in Environmental Engineering and Water Resources Management(USE4WRM), an S-STEM grant is to increase the recruitment and retention of the academicallytalented students majoring in ENE and WRM programs, but also those who are in need offinancial assistance through scholarships and other required academic support. USE4WRM aimsto ensure the contribution of the workforce from the disadvantaged communities to thesespecialized fields. It is designed to support the qualified students in academic performance,persistence, graduation, job placement, and entry into graduate schools.The USE4WRM program will recruit student cohorts of 14 high school students ( 7 males and 7females), broken into the ENE (8 students) and WRM (6 Students) programs in its
predictive model to guidelearners with low creativity to exchange ideas with other students and improve theircreative thinking skills.This study is ongoing and will evaluate the stability and accuracy of the predictivemodel in the future. Moreover, a more in-depth investigation will be performed toexamine different personality traits and learning behaviors.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST),Taiwan, ROC, under Grant MOST 103-2511-S-224 -004 -MY3, MOST 104-2511-S-224-003-MY3, and MOST 105-2628-S-224-001-MY3.Reference[1]. E. P. Torrance, Education and the creative potential. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1963.[2]. J. P. Guilford, "Creativity," American Psychologist, vol. 5
engineering students. In Integrated STEM Education Conference(ISEC), 2016 IEEE, 193-196.Ferri, B. H., Ahmed, S., Michaels, J. E., Dean, E., Garyet, C., & Shearman, S. (2009). Signal processingexperiments with the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT kit for use in signals and systems courses. InAmerican Control Conference (pp. 3787-3792). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ACC.2009.5160602.Han, B., Zhang, C., & Qin, X. (2011). Based on Matlab signals and systems course project-driventeaching method research. In IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software andNetworks (pp. 466-469). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICCSN.2011.6013873.Huettel, L. G. (2006). A DSP hardware-based laboratory for signals and systems. In Proceedings, 4thDigital Signal
experience are underexpansion, with discussions continuing to determine how to formalize the ILE in the degreeprogram. As curriculum development proceeds, transformation of upper level elective courses(along technical tracks) and the senior capstone design will be pursued consistent with the visionof preparing EE graduates to address tomorrow’s cross-disciplinary global challenges. REFERENCES[1] S. M. Lord, R. A. Layton and M. W. Ohland, "Trajectories of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering Students by Race and Gender", IEEE Transactions on Education 54, 610-618 (2011).[2] Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges, Washington, DC, American Society of Engineering
consider the MR attributes proposed by Milgram et al. to choose theright display device(s) to match his or her pedagogy. In this project, we plan to investigate howthe use of VR can affect the learner’s behavior and performance during the design verificationstage of industrial robot programming. Figure 2 illustrates the setup of the project. X Figure 2 Project setup: From RobotStudio to VR inspection to ABB Robot Conventionally the robot program was reviewed through desktop simulation prior todownloading it to the industrial robot for execution (red dotted line). We plan to use the virtualreality environment, circled in blue, as an intermediate stage to review the robot program
new experience but also learned concepts more quickly. 2018 ASEE Mid-Atlantic Fall Conference, October 26-27, 2018 – Brooklyn Technical High SchoolReferences1 Yadav, A., Gretter, S., & Hambrusch, S. (2015). Challenges of a computer science classroom: Initial perspectives from teachers. In Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (pp. 136-137). ACM.2 Nottebohm, F., Stokes, T. M., & Leonard, C. M. (1976). Central control of song in the canary, Serinus canarius. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 165(4), 457-486.3 Brainard, M. S., & Doupe, A. J. (2002). What songbirds teach us about learning. Nature, 417(6886), 351.4 Keller, G. B., & Hahnloser, R. H. (2009
, college where strongly agree or agree= 1, neutral/not sure = 0, andPP3 My friends plan on going to college disagree or strongly disagree = -1 (see Figure 3).PP4 I enjoy school First, the specific career goal for each student wasPP5 My teacher(s)/counselor(s) care if I go to college plotted, as denoted by the yellow diamond in figure 3. ForPP6 I am interested in a specific college(s)PP7 I have a specific career goal example, during the pre-survey, GAL1 did not specify aPP8
