participants had differentperceptions about the centrality of their Black identity and mixed feelings about enacting thisidentity while attending school. That is, although all participants were Black students, theyplaced race in different places of the identity circle (or, not at all), reflecting the relative salienceof the identity for each of them.From the FIE 2020 Paper: Brawner, Catherine, Marisa Orr, Rebecca Brent, and Catherine Mobley. 2020. “Experiences of Black Persisters and Switchers in Computer, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering in the USA.” Proceedings of the IEEE/FIE Conference, October.In this paper, we begin to provide information about institutional policies that may influencestudent persistence and attrition
resource alternatives to oil and natural gas. In thespring quarter, rather than disperse the department's limited monetaryand faculty involvement over the full spectrum of alternate energysources: solar, wind, biological and coal, we restricted our optionsto the power available in the wind. It seemed particularly appropriatein North Dakota that we should in time be able to harvest the wind aswell as we have the prairies. To some extent this decision reflected my personal bias, windenergy is more subtle and potentially destructive (exciting) than solarenergy. Wind energy conversion systems (WECS)* utilize many of the en-gineering disciplines: machine/structural design, aerodynamics, elec-trical machinery, controls, etc. Applications of wind
quicklyanalyzed, displayed and used to drive animation routines thataccurately reflect the physical movement of real objects orsystems. CURRENT DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS- FUTURE DIRECTIONS To make it possible for classes to view the graphicsgenerated by the computer, the Aquastar IIIB video projectionsystem developed and manufactured by Electronics SystemsProducts, has been acquired. This system produces abrilliant sharp image of 400 lumens on either a flat orcurved screen from 4 to 20 feet wide. It is remotecontrolled and capable of front or rear projection. Itscompact size, 78 lb. weight, and flexible focusing systemmake it useful in a variety of configurations. The system accepts and projects signals from a widevariety
the skills they displayed in their earlier English and communication coursework, or studentgrades fail to reflect students’ lack of grammatical correctness and clarity in these courses. Webelieve that an increased focus on correctness and clarity in ENG 101, ENG 271, CMST 102,and CMST 233 combined with regular interventions and reinforcement in other courseworkwould ensure that students continually improve their communication skills between freshmanand senior year. The details of our intervention as well as a suggested system of intervention andreinforcement are discussed below. Figure 1 The grade distribution in ENG 101, ENG 271, CMST 102, and CMST 223. Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE North Midwest Sectional
lightly.The advice to the candidate given above reflects the expectations commonly held by facultypromotion and tenure committee members and unit administrators. Correspondingly, evaluatorshave the obligation to do a fair and balanced evaluation of each candidate in each area ofperformance mentioned or hinted at in the above list.A difficulty with earlier reviews (or even annual reviews), which in many institutions aremandatory, is that candidates ge e all d like c i ici m. The ca dida e e e migh beessentially defensive. The review then produces few u ef l e l f he ca dida e career andmight even generate a lawsuit against the institution or its administrators. This points out howimportant it is to clearly inform prospective faculty
benefits from aninstructor’s standpoint. By getting feedback from the class and pacing it accordingly, as well asoffering extra credit, the class appreciated that the instructor had compassion and was willing toconsider their input. This was reflected in comments in the teaching evaluations at the end ofeach semester. It also minimized concerns over the class not being curved by allowing studentsto bolster, or insure their grade prior to the final exam. Additionally, by allowing for improvedstudent grades one may expect improved evaluations in general as well as improved retention ina given field of study. It is important to reiterate that these grade improvements did not come atthe expense of grade inflation, which may produce a similar effect
tool to improve our classrooms. You can ask questions inclass and know right away if all the students, half the class or just 10% understands. It’s agood way to have a read on all your students before an exam is given or at any timeduring the semester. It is also a good way to involve your student every class. MiniQuizzes also add to identify readily who understands and who doesn’t so you can allocatemore points to the mini quizzes than to the homework in case they just copied them,which is not a reflection of their level of understanding. Students need to put in the effortin order to get excellence.The students’ favorite parts of class are the projects, where they get to apply the theory toreal engineering problems. Students love the hands-on
students were asked to consider the societalimpact their home made in terms of environmental, global and social considerations. They were askedto think about the resources used to build the homes, technologies implemented and home energyconsumption levels.EvaluationStudents were evaluated on the PHPP design worksheets, oral presentation and written report. Overallthe design needed to reflect a thoughtful and creative approach.Energy ModelingThe energy modeling was primarily evaluated through the oral presentation. During the oralpresentation the students provided a summary of their software inputs and resulting annual heating andcooling loads. Software inputs needed to be logical and accurate to meet the certification requirement.The students were
