anisotropic material. Let’s apply gradient of electricalpotential to a sample and measure component of the density of electrical current in the samedirection. We will obtain a coefficient of proportionality or . Then let’s change thedirection of cutting and repeat experiment. After series of such experiments, we can draw thepolar diagram (in 2D case) of or . (Figure3a). We can also apply gradient of potential inone direction and can measure the density of electrical current in the perpendicular direction andcalculate the ratio of them. After series of such an experiment, we also can draw the polardiagram (Figure 3b). The shapes of the polar diagrams shown reflect the law (2) of transformingof the components of tensor and they are never
in the seat.According to the rules from the FSAE 2019 rule book regarding the seat [9]: The driver’s seat must be protected by either having the lowest point on the driver’s seat no lower than the bottom surface of the lower frame rails, or a longitudinal tube(s) that meets the side impact tubing requirements passing under the lowest point of the seat. There must be heat resistant, conduction isolation material with a minimum thickness of 8 mm between a source of heat and the driver of a 25 mm air gap. Radiation isolation must be done with a metal heat shield or a reflective tape when combined with insulation material.According to the rules from the FSAE 2019 rule book regarding the firewall [9]: Be
average scores in thesections with the traditional format was 86.1% to 91.7%. All the sections with the new labformat fell in between this range. These results are promising as it shows not to have greatlychanged the overall grading distribution of the lab while improving the lab results. The scores donot reflect the level of knowledge and understanding of concepts between the two types of labformats as the scores were calculated over different types of assignments and tasks. Did you find any parts of the project too hard or too easy? 4% 15% Right Difficulty Level Calculations
course content and indicated higher confidence in their abilities to use the softwareto model real-world dynamics scenarios. Ongoing work aims to improve student motivationduring the “Absorb” phase of the learning units and to develop Absorb-Do-Connect modules fora second simulation tool used in the course.Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumber DUE1525775. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressedin this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References1) Bloom BS. 1956. “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive Domain.” NewYork: McKay.2) Felder RM, et. al
online, theycome to lab that highlights ideas, allows to think in diverse, experimenting in a satisfactoryapproach to complete the lab. To enrich the student’s interest, several discussions are conductedin teaching class and lab. The students are always encouraged to participate with more effort andenthusiasm. These approaches not only help individual, it also reflects the improvement as ateam.In Fall 2015, at the start of every lab, students as a team were asked few questions randomly tomake sure the students follow the course as well as labs. The other tasks by the students are asusual. For the first lab, lab instructor demonstrates about the IDE68K tool, basically how to runand debug the programs. The programs in this tool can be simulated
nanocomposite fibers. The FTIR spectra of untreated PAN+PMMA fibers are shown in Figure 2. In the spectrumof untreated fiber, the absorption peaks of C-O groups were reflected at the vibrational stretch of1130-1150 cm-1 and weaken gradually with the addition of Al micro particles and TiO2nanoparticles. Moreover, the band range of 1400-1450 cm-1 is related to -C-H group but notchanged with the addition of Al micro and TiO2 nanoparticles. The absorption peak at 1700-1720cm-1 of C=O weaken gradually with the addition of Al micro and TiO 2 nanoparticles. After that,PAN+PMMA fibers were carbonized at 850°C for 1hr in an argon atmosphere, and then the FTIRanalysis was performed on the samples (Figure 2b). The intensity bands at all peaks
enable the community to expand and build on priorwork. To expand the applicability of cybersecurity, the field needs to enlarge and improve itsworkforce. Currently, professionals in this area of study are either researchers or workers thataccumulate several specialization courses, instead of a degree that focuses primarily on networksecurity; thus, it reflects on the number of young students who have interest in academic supportto pursue degrees in this path. Social Network Analysis (SNA) has already proven to be an effective technique to analyzeinteraction in a network topology. Using SNA, the nodes (clusters) and ties (relationships) innetworks can be visualized and analyzed using quantitative measures and graphicalrepresentations to
Guskey’s [8]process is on learners’ perceptions of a professional development program and outcomes as theyrelate to participant goals [8]. The first level considers participants’ reactions about the contentof the program, the process of how it was delivered and who delivered it, and context questionsabout the training setting or environment. Participant learning is the second level of this plan,indicated by cognitive, behavioral, and affective goals set and assessed by learners reflecting onhow the professional development helped them meet their goals. The third level examinesorganization support and change by measuring wider policies and procedures held by theorganization which the professional development aligns with. It evaluates whether
