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Displaying results 871 - 900 of 1055 in total
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James Huff, Harding University; Brent K Jesiek, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kavitha Durga Ramane; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
sociotechnical mindsets that our students can instill inengineering practice.References 1. Huff, J. L. (2014). Psychological journeys of engineering identity from school to the workplace: How students become engineers among other forms of self. Retrieved from ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing (3669254). 2. Huff, J. L., Smith, J. A., Jesiek, B. K., Zoltowski, C. B., Graziano, W. G., & Oakes, W. C. (2014). From methods to methodology: Reflection on keeping the philosophical commitments of interpretative phenomenological analysis. Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. October 2014, Madrid. 3. Huff, J. L., Jesiek, B. K., Zoltowski, C. B., Ramane, K. D., Graziano, W. G
Conference Session
Homework, Learning, and Problem Solving in Mechanics
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael K. Swanbom PE, Louisiana Tech University; Daniel William Moller, Louisiana Tech University; Katie Evans, Louisiana Tech University; Timothy Reeves, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Divisions
that the authorstend to hear with respect to the use of WeBWorK. Table 6: Survey Results Regarding Negative Feelings toward WeBWorKIn most areas, there were fewer negative feelings toward WeBWorK in the winter term than thefall term. This may be due to the more positive previous experience with WeBWorK among thestudents taking the course in the winter. A feeling that the problems are too difficult was notedfrom these data. Upon reflection, the authors concluded that many of the newly-crafted problemswere more on the difficult end of the scale, and more were needed at the easier end of the scaleto assist students in building their skills and confidence gradually. Additions to the problemlibrary addressing this concern have since been
Conference Session
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering Division: Research-to-Practice: Principles of K-12 Engineering Education and Practice
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech University; Kelly B. Crittenden, Louisiana Tech University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
of the teacherworkshops and corresponding student Discovery Weekends is that these teachers, with assistancefrom the university project team, will guide their students through the same content during theacademic year. The culminating event for the academic year project will be a design competition..Acknowledgement and DisclaimerSupport for this work was partially provided by the National Science Foundation under AwardNumber IIA-1348314. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.Bibliography1. National Academy of Engineering. Rising Above the Gathering Storm, The National Academies Press, 20072. National Academy of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ravi P. Ramachandran, Rowan University; Steven H Chin, Rowan University; Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Liang Hong, Tennessee State University; Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University; Robert M Nickel, Bucknell University; Richard J. Kozick, Bucknell University; Ying Tang, Rowan University; Robi Polikar, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and assessment of student learning.Dr. Liang Hong, Tennessee State University Dr. Liang Hong received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Southeast Univer- sity, Nanjing, China in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri in 2002. Since August 2003
Conference Session
Architectural Division Technical Session 2
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Bartosh, Syracuse University; Bess Krietemeyer, Syracuse University; Sinéad C. Mac Namara, Syracuse University
Tagged Divisions
reported general interest in resolving technical issues in the designstudio. Less than 30% of students claim that technical concerns are always a priority in their designwork. Figure 7 shows students’ perceptions of how important technical concerns are to their studiofaculty. These results are among the most emphatic in the whole survey. Approximately 15 % ofstudents agree with the statement that “Very few instructors think it is important” and 70% agreethat “Some instructors think it is important, others do not.” These perceptions (regardless ofwhether they are an accurate reflection of their studio instructors’ actual values) elicit concern. Ifa significant majority of students do not get the message from their design faculty that
Conference Session
Understanding the Military Veteran's Human Resource Needs - Transition from Military Service to the Engineering Profession
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Grant Crawford, Quinnipiac University; Jason B Burke, Quinnipiac University
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Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans Constituent Committee
education benefits in more than one state. Therefore the national totals in the Annual Benefits Report summary statistics (Appendix table) should not be used to reflect the total number of beneficiaries during the fiscal year as these counts are calculated as the sum total of the state statistics. Figure 1. Department of Veterans Affairs Education Program Beneficiaries: FY2000 to FY201510 Lastly, these GI Bill and VR&E Program benefits may be utilized by accredited entitiesthat accept the benefits for certificate granting schools all the way to doctoral degree programs.Of
Conference Session
Classroom Practice I: Active and Collaborative Learning
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy K. Lape, Harvey Mudd College; Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College; Darryl H. Yong, Harvey Mudd College; Nancy Hankel, Cobblestone Applied Research & Evaluation, Inc.; Rebecca Eddy, Cobblestone Applied Research & Evaluation, Inc.
