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Displaying results 961 - 990 of 2038 in total
Conference Session
Instrumentation Division Technical Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
David R. Loker, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Nathan Wayne Brubaker, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Daniel Albert Bohbot, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College
Tagged Divisions
+ 0.2 * read_temp() # equation used for averaging temp data in degrees C29. MESSAGE = 'Temp in C: ' + str(round(avg, 1)) # string containing average temp rounded to 1 decimal30. lcd.write(MESSAGE) # displays string message to LCD31. lcd.write(line2)32. lcd.write('Sending...')33. time.sleep(1)34. lcd.write(line2)35. try: # transmits data to coordinator XBee36. xbee.transmit(COORD_ADDR, MESSAGE)37. lcd.write('Data delivered')38. time.sleep(1)39. except Exception as e: # displays error code if failure to send data40. lcd.write('Transmit failure: %s' % str(e))41. time.sleep(2) Figure 10(a) – Router Code for Remote Sensor Network 1. import xbee 2. print
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education Division Technical Session 12
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amy Wilson-Lopez, Utah State University; Jorge Americo Acosta Feliz
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
and enacted pedagogies rooted in funds of knowledge in the context of a multi-yearprofessional development experience. The portraits of these engineering teachers illustratedifferent possible dimensions and challenges related to funds of knowledge pedagogies inengineering, which can be used as considerations for other engineering educators andprofessional development providers who seek for ways to ground their curricula and pedagogicalstrategies in Latinx youths’ funds of knowledge. Funds of Knowledge in EngineeringBased on his work with Latinx families on the US-Mexico border, Moll et al.’s original outlineof funds of knowledge included categories such as knowledge of equipment operation andmaintenance, market
Conference Session
Hybrid and Online Learning
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Susan P. Gentry, University of California, Davis; Gianmarco Sahragard-Monfared, University of California, Davis; Edward Thomas Conley, University of California, Davis
Tagged Divisions
that students canreview these while preparing their laboratory reports. Additionally, the Writing Discussionmodules will be developed into exercises that can be implemented into the course instructionaltime. Although the pandemic caused an upheaval in teaching and learning in 2020, the lessonsabout student learning should be retained for the future.AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank KLA Corporation for their support of student learning during the pandemic,particularly creating an introductory webinar targeting students and hosting remotedemonstrations of the equipment.References[1] S. Brown and K. Mangan. (May 28, 2020) What College Students Need Now. Chronicle of Higher Education. Available:
Conference Session
Working Against Unjust Social Forces
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo; Rebecca Walton, Utah State University; Natasha N. Jones, Michigan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education, Equity
the 4Rs as an empirically understood heuristic [29]. Thelimits of this single example are many: as a single example case, it doesn’t clarify the many waysacademic reviewing processes do harm for scholars from different positionalities or illustrate themany strategies authors can use to recognize, reveal, reject, and replace the harm and inequitythey encounter. However, these additional strategies are illustrated in our findings and suggestthat the 4Rs and the margin of maneuverability comprise an applied theory useful for addressinginequities within and outside of the academy.[1] D. E. Chubin, G. S. May, and E. L. Babco, “Diversifying the Engineering Workforce,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 94, no. 1, pp. 73–86, Jan. 2005.[2] J. C
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Mechatronics, Robotics, and Technology
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lei Miao, Middle Tennessee State University; Tanzeena Karim, Middle Tennessee State University; Tamir Shahir Hussain; Cen Li, Middle Tennessee State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Tennessee Board of Regents for supporting the summerprogram.References[1] Miao, L. and Li, C. “Engaging Minority and Underrepresented Engineering Students to Fight“Sophomore Slump” through a Summer Research and Enrichment Program (Research)”, 2021ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Virtual Conference, July 2021[2] Wood, B., and A. Ganago. "Using Arduino in Engineering Education: Motivating Students toGrow from a Hobbyist to a Professional." ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt LakeCity, Utah. 2018.[3] Hopkins, M. A., and Kibbe, A. M., 2014, "Open-source hardware in controls education,"ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.[4] Parker, J. M., and Canfield, S. L., 2013, "Work-in-progress: using hardware-basedprogramming experiences to