begin with a think-pair-share exercise, convertingterminology. Because the computing lexicon generally finds its several teacher-provided logical statements in English tobasis in English, a student’s “phonology” (ability to Boolean representations (e.g. If I’ve completed my homeworkcommunicate computing ideas verbally) will naturally develop (h) and my favorite show (s) is not on, I will go to the gym (g).with understanding the course material. g = h·NOT(s) ). This kind of restricted exposure should be With these established analogs between SLA and simplified with “high quantities of target-language items”.[4]computing, we can explore particular SLA
with a 10-foot- concepts, increased creativity, improved teamwork skillslong copper tube of diameter 3/8 inch to design and and interpersonal communication skills. One or manyoptimize an immersion wort chiller that can cool a bucket previous well-defined project(s) by instructor is essential inof hot water as fast as possible. project-based learning. Instructors can assign one identical project to all student groups or assign totally differentPreliminary evaluation of learning experience enhancement projects to each student group. In many cases, students arewas performed by conducting a survey among the
AC 2007-2442: CHEM-E-CAR COMPETITION: INCORPORATING SAFETYWITH THE HELP OF INDUSTRY PARTNERS.Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University He is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BE in ChE from Bangalore University and his PhD from Wayne State University in Chemical Engineering. He held a research fellow position at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School/Shriners Hospital for Children. His research interests include tissue regeneration and the development of therapies for traumatic conditions.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University
45 18 27 6 0 11The design project task was to prepare a functional layout design for one of the student spaces inSeaton Hall, housing the BAE department. Eight options were provided, and each student teamin each lab section selected one of these eight spaces (without duplication within a lab section).The selection of was design project spaces was ordered according to a class-determined rankingof the creativity exhibited in the outcome of an in-class team ice-breaking assignment.The objectives of the design project were to (1) engage the student in a problem solving/designprocess, in which s/he identifies a problem, locates relevant information, develops and analyzespossible alternatives, and formulates
toughness b. Compared to monolithic structure layered composites exhibited either a larger tensile strength, a larger fracture toughness or both. c. Reinforced composites exhibited a very high tensile strength associated with a large level of fracture toughness.References1. Evans, A. G. et al., Model for the robust mechanical behavior of nacre, J. Mater. Res. 16, 2475-2484 (2001).2. Katti, D. R., Pradhan, S. M. & Katti, K. S., Modeling the Organic-Inorganic Interfacial nanoasperities in a Model Bio-Nanocomposite, Re. Adv. Mater. Sci 6, 162-168 (2004).3. Yao, N., Epstein, A. & Akey, A., Crystal Growth via Spiral Motion in Abalone Shell Nacre, JMR 21
increasing their representation in the non-traditional fieldsof study and are becoming more knowledgeable of technology’s multi-facet components,there still remains significant under-representation of females in areas such as IndustrialTechnology. Nelson (2004) 33 indicated that lack of female representation in technologymay be due to a threefold purpose: “(1) women of the world lack knowledge oftechnology, (2) technology alienates and often exploits women, and (3) decisions abouttechnology are made without women’s voices” (p.2). This is reflected from Mayer’s(1995)27assertion that females comprise only 30 percent of the industrial workforce. Thisglobally illustrates moderate but consistent initiatives. The U. S. Department of Labor(2003)38 reported
Companies, a professional services firmspecializing in risk and insurance services. Based on reviews of the fire literature,andunderstanding of the use of the space, and a survey of office plans, students selected an officeload of 52 kg/m2 as a representative fuel load. Realizing that flames were still observed at thecollapse time of 102 min, students estimated a burn time for the 96th floor of WTC1 of 120 min.Finally, students used the estimated office load, total floor area of 2873 m2, and estimated burntime to approximate an overall burning rate of 21 kg/s. Scale analysis was then used in order todesign a small scale office load producing similar dimensionless local and overall burning ratesand burn times. The students designed 150 mm x 150 mm x
’ ways ofsimulating this. The students added scopes and similar probes at various points and times in thedevelopment to help them see what was happening. 1+2z -1+z -2 200 1 s+100 Chirp Signal Zero-Order Discrete Filter Zero-Order Hold Hold1 T ransfer Fcn Scope FIGURE 5 DSP