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
inverted sections with those in control sections (i.e., traditional coursemodel). Treatment and control students completed the same measures (e.g., content assessmentsand student attitude surveys) and faculty members, who taught in both conditions, alsocompleted reflection papers related to their experiences. The guiding research questions for thestudy and an overview of the assessment measures are shown in Table 1 below (more details onassessment measures are included in a subsequent section of this paper). In the final year of thestudy, the researchers designed what they felt were “best practices” for the inverted model in allsections of their courses and the same outcome measures were used.Table1.EvaluationQuestionsandOutcomeMeasures
Conference Session
Engineering Management: Supply Chain, Systems Thinking, and Lean Initiatives
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ekaterina Koromyslova, South Dakota State University; Byron G. Garry, South Dakota State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
andAdministration department. One person from each department is a leader (Department Head);one person is CEO of the company. The class is provided with basic input information requiredfor the design, such as demand forecast, specification, bill of materials, material requirements,cutting waste, labor time, and the company operating time. The project guidelines reflect ill-structured problem based approach with relaxed framework and freedom for performance. Onlyone written report is required from whole class. Oral presentation of the project should be givenat the end of semester (one from whole class). Each group (department) is responsible for thereport section related to the department’s activity, and for integration of all sections together intoone
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farshid Marbouti, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
. Adams, R. S.; Turns, J.; Atman, C. J., Educating effective engineering designers: The role of reflective practice. Design Studies 2003, 24 (3), 275-294.21. Bursic, K. M.; Atman, C. J., Information gathering: A critical step for quality in the design process. Quality Management Journal 1997, 4 (4), 60-75.22. Christiaans, H.; Dorst, K. H., Cognitive models in industrial design engineering: A protocol study. Design Theory and Methodology 1992, 42, 131-140.23. Crismond, D. P.; Adams, R. S., The informed design teaching and learning matrix. Journal of Engineering Education 2012, 101 (4), 738-797.24. Atman, C. J.; Bursic, K. M., Teaching engineering design: Can reading a textbook make a difference? Research in Engineering Design 1996
Conference Session
Promoting Engineering and Technological Literacy
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet L. Gbur, Case Western Reserve University; Daniela Solomon, Case Western Reserve University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering
Workshop should have less speakers Other (please specifiy)Figure 2. Results from the panelist survey based on how the event could be improvedThe results of the attendee survey mirrored the panelists’ responses on the organization andlength of the workshop again noting that it was a well-organized event and the length wasappropriate, though a small percentage felt the event was somewhat long. In addition to thesequestions, the attendees were also asked to reflect on their thoughts regarding workshop content,suggestions for future events, if they would consider attending again and most importantly thebenefit(s) from attendance.The attendees overwhelmingly replied that the topic was of interest to them and that some
Conference Session
Circuits & Systems Education I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicole P. Pitterson, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
learningexperiences planned so as to achieve this desired knowledge? [32]. The key to course design is thedetermination of the enduring outcome for the course. In other words, what is the set of keyoutcomes one would like for their students to have possessed at the end of the learningexperience or even years after they have exited the learning process? For example, in theintroductory circuit course used for study three it was evident that students were expected tohave developed a certain level of engineering problem solving skills that could be translated toother complex learning experiences. The emphasis on working problems in the class or the use oflearning activities meant to provide more class time for working problems were also reflected instudies two
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Ethics Instruction
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vivian Liang, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Zach Jasensky, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Melvin Moore III; Jake Francis Rogers; Geoff Pfeifer, Worcester Polytechic Institute; Kristen Billiar, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
have an open mind and reflect thoroughly onethical situations in the future before jumping to conclusions. For the point/counterpointassignment in this experiment, the first team chose a case study that was related to the topic ofthe engineering class. The students were asked to write a point/counterpoint essay and discusstheir opinions in class. Upon completion of the point/counterpoint study, the students were askedto complete a survey to gauge how effective this method of ethics teaching was, as well asdetermine reactions to the assignment. In addition to the point/counterpoint assignment, the first team also developed a heuristicsassignment for the same senior-level class. A six step analysis method was adapted from varioussources10-13
Conference Session
UAV and other Team Projects in Aerospace Engineering