Conference Session
Tools and Strategies for Teaching Online Courses
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Edward F. Gehringer, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Ashwini Menon; Guoyi Wang
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
detection are standalone, but some can serve as tools within an LMS. A limitation ofthese tools is that they are specialized to a particular kind of question, and the exam may includequestions of several different types. A rubric-based tool can work with questions of differenttypes. It takes advantage of a grading rubric to identify students who “lose points” for the samereasons.Keywords: plagiarism, online exams, webcam monitoring, Integrity (software), CopyDetect, S-Check, Turnitin, Unicheck, Textreuse, Gradescope1. IntroductionAlmost overnight, the COVID-19 pandemic forced all classes online, and along with the classes,all exams. This meant that human proctoring was no longer possible, not for formerly face-to-face classes, nor for distance-ed
Conference Session
Potpourri - A Mix of All Topics
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sean Michael Quallen, University of Idaho; John Crepeau P.E., University of Idaho; Barry Willis, University of Idaho; Steven W. Beyerlein, University of Idaho; JJ Petersen, University of Idaho
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
was 2694 (fall: 1835, spring859). The number of videos viewed per student after week 8 in spring 2020 (switch to online)showed a slight increase (3.7) relative to the fall 2019 views per student (3.5) after week 8. Thissuggests that the utility of the GenZ video titles can be suitable in a completely online course.The instructor(s) provided multiple pieces of feedback to support these data. Each topic wasdesigned to have theory video(s) coupled with at least one practice video as a complete set forstudents. Students were encouraged to watch the appropriate videos before class to promote in-class discussion (a very slight shift towards a more flipped classroom). Two of the Introductionto Computer Science topics were not covered in-class—only
Conference Session
Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Elizabeth Turochy, Auburn University; Michael Alexander Perez, Auburn University; Cristina Poleacovschi, Iowa State; Erin Doran, Iowa State University of Science and Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
experiences. Stereotypes foster a negative learningenvironment and engineering field; the goal is to eliminate these experiences among Latinxstudents in engineering. ReferencesC. A. Scherbaum, V. Blanshetyn, E. Marshall-Wolp, E. McCue, and R. Strauss, “Examining the effects of stereotype threat on test-taking behaviors,” Social Psychology of Education, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 361–375, 2011.D. H. Schunk, “Self-efficacy and achievement behaviors,” Educational Psychology Review, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 173–208, 1989.D. J. Kavanagh, “Stress, Appraisal and CopingS. Lazarus and S. Folkman, New York: Springer, 1984, pp. 444, $31.95.,” Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 345
Conference Session
Studies of Classroom Assessment: Exam Wrappers, Equitable Grading, Test Anxiety, and Use of Reflection
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lauren Singelmann, North Dakota State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
students.References [1] J. Feldman, Grading for equity: What it is, why it matters, and how it can transform schools and classrooms. Corwin Press, 2018. [2] ASEE, “Reaffirming commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion,” 2020. [3] E. Lee, A. R. Carberry, H. A. Diefes-Dux, S. A. Atwood, and M. T. Siniawski, “Faculty perception before, during and after implementation of standards-based grading,” Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 53–61, 2018. [4] J. Mendez, “Standards-based specifications grading in a hybrid course.” ASEE, 2018. [5] A. Carberry, M. Siniawski, S. A. Atwood, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Best practices for using standards-based grading in engineering courses,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
John Alexander Mendoza-Garcia, University of Florida; Andrea Goncher, University of Florida; Mengyu Li, University of Florida
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
