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2024 South East Section Meeting
David Calamas, Georgia Southern University
FeedbackStudent feedback on the open-ended questions was centered around four coherent themes:consistency and standardization, anonymity and bias reduction, clarity and transparency, andefficiency and turnaround time. The responses reflected a consensus among students on theperceived fairness of grading using Gradescope compared to traditional manual methods.Students appreciated the uniformity in grading standards, emphasizing that everyone was subjectto the same criteria, eliminating potential biases. The anonymity of the grading process washighlighted as a key factor contributing to fairness, ensuring equal treatment for all without theinfluence of personal factors.The efficiency of Gradescope was acknowledged, with students expressing satisfaction
2024 South East Section Meeting
Salman Siddiqui, Georgia Southern University; Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University
through the semester. Thisadjustment allowed hardware applications to be woven into each weekly lab session, movingaway from a previous sole focus on hardware. Such a change provided students with moretime to engage with the sensors and electronic components of the kit, gradually building theirskills to handle increasingly complex projects.Furthermore, the course was enhanced to include both an oral presentation and a writtenreport on the projects, adding depth to the learning experience. Reflecting these changes, thegrading structure was revised to better align with this enriched, hands-on educationalapproach, as highlighted in Table II. Table II- Course Assessment Components and Grade Allocation Assessment
2024 South East Section Meeting
Mazen I. Hussein, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Topics
experience.The survey questions were divided into three categories: characteristics, satisfaction, andpreferences. In the characteristics section, students identified their preferred learning style andMBTI personality type after completing an online ILS Inventory and a simplified online MBTIassessment. The ILS Inventory, designed by Richard M. Felder and Linda K. Silverman,evaluates preferences across four dimensions: active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal,and sequential/global, offering insights into learning styles. Additionally, learning styles arecommonly discussed using the VARK model (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic).Students also indicated their predominant learning mode: visual, auditory, or tactile.The MBTI created
Conference Session
Track 4: Technical Session 3: Considerations for assessment, evaluation, and continuous improvement of a pre-college STEM summer program for promising Black high school students
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Jesika Monet McDaniel, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Cynthia Hampton Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kim Lester, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
ProgramInsight from 2022 Cohort, Needs for 2023 Cohort, and Change for 2023 CohortThe insight, needs, and change addressed from 2022 to 2023 was a process that started withtranscribing reflections from the co-author of this paper who is the co-director of DISTINCTION.Open responses from the 2022 cohort were also cross-checked to ensure that participants’communication of their experiences were integrated into this exercise. The insight for 2022 fromthe co-author and crosschecked, the needs derived from the insight to address in 2023, and thechange enacted in 2023 is organized in this section.Evaluation Topic: Infrastructure Insight from 2022: Lenient on time and structure of free time. Need identified for 2023: adjustments to routine to set
Conference Session
Track 6: Technical Session 6: Stewardship of the Stories: Learning from Black Engineering Students' Lived Experiences
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Tanya D Ennis, University of Colorado Boulder; Donna Auguste Ph.D., Auguste Research Group, LLC; Cynthia Hampton Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
. These participants used a narrative form of storytelling to share theirexperiences at the university and other settings, including experiences of physical conflicts,emotional conflicts, bias, microaggressions, mental stress, and physical illness.Their experiences spoke their truth, sometimes for the first time. The participants’ experienceswere consequential for each of them, even while being inconvenient and uncomfortable for otherpeople who did not share their experiences and may not believe their truth. However, webelieved them. In 2023, we sought to revisit a reflective question related to conducting theoriginal research study: What methodological nuances arose from participants sharing theirlived experiences in a study of 24 Black
2024 South East Section Meeting
Marino Nader, University of Central Florida; Qiushi Fu, University of Central Florida
involved in this study, was given in class once a week in blendedM-mode by a different instructor than the one who originally designed it, with minor changes.Three attempts, with randomized questions were given for each of the three tests performedremotely using LockDown Browser, Proctor Hub and Respondus monitor to maintain testingintegrity. All attempts were performed digitally within a week using CANVAS LearningManagement System (LMS), each attempt was instantly graded, and the results were immediatelyreleased for the students to seek help, where needed.An increase in students’ success improved with a minimum of 56% between the first and the thirdattempts. However, the overall success average students’ success is 143%. This reflects
2024 South East Section Meeting
Larisa Olesova, University of Florida; Mihai Boicu, George Mason University; Harry J Foxwell, George Mason University; Ioulia Rytikova, George Mason University
