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Displaying results 1021 - 1050 of 1202 in total
Conference Session
New Course Development Concepts in ET II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. William White AIA, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Veto Matthew Ray, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Dan D. Koo, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
the 21st Century; Proceedings of Construction ’91. Cambridge, MA: ASCE; 1991:484-489.10. LePatner, Barry B. Broken Buildings, Busted Budgets: How to Fix America’s Trillion-Dollar Construction Industry. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 2007.11. Johnson S. Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation. New York: Riverhead Books; 2010. Page 24.756.912. Construction Innovation Forum: NOVA Award. NOVA Award. 2013. Available at: award.php. Accessed December 30, 2013.13. Zakaria F. “Restoring the American Dream – How to Innovate” – Global Public Square -
Conference Session
Integrating Engineering Economy into Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University; Joseph Wilck IV, East Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy
Approach for Engineering Curriculum Integration in Capstone Design Courses,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 14(3), 197-203, 1998.6. Ana Vila-Parrish, Dianne Raubenheimer, “Integrating Project Management & Lean-Six Sigma Methodologies in an Industrial Engineering Capstone Course,” Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.7. John Lamancusa, Jens Jorgensen, Jose Zayas-Castro, Julie Ratner, “THE LEARNING FACTORY – A new approach to integrating design and manufacturing into engineering curricula,” Proceedings of the 1995 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.8. R.S. Sawhney, S. Maleki, J.H. Wilck, P
Conference Session
Innovative Techniques in Structural Engineering Courses
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey A. Laman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
understanding of the course concepts? Why? ____________________ Why not? ____________________What additional subject(s) would be better understood if pencasts were added?What did you like least about using the pencasts?What suggestions do you have to improve pencasts for future students? Page 24.790.16Appendix C – Focus Group ProtocolFocus Group Protocol -Perceptions of Student LearningThe purpose of the focus group is to discuss how participation in the pencast tutorials has been beneficial to students. In other words, how you see using these tutorials outside of class are beneficial to you. 1. To start off this conversation, I’d first like to
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Programs and Curricula
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jane M. Fraser, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Jude L. DePalma, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Ananda Mani Paudel, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Hüseyin Sarper, Colorado State University-Pueblo; Ding Yuan, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
beginning to permeate our campus.We recommend that other engineering programs that want to increase multidisciplinarityconsider the framework of sustainability as a way to move toward that goal, by increasing theintegration of engineering disciplines as well as by increasing the integration of engineering withother fields.References:1. Chen, C S, Steven Elliott, and Mark Boardman. “A Multidisciplinary Energy Based Curriculum. ASEE Conference Proceedings 2011.2. Fraser, Jane M, Leonardo Bedoya-Valencia, Jude L DePalma, Nebojsa I Jaksic, Ananda Mani Paudel, Hüseyin Sarper, and Ding Yuan. “Community Outreach and Engagement through Sustainability.” ASEE Conference Proceedings 2013.3. Lenczewski, Melissa, Cliff Mirman, and Lesley Rigg
Conference Session
Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Capstone Design Projects
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yalcin Ertekin, Drexel University (Tech.); Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University (Tech.); Richard Chiou, Drexel University (Eng. & Eng. Tech.); Joshua Konstantinos
Tagged Divisions
presentation to faculty andpracticing engineers from industry. Since this is a capstone project course, many ABET StudentOutcomes are assessed each quarter as indicated in Table 1. Written, oral and studentcontribution rubrics were developed specifically for the capstone project course and are usedduring assessment and evaluation. Assessor body include Engineering Technology programfaculty, sponsoring company engineers and invited Drexel University faculty.Table 1. ABET Students Outcomes assessed per quarter offering. ET COURSES OUTCOME(s) MET 421 Project Design I a-k MET 422 Project Design II a-h, j, k MET 423
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