thinking skills in the context of earth system education,” J. Res. Sci. Teach. Off. J. Natl. Assoc. Res. Sci. Teach., vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 518–560, 2005.[5] B. Cameron, E. Crawley, and D. Selva, Systems Architecture. Strategy and product development for complex systems. Pearson Education, 2016.[6] P. Checkland, Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. New York, New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 1981.[7] P. Checkland, “Soft systems methodology: a thirty year retrospective,” Syst. Res. Behav. Sci., vol. 17, no. S1, pp. S11–S58, 2000.[8] K. Y. Hiller Connell, S. M. Remington, and C. M. Armstrong, “Assessing systems thinking skills in two undergraduate sustainability courses: a comparison of teaching strategies,” J
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University; Kaitlyn Pigeon, Pennsylvania State University; Stephanie Cutler, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
of Scientific Writing, 4th ed. (New York: Springer, 2018).4. S. Sheffield, R. Fowler, L. K. Alford, and K. Snyder, “Implementing a Single Holistic Rubric to Address Both Communication and Technical Criteria in a First Year Design-Build-Test-Communicate Class,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Columbus, Ohio: ASEE, June 2017), K. M. Kecskemety, A. H. Theiss, and R. L. Kajfez, “Enhancing TA Grading of Technical Writing: A Look Back to Better Understand the Future,” 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (Seattle: ASEE, June 2015), 10.18260/p.24005.6. Cheryl Glenn, Director of First-Year Composition, Pennsylvania State University, interview (13 November 2018).7. S. A
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering, Art and Society
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joseph Churchill Tapia II, University of Kentucky; Danielle Nicole Dutton, University of Kentucky; Ronald Justin Vogler, University of Kentucky; Evan Yang, University of Kentucky; Sarah A. Wilson, University of Kentucky
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Laboratories Duringthe COVID-19 Pandemic’, J. Chem. Educ., vol. 97, no. 7, pp. 1887–1894, Jul. 2020, doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00483. Accessed: March 8, 2021. [Online]. Available :[4] M. Fenichel, “The Integral Role of Laboratory Investigations in Science Instruction”,National Science Teachers Association, 2007. Accessed: March 8, 2021. [Online]. Available:[5] M. V. Mawn, P. Carrico, K. Charuk, K. S. Stote, and B. Lawrence, ‘Hands‐on and online:scientific explorations through distance learning’, Open Learning: The Journal of Open,Distance and e-Learning, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 135–146, Jun. 2011
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ezequiel Gerardo Celario Sedano, York College of Pennsylvania; Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics
Paper ID #32344An International Study of Foucault’s PendulumMr. Ezequiel Gerardo Celario Sedano, York College of Pennsylvania Ezequiel G Celario Sedano is an Electrical Engineering Senior at York College of PennsylvaniaDr. Inci Ruzybayev, York College of Pennsylvania Inci Ruzybayev is Assistant Professor in Engineering Physics at the York College of Pennsylvania. She received her Ph. D. in Physics from University of Delaware and her M. S. and B. S. in Physics Education from M.E.T.U. in Turkey. Her technical research interests are in structural and characterization of TiO2 thin films and magnetic nanoparticles along with
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Laura J. Carroll, University of Michigan; Lea K. Marlor, University of Michigan; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan; Matthew Charles Graham ; Madison E. Andrews, University of Texas at Austin; Jenefer Husman, University of Oregon; Michael J. Prince, Bucknell University; Maura J. Borrego, University of Texas at Austin
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
takeplace online in October or November of 2021. Instructors and students will complete anothersurvey, after instructors attend the workshop, and instructors will again complete a follow-upsurvey in the spring of 2022.AcknowledgementsThis research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (grant numbers DUE-1821092, DUE-1821036, DUE-1821488, and DUE-1821277).Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] M. Prince, “Does active learning work? A review of the research,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, pp. 223-232, July, 2004, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2004.tb00809.x.[2
Conference Session
Learn About Assessment
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
James A. Mynderse, Lawrence Technological University; Andrew L. Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Liping Liu, Lawrence Technological University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