, Columbia University; and Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin atMadison. Page 12.732.6References1. Lawson, W. D. (2002). “In defense of a little theory.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engi- neering Education and Practice, ASCE, 128(4), 206-211.2. Harichandran, R. S. (2006). “Current research thrusts in civil and environmental engineering and implications for education: a Big 10+ perspective.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21.3. Goodings, D. J., and Ketcham, S. A. (2001). “Research versus practice in transportation geo- technics: can we bridge the chasm?” Journal of Professional Issues in
shown), may reach apseudo-steady-state condition (population cycles through time), or may be unstable (divergent). Page 12.1.8Generalized ‘Kangaroo’ Population SimulationsIn the third ‘Kangaroo’ assignment, students are tasked with improving the population modelthrough the addition of any effects they consider useful, necessary, or simply interesting(enjoyable).Model changes enter in two possible methods: changes or improvements to the base model orrandom external effects on the population(s). The differences are clearer to the students as theymake their own decisions, build their models into the program(s) and observe the effects. Simulation
International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, June 2006. 3. Willis, C.L., and Miertschin, S.L. (2004), “Tablet PCs as Instructional Tools or the Pen is Mighter than the Board”, SIGITE, Salt Lake City, Utah. 4. Jeschke, S., Knipping, L., Rojas, R., and Seiler, R. (2006), “Intelligent Chalk-Systems for Modern Page 12.1351.8 Teaching in Math, Science and Engineering”, ASEE International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL.5. Lord, S., and Perry, L., (2006), “Tablet PC- is it Worth it? A Preliminary Comparison of Several Approaches to using Tablet PC in an Engineering Classroom”, ASEE
. Huang, Meirong and Kurt Gramoll, “Online Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Thermodynamics,” ASEE Annual Conf. Proc., Salt Lake City, UT, 20-23 Jun 20045. Ngo, Chean Chin and Kurt Gramoll, “A Web-based Electronic Book (eBook) for Fluid Mechanics,” ASEE Annual Conf. Proc., Salt Lake City, UT, 20-23 Jun 2004.6. Homsy, G. M., Aref, H., Breuer, K. S., Hochgreb, S., Koseff, J. R., Munson, B. R., Powell, K. G., Robertson, C. R., and Thoroddsen, S. T., Multi-Media Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 20007. Liggett, J. A. and Caughey, D. A., Fluid Mechanics: An Interactive Text, American Society of Civil Engineers Press, 19988. Philpot, T., "MDSolids," Introduction to Mechanics of Solids,
.036 5.370 1.114 25.894 satm 5.036 1 .025 1.001 1.000 1.002 sex(1) 1.117 1 .291 .656 .300 1.434 minority 7.307 2 .026 minority * Completed 2 or more workshops 4.496 2 .106 gender * Completed 2 or more workshops .020 1 .886 .853 .096 7.583 Constant 4.198 1 .040 2.322a Variable(s) entered
ongeometrical optics with a survey of wave optics. In order to compensate for the lack oflaboratory work, an optics project was introduced alongside class demos. Studentsbrowsed for possible topics for a couple of weeks and then proposed one based oninstructor’s feedback. The project concluded with a short presentation of the work infront of the class and a brief written report. In order to increase class interest in theproject, the presentation took the form of a competition and the winner(s) were chosen bythe class, who judged the presentations according to preset criteria. Student feedback wasrecorded and quantized, and the peer evaluation and feedback were returned to thepresenters. The winners received small prizes in recognition of their
education philosophy allows offering a degreeprogram with significant amount of the course work and other requirements, such as labwork, met by external courses and work experience, the above mentioned on-lineinstruction in nanotechnology will be phased in gradually.Bibliography1. Daly, S. and L. Bryan. “Models of Nanoscale (Phenomena) as Tools for Engineering Design andScience Inquiry”. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEEAnnual Conference.2. Dhillon, H. and S. Anwar. “A Framework for the Assessment of Online Engineering TechnologyCourses: A Case Study”. Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference.3. Anwar, S., J. A. Rolle, and A. A. Memon. “Development and Delivery of On-line Upper DivisionEngineering Technology Courses”. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE
