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2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen Alfano, College of the Canyons
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information andinstructions for completing the questionnaire.4.2. Project Assessment Data Collection: Monitor the 2+2+2 program & collect assessment data;Facilitate research on improving utilization of on-line forum on pedagogyskillsObjective 5. Institutionalize and disseminate both the products and the partnership process tomaximize the impact both regionally and nationally.Performance Objective--By the conclusion of this grant cycle, activities of the CREATEConsortium will be self-sustaining, institutionalized and widely disseminated. Dissemination willfocus on presentations and web activities. The campuses will fold costs into existing budgets orsecure needed funding locally.5.1 Web Communication: Webmaster for CREATE web site/s. Check and
Conference Session
ABET and Curriculum-Level Assessments
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
PhD Valeriy Solomonov, Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT); Olga Belyaeva, Ph.D., Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT); Alla Frolkova, Lomonosov Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology (MITHT)
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. Page 22.1170.6[1] Timofeev, V., S., Frolkova, A., K., Serafimov, L., A., The Idea and Realization of the Multi-LevelCurriculum Structure in the System of Higher Technical Education, Moscow : MITHT Publishing center, 2002.[2] Frolkova, A., K., Solomonov, V., A., “Multi-level curriculum structure in higher technical education:Russian experience and perspectives”, Vserossijskaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija “Razvitie processaintegracii vysshego obrazovanija Rossii na osnove Bolonskih principov”, Moscow : MSU Faculty ofEconomics, 26 Nov. 2009, p.359-62.[3] Salomonov, V., A., Belyaeva, O., Y., Frolkova, A., K., “On development of multi-level structure of highereducation curricula in Russian Federation”, Journal of International Scientific
Conference Session
Computers in Education Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bruce Eric Davis, Purdue University; David M. Whittinghill, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education
22.1704.5Bibliographic Information1 Susi, T., Johannesson, M., Backland, P. 2007. Serious Games – An Overview.2 Heeter, C., Chu, C., Maniar, A., Winn, B., Mishra, P., Egidio, R., Portwood-Stacer, L. 2003. Comparing 14 Plus 2Forms of Fun (and Learning and Gender Issues) In Commercial Versus Educational Space Exploration DigitalGames.3 Siwek, Stephen E. 2007. Video Games in the 21st Century: Economic Contributions of the U.S. EntertainmentSoftware Industry, Entertainment Software Association (2007).4 Read, J.C., MacFarane, S. 2006. Using the Fun Toolkit and Other Survey Methods to Gather Opinions in ChildComputer Interaction. IDC ’06, June 7 – 9, 2006.5 Kahn, K. 1999. A Computer Game to Teach Programming. National Educational Computing Conference 1999.6 El-Nasr
Conference Session
DEED Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William Besser, University of Saint Thomas; AnnMarie Thomas, University of Saint Thomas
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
, “create curriculum and working situations for the product designers tofocus on the engineering approach and vice versa. Otherwise, the students will focus on theirnatural strengths and prior education without gaining greater insights to the other‟s realm andresponsibilities,” when planning educational opportunities. These educational opportunities areimportant because the two groups, “need to work together to foster and understanding of each Page 22.1265.5others‟ strengths and weaknesses.” This type of interaction will lead to the most likely positiveoutcome, without possibly negatively affecting the rest of the student’s educational
Conference Session
Capstone Design II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cameron J. Turner, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
design project compared tothe reverse engineering project where the students are assigned by MBTI results. For the seniordesign project, students self-identify design teams and competitively bid for their choice(s) ofdesign project. To be competitive, students need to identify the necessary skill sets for theproject(s) that they intend to bid on, and recruit from their peers students with the necessary skillsets. This is a promising entrepreneurial experience for the students and brings a real-worldaspect to project selection. Page 22.1213.103.2 Project Selection ChangesProjects vary significantly. All projects, including internally sponsored
Conference Session
Research on Engineering Design Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carla B. Zoltowski, Purdue University, West Lafayette; William C. Oakes, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Conference Session
Innovative Instructional Strategies and Curricula in ECE I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cordelia M. Brown, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Yung-Hsiang Lu, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