tools, and the Internet. The 2005 cutoff date focuses the research on studies whichreflect the current relationship between pedagogy and technology. Furthermore, the selection of2005 as a cutoff reflects the shift that occurred in the field of engineering education research inthe early 2000s toward a more scholarly emphasis (Froyd, Lohmann, Johri, and Olds, 2014). Forexample, in 2003, the Journal of Engineering Education established new review guidelines forpapers submitted to the journal which reflected the greater expectations for rigorous inquiry inthe field (“History of JEE,” n.d.).The first selection round applied basic criteria intended to remove obviously irrelevant papers —those which do not mention engineering education or electrical
and Marshall College. Hye Rin’s research interests are self-reflection, academic interventions, online learning in education, mea- surement, temporal motivation, and resilience in students with disabilities. Specifically, her research focuses on (1) creating an effective intervention that helps URMs persist and continue on in STEM ma- jors via the social media platform, YouTube; (2) examining the nuances related to various measures of academic self-related motivational beliefs; (3) resilient students who achieve high levels of academic per- formance despite their disability; and (4) combining aspects of cognitive and positive psychology to study individual differences in motivation, particularly in exploring
the cultural changes that manystudents, faculty, staff, and university leadership crave. He notes that the success of UMBC’sprograms are founded upon a shared vision that reflect the common values of all involved parties[26]. For any institution, including UMBC, the development of this shared vision requiredsignificant time, financial support, passion, safe space for difficult conversations, strategicplanning and detailed documentation [27]. Deeper investigation into UMBC’s academic historyrevealed that it was not always a highly regarded institution with prestigious accolades. In thebeginning, it was a school that lacked direction, with low expectations for and from its attendees.Given these humble beginnings, one could argue that the
our third funding cycle. The crucial information for our SURGE program is providedin Table 1 below, where the figures reflect the status quo [2] as of February 2020. We supported123 students; 2 of whom quit without getting a bachelor’s degree, 101 have obtained theirbachelor’s degrees, and 20 making timely progress toward their bachelor’s degrees. About 32%of the supported students have been URMs. 123 scholars supported 101 degree recipients 20 continuing 45% women 43% women 55% women 55% men 57% men 45% men 32% URMs 30% URMs 45% URMs Table 1. The supported student
fields that ABET accredits [26].Within this federated organization, updates to the EAC General Criteria require a consensus ofthe engineering member societies for any changes to the non-harmonized criteria (Criteria 3, 5,and 6) and a consensus of all member societies for any changes to the harmonized criteria(Criteria 1, 2, 4, and 8). The non-harmonized criteria are likely to require more frequent updates,because they more closely reflect changing industry needs. Yet any such changes require theengineering member societies to achieve a consensus on a single set of student outcomes(Criterion 3), a single set of curriculum requirements (Criterion 5), and a single set of facultyqualifications (Criterion 6) that meet the needs of all programs and
instructor. Creating a relaxed classroom atmosphereWhen conducting the observations of the traditional lecture and large active learning classes, oneaspect that was noticed each time was the positive, relaxed atmosphere that the instructorscreated. There were instances during each of the observations where students were laughing atthe instructors’ jokes related to mathematics in both classes. Mickey talked specifically about theclassroom atmosphere when reflecting on the most positive aspect of the large active learningcourse: “[The instructor] makes it a fun learning environment like on Halloween she dressed up and did a fun thing so that was cool… She's just funny and she'll make jokes, and one time she sang to
were written for the four interview transcripts using the codes generatedfrom first cycle coding to document and reflect on the code choices, and to know more about theemergent categories and subcategories in the data. In transition from the first cycle coding to thesecond cycle, only in vivo coding was used to recode and reanalyze the data as this coding processrelies heavily on the participants own language for codes [13]. The emergent categories andsubcategories from the analytic memos were used in the after-cycle coding method to categorizethe data.In after first cycle coding, the code mapping technique was used and the details of the same areshown in Table 4. Code mapping is a technique that helps in assembling and organizing the
