion on the
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Courtney Pfluger, Northeastern University
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thistechnology.Project 3: Performing a mock hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee for Energy and NaturalResources to approve the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative on a specific parcel of public land. Theclass would be split into different groups with differing opinions on the subject, such asInvestors, Locals, Policy Makers, Environmental Protection agency, etc. The students were askedto research and strategize and then in class debate their side of the initiative.Project 4: In groups of 3, the students are asked to design an alternative energy proposal for acity. They are asked to propose a plan to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that a city uses forboth electricity and transportation. They are asked to write a proposal to the major of the cityexplaining the
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Curricular Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire Lynne McCullough P.E., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
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Women in Engineering
awareness of complex social issuessuch as the digital divide and the associated gender gap in computer professions.Several strategies are have been used to cover this course material. The first was the standardreadings and lectures on the gender gap in STEM fields. However, this did not lend itself well toassessment of the student awareness as an outcome, as reading and listening to lectures are notquantifiable.The next approach tried was an assignment using an Implicit Association Test to gauge studentattitudes toward the gender and science. This assignment, detailed in an earlier paper,1 askedstudents to read a relevant chapter of the course text, then to write a paragraph on why they thinkthat there are so few women in engineering, the sciences
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Strategies Beyond the Classroom
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reneta Davina Lansiquot, New York City College of Technology; Hong Li, New York City College of Technology
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Women in Engineering
University after completing her M.S. in Integrated Digital Media at Polytechnic University (now NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering). Her mixed-methodology research, focusing on interdisciplinary studies, has been presented at numerous na- tional and international conferences and published in peer-reviewed book chapters and articles in journals on topics as varied as technical writing, the future of science education, game design, virtual reality, and problem solving. Her first book is entitled Cases on Interdisciplinary Research Trends in Science, Tech- nology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Studies on Urban Classrooms (Information Science Reference, 2013).Dr. Hong Li, New York City College of Technology Hong Li is
Conference Session
Track: Special Topic - Social Justice and Reform Technical Session 6
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Ellen Foster, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Karlin, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Stephanie Quiles-Ramos, ​Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University; Donna M. Riley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Diversity, Special Topic: Social Justice & Reform
-basedmediation incorporating deep listening practices, followed by a directed visionary fiction writingexercises with prompts in relation to hoped for futures and outcomes in engineering education.The first exercise, meant to last about 5-10 minutes, will establish mindfulness, attention to one’scurrent emotional/physical state, and cultivate presence for the ensuing writing exercise. Withthe prompt we will have a free write, and then lead a conversation about shared visions,divergent visions, and intersecting themes with those already identified by interview participants.From here we may form action teams for brainstorming actionable items and strategies forfurthering the campaign. It is our intention, like the Highlander Institute, to culminate theory
Conference Session
Computers in Education Division Technical Session 10: STEM Outreach
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Bryce E. Hughes, Montana State University; Nick Lux, Montana State University ; Barrett Frank, Montana State University; Shannon D. Willoughby, Montana State University; Brock J. LaMeres P.E., Montana State University - Bozeman; Rachelle Codie Weyerbacher, Montana State University
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Computers in Education
worked as an R&D engineer for Agilent Technologies in Colorado Springs, CO where he designed electronic test equipment.Rachelle Codie Weyerbacher, Montana State University Rachelle Weyerbacher is a final semester English Education major from Montana State University with minors in English-Writing and Women Gender and Sexuality Studies. She is an advocate for the usage of technology in the classroom in conjunction with writing across curriculums with a focus on digital literacy. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Learning from Design: Using Video Game Design Elements to Improve Minecraft Learning System for Spatial Reasoning in Middle Grades KidsIntroduction
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Curricular Programs
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Secules, University of Maryland, College Park; Ayush Gupta, University of Maryland, College Park; Andrew Elby, University of Maryland, College Park
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
enabled success, circumventing unsupportive advisors,combating isolation using peer networks, consciously demonstrating abilities to counteractdoubt, finding safe spaces for their whole selves, getting out to stay in STEM, remembering their Page 26.1582.2passion for science, and engaging in activism.” Note that navigating the system is also one ofthe three dimensions of becoming an engineer noted by Stevens et al6.While most of Ko et al.’s coping strategies primarily involve taking action, “remembering theirpassion for science” and “demonstrating abilities to counteract doubt” are primarily internalpsychological acts. In this paper, we build on
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 2: Understanding Our Users
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Parker, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
less common [3], and researchers may be reluctant, with a preference to sharedata only when requested [4], [5] or only with peers [6].How well prepared are engineering faculty to deposit data in a repository to fulfill funding orpublication requirements? In 2021, Canada’s federal granting Tri-Agency Council released itsdraft Research Data Management Policy, mandating that by Spring 2023 some fundedresearchers will be expected to complete data management plans (DMP) [7]. All fundedresearchers will be required to deposit their data into a repository with the expectation thatresearchers “provide appropriate access to the data where ethical, cultural, legal and commercialrequirements allow, and in accordance with the FAIR principles and the
Conference Session
Research on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo; Nathan R. Johnson, University of South Florida; Fernando Sánchez, University of St. Thomas; Walter R. Hargrove
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Educational Research and Methods
of IntersectionalityKristen R. Moore, University at BuffaloWalter Hargrove, University at BuffaloNathan R. Johnson, University of South FloridaFernando Sánchez, University of St. ThomasAbstractUsing a citation network analysis, this project analyzes the 209 instances of the term“intersectionality” in the ASEE PEER repository to locate the central authors and texts thatinform the field’s use of the term. In this citational analysis, we suggest that the limited citationof Black women should be interrogated and redressed as a form of inequity. Framing this projectwithin the politics of citation and the current campaign to #CiteBlackWomen, we work toexplore how the term “intersectional” has been embraced, whose theories have been adopted,ignored
Conference Session
Undergraduate Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Donald Winiecki Ph.D., Boise State University; Noah Salzman, Boise State University; Timothy Andersen, Boise State University; Amit Jain, Boise State University; Dianxiang Xu, Boise State University
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Diversity, Undergraduate Education
are commonly considered paramount in any engineering field(and it should go without saying that this includes computer science), this manuscript focuses on ourefforts toward achieving the goals associated with ethics, morality, inclusion, diversity and socialjustice. To a large extent, it is a gloss written from the author’s first-person perspective as the socialscientist on the CSP-Hatchery project team, and individual most directly responsible for preparing anddelivering (or ghost-writing) relevant curricula and supporting other faculty in incorporatingprofessional, context-aware and responsive social ethics across the BSU CS curriculum.Background: Not `the way it is,` but `the way we have allowed it to become`The fact that groups other