. Page 22.1412.6[3] Brown, C. and Y-H. Lu, “Integration of Real World Teaming into a Programming Course”. InProceedings of 2010 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, July20-23, 2010.[4] Smith, K. A., “Teamwork and Project Management”, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2007.[5] Williams, L. and R. Kessler, “Pair Programming Illuminated”, Addison-Wesley Longman, 2002.[6] Adams, S. G., “Building Successful Student Teams in the Engineering Classroom”. Journal of STEMEducation. July-December. Auburn, AL., 27-32, 2003.[7] Morris, D., “Automatic Grading of Student’s Programming Assignments: An InteractiveProcess and Suite of Programs”. In Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in EducationConference, S3F-1 – S3F-5
Conference Session
Frontiers in EM Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ertunga C. Ozelkan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Agnes Galambosi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Conference Session
ETD Design V: Classroom Delivery, Course Content, and Assessments
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Dunning, University of Maine; Rosemary A. LaMountain, University of Maine; Linda Liscomb, University of Maine
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
. 3. Rice, L., (1988), “Student Evaluation of Teaching: Problems and Prospects”, Teaching Philosophy, 11, 329-44. 4. D’Apollonia, S., Abrami, P.C.,(1997), “Navigating Student Ratings of Instruction”, American Psychologist, 52, 1198-1208. 5. Gilbaugh, J.W., (Feb. 1982), “Renner Substantiated”, Phi Delta Kappan, 63, 428. 6. Ryan, J.J., Anderson, J.J., Birchler, A.B., (December, 1980), “Student Evaluations: The Faculty Responds”, Research in Higher Education, 12, 317-33. 7. Williams, W.M., Ceci, S.J., (Sept./Oct. 1997), “How’m I Doing? Problems with Student Ratings of Instructors and Courses”, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 29, 12-23
Conference Session
Multimedia and Distance Learning
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fatih Oncul, Southern Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
perform the same recordingjob as the new Windows based tablet-PCs could do, this will continue to be more appealing tothose who have already been frustrated with poor performance of Windows based software ontablet-PCs. Page 22.1660.11References [1] Biswas, S., 2007, “Teaching Courses with Tablet PC: Experience and Student Feedback”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. [2] Brooks, J., 2007, Linux for Beginners, Eweek Labs, March 19, 2007, pp. 37-41 [3] Camtasia Studio website, [4] Cellwriter website,
Conference Session
Techniques to Enhance Environmental Engineering Courses
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip J. Parker, University of Wisconsin, Platteville
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
. Despotakis. 2010 “Known and Unknown Weaknesses in Software Animated Demonstrations (Screencasts): A Study in Self-Paced Learning Settings.” Journal of Information Technology Education, Vol. 9, pp. 81-98. 3. Lee, M., S. Pradhan, B. Dalgarno. 2008. “The Effectiveness of Screencasts and Cognitive Tools as Scaffolding for Novice Object-Oriented Programmers.” Journal of Information Technology Education. Vol. 7, pp. 61-80 Page 22.1635.7
Conference Session
Mentoring Graduate Students, Diversity, and Assessment
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wes Stone, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies, Minorities in Engineering
, Page 22.1652.2piezoelectric materials were not commercialized until the 1940’s, when they found application insensors. Most piezoelectric accelerometers are made of quartz crystal. When the crystal issubjected to a force, it generates a small electrical charge. That charge is directly proportional tothe applied force. Using Newton’s Second Law (F=ma), it is very useful to use piezoelectricsensors to measure force and acceleration, opening a wide array of applications.2,3 Farlow, et alwere able to micromachine piezocomposite transducers with kerfs as small as 13 m, using acopper vapor laser.4Independent Study Research OpportunitiesMinerick, et al show that research can be used as a recruiting tool to draw talented high schoolstudents to the
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University; Evan Jackson; Ali Sanati-Mehrizy, Pennsylvania State University; Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, University of Pennsylvania; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
AC 2011-2280: MOUNT TIMPANOGOS COMMUNITY SPECIES DATABASEDr. Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University Reza Sanati-Mehrizy is a professor of Computer Science at Utah Valley University. His research interests include Data Structures, Databases, and Data Mining.Mr. Evan JacksonAli Sanati-Mehrizy, Pennsylvania State University Ali Sanati-Mehrizy is a medical student at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center at Pennsylvania State University. His research interests include the application of mobile computing in the sciences. Upon completion of medical school, he hopes to pursue a career in Internal Medicine/Pediatrics with a further specialization in Hematology-Oncology.Paymon Sanati-Mehrizy, University of Pennsylvania
Conference Session
Developing International Engineering Research, Course Enhancement, Leadership of, and Online Engineering Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bahawodin Baha, University of Brighton; Ogai Ahmadi, Kabul University, Afghanistan