them with the skillsessential for success in the rapidly changing landscape of STEM jobs.Inquiry-based learning has recently received additional attention when the metacognitiveapproach has been implemented into the design of online, hybrid, and face-to-face learning tosupport the dynamics of reflective thinking and a shared inquiry process [8]. Metacognition is arequired cognitive ability to achieve deep and meaningful learning that can be viewed both fromindividual and shared perspectives. Moreover, when metacognition is facilitated within theCommunity of Inquiry (CoI) and, specifically, through the principles of the Practical InquiryModel (PIM), it can help regulate cognitive presence of self and others [9]. Understanding howmetacognition
2024 South East Section Meeting
ISAAC DAMILARE DUNMOYE, University of Georgia; VINCENT OLUWASETO FAKIYESI, University of Georgia; Wayne Johnson, University of Georgia; Dominik May, University of Georgia
. The course also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate anunderstanding of the role of public policy and intellectual property in the development and implementation ofengineered systems. During the course lectures, emphasis is placed on developing students’ critical reflection andsocial engagement as contemporary engineers. The students’ grade in the course was calculated based on classparticipation (attendance, reflections, and scribe reports), written assessments (mid-term and final examinations) andprojects. The course instructor (third author) taught two sections of the course in the Spring 2023 semester. However,due to time constraints, only the study sheets of one section were analyzed for this study. We analyzed the
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Aja Rachel Bettencourt-Mccarthy, University of Cincinnati; Matthew Sleep, University of Cincinnati
templates developed by Hylton and France [18]. Students are placedinto teams that reflect a range of Civil Engineering disciplinary course experience and togetheruse the stakeholder identification assignment to begin describing stakeholders and their wants,needs and pains. Student teams then focus on one or two of their identified stakeholders in CVE5002. They augment their original stakeholder profiles with additional research to create moredetailed personas. Teams then propose a design for a Value and Impact Change (VIC). In thisVIC, students create preliminary design changes for a project that was the focus of their 4technical design courses. Whatever design change is proposed in the VIC must add value andimpact to the identified stakeholder
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Jiansen Wang; Shantanu Gupta, Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI); Mary E. Johnson Ph.D., Purdue University at West Lafayette (PPI)
of four runway and taxiway choices using the End-AroundTaxiway (EAT) in an ARENA® stochastic model based on Dallas Fort Worth Internationalairport. The researchers assessed the performance of the proposed airport layout by comparingaverage taxi times, average fuel consumption, and number of runways crossing [6]. The findingsindicated that the overall taxi times performance would be improved by using the EAT as taxi-inor taxi-out path [6]. A simulation study may consist of the following steps [7]:1. Understand the system2. Clarify the modeling goals3. Develop the model concept4. Input the model into the modeling software and document as you build the model5. Verify that the model in the software reflects the conceptual model6. Validate
2024 PNW Section Annual Meeting
Bryce E. Hughes; Nickolas Lambert; Emmanuel Teye
[38]. Networks reflect our access to resourcesand support across multiple domains, and we frequently rely on different network actors, andperhaps different networks altogether, for different kinds of resources and support [39].Homophily arises in our social networks as we tend to form relationships with people who aresimilar to us in important ways. Homophily can be a limiting characteristic within our networks,as diverse networks can be sources of diverse information [40], but for minoritized people,homophily can be an important source of support within social networks. For example, LGBTQpeople can find validation and identity support through connections with other LGBTQ people[41], which would be important for STEM students who may have a
2023 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Yimesker Yihun; Lena Lamei
projects. Creating andpromoting collaborative mini projects can help to increase students' motivation, engagement,performance, and deep learning [11]. Cooperative learning group activities in team-based learningenvironments in universities can also enhance students' accountability, interaction andcommunication skills, self-reflection opportunities, openness to feedback, deeper understandingof knowledge, and the practice of sharing information [12].This research was conducted within the "Design of Machinery" course in the mechanicalengineering undergraduate program. The methodology involved incorporating mini-prototype-based projects into the existing curriculum, which were inspired by textbook problems and alignedwith the course's learning
Conference Session
Systems Thinking
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Goncher-Sevilla, University of Florida; John Alexander Mendoza-Garcia, University of Florida; Mengyu Li, University of Florida
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Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering Division (SYS)
represents engineering and technical skills, economic feasibility, ethical considerations, andcultural sensitivity, which can be considered when studying potential solutions [3]. "The Village of Yakutia has about 50,000 people. Its harsh winters and remote location make heating a living space very expensive. The rising price of fossil fuels has been reflected in the heating expenses of Yakutia residents. In fact, many residents are unable to afford heat for the entire winter (5 months). A Northeastern Federal University study shows that 38% of village residents have gone without heat for at least 30 winter days in the last 24 months. Last year, 27 Yakutia deaths were attributed to unheated homes. Most died from
