to identify, analyze, and solve broadly-defined engineering technology problems.In addition, the student outcomes for the FPGA curriculum will also meet the followingoutcomes required by the Program Criteria for an EET baccalaureate degree program6: the application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, associated software, analog and digital electronics, and microcomputers to the building, testing, operation, and maintenance of electrical/electronic(s) systems; a. the ability to analyze, design, and implement control systems, instrumentation systems, communications systems, computer systems, or power systems.It can be seen from Table 4 that the student outcomes involve the final project. Thus, theassessment
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, Steel, Inc., Atlanta Demolition, PaulLee and by the volunteer efforts of many students, faculty, and community partners. Thanks toall the faculty members who have encouraged students for participating in this project. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Southern Polytechnic State University orother project sponsors. Page 25.52.12Bibliography 1. Nations, U. (2010). Haiti Earthquake: Situation Updates. Retrieved 12 30, 2011, from UN News Centre: 2
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at HU spent a month at UH in September/November 2008 and anothermonth in September 2009. He shadowed the Associate Dean of Engineering at UH. Shadowingactivities included: 1. Observation of engineering classes at different levels. 2. Supervised assistance teaching a variety of engineering courses to develop a variety of pedagogical models and options. 3. Developing course(s) for HU, particularly in an electronic/computer-based classroom or for distance learning environment. One point of emphasis is the development of future shared projects between UH and HU students. 4. Observation, study, and practice of administrative and management skills, including ongoing faculty and curriculum development and revision. 5
) P#&7*0A)6((#5&$,-)&$%)3"$05"7)FI),5-%*0()HI)7-,0#5-KL) D5",-(()>$?*$--5*$?)FI),5-%*0()HN)7-,0#5-.)J)7&=KL) 6#0"2&0-%)/&$#M&,0#5*$?)+A(0-2()FI),5-%*0()HN)7-,0#5-.)J)7&=KL) D5"%#,'"$)&$%)Q$R-$0"5A)3"$05"7)FI),5-%*0(L) D5"%#,'"$)>$?*$--5*$?)FI),5-%*0()HN)7-,0#5-.)J)7&=KL) 3"24"(*0-()/&$#M&,0#5*$?)FI),5-%*0()HN)7-,0#5-.)J)7&=KL) D5"%#,0)S-&7*T&'"$)3&4(0"$-)FU),5-%*0()HN)7-,0#5-.)G)7&=KL) >$?*$--5*$?)/-,1&$*,(.)@1-52"%A$&2*,(.)!7#*%)/-,1&$*,(.)>7-,05*,)3*5,#*0(.) >$?*$--5*$?)B5&41*,(.)>$?*$--5*$?)>,"$"2
entrepreneurship in Russia as well.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank the Department of Foreign Language in ProfessionalCommunication and the International Department at KNRTU and the staff of The Rapid Centerat WCU for their enthusiastic support in preparing the materials for the Skyscraper exercises atthe two locations and providing the logistics support during the events. Both events wereexciting and enjoyable for the participants which would not have been possible without theirenergetic involvement. Neither event would have been possible without the active enthusiastic Page 25.162.9encouragement of both the Rector of KNRTU, Dr. German S
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this ‘cycle’ in other ASEE publications. Page 25.221.9APPENDIX B : Sample Spreadsheet for Collecting Data STUDENT # X T Q M RUBRIC: FLUID MECHANICS RUBRIC BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CRITICAL THINKING RUBRIC COURTESY OF W. S. U. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PULLMAN, WA. 99164. LIKERT SCALE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION : 5 4 3 2 1 1 Break down all barriers. √ 2 Create consistency of purpose with a plan. √ 3 Adopt the new philosophy of quality. √ 4 Establish high Standards. √ 5 Establish Targets / Goals
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a methanol removal step, thePurolite® will not last as long as. Typically, one pound of Purolite® can be used to filter 1500-2000 pounds of biodiesel (200-275 gallons). Because this process does not use a pre-methanolrecovery system, it is estimated that the Purolite®’s useful life is half of what is normallyexpected (this applies to the lead tower only). For the lag tower, the operator can monitor thecondition of the fuel exiting, and once signs of impurities are noticed the media should beremoved. Purolite® can be regenerated (i.e. cleaned) by soaking in methanol (7). Afterregeneration, the ―dirty‖ methanol can be re-used as a reactant. However, it should not be usedin greater concentrations than 50% re-used methanol to unused methanol
. CA ResearchCommunity Colleges across the country, including those in California, are devoted to increasingstudent retention, success, persistence, and completion of a certificate, degree or transfer to asenior university. This can be accomplished, according to recent research, by having students tochoose their major(s) early, rather than accumulating credits that do not apply directly to theirmajor. The results of a research by Moore and Shulock6 point to three recommendations: 1. Entering a program of study is a critical milestone on the path to completing a college certificate or degree; 2. Choosing a major early, the more likely they are to complete a certificate, degree or transfer; and 3
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