Tagged Divisions
othercontracts of AED were suspended by the USAID recently [1].The Afghan government does not have access to huge amounts of funding, which would be ableto revitalize the higher education and other sectors in Afghanistan.7. ConclusionsThe education system was heavily misused between late 1980’s until 2003. As educationalvalues evaporated from the institutions, most of the appointments of the chancellors and deansand the promotions of academics from lower to higher ranks were based on political affiliationrather than academic excellence. Therefore, the quality of education has gradually degraded, andconsequently, the knowledge and skills of university graduates have deteriorated significantly,affecting all sectors in the country.To establish a viable
Conference Session
Engineering as the STEM Glue
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy C. Prevost, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Mitchell J. Nathan, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Amy Kathleen Atwood, University of Wisconsin - Madison; L. Allen Phelps, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
the alarm clock, the student must understand the inputs and outputs, or the logic functions. In lines 3-5 and lines 9-12, the instructor directs the student to the diagram to compare what was figured on paper to what has been built on the breadboard and how to count and integrate each circuit to create a switch. 1 S: Where are the switches supposed to connect to? 2 3 T: See what it says here. These are your ins. Okay. Just go off of this (diagram of circuits). Where's the 4 switch go? Here's your in. So you gotta connect these two legs together. So which ones are those? Let's 5 take number one here. 6 7 S: One and two have to be together. 8 9 T: (At the same time) So you gotta hook one and
Conference Session
Engineering Mathematical Potpourri
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Schmeelk, Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar
Tagged Divisions
Visibility of Gratings”, J. Physiol. 197, (1968), 551-566. 6. Demirkaya, O., Asyali, M., H., Sahoo, P.K., Image Processing with MATLAB-Applications in Medicine and Biology, CRC Press, Florida, (2009). 7. Gonzalez, R.C., & Wintz, P., Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., MA. (1987). 8. Jain, A., K., Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall, NJ, (1989) 9. Lim, J., S., Two-Dimensional Signal and Image Processing, Prentice Hall, NJ, (1990). 10. Nagy, G., “State of the Art in Pattern Recognition”, Proc. IEEE, 56, (1968), 836-862. 11. Pedrycz, W., “Fuzzy Sets in Pattern Recognition; Methodology and Methods”, Pattern Recognition, 20 No. 1-2, (1990), 121-146. 12. Pratt
Conference Session
Sustainable Energy Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University; Mansour Tahernezhadi, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
AC 2011-270: EMERGING TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE - TRAINING MID-DLE AND HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS IN ALTERNATIVE ENERGYLiping Guo, Northern Illinois University Liping Guo received the B. E. degree in Automatic Control from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China in 1997, the M. S. and Ph. D. degrees in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Auburn Uni- versity, AL, USA in 2001 and 2006 respectively. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Technology program in the Technology Department at the Northern Illinois University. Her research and teaching interests are mainly in the area of power electronics, renewable energy, embedded systems and automatic control. Dr. Guo is a senior member
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship Faculty Development
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University; William M. Jordan, Baylor University
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
Baylor University is one of themany approaches we are taking to accomplish this objective.References1 P.C. Wankat, et al., eds. “The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Engineering.” Disciplinary Styles in theScholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground, ed. Huber and S. Morreale, 2002,AAHE/Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: Washington, D.C.2 M.S. Gupta, “Is Industrial Experience Necessary for Teaching Engineering?” IEEE Transactions on Education,Vol. 31, No. 1, February 1988.3 T.A. Friedman, The World is Flat, New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 2005.4 D.H. Pink, A Whole New Mind, New York: Riverhead Books, 2005.5 R.M. Felder, “A Whole New Mind for a Flat World,” Chemical Engineering Education, 40
Conference Session
Teaching Analog and Digital Communication: Novel Ideas for Lecture Courses, Laboratories, and Projects
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lei Miao, The University of Cincinnati; Denis Fedorov, University of Cincinnati; James O. Everly, University of Cincinnati; Max Rabiee, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