. Abu-Ayyad, "Promoting Multidisciplinary Industry- Sponsored Capstone Projects," 2020 Mid-Atlantic Spring Conference, 2020.[3] K. C. Davis, "Enhancing Communication Skills in Senior Design Capstone Projects," 2001 ASEE Annual Conference, 2001.[4] B. Nuttall, J. Mwangi and C. Baltimore, "Capstone Projects: Integrating Industry through Student Leadership," 2009 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2009.[5] C. Cioc, S. Cioc and R. A. Springman, "Using Capstone Projects for Community Outreach," 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2018.[6] J. A. Mynderse, R. W. Fletcher, L. Liu, A. L. Gerhart, S. Arslan and K. E. Yee, "A Three- Semester Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Sequence Based on an SAE Collegiate
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Muhammad Dawood, New Mexico State University; Ehtesham Shareef, New Mexico State University; Rachel Boren, New Mexico State University; Germain Degardin, New Mexico State University; Melissa J. Guynn, New Mexico State University; Patti Wojahn, New Mexico State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
75.88353 2.44E-14 X45 205.278 1 205.278 7.433007 0.007398 X46 365.7274 1 365.7274 13.24279 0.00041 X50 966.0268 1 966.0268 34.97931 3.44E-08 X51 273.4833 1 273.4833 9.902684 0.002098 Error 3203.583 116 27.61709References1. Schraw, G., and Dennison, R. S., (1994), “ Assessing Metacognitive Awareness,” Contemporary Educational Psychology 19, pp. 460-475, 1994.2. Cunningham Patrick, Matusovich M. Holly, Hunter N. Deirdre-Annaliese, Williams A. Sarah, and Bhaduri Sreyoshi, 2017. “Beginning to Understand Student Indicators of Metacognition,” American Society for Engineering Education, 2017.3
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Shawna Vican, University of Delaware; Robin Andreasen, University of Delaware; Heather Doty, University of Delaware; L. Pamela Cook, University of Delaware
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
facultyretention rates. Faculty climate survey data from 2018 provides a baseline for evaluating whetherthere are changes over time in whether faculty feel promotion and tenure processes are clear, orpromotion and tenure decisions are free from bias. Ongoing qualitative research projects onfaculty career satisfaction and faculty retention may also shed light on faculty experiences ofCOVID-19 career impacts.This research was funded by NSF grant number HRD-1409472. 8References[1] B. McMurtie, “The Coronavirus Has Pushed Courses Online. Professors Are Trying Hard to Keep Up.,” Chronicle of Higher Education, Mar. 20, 2020.[2] S. Goodwin and B. Mitchneck, “STEM
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Pedagogy 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nancy E. Study, Pennsylvania State University; David Clippinger, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
in the realm of expertise of the engineering faculty at Penn StateBehrend to understand how to effectively accommodate disabled individuals. In the past, facultywere informed at the beginning of the semester of any accommodations a student required, withaccompanying official forms from Disability Services detailing what the accommodations wereand how they would be implemented. However, the response from IT was that the EEAAP mustbe developed by individual faculty teaching the course(s) that use the technology in question, notDisability Services.Communications with the IT Accessibility TeamThe response from the IT Accessibility Team that the EEAAP was the responsibility ofindividual faculty, not Disability Services, resulted in multitudes of
Conference Session
Hands-On in the Online Classroom
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Md Rashedul Hasan Sarker, University of Indianapolis; Najmus Saqib, University of Indianapolis; George D. Ricco, University of Indianapolis; Megan Hammond, University of Indianapolis; Alexander Quinn Ruble, University of Indianapolis; Bill Faton, University of Indianapolis; James T. Emery II, University of Indianapolis; Kenneth Reid, University of Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
academicyear.Conclusion:A low-cost, compact, and portable experimental kit for online engineering statics courses hasbeen developed. The kit will bolster student proclivity with introductory lab equipment, which isa viable and effective way of rising student outcomes in mechanical engineering. Next, the kitwill be distributed to students and its efficacy on student outcome attainment will be assessed.References:[1] B. Coller, "An experiment in hands-on learning in engineering mechanics: Statics," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 24, 01/01 2008.[2] L. Benson, S. Biggers, W. Moss, M. Ohland, M. Orr, and S. Schiff, "AC 2007-1563: ADAPTING AND IMPLEMENTING THE SCALE-UP APPROACH IN STATICS, DYNAMICS, AND MULTIVARIATE CALCULUS
Conference Session
Holy Cow! We’re Going Online When? 