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Calvin Russell Walker, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
classroom knowledge on real-world challenges and issues. The team has ranked as high as first place in 2008 and as low as 27th in 2015. Obviously,winning is what the students want to achieve. However, the educational value and engineeringinsight are highly important along with learning to work in a team environment with diverse teammembers outside of their areas of study. This is reflected in a survey conducted with formerstudents who are now working as engineers in various engineering fields from defense analyst todesigner and flight test engineer. Two former students are working in the UAS field, although atthe time of this writing they had not responded. These former students are either in the privatesector, government contractor, or
Conference Session
Developing Quality Experiences that Retain Diverse Engineering Talent
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Christe, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Brian J Wisner, Drexel University; Jay J. Bhatt, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Antonios Kontsos, Drexel University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
and presentation skills of all students was observedfrom abstract to final report phase, partly reflected in quantitative scores provided by anindependent panel of faculty judges for the midterm and final presentations.The RISE students became progressively integrated into their research groups, gaining autonomyin their labs over the 10 week period. In addition, participants universally expressed increasedinterest in STEM education and subsequent careers, and reported a sense of “belonging” to theirchosen labs, which can be interpreted as academic integration. A deliberate effort was further madeto include the RISE students in concurrent departmental seminars, senior design presentations,Masters and PhD defenses in addition to selected visits
Conference Session
Maker Spaces within the University
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ricardo Jose Morocz; Bryan Levy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Craig Forest, Georgia Institute of Technology; Robert L. Nagel, James Madison University; Wendy C Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University; Julie S Linsey, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
which questions or set of questions will have a stronger effect on engineering designself-efficacy and other metrics. Furthermore, future studies will analyze the relationship betweeninvolvement and participation, and the impact they have on GPA, innovation self-efficacy, ideageneration ability, and retention.AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge that the support for this work was provided by the NationalScience Foundation Award No. DUE-1432107/1431721/1431923. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century. Washington, DC
Conference Session
Software Engineering Constituent Committee Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sally Sue Richmond, Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley; Kailasam Satyamurthy, Penn State University; Joanna F. DeFranco, Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Constituent Committee
scale ranges from 1-10 and thereforeeach scale value reflects a 10% change). The data are also not ratio data, since zero is not a possible rating(a student would only receive a zero if they did not present their work, in which case there would be nopeer evaluation). This restricts the types of analysis that can be applied to the data, and reduces thesensitivity of any conclusions (Trochim, 2006). Nonetheless, interesting conclusions regarding bias andpotential cronyism can be drawn when we organized the ratings into ranges and looked at the frequencyof ratings in each range, as discussed below.Given the small amount of data and that reliability has been studied extensively, we chose to investigateto what extent students used the entire range
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Rabb P.E., The Citadel; Monika Bubacz, The Citadel; Jason Howison, The Citadel; Kevin Skenes, The Citadel
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
] Tinto, V., “Research and practice of student retention: What next?”, Journal of College Student Retention:Research, Theory & Practice, 2007, v. 8 no. 1, p. 1-19.[2] Chen, X. “STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields”, National Center forEducation Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC, 2013.[3] Veenstra, C.P., Dey, E.L., Herrin, G.D., “Is Modeling of Freshman Engineering Success Different fromModeling of Non-Engineering Success?” Journal of Engineering Education, Washington, D.C., 2008, v. 97 no. 4,October, p. 467-79.[4] Harris, J. G., “Journal of Engineering Education Round Table: Reflections on the Grinter Report”, 1994 (1), p.69-94[5] Carr, R., Thomas, D
Conference Session
Labs & Hands-on Instruction II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A. Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dianna Newman, University at Albany/SUNY; Kathy Ann Gullie Ph.D., Evaluation Consortium, University at Albany/SUNY; Paul M. Schoch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
the PowerPoint files. He was completely involved indeveloping the “flip” but didn’t create any video content. Reflecting on this after the semester, itwas a mistake to attempt what might be called a partial flip. He agreed to take of EI because hewas given the opportunity to teach a well-developed flipped course. He also was building on hisexperience from the earlier course. The fundamental reason why he was interested is based onreading papers and forming a conviction that his time with the students is best served helpingthem get past difficulties by learning how they approach problems. Then he is able to help themdetermine where there are gaps in their knowledge and how to use the course resources to bridgethose gaps. A lecture isn’t