William J. Schell IV P.E., Montana State University; David Claudio, Montana State University; Durward K. Sobek II, Montana State University; Laura Stanley, Montana State University - Bozeman; Nicholas Ward, Montana State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Industrial and Operations Engineering from The University of Michigan, and the A.B. degree in Engineering Science from Dartmouth College.Dr. Laura Stanley, Montana State University - BozemanProf. Nicholas Ward, Montana State University Professor Nicholas Ward (F. Erg. S) obtained his Ph.D. in Human Factors psychology from Queen’s University (Canada). He is currently a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Montana State University and a Senior Research Scientist in the Center for Health and Safety Culture at the Western Transportation Institute. Professor Ward has led interdisciplinary and international research consortia to study traffic safety research including intelligent transportation systems, driver
Conference Session
Cooperative & Experiential Education Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joy Watson, University of Cincinnati; Maureen G. Schomaker, University of Cincinnati
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
Engineering Education, 1946, 37, 8, 117-135 The Co-operative System – A manifesto, 1946.[8] Lev Vigotsky (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. (V. J.-S. M. Cole, Ed.).[9] What will your personal brand look like? (2010). [brochure]. PricewaterhouseCoopers.[10] Bconnor123. (2008, November 5)Don't just stand there - say something intelligent!. Retrieved from[11] Board of Directors., ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission., (October 29, 2011). Criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Retrieved from nts/Current/eac- criteria-2012- 2013.pdfabethttp
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evan C. Lemley, University of Central Oklahoma; Bob Melton, Putnam City Schools; Elizabeth Ann Allan, University of Central Oklahoma; Grant M. Armstrong, University of Central Oklahoma ; James E. Stewart, University of Central Oklahoma; Morshed Khandaker, University of Central Oklahoma
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
 with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), available at­engage­to­excel­final_2­25­12.pdf. 5. J. J. Duderstadt, 2008, Engineering for a Changing World ­ A Roadmap to the Future of Engineering Practice, Research, and Education, The Millennium Project, The University of Michigan, available at: 6. Yoon, S. Y., Evans, M. G., and J. Strobel, “Development of the Teaching Engineering Self­Efficacy Scale (TESS) for K­12 Teachers,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2012, ASEE Annual Conference
Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wade R. Marcum, Oregon State University; Steve Reese, Oregon State University; Robert A. Schickler
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
Page 24.387.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Developing a Reactor Operator Training Course Series at Oregon State University Wade R. Marcum1, Steve R. Reese2, S. Todd Keller2, Robert A. Schickler2 1 Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, Oregon State University 2 Radiation Center, Oregon State UniversityABSTRACTOregon State University’s (OSU’s) Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation HealthPhysics (NERHP) recently graduated its first influx of students participating in the inaugural“Reactor Operator Training” course series
Conference Session
Renewable Energy in Classroom
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Omonowo David Momoh, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
) (S Reactive Power (Q) r we t Po en par Ap θ Real Power (P) Figure 1: Power triangleThe importance of the cosine of the phase angle also known as the power factor is emphasized.The students are made aware of the implications of low power factor. For instance
Conference Session
Track 3 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Rami Jubrail Haddad, Georgia Southern University; Youakim Kalaani, Georgia Southern University
Tagged Topics
Student Development
Bulletin, 3, 4-5. [4] Cox, B., & Ramirez, M., III (1981). “Cognitive styles: Implications for multiethnic education”. In J. Banks (Ed.), Education in the 80's. Washington, DC: National Education Association. [5] Dunn, R. (1997). “The goals and track record of multicultural education”. Educational leadership: 54(7), 74-77. [6] Altinyelken, H.K. (2010) “Pedagogical renewal in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Uganda”. Comparative Education, 46:2, 151-171. [7] Baer, M., Kocher, M., & Wyss, C. (2009). “Can teaching be learned?--Acquiring teaching competencies during teacher training and first year in training”. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. [8
Conference Session
Track 1 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Michael B. Cutlip, University of Connecticut; Mordechai Shacham, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Michael Elly, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
Paper ID #11027Enabling Extensive Numerical Problem Solving on Smartphones and TabletsDr. Michael B. Cutlip, University of Connecticut Michael B. Cutlip is an Emeritus Professor within the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Depart- ment at the University of Connecticut and has served as department head and director of the university’s Honors Program. He has B. Ch. E. and M. S. degrees from Ohio State and a Ph. D. from the University of Colorado. He has been the Chair and National Program Chair for the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division plus he co-chaired the ASEE Summer School for Chemical Engineering faculty in 2002