Conference Session
MECH - Technical Session 9: Advanced Mechanical Engineering Topics
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine E. Hailey, Texas State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
they need to be effective learners. A syllabus may reflect the instructor’sbeliefs and attitudes about the subject matter and students, making it a guide for the instructor aswell as to the students. Cullen and Harris argue that “a syllabus is more than an outline of course.It represents the mindset, that is the professor’s philosophy of teaching and learning as well ashis or her attitudes toward students, and conceptualization of the course [8].” Cullen and Harrisfurther argue that a review of course syllabi can reveal much about an instructor’s learner-centered practices and have developed a rubric for assessing learner-center qualities of coursesyllabi. Eslami, et al., analyzed undergraduate STEM syllabi and found students enrolled
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 5
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nishchal Thapa Magar, George Mason University; Jill K Nelson, George Mason University; Jessica Rosenberg; Marco Brizzolara, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
with 10 GTAs. Participants selected forfollow-up interviews are GTAs who are teaching recitations. We did not include GTAs whoseprimary duties were grading and holding office hours but who were not in the classroom withstudents. These one-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted roughly one semesterinto participants’ GTA experience. These interviews explore the techniques GTA’s use in theclassroom, their view of their role in the classroom and how it reflects their thinking aboutteaching, their own experiences as a student, and their experience participating in teachingrelated PD. We plan to interview the GTAs again after the completion of their first year to studyhow their teaching identity continues to evolve.In this paper, we report
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division (EMD) Technical Session 3
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adekemisola Olufunmilayo Asahiah, Morgan State University; Oludare Adegbola Owolabi P.E., Morgan State University; Pelumi Olaitan Abiodun, Morgan State University; Oyinkansola Aladeokin, Morgan State University; Hannah Abedoh, Morgan State University; Olushola V. Emiola-Owolabi, Morgan State University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management Division (EMD)
assignments [16]. This is because assertiveindividuals are known for their propensity to foster constructive dialogue and win-winresolutions.Figure 4: Team Personality Traits Indicating Assertion and TurbulenceThirdly, our finding indicates that team effectiveness and success were assessed based on fivekey constructs of team success, the findings of which are outlined in Figure 5. The results showa strong consensus among team members, with over 95.0% agreeing that the team maintains anappropriate culture. Furthermore, 92.0% of respondents acknowledge the team’s activeinvolvement in setting task objectives, reflecting a proactive approach to goal setting that alignswith the principles of strengths-based leadership theory [17]. The leadership’s
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 5 - Careers and Professional Identity
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebeca Petean, Society of Women Engineers; Roberta Rincon, Society of Women Engineers; Rachel Porcelli, Society of Women Engineers
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Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
of educational strategies— such asexperiential learning opportunities, events, internships, and first-year experiences—have beenshown to significantly benefit undergraduate student learning, engagement, learning, andretention [5]. For instance, high-impact programs significantly help learners reflect on theircharacter strengths and weaknesses and allow them to take control of their successes as learnersand engineering professionals [5].Although evidence demonstrates that leadership development programs commonly described asexpanding the collective capacity of organizational members enable groups of individuals towork together and engage effectively in a meaningful way both in leadership roles andprocesses, [6] they can also lead to a
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 2 - Personal Situations
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Niloufar Bayati, North Carolina State University; Cameron Denson, North Carolina State University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
having high academicexpectations. Participants mentioned how their parents hold high academic expectations bywanting straight A's, pushing them to have extracurricular activities, and prioritizing theireducation. As an example, one participant mentioned, “They definitely set a standard when I wasin high school and of course when I got to college." This reflects the authoritative tendency to 9establish high standards while being responsive. It was also common for parents to be highlysupportive by assisting with homework, involving themselves in school selection, and supportingeducational goals. This pattern of high expectations paired with high
Conference Session
Hands-On Learning in ET II
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maged Mikhail, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