Conference Session
Software Applications in ET Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Vukica M. Jovanovic, Old Dominion University; Otilia Popescu, Old Dominion University; Orlando M Ayala, Old Dominion University; Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Alok K. Verma P.E., Old Dominion University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. One of the main idea of Socratic principles oflearning is focusing on systematic questioning method (Overholser, 1993). This method isspecifically important for different liberal art fields such as in law (Hawkins-Leon, 1998; Kerr,1999), psychotherapy (Overholser, 1994) and other fields. Questions as sole method of teachingemphasizes involving students in conversations in which they would discover limits of theirknowledge and get inspired to learn more (Paraskevas & Wickens, 2003). Moreover, applicationof constructivism principles which focuses on arguments, discussions, debates, conflicts anddilemmas, sharing ideas with others, working towards the solution, creating reflections, addressingstudent needs and connecting what is learned to
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Strategies Beyond the Classroom to Tackle Gender Issues
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eddie L Jacobs, University of Memphis; Amy L de Jongh Curry, University of Memphis; Russell J. Deaton, University of Memphis; Carmen Astorne-Figari, University of Memphis; Douglas Clark Strohmer, University of Memphis
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
more relevant to societal needs.It is not just about gender equity — it is about doing better engineering for us all.”References [1] National Society of Professional Engineers., 1954. [2] IEEE. IEEE Mission Statement. mission.html. [3] James A. Stieb. Understanding Engineering Professionalism: A Reflection on the Rights of Engineers. Science and Engineering Ethics, 17(1):149–169, 2011. [4] A. Kirn and L. Benson. Quantitative assessment of student motivation to characterize difference between engineering majors. Frontiers in Education Conference, 2013. [5] M. F. Fox, G. Sonnert, and I. Nikiforova. Programs for Undergraduate Women in
Conference Session
Assessing Literacies in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bryan A. Jones, Mississippi State University; Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
a deeper, more experi-ential level, this typeset output reinforces the belief that a program is a document, encouragingprogrammers to write documents, instead of disjointed comments. Finally, this underlying beliefthat a program is a document then opens to the authors the multitude of advantages which accrueto writers: creation of and reflection on the overall structure of the essay; the ability to easily in-clude others in the development process; the inclusion of the creative ideas which produced aparticular implementation.This last point bears further investigation. Traditional programming focuses on the what – the code,which defines a specific implementation. This information provides a compiler all the informationneeded to blindly
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
R. Danner Friend, Norwich University
Tagged Divisions
the knowledge and tools necessary for being successful in this course. 5 Work effectively as a member of a team. Teamwork 6 Use written, oral, and graphical communication to convey methods, results, and Communication conclusions. 7 Demonstrate a capacity for self-directed, lifelong learning, including goal Lifelong Learning setting, decision-making, project planning, resource discovery and evaluation, personal development (autonomy, self-motivation, self-confidence, self- reflection). 8 Develop and apply attitudes and skills for creativity within the context of Creativity materials science and engineering. 9 Develop
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University; Noemi V. Mendoza Diaz, Texas A&M University; Tanya Dugat Wickliff, Texas A&M University; So Yoon Yoon, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
their sessions, some measures were not utilized by Instructor B.The outcomes of student performance were categorized into two levels: (a) individuallevel performance and (b) team level performance. Here, individual level performanceindicates individual students’ scores from their own performance on enculturation factorsand team level performance indicates that students in the same team received the samescores as reflection of teamwork for an activity on enculturation factors. The mostfrequent number of team members was four and a few teams had three, due to the lack ofstudents or attrition. Table 2 shows characteristics of the measures utilized in this study,related enculturation factors of each measure, and the level of performance. Details
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 10
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas - El Paso; Pedro Arturo Espinoza, University of Texas - El Paso; Hugo Gomez, University of Texas - El Paso; Randy Hazael Anaya, University of Texas - El Paso; Hector Erick Lugo Nevarez, University of Texas - El Paso; Herminia Hemmitt, University of Texas - El Paso; Peter Golding, University of Texas - El Paso; Oscar Antonio Perez, University of Texas - El Paso
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
) teach with examples andcases, 5) prime student motivation and use formative assessment.8 Learning blocks werecreated, refined, and utilized in our two most recent Tech-E camps to see if they couldmaintain the same level of engagement with learners while involving deeper learning andentrepreneurship concepts in them.Learning blocks were designed to take advantage of key strategies found in project-basedlearning, such as, tackling realistic problems using the learner’s knowledge, increasinglearners control over their learning, involving instructors that serve as coaches/facilitatorsof inquiry and reflection, and utilizing either pairs or groups in the process. 9,10 Thechallenge portions of the blocks introduce some key entrepreneurship components