education structure. Nowadays, Formula-S is the biggeststudent project at the University.The student team has up to 40 members from 4 different departments – Vehicle Technology (ca.30 students), Industrial Design, Management International Processes, and Information Design.This project starts in summer before the junior year of study and takes 12 months. In the last twoyears the students decided to enter the main contest in Detroit; for these teams the project takes22 months.The main task is to design and manufacture a racing car, due to the Formula-S requirements, andto compete with up to 120 university teams worldwide. Our undergraduates have the possibilityto compare their knowledge and skills with that of their peers worldwide5. To cope with
. Fifty years ago, the biggest regionalcompanies included International Harvester, General Electric, Westinghouse, Magnavoxand ITT Communications Division. Today, the largest employers of engineers andtechnologists include ITT Aerospace /Communications Division, Raytheon Net CentricSystems, General Dynamics, Undersea Sensors Systems Inc., Zimmer, Biomet, DePuy,General Motors, Dana Corp, and International Truck & Engine. These companies neededucational resources to grow their local talent.The lack of graduate programs in urban areas such as Fort Wayne is rooted in the legaciesof the land grant college system. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the U.S. governmentgave states allotments of federal land with which to create an endowment to
authorship cluster. Women are more likely to bring together otherwisedisconnected groups in the creation of publications.References1. Etzkowitz H, Kemelgor C, Uzzi B. Athena unbound: The advancement of women in science and technology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press; 2000.2. McIlwee JS, Robinson JG. Women in Engineering: Gender, Power and Workplace Culture. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press; 1992.3. Padgett JF, Ansell CK. Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434. The American Journal of Sociology 1993;98(6):1259-1319.4. Morselli C, Giguere C, Petit K. The efficiency/security trade-off in criminal networks. Social Networks 2007;29(1):143-153.5. Kochan S, Teddlie C. An
worker in this packaging process. Theresulting designs incorporate a number of the universal design principles, providing studentsvaluable knowledge they can use in evaluating the usability of their designs for their capstonedesign projects and beyond.References[1] D. Culver and S. Fellows. Using Assistive Devices for the Disabled to Teach Design in a Freshman Engineering Course, Proceeding of the 1998 Annual ASEE Conference, June 1998, Seattle, WA.[2] B. Ankenman, J. Colgate, P. Jacob, R. Elliot, and S. Benjamin. Leveraging Rehabilitation Needs into Freshman Engineering Design Projects. Proceeding of the 2006 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2006, Chicago, IL.[3] L. S. Baczkowski, J. D. Enderle, D. J. Krause, and J. L
shows the reduction in the FLbackscattered radiated power as distance increases, which is a familiar characteristic ofRF signal propagation. Page 13.972.6 " D i s t a n c e A p a r t ( m ) 0 " d ど 0 0 . 5
likely given that validity is not aproperty of the instrument, but is instead related to the scores, which must be interpreted incontext.6 Page 13.207.3ABET resisted rigid specification of what institutions must to in assessing their students' learningand discouraged reliance on any single measure. The consequence of the generality of ABET'sspecifications and the associated flexibility in operationalizing EC2000’s Criterion 3 learningoutcomes led to the emergence of a wide array of items, scales, and instruments for assessingstudent performance on one or more of the criteria. Few, if any, of these measures, however,appear to have been developed
attend professional conferencesthat will enhance their professional growth and further the mission of the university. Eachfaculty member has a budget of $2,400 per academic year for this purpose.Faculty scholarshipsA scholarship support system is set up to enhance faculty research, funded internally by theuniversity. The scholarship is awarded to the faculty member(s) who demonstrates that he/she is Page 13.907.5more deserving of the award than his competitors.Presidential awardsTo support faculty research and/or to assist faculty who are completing their terminal degrees, aspecial fund is established annually. Faculty members who wish to apply
Writing Within a First-Year Engineering Lab Experience," in ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual, 2021.[2] J. McNeill, R. F. Vaz, V. A. Prabhu, R. Shankar, C. M. F. Tan, L. K. T. Seow and L. Raphael, "Work in Progress: A Taxonomy for Faculty Scaffolding of Project-based Learning," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Tampa, 2019 .[3] M. A. R. Biswas, B. L. Stilwell and E. Reyes, "Simulated Laboratory-Based Learning In A Thermal Fluid Laboratory Course," in ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Waco (Virtual), 2021.[4] M. Krishnamurthi, "Scaffolding Techniques For Improving Engineering Students' Writing Skills," in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, 2009.[5] S. Summers, R. Bercich