microcontroller (Microchip TechnologyInc.’s PIC16F684) via an analog to digital converter module of the microcontroller.This design decision was dictated by the need for reliable and independent operationof the accident detection algorithm and also by the limitation of the number of theinput/output channels on the main microcontroller. The primary job of the PIC16F684chip is to take the G-force readings from the MMA7260QT accelerometer periodically.The simplicity of operation on MMA7260QT determines that its programming code isvery robust and runs fast; this, in turn, leads to desired sensitivity and reliability of theoperation. If a spike in G-force is detected, an accident may have happened. ThePIC16F684 chip then sets one of the inputs on the main
Conference Session
IE Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heidi A. Taboada, University of Texas, El Paso; Jose F. Espiritu, University of Texas, El Paso; Abril Vazquez, University of Texas, El Paso; Olivia C. Moreno, University of Texas, El Paso
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
by the United States Departmentof Agriculture under the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Education Grants Program. The findingsand the views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect theposition of the United States Department of Agriculture.References.1. National Academy of Engineering. (2004). The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering inthe New Century.2. Ambrosio, A. M. A., Allcock, H. R., Katti, D. S. and Laurencin, C. T. (2002). Degradablepolyphosphazene/poly(α-hydroxyester) blends: degradation studies. Biomaterials, 23: 1667-1672.3. Arslan, H.; Cosgun, N. (2008). Reuse and recycle potentials of the temporary houses after
Conference Session
Trends in Mechanical Engineering I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy C. Bradshaw, University of Oklahoma; Zahed Siddique, University of Oklahoma; Patricia Lea Hardre, University of Oklahoma; Farrokh Mistree, University of Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
: Knowledge,Comprehension, and Application (see Table 2). During the 1990's a new group of cognitivepsychologists, led by Lorin Anderson, updated the taxonomy and modified the form of thesethree categories to Remembering, Understanding, and Applying. Lower order cognition isadequate for memorization and for following simple procedures.Some types of learning and understanding require more than rote memorization of facts orsimply following directions. Cognitive activities such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation aremore complex, and open ended. There can be many “correct” solutions (as well as many wrongones). Whether or not a solution is “right” might depend on the specific context. Bloom referredto these functions as “higher order cognition.” In
Conference Session
Laboratory Development in ECE
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergey N. Makarov, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Reinhold Ludwig, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kaung Myat Win, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, ECE Department
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
) The amount I learned from the course was 4.17 4.30 (compared to other classes)More assessment results will be reported based on the ongoing classes.Certain elements of our classroom teaching strategy can easily be adopted by professors andinstructors who are assigned to teach introductory ECE classes for non-majors.References [1]. A. Hambley, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications, 5th Edition, Jan. 2010, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 912 p. [2]. J. W. Nilsson and S. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 8th Edition, May 2007, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 880 p. [3]. G. Rizzoni, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, 1st
Conference Session
Biological & Agricultural Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael E. Manoogian, Loyola Marymount University
Tagged Divisions
Biological & Agricultural
of Engineering,Washington D.C.; 2008.(5) Johnson, A. T., “Biology for Engineers.” CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.; 2011.(6) Tozeren, A. and S. W. Beyers. “New Biology for Engineers and Computer Scientists,” Pearson PrenticeHall, New Jersey; 2004. Page 22.290.7(7) Vaccari, D. A., P. F. Strom, J. E. Alleman. “Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists,”Wiley, New Jersey; 2006.(8) Waite, G. N., L. R. Waite, W. X. Balcavage, M. B. Worrell. “Applied Cell and Molecular Biology forEngineers,” McGraw Hill, New York; 2007.(9) ”Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs: Effective for Evaluations During the 2011-2012Accreditation Cycle,” ABET
Conference Session
ETD Design II: Mechanical Engineering Technology
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Akbar M. Eslami, Elizabeth City State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
couple of months to registermillions of points. The same computer model can be generated by utilizing the non- contactoptical scanner and software in a couple of days. There are numerous important legitimate applications for reverse engineering inindustries, such as improving performance of a part by creating a computer model for whichthere is either no CAD data available or data has become obsolete. This application was used in aturbine manufacturer company to improve the performance of the turbine1. The companydecided to get more power out of hundreds of turbines that were originally built and installed inthe 1950’s. The basic idea was to use the original outer casing but upgrade the internalcomponents such as the blades and diaphragm