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Pickard, East Carolina University; John B. Southworth, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
test is not a reflection of the protocols themselves butrather a byproduct of implementations and possibly routing policies along the packet paths.Figure 9. Example output from v6Sonar showing the results of a performance test from six globally distributed monitoring agents. The test performed was HTTPGet of Web content.Discussion of findingsCzyz et al’s 2014 study provided a model for assessing IPv6 adoption through the first at largeempirical study of the state of IPv6 adoption by analyzing ten different datasets and producingresults on twelve adoption metrics. Their study provided qualitative and quantitative evidencethat IPv6 “is being used natively for production and at a rapidly-increasing rate” 3. In this studywe
Conference Session
Novel Teaching Methods In Engineering Technology
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John R Haughery, Iowa State University; D. Raj Raman, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
geared motors, integrated motor drive circuits, three-axisaccelerometer/compass, piezo-electric buzzer, status light emitting diodes (LEDs), a userpushbutton, and an infrared reflectance sensor array for high contrast sensing. The mostadvantageous aspect of this chassis was the wide range of microcontroller boards it accepted.While we selected the well-known Arduino UNO Rev3 microcontroller, many others aresuitable, including all Pololu’s A-Star 32U4 family and other similar form factor third-partyofferings. One board and cable were given to each individual student, while one chassis wasshared across teams of two students.The most costly support equipment item was the rolling storage case by Lista. This five-drawer,tool chest style case was
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session - Pre-college Programs for Women
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shawna Fletcher, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division, Women in Engineering
requirements.ConclusionIn conclusion, public educational institutions are responsible for educating students in a safe andeffective environment. Across the US, the number of female students engaging in PLTW doesnot reflect the population as a whole. Therefore, women will continue to be underrepresented inthese programs unless measures are taken. Offering all-female PLTW cohorts have proven theirsuccess to attract and retain more female students. Though the evidence is clear, all-femalePLTW cohorts are slow to be adopted. There is a fear that single-sex education in a mixedsetting gives preferential treatment and an unfair advantage to some students. However, withoutthese interventions, the representation of women in PLTW and engineering programs willincrease
Conference Session
Developing Systems Engineering Curriculum and Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Polinpapilinho Katina, Old Dominion University; Joseph M Bradley, Leading Change, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Keating 38 39; Keating Methodology semiautonomous subsystems et al. 40Classification Systems-based Description Primary Proponents Methodology Critical Systems A process of critical reflection based on a set of boundary Ulrich 41 42 Heuristics questions that examine the legitimacy of designs by contrasting what ‘is’ proposed versus what ‘ought’ to be Organizational Makes explicit individual and organizational models that enable Argyris and Learning organizations to make
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session I
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea M. Ogilvie P.E., Virginia Tech; David B Knight, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas, Austin; Arturo A Fuentes, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley; Patricia A. Nava, University of Texas, El Paso; Valarie E. Taylor, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
this study: Dean Tonie Badillo, El Paso CommunityCollege; Dr. Monica Cortez, Texas A&M University; Dr. Eli Esmaeili, South Texas College; Dr.Ben Flores, UTEP; Assistant Dean Patricia A. Gore, UT Austin; Dr. Julie Martin, ClemsonUniversity; Dr. Sylvia McMullen, Blinn College; Dr. MaryJane McReynolds, Austin CommunityCollege; Ms. Jackie Perez; Texas A&M University; Dr. Soko S. Starobin, Iowa State University;Dr. Cristina Villalobos, UT Rio Grande Valley.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1428502. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samantha Ruth Brunhaver, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Holly M Matusovich, Virginia Tech; Ruth A. Streveler, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University; Cheryl Carrico P.E., Virginia Tech; Angela Harris, Stanford University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
. This research is funded by the NSF as acollaborative research grant (EEC-1360665, 1360956, and 1360958). Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and donot necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.Bibliography[1] National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, 2010 SESTAT Integrated Data System, 2013, Retrieved from[2] G. Lichtenstein, H. G. Loshbaugh, B. Claar, H. L. Chen, K. Jackson, and S. D. Sheppard, “An engineering major does not (necessarily) an engineer make: Career decision making among undergraduate engineering majors,” J. Eng. Ed., vol. 98, no. 3, pp. 227-234.[3] National Center