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Kerrie L. Schattler, Bradley University; Amir W Al-Khafaji, Bradley University
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
students so that it makesthem feel more at ease and comfortable because of this shared connection.The commitment to teach abroad require faculty to make personal sacrifices, leaving theirfamilies for weeks at a time, usually during the holidays. In Dr. Schattler ’s case, having madethe decision to travel abroad far in advance, she was not anticipating that this trip would occur inthe midst of moving to a new house with her new husband and other family medical emergenciesthat arose back in the US. Dealing with such personal issues long distance, coupled with theintensity of the program, balancing students’ needs inside and outside the classroom, classroomresponsibilities, and acquiring advanced time management skills, while immersed in
Conference Session
Track 1b - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Henry W. Kraebber, Purdue University, West Lafayette; E. Shirl Donaldson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Katie Mae Hackney
Tagged Topics
Curriculum and Lab Development
student’sinvestment in study abroad for the short time of one week. The week-long study abroad helpedcreate student interest in future travel overseas to other destinations. References 1. Trooboff, S., VandeBerg, M. & Rayman, J. (2007). Employer Attitudes toward Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. Winter 2007-2008. 2. Redden, E. (2014). Generation Study Abroad. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from abroad#ixzz2yzSAB9bN 3. Institute of International Education. (2014).Every student should have the opportunity to study abroad. Open Doors Report on
Conference Session
Track 2 - Session 1
2014 ASEE International Forum
Lev Vadimovich Redin, Kazan National Research Technological University, Russia
Tagged Topics
Faculty Development
University Press Meriden Conn,URL:, p. 1109.[6] Savransky, S. D. (2000). Engineering of Creativity: Introduction to TRIZ methodology of inventiveproblem solving, CRC Press, 408 p.[7] Gadd, K. (2011). TRIZ for engineers: Enabling inventive problem solving, Jonh Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 504 p.[8] Jung, C.G. ([1921] 1971). Psychological Types, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6, Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press.[9] Darbellay, F., Cockell, M., Billotte, J., Waldvogel, F. (eds) (2008). A Vision of Transdisciplinarity: LayingFoundations for a World Knowledge Dialogue, EPFL Press, Lausanne, Switzerland, 208 p.[10] Capra, F
Conference Session
Track 3 - Session 2
2014 ASEE International Forum
Matthew E Verbyla, University of South Florida; Colleen Claire Naughton; Allan Feldman, University of South Florida; Vanessa Vernaza-Hernandez , University of South Florida ; Marilyn E Brandt, University of the Virgin Islands; Maya A Trotz, University of South Florida; E. Christian Wells, University of South Florida; James R. Mihelcic, University of South Florida
Tagged Topics
Student Development
., Mihelcic, J.R. 2009. Non-Traditional University Research Partners that Facilitate Service Learning and Graduate Research for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, S. Starrett, ed., American Society of Civil Engineers, Kansas City, MO, 2038–2048.2. Hokanson, D.R., Phillips, L.D., Mihelcic, J.R. 2007. Educating Engineers in the Sustainable Futures Model with a Global Perspective: Education, Research and Diversity Initiatives. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(2), 254-265.3. Bielefeldt, A.R., Paterson, K., Swan, C. 2010. Measuring the Value Added from Service Learning in Project- Based Engineering Education. International Journal of Engineering
Conference Session
Improving Introductory Experiences in Chemical Engineering
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University; Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
Fall of 2012. Based upon both published results on “writing to learn” from the literatureand the authors’ observations from Fall 2012, it was reasonable to hypothesize that the activity ofwriting homework abstracts would lead to improved attainment of the course instructionalobjectives. However, the control experiment that was conducted in the Fall of 2013 did notproduce any evidence to support of this hypothesis.Literature Cited i Felder, R.M., “Stoichiometry without Tears”, Chemical Engineering Education, 24(4), 188-196, 1990. ii XXXX and YYYYY, “Effects of Requiring Students to Write Abstracts for Homework Problem Solutions,”Proceedings of the 2013 ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (2013). iii Maharaj, S
Conference Session
Teaching Communication II
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jodi F. Prosise, St. Ambrose University; Hank Yochum, Sweet Briar College
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