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sarah K. Bauer, Rowan University; Cheng Zhu, Rowan University; Gilson R. Lomboy, Rowan University; Mohammad Jalayer
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
geomechanics, for applications in geological storage and energy geotechnics. Prior to joining the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rowan, he worked in the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin. At Rowan, he teaches courses in geotechnical engineering and ge- omechanics. He is a recipient of James S. Lai Outstanding Graduate Award from the geosystems group at Georgia Tech.Dr. Gilson R. Lomboy, Rowan UniversityProf. Mohammad Jalayer American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Development of Innovative, Adaptable Video Learning Modules for the Civil Engineering ClassroomAbstractAs engineering and
Conference Session
Tools to Enhance Student Learning of Undergraduate Engineering Content
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sheena Miao Ying Tan, Simon Fraser University; Taco Niet Ph.D., P.Eng., School of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Simon Fraser University; Kamaria Kuling, Simon Fraser University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
qualitative and quantitative data gathered suggest that theprelab problem sets helped the students to be better prepared for the lab sessions due to thecomplementary nature of the prelab problems and the lab problems. Coupled with thefeatures of WeBWorK, the prelab problem sets provided better support for the students’learning and also deepened their understanding of the concepts during the actual lab sessions.AcknowledgmentsThis research was funded by the Simon Fraser University Teaching and LearningDevelopment Grant. We also note that DORE provided a waiver from full ethics review forpublishing this at the conference. Lastly, we would like to thank the students in this coursefor their kind participation in the study.References[1] S. J. Greenwald
Conference Session
How We Tackled the Pandemic
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Ulises Juan Trujillo Garcia, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University; Samantha Schauer, Boise State University; Diana Bairaktarova, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Bhaskar Chittoori P.E., Boise State University
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
David S. Taylor Service to Students Award and Golden Apple Award from Boise State University. He is also the recipient of ASEE Pacific Northwest Section (PNW) Outstanding Teaching Award, ASEE Mechanical Engineering division’s Outstanding New Edu- cator Award and several course design awards. He serves as the campus representative (ASEE) for Boise State University and as the Chair-Elect for the ASEE PNW Section. His academic research interests in- clude innovative teaching and learning strategies, use of emerging technologies, and mobile teaching and learning strategies.Samantha Schauer, Boise State University Samantha Schauer is a graduate student at Boise State University, pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechani
Conference Session
Mechanics & Mechanics Related
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brian Lani, Pennsylvania State University, Erie Campus; Charlotte Marr de Vries, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
University ofTexas study, the improvements in student grades based on recitation may be statisticallyinsignificant because of a larger influence from student participation and attendance [7]. In thespring of 2021 at Penn State Behrend, one recitation section was offered and had 7 participants.More sections will need to be opened to increase availability to students with conflictingschedules because students cite scheduling conflicts as the main factor for skipping or notregistering for recitation courses [13], [14]. It is hoped that with proper tracking of the success ofthe recitation, the data can be used to convince future students to participate in the recitationcourse.References[1] S. Hoover, “Pennsylvania colleges face steep enrollment declines
2011 North Midwest Section
R. Nelson; J. Bumblis; C. Liu; A. Turkmen; N. Zhou; D. Olson; R. Rothaupt
, electronics, digital logic andcontrol systems) the need for more focused, in-depth preparation in the areas of embedded systems wasrecognized several years ago. Such recognition led to UW-S B a REducation Committee of the University of Wisconsin (UW) System to authorize the establishment of a Proceedings of the 2011 North Midwest Section Conferencededicated program in Computer Engineering. Final approval was given by the UW System Board ofRegents on August 22, 2008. As a point of interest, approval was also granted at the same time toauthorize a new program in Plastics Engineering (PE) at UW-Stout.Program Overview and DevelopmentThe process of requesting a new program in the University
Conference Session
For Students to Know and Grow
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Emily Lauber, Microsoft; Benjamin Emery Mertz, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Culture & Social Justice in Education, Equity