document for their benefit; many students refer to their reports in otherclasses such as “Robotic System Integration” and their transition to industry.Student Survey ResponseThe responses from students following the completion of the PackML project wereoverwhelmingly positive. Many students not only acknowledged the project's significance butalso shared their newfound knowledge and experiences during job interviews. Remarkably,PackML was highlighted as a valuable skill, with employers expressing a preference forcandidates with PackML experience.A substantial majority of students demonstrated proficiency in implementing the PackMLapproach, reflecting the effectiveness of the project in imparting practical skills. The overallfeedback from students
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP) Technical Session 1
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Reem Khojah, University of California, San Diego; Alyssa Catherine Taylor, University of California, San Diego; Isgard S. Hueck, University of California, San Diego
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Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships Division (CIP)
solutions,career motivation, personal life attributes (e.g. persistence, adaptability), ethics, and professionalbehavior [3], [11]-[15].Particularly in engineering capstone senior design projects, activities with industry feedbackhave been identified as effective mechanisms to stimulate students’ motivation, improveprofessional skills, and to reflect on realistic contexts or limitations of proposed design solutions[16], [17]. Shah and Gillen [4] provided a systematic overview of university-industrypartnerships in capstone projects across engineering education and suggested identifying skillswith low performance indicators and improving those with additional focus in the curriculum.Although various ways of soliciting industry feedback on senior
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 1 - Women in Computing
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tiana Solis, Florida International University; Stephen Secules, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
the podium computer and starts the projector. The lab's structure was that UTAs spread around the classroom and assisted students with their coding practice. Students would raise their hands to get the UTAs' attention. Instructors also train UTAs to be proactive, ensure the group dynamic is going smoothly, and initiate questions if the group or an individual member has challenges. Figure 4 - UTAs walking around the students' tables and helping students.Figure 4 shows two female and two male UTAs, and the instructor interacted with students ateach table as they collaborated on coding and problem-solving tasks. Our observation noted thatthe students' table conversation and facial expressions reflect comfort
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 10
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Xiaping Li, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan; Mark Mills, University of Michigan
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
StatisticsThe descriptive statistics provide insights into the participants’ characteristics and perceptions inthe study. Cumulative GPA, a measure of academic performance, shows a mean of 3.63 (SD =0.350) out of 4.00, indicating that participants generally achieved high levels of achievement.Personality traits such as Extraversion and Task control, which were rated on a 7-point scale,reflect the participants’ tendencies in group settings. The mean of 4.52 (SD = 1.418) forExtraversion indicates a propensity to actively contribute in groups, while the mean of 3.69 (SD= 1.442) for Task control suggests a balanced approach to task delegation. The mean of 7.60 on a9-point scale (SD = 1.52) indicates positive perceptions of team members’ contributions
Conference Session
Mathematics Division (MATH) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hadas Ritz, Cornell University; Stephan Wagner, Cornell University
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Mathematics Division (MATH)
are able to revise with sufficient reflection and convert the score toa successful demonstration of mastery. Because of the strict grading of individual problems,multiple opportunities (two to five) must be available for most LOs, except those covered towardsthe very end of the semester.The Checkpoints are Canvas quizzes—partially auto-graded, partially manually graded—takenand submitted by students outside of class in an unproctored environment. To help maintainacademic integrity, we needed large banks of randomized questions. Building these Checkpointquizzes in a way that allows randomization but relatively efficient grading is a crucial part of asuccessful implementation of our grading scheme. Final course grades are based entirely on
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 29
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine Drinkwater, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Olivia Ryan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Marin Jayne Fisher Hale, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Susan Sajadi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mark Vincent Huerta, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
to their team, which can help or hurt the team's productivity. The course instructor is not involved in most team interactions and, thus, is less equipped to judge the influence of individual students on team dynamics. Peer evaluation tools fill this gap by eliciting feedback from the people most familiar with the team (i.e., team members). This process informs the instructor about team dynamics and helps teams improve their dynamics and performance [17].To utilize peer evaluation opportunities to improve team performance and reflect on areas ofindividual growth, students must be familiar with desirable teamwork behaviors and must be ableto clearly communicate constructive feedback to their peers. Unfortunately, it is rare for peerfeedback
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 9
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shabnam Wahed, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Nicole P. Pitterson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jennifer M Case, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David B Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