. She is the PI of an NSF S-STEM grant and helps to direct the un- dergraduate research program at SAU. She leads a study-abroad trip for engineering students to Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil every-other-year.Prof. Hank Yochum, Sweet Briar College Hank Yochum is the Director of the Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering Program and Professor of Physics and Engineering at Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar is one of two women’s colleges in the United States with an ABET accredited engineering degree. He earned his BS in Physics from the College of Charleston and PhD in Physics from Wake Forest University. Prior to joining Sweet Briar, he was a Member of Technical Staff at OFS Specialty Photonics in the Optical Amplifier
Conference Session
NSF Grantees’ Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Summer Dann , Louisiana State University; Jo Dale Ales; Karim Elkholy, Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC); Warren N. Waggenspack Jr., Louisiana State University; Adrienne Steele, Louisiana State University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Khonsari, M.M., 2007, ”Granular Collision Lubrication: Experimental Investigation and Comparison with Theory,” ASME Journal of Tribology – V. 129, pp. 923-932 Synergistic Activities: Engineering Program Manager, Baton Rouge Community College, August 2011 – Present: LA-SiGMA EPSCoR - collaborate with LSU engineering and mathematics faculty to develop modules to train community college students to use sophisticated materials research instrumentation, assist with the Beowulf Boot Camp for high school students and teachers and facilitate the participation of BRCC students in the research experiences for undergraduates (REU) programs focused on computational and experimental materials science NSF S-STEM Scholarships
Conference Session
Assessment in Construction Education
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ihab Mohammad Hamdi Saad P.E., Northern Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
the focus fromteaching to learning, Delmar Publishers, 2000Uchiyama, K. P., and Radin, J., Curriculum mapping in Higher Education: a Vehicle forCollaboration, Innovations in Higher Education, 2009 33:271-280Angelo, T., Cross, K., Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers, 2ndedition, 1993Saad, I., Elgamal, S., Interactive Student Portfolios: Proceedings of Construction Congress VII, ASCE,Honolulu, Hawaii, March 2003 Page 24.884.9
Conference Session
Gainful Employment: Preparing Technicians to Satisfy the Needs of Industry
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzin Heidari, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
significantlyimprove educational standards and career opportunities for technical college graduates. Page 24.886.9 References1. ETA/ Business Relations Group Report. (2005). Addressing the Workforce Challenges of America’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce. Retrieved September, 5, 2011.2. Labor Market Information Division, Industry Employment and Labor Force, November 18, 2005.3. Center for Workforce Success, “The Skill Gap 2001,” P.5.4. Rosenfeld, S. (1998). Technical Colleges, Technology Deployment, and Regional Development (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Chapel Hill, North
Conference Session
Nuclear and Radiological Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel A. Heider, U.S. Military Academy; Bryndol A. Sones, U.S. Military Academy; Brian E. Moretti, Department of Physics and Nuclear Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
Engng. Educ., Bangkok, Thailand, 19-23 (2007).4. Terenzini, P.; Cabrera, A.; Colbeck, C.; Parente, J.; Bjorklund, S., "Collaborative Learning Vs. Lecture/Discussion: Students’ Reported Learning Gains." Journal of Engineering Education (2001): 123-130. Web.5. Guzdial, M.; Ludovice, P.; Realff, M.; Morley, T.; Carroll, K.; Ladak, A., "The Challenge of Collaborative Page 24.921.9 Learning in Engineering and Math," Frontiers in Education Conference, 2001. 31st Annual , vol.1, T3B,24-9 vol.1, 2001
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adam Said El-Rahaiby, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Andres Tovar, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Optimization: State of the Art: SIAM, 19973 Kodiyalam S, Sobieszczanski-Sobieski J. Multidisciplinary Design Optimization - some formal methods, framework requirements, and application to vehicle design. International Journal of Vehicle Design 2001; 25:3-224 Sobieszczanski-Sobieski J. Multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) methods: Their synergy with computer technology in the design process. Aeronautical Journal 1999; 103:373-3825 Xiaoyu G, Renaud JE, Penninger CL. Implicit uncertainty propagation for robust collaborative optimization. Transactions of the ASME. Journal of Mechanical Design 2006; 128:1001-10136 Tovar A, Khandelwal K. Topology Optimization for Minimum Compliance using a Control Strategy
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret Scheiner, Florida State University; Micah McCrary-Dennis; David O Olawale, Dept of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering; Okenwa I Okoli, Florida A&M University/Florida State University
of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine. ISBN: 0-309-65442-4, (2007).2. G. Lichtenstein, H. G. Loshbaugh, B.Claar, H. L. Chen, , K. Jackson, S. D. Sheppard, “An Engineering Major Does Not (Necessarily) Make an Engineer: Career Decision Making Among Undergraduate Engineering Majors,” Journal of Engineering Education, 98, 3, 227-234, (2009). Page 24.943.11