education. The curriculum created in thisstudy utilizes optical illusions, a LEGO activity, and a facilitator’s vulnerability to challenge theengineers in a way that is conducive to them learning the topic rather than automaticallydevaluing unconscious bias as social or political work. Replicating the curriculumimplementation is outside the scope of this study but should be further quantitatively investigatedfor effectiveness.Bibliography[1] S. M. Hossain, M. Hasan and M. G. Murtuza, "A Team Formation Framework for Managing Diversity in Multidisciplinary Engineering Project," International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, vol. 7 (1), pp. 84-94, 01 02 2017.[2] "Unconscious Bias," March 2017. [Online]. Available:
Conference Session
CoNECD Session : Day 3 Slot 1 Technical Session 1
2021 CoNECD
Kayla R. Maxey, Purdue University at West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Submissions, Diversity
FrameworkTo examine the cultural narratives embedded in a pre-college engineering summer camp, weposition our research through the theoretical lens of cultural production theory. Culturalproduction theory examines “local meaning(s) produced by groups in everyday practice, theirconnection to larger social structures, and the possibility, no matter how slim of challenging thestatus quo” [3, p. 5]. By using the lens of cultural production theory, we can evaluate the waysindividual and collective agency operate in the structural constraints of daily practice to constructculture [4]. Through this evaluation, we can identify the patterns in our actions (practices), theways we label our efforts (intentions), and the ways we describe ourselves (histories
Conference Session
Design Teams 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Joseph Towles, Stanford University; Jeff Wood, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
communication skills, including oral presentations, written deliverables, and critical listening and feedback. Do you think CATME helped you to achieve any of the goals? If so, which one(s)? How? 3. How useful was the feedback you received? 4. How did you use the feedback, if at all? 5. How accurate did you believe the feedback to be? 6. Would you recommend the use of CATME in other teamwork settings?The interview responses were manually reviewed to identify common themes or anecdotes andto identify key quotes among the participants. In this study, we employed a triangulation designmixed-methods approach (Creswell, 2003) where we aimed to address the study questionsusing data sets from
Conference Session
Cross-cultural Sensitivity, Moral Imagination, and Diversity in Engineering Ethics Education
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Luan M. Nguyen, Iowa State University of Science and Technology; Nell Gabiam; Cristina Poleacovschi
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
Education?,” Sci. Technol. Hum. Values, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 42–72, Jan. 2014, doi: 10.1177/0162243913504305.[5] 1615 L. St NW, Suite 800Washington, and D. 20036USA202-419-4300 | M.-857-8562 | F.- 419-4372 | M. Inquiries, “Diversity in the STEM workforce varies widely across jobs,” Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project, Jan. 09, 2018. varies-widely-across-jobs/ (accessed Apr. 19, 2021).[6] A. True-Funk, C. Poleacovschi, G. Jones-Johnson, S. Feinstein, K. Smith, and S. Luster- Teasley, “Intersectional Engineers: Diversity of Gender and Race Microaggressions and Their Effects in Engineering Education,” J. Manag. Eng
2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference
Emmanuel U. Enemuoh
engineering design. © American Society for Engineering Education, 2021 2021 ASEE Midwest Section Conference b. Apply engineering skills and techniques to determine the root cause(s) and develop recommended solutions of the key problem(s). c. Develop skills to work on a multi-functional team. d. Develop skills in data gathering and interaction with production and management level employees, in a professional and ethical manner and recognizing the need for lifelong learning. e. Hone communications skills for oral presentations and written reports. 2.3. Subject Matter Expert Involvement The subject matter expert (SME) is an individual who has a high level of expertise
2021 First-Year Engineering Experience
Tracy Anne Hammond, Texas A&M University; Shawna Thomas, Texas A&M University; Charles Patrick Jr, Texas A&M University; Pauline Wade, Texas A&M University; Donna Jaison, Texas A&M University; Janie M Moore, Texas A&M University; Lance Leon Allen White, Texas A&M University; Randy Hugh Brooks, Texas A&M University; Samantha Ray, Texas A&M University; Karen E Rambo-Hernandez, Texas A&M University; Karan Watson P.E., Texas A&M University
innovate and publish their contributions to SoTL. Theinitiatives were successful in creating a collaborative community in which faculty can shareideas, refine their approach, and strengthen their writing skills so they can acquire funding andpublish their work. Faculty observed significant professional growth in these areas as theyparticipated in these initiatives. While the supportive environment produced tangible results interms of an increase in publication from APT faculty, other initiatives that can be consideredinclude, one-on-one mentoring and more structured training in scholarly writing such as takingformal classes.References[1] S. Bush, N. Pelaez, J. Rudd, M. Stevens, K. Tanner, and K. Williams, “Widespread distribution and unexpected