idea of reflective practice was not then part of the dialogue.Of equal interest is the fact that by and large the students preferred Social Studies as theirfirst choice. It was followed closely by Management Studies with special reference to humanrelations in industry. Whether or not these studies belong to what traditionalists call liberalknowledge is a moot point. But they certainly broadened their studies. Moreover,industrialists tended to support this approach to liberal studies and in both the US and UKhave continually complained to this day that graduates are inadequately prepared for industry.Korte has shown that graduates themselves wish they had been better prepared for their initialexperience of industry [26].Back in 1963 Andrews and
method approach to understand and assess student’s knowledge, level ofunderstanding, and perception of the 4+1 programs through the administration of a survey to 486undergraduate students at the College of Engineering and Computing in a minority-servinginstitution, Florida International University. A binary logistic regression model was thendeveloped to determine the variables influencing the expected student enrollment in thecombined programs. From the obtained results of the undergraduate graduating student survey,25% of the students indicated their intention to apply for graduate studies post theirundergraduate and 58% maintained a GPA above 3.0, which reflects their readiness and possibleeligibility to apply for a 4+1 program prior to their
women and theywere warmly encouraged to pursue education. Several researchers encouraged female students bymotivating them. They believed that women who wish to take up engineering work must not getdiscouraged by the initial difficulties and the absence of well-defined openings and thatopportunities will emerge in time [31]. Starting in 1979, more women have been enrolled in highereducation than men in the United States. However, this proportion is not reflected in the field ofengineering. On June 19, 1964, the United States passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964prohibiting employment discrimination based on sex, race, color, religion, and national origin.This act made it possible for an increase in the number of women in the
substantive analyses of big questions in theglobal health space. During the first half of the semester, labs focused on teaching students theengineering skills needed to build a renewable energy-based flashlight as well as measurement andtesting techniques. During the second half of the semester, labs were dedicated to prototyping andtesting solutions designed to address a specific community need that is reflected in the SDGs. Theyidentified this need by engaging with key community stakeholders.Deliver Phase - Implementation of a Curriculum that Integrates Design Thinking, EngineeringConcepts, and a Community Relevant SDG at a Partner Site Undergraduate students in BME 290 designed light-based solutions that fulfilled specific communityneeds. A
schools that serve high percentages of low-income students”; 4.the most effective professional development programs include a content focus and have “sufficient duration to allow repeated practice and/or reflection on classroom experiences”. The recommendations that follow call for district support of teachers’ science content learn-ing opportunities, learning opportunities that include specialized programs outside of school andongoing learning opportunities built into the work day, development of partnerships with industryand institutions of higher-education, and introduction of science specialists at the elementary levelthrough outside sources or internal vertical collaboration (Wilson, et al). Professional development designed to
. While we wait for LP toolsto be refined, instructors could consider implementing journaling or reflection prompts into theirhardware design assignments.The efforts reported herein represent only the beginning of the pedagogical possibility for LP inhardware courses. As we continue our parallel work that is exploring how LP and writing-to-learnstrategies support students who are at the early stages of learning to program, we will consider howthose findings can inform learning gains in upper level hardware courses. Additionally, the resultsherein support additional research into the effectiveness of instructor use of LP when presentingin-class examples. The results herein also provide evidence to support future investigations intothe differences
posted solution to reflect ontheir mistakes or successes on each assessment problem.The second form of feedback is called the dashboard. An example dashboard for a specificstudent is shown in Fig. 4. The dashboard is a visual document that captures the student’sperformance in all aspects of the course. The dashboard contains visual elements for thecomputing projects, homework, and other required coursework. The mastery bar chart is theelement on the dashboard that shows how a student’s mastery is developing over a semester. Thechart has a bar for each objective in the course. In each assessment, the activated objectives havethe potential to increase the length of the mastery bars. The amount that each objective barincreases depends on the weight
“significant” improvement.His research also found extensive and credible evidence that suggests that faculty consider anontraditional model for promoting academic achievement and positive student attitudes. [5]The core vehicle of teacher-centered learning is the traditional lecture where the student’s role isto listen and take notes. Student-centered learning is characterized by active learning techniquesthat push students to be responsible participants in their own education and providesopportunities for students to reflect, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and communicate on or aboutthe information presented. Machemer and Crawford summarized the advantages of activelearning as positive student attitudes towards the subject and learning, higher