potential contributionsto the typology of effective teaching strategies. The study is anchored by a research question:what student-centered teaching approaches do exemplary engineering instructors employ topromote knowledge-building in their courses, and how do these approaches align with theirbeliefs about teaching?Data CollectionTo address the research question, the study employed the participatory action research (PAR)methodology, which prioritizes the invaluable input and expertise of participants. The PARapproach is best suited for this study because it actively improves social practices [10], involvingparticipants in designing data collection, reflecting on data, and testing identified practices intheir own contexts. A diverse group of
Conference Session
Broader Approaches to Engineering Ethics Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Payne, Collins Engineers
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Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)
. One rater disagreedwith the other two raters on the interpretation of two codes, resulting in an interrater agreementscore of .80 (that is, among three raters, the number of actual agreements divided by the numberof potential agreements equaled .80). This result, while acceptable, prompted an immediaterevision to define the two suspect codes more clearly and establish complete interrateragreement.Results Among professional engineers, the ethical implications of the work are significant.Whether their output is buildings or bridges, or roadways, or sewage systems, or electrical grids,professional engineers play an important role in protecting the public. As Bert reflected, “Stopand think for a moment about the number of lives that the
Conference Session
AI and Tools for Transdisciplinary Work
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig J. Gunn, Michigan State University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division (LEES)
: Encourage students to think creatively by expressing engineering concepts, principles, or experiences through poetic language and imagery. 2. Exploring Metaphorical Thinking: Introduce students to the use of metaphor, simile, and other figurative language techniques to convey complex engineering ideas in a vivid and imaginative manner. 3. Developing Communication Skills: Improve students' ability to communicate technical information effectively by practicing concise and expressive language, which can be valuable in writing reports, proposals, and presentations. 4. Encouraging Reflective Practice: Promote self-reflection and deeper understanding of engineering concepts by encouraging students to explore
15th Annual First-Year Engineering Experience Conference (FYEE)
Cassie Wallwey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David Gray, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
bring the academic success knowledge, experience, and lessons possessed by theadvising team to the GE classroom. It is important to note that academic success, in the scope ofthis initiative, encompasses not only academic skills (e.g., study skills, campus resource seeking,etc.) to successfully navigate college, but also transferable skills that are necessary inprofessional contexts (e.g., time management, goal setting, planning, reflection, etc.).First-Year Engineering Course & Advising Programmatic IntegrationIn Summer 2023, a team of advisors, instructors, and graduate students explored ways ofsupporting student success and implementing strategies for helping students in FYE classroomsdevelop academic success skills. Through
Conference Session
Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Engineering Education Across Diverse Learning Environments
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lilianny Virgüez, University of Florida; Debarati Basu, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Gloria J. Kim, University of Florida; Sreyoshi Bhaduri, ThatStatsGirl
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Electrical and Computer Engineering Division (ECE)
electrical engineering course. The study is conducted in amultidisciplinary course, which includes students from various engineering majors, recognizingthe importance of interdisciplinary education which can better reflect the real-worldcollaboration and problem-solving skills needed in the semiconductor industry. Byunderstanding the current level of awareness and interest in semiconductors among engineeringstudents, we aim to identify areas of improvement to encourage and prepare the next generationof semiconductor professionals.Research QuestionsThe overarching aim of this study is to explore to what extent do students demonstrate theirexposure and motivation for semiconductor-related topics within the context of amultidisciplinary electrical
Conference Session
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Case Studies in Construction Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Eduardo Abril; Miguel Andres Guerra, Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ; Sixto Duran Ballen
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering Division (CONST)
students had to use questions to prompt the AI to use wordsindicating that this construction project used the Lean methodology or similar ones. Throughoutthe process, it was demonstrated how students executed and acquired skills related to criticalthinking, reflection, problem identification, and solution seeking. Upon completion of theexercises, a survey was conducted on critical thinking and AI, and how they relate or assist. It wasdetermined that during the project, different skills were learned, such as interpreting and analyzinginformation, and using artificial intelligence as a learning tool. The significance of this study liesin the adoption of innovative pedagogical methods that engage students in the subject matter,thereby maximizing