Conference Session
Sustainable Energy Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Chasnov, Cedarville University
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
of MEs will be more globally aware than theirpredecessors. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if clear-thinking, problem-solving, unbiased MEswould become involved in developing our nation’s energy policy? Page 22.414.6References1. M. Gathany and R. Chasnov, “An Energy Use and Emissions Inventory,” Proceedings of the ASEE AnnualConference, 2011.2. “Endangerment and Cause or Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under Section 202(a) of the Clean AirAct”, last visited 01/06/2011.3. S. Bennish, “Ohio metro areas have large carbon footprints, study reports, “ Dayton Daily News, Thursday, May29, 20084
Conference Session
Aerospace Teaching and Learning I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lance W. Traub, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
Tagged Divisions
skills to conduct their projects, core topics werecovered in formalized lectures and assignments conducted towards the beginning of thesemester. Topics covered included: • Familiarity with NI LabView (implemented during the laboratory period) o Taught in four lectures with an application orientation. o Students learned LabView by writing an acquisition code for an ATI 6- component platform type balance. o Teaching approach was minimalistic such that students would need to explore the numerous menu options to find suitable VIs to perform a desired task. Note that a suggested approach to implementing the VI(s) was presented
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Poster Session
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carol Shields, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
is hoped that the results of this study will support this statement andwill demonstrate the need and value of engineering education as a way to facilitate studentachievement of 21st century skills in classroom settings.References1 Macalalag, A.Z., Lowes, S., Tirthali, D., McKay, M., & McGrath, E. (2010). Teacher Professional Development inGrades 3-5: Fostering Teachers’ and Students’ Content Knowledge in Science and Engineering. American Societyfor Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, June 20102 National Academy of Engineering. (2009). Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status andImproving the Prospect. Washington D.C.: The National Academies
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering in Silico
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles Nippert, Widener University; Byung-Hwan Um, Widener University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
learning when compared to a controlgroup of students who performed the actual experiment. In the early 2000’s, Klahr1,2 published aseries of studies involving K-12 students that indicated that student experiential learning usingsimulations was comparable to learning using actual hands-on experiments. At about the sametime, several including one of the authors3,4,5 wrote describing the use of Internet-basedsimulations in undergraduate engineering laboratories.On line simulations are relevant to chemical engineering community and are used, in ourcurriculum, to train students in process control and top prepare students for complex laboratoryexperiments in distillation. These experiments, however, used early versions of Java™ abd weremuch simpler to
Conference Session
FPD X: First-Year Design with Projects, Modeling, and Simulation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Gomes, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
of hydro-statics to estimate the buoyancy force ofeach balloon. Empty balloon mass measurements were taken during recitation and guidancein creating their models was provided. Week 13 was a holiday for lecture, but groups metand worked together on their project that week. Week 14’s lecture continued mathematicalmodeling and both lab and recitation were entirely devoted to in-class group work for thefinal project. Week 15’s recitation class was devoted to each group taking photographs of thetarget area using their timer and chosen set of balloons. Week 16’s lecture showed them how Page 22.149.13Figure 7: area ∼ 906f t2
Conference Session
Focus on Capstone Experiences in the Chemical Engineering Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Lepek, The Cooper Union; Richard J. Stock, Cooper Union
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
completion, a variety of timeline and calendar formats are possible) iii) Personnel (complete C.V.’s for the team) iv) Facilities (essential information such as square footage, availability of adequate utilities, code and safety specifications, possibly including a floorplan or photos)The students were given the task of preparing proposals for further work or equipmentimprovements (or both) based on the results they obtained for the fourth experiment. Page 22.157.7ConclusionsThe use of alternative ways of reporting laboratory data allowed the students to develop skill-setsin written, oral, and visual communication. The