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Poster Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew E. Jackson, East Carolina University; Sherion H. Jackson, Grand Canyon Univeristy
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
-specific Outreach Activities within the faculty member’s annualproductivity plan thus providing significant benefits to the faculty member, to his/her students, tothe industry sponsors who support the process, and to the local economies where participatingworkforce members live and work.References1. Boyer, E. L. (1996). The scholarship of engagement. Journal of Public Service & Outreach, 1(1), 11–20.2. Ellison, J., & Eatman, T. (2008). Scholarship in public: Knowledge creation and tenure policy in the engaged university. Imagining America, Syracuse University. Retrieved from Freeman, E., Gust, S., & Aloshen, D. (2009). Why faculty promotion and tenure matters to community
Conference Session
Teaching and Assessment Methodologies
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bimal P. Nepal, Texas A&M University; Barry Lawrence, Texas A&M University; Esther Rodriguez-Silva PhD, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
engineering through a microfabrication project, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov 11-15, Seattle, WA, USA. 2. Carlson, L., Sullivan, J., Poole, S., and M. Picket-May. (1999). Engineers as Entrepreneurs: Invention and Innovation in Design and Build Courses, 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rice. 3. Hein, G.L., S.A. Sorby, (2001). Engineering Explorations: Introducing First-Year Students to Engineering, 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 21, Reno, Nevada, USA. 4. Carlson, L.E., Sullivan, J.F. (1999). Hands-on engineering: learning by doing in the integrated teaching and learning
Conference Session
INVITED PANEL: Preparing your Teaching Portfolio
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kay C Dee, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Glen A. Livesay, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Julia M. Williams, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
expressing the things they believe about teaching,learning, and their role(s) in the teaching/learning processes. For example, “What are yourbeliefs about teaching? What are your aims for students, and why are these aims important toyou? How do your actions as a teacher reflect your beliefs about teaching and learning?”3Portfolio authors could also adapt guidance intended to help students creating learning portfoliosto their situation, and utilize prompts such as “What have I learned? Why did I learn?”4 (aboutteaching); “What difference has the learning made in my intellectual, personal, and ethicaldevelopment?”4 (as a teacher); “How does what I have learned fit into a full, continual plan forlearning?”4 (for teaching, for professional development
Conference Session
Curriculum & Student Enrollment I
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Veto Matthew Ray, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; J. William White, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis; Dan D. Koo, Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDkQFjAA&url=htt i=ZRnCUt_INYmuyQHu54HACw&usg=AFQjCNG_lqxZvURlglb4- 01XQlI_kydtvA&bvm=bv.58187178,d.aWc 4. IUPUI Institutional Reports. (2013). Retrieved December 28, 2013, from 5. Indiana Commission for Higher Education. (2013). Retrieved December 28, 2013, from 6. Pande, P., Neuman, R., and Cavanagh, R. (2002). The Six Sigma Way: Implementation Guide for Process Improvement Teams. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill  7
Conference Session
Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Javad Shakib, DeVry University, Pomona; Mohammad Rafiq Muqri, DeVry University, Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Computing & Information Technology
. Although we made a comprehensive comparisonbetween two boards and we used the tower as the primary board, I should emphasize that we areteaching principles. The platform we have is sufficient to teach everything the students need toknow at this point in time...Unless there is a compelling reason to change the platform, we should stick with what we havefor a significant amount of time.References1. L. J. McKenzie, M. S. Trevisan, D. C. Davis, and S.W. Beyerlein, “Capstone design courses and assessment: A national study,” in Proceedings 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Expo., Salt Lake Page 24.1012.10 City, Utah, USA, 2004, pp. 1-14.2. http
Conference Session
Program and Curriculum Design Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malini Natarajarathinam, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
: Effectively Teaching Large-Enrollment Online Classes”, Online Classroom, May 1, 20134. “Strategies for Teaching Large Classes”, Published on Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost of the University5. Natarajarathinam, M., “Redesigning a course on Electronics Distribution Networks to meet the contemporary industry needs”, Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 26 – 29.6. Dunn, C. K., Batts, D. L. and Friend, S. L., “How educational institutions can handle more students with fewer faculty members”, Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education, Vancouver, British Columbia