successfully navigate and copewith the biases of their peers, faculty, and staff based on the complexities and intersections ofrace, class, and gender.Another building block of resilience forms from the past experiences that have helped shapedtheir inclination to persist within their programs. They are motivated to work harder and provethe naysayers wrong, especially when the nays are coming from faculty members that they arenot fond of [20].But, in some instances, the experiences at their respective institutions resulted in them exploringmore avenues that helped yield a greater resilience. Some students left their programs to self-reflect [19], some transferred to more supportive departments or universities [20], and someimmersed themselves in
excellence so our members can live authentically, fully engage, and flourish. In order to strengthen the college and progress its mission, the college dedicates itself to intentional and ongoing reflection to meeting the evolving needs of [the College], the surrounding communities, and the State. In the first row of Table 7, we again report institutional breakdown by Basic CarnegieClassifications. Our analysis including postings from six Associate’s and/or BaccalaureateColleges, six Master’s Colleges and Universities, and nine Doctoral Universities. Below the firstrow, the counts of targeted language subcodes among the different institution types aredisplayed. We found that the most intentional type of targeted language
. Combination of the individual assessmentscreated more comprehensive results. It was concluded that the teaching method proposed in thispaper was successful. Observations regarding the learning experience and skill development inthe undergraduate student from the instructor’s and lab assistant’s perspectives were provided. Inaddition, comments regarding the student's motivation, confidence, risks, failures, frustrations,achievements, and reflections were presented from the student’s perspectives.References[1] Nisar A, Afzulpurkar N, Mahaisavariya B, Tuantranont A. MEMS-based micropumps in drug delivery and biomedical applications. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2008 Mar 28;130(2):917-42.[2] Tang WC, Lee AP. Defense applications of
empathy. A design project is given to students enrolled in a Design Methodologies course –which serves as a Capstone Design Precursor – at a small private, engineering focused university.Student empathy was collected through a survey that combined two existing empathy instruments.Student empathy was calculated before and after the product design assignment. Further, studentsperformed stimulated reflection to discuss the challenges observed with their design.The results of the study suggest that while students recognize the importance of empathy, theassignment itself did not improve their empathy scores. Students did not see a statisticallysignificant change in their empathy scores before and after the assigned based on the surveyinstrument
) demonstrated – 1 point; or not – 0 points 3 options (levels) fully – 2 points; partially – 1 point; or not demonstrated – 0 points 4 options (levels) fully – 3 points; some – 2 points; less – 1 point; or not demonstrated – 0 pointsIn the development of this rubric, reflection on the previous implementation of a similar problemwere considered – findings discussed by Rodgers et al. [28]. The two biggest changes were: (1)rubric items related to the shareability dimension were incorporated in and (2) some rubric itemshad more levels rather than having as many dichotomous rubric items. The first change was toadd another dimension of analysis in the study. The second change was primarily based on thedifferent context of the problem aligned better with
. Thegoal is to improve students performance in early STEM courses and increase retention rate. Thecourses feature a calculus sequence that has been redesigned to coincide with the physics courses,and the mathematical concepts are introduced in the concept of physics problems with the goalof examining more abstract mathematical ideas once the concrete notions are formulated. Theprogram identifies students’ needs prior to enrollment using the physics and math scores. Thestudents’ high physics intuition may reflect their higher intuitive understanding of the real-worldphysical problems, while needing support in understanding of abstract mathematical modelingand manipulations skills. COMPASS focuses on taking advantages of students’ physics
part of thisprofession. Without many experiences in classes or through co-curricular activities that showhow personal and professional experiences can be integrated, students are likely tocompartmentalize those senses of social responsibility. Those who do have significantopportunities to consider how their personal goals positively impact their work will go throughan evaluative and reflective process, visualized below, to take stock of how they can live theirpersonal social responsibility goals through their profession. Thus, Canney and Bielefeldt argue,the professional connectedness realm of social responsibility development requires engineers toconsider the opportunity costs and benefits of their decisions. For example, working to