tendency of general management tothink in terms of more formal safety related organizational training and global safety trainingprograms to prepare personnel to deal with multidisciplinary nature of mode n i kmanagement. Unfortunately, existing safety training programs along with the safetyprofessionals who conduct them, are often not prepared to deal with this global organizationapproach to safety. Systematic safety training reflects the major theme of this paper. Our desireis to maintain a position of organizational credibility and to implement safety training programsin the modern management environment. Therefore, in the proposed method, an implicitemphasis is placed on the need for formality and rigor in designing and conducting training
communication skills (3.4) conducting tests,measurements, calibration and improving processes, and (3.5) demonstrating team work skills.The final capstone course grade was based on the elements shown in Figure 10. Performanceassessment and feedback were done through the evaluation of biweekly submitted reports by thestudents. There were four main categories toward the final score: biweekly reports, final report,presentation, and team work evaluation. Table 3 shows assessment methods that reflected theABET outcomes mapping with the project assessment tools followed. Biweekly Reports (15%) Team
already exists. Why not give them anorchestra to call their own—a conductorless orchestra where they practice leadership,teamwork, and communication in a large team environment—while doing something theylove—music?Augmenting an Engineering School The Olin Conductorless Orchestra (OCO) is the oldest group at Olin College and provides anenduring example of what an engineering school can represent. The orchestra has been avehicle for talented students studying engineering since 2002, and shows the Renaissance sideof their education. Its concerts often take place in front of sizable groups of people (e.g., OCO’s2017 Great Hall concert at Cooper Union in New York City), thus reflecting positively on thecollege’s multidisciplinary approach to
product, process, or service by trade name,trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The viewsand opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the UnitedStates Government or any agency thereof.PNNL-SA-160054
in groups,connecting to peers and the institution, self-reflection, and discipline, etc., are embeddedthroughout the course. The biggest challenge for this course is to give students some insight intomultiple engineering disciplines and to help them make an informed decision about their majorchoice. This course also heavily relied on hands-on and in-person activities until Fall 2019.Midway through Spring 2020, the course was moved to synchronous online mode. In Fall 2020,the common lecture portion of the course was offered in a hybrid/converged mode. Instructorstaught from a university classroom and the lecture was simultaneously broadcasted. A limitednumber of students (on a rotation basis) had an option to attend the class in-person while
-circuit and RN is the Norton equivalent resistance seen by the inductor when the capacitoris treated as an open-circuit. The notation used here for the two time constants reflects thosestatements. These treatments are well-known low frequency approximations.The coefficient of the second-order derivative has a dimension of time squared, which suggests apossible alternative representation as the product of two time constants τ1 and τ2 . 1 = τ1 τ2 (7) ωo2The question is whether these arbitrary time constants can be related, in general, to RLC circuitparameters
Covid-19 on Higher Education around the World. 2020.[2] J. J. B. Joaquin, H. T. Biana, and M. A. Dacela, “The Philippine Higher Education Sector in the Time of COVID-19,” Front. Educ., vol. 5, no. October, pp. 1–6, 2020, doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.576371.[3] T. Khraishi, “Teaching in the COVID-19 Era: Personal Reflections, Student Surveys and Pre-COVID Comparative Data,” Open J. Soc. Sci., vol. 09, no. 02, pp. 39–53, 2021, doi: 10.4236/jss.2021.92003.[4] D. Chadha et al., “Are the kids alright? Exploring students’ experiences of support mechanisms to enhance wellbeing on an engineering programme in the UK,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1–16, 2020, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2020.1835828.[5] M. Schar, A
data.ConclusionThis work is still in-progress. Our study has been set up with three undergraduate courses involving twofaculties. In this emulation students get the opportunity to perform through all standard softwaredevelopment phases in Agile method including requirements analysis, user-story backlog creation. Oncethe backlog is ready, developers plan for sprints and drive each sprint equipped with daily-scrum,retrospective and planning the next sprint. The entire process is driving through use of IST&P. Once thisstudy is done, our collected data will give us an insight about how this protocol impacts the learningeffectiveness and how it engages the students. We believe that the empirical data will give us a positiveresult reflecting the engagement and
instructional settings and EE topics.The success of the HBCU ECP project led the group to consider whether or not the scope of thecollaboration could be expanded to include a broader range of topics and participants. As theECP project wound down, the group has been reflecting on what lessons there are to be learnedfrom this experience. First and foremost, the project succeeded because many schools workedtogether as one to collectively improve the learning experiences of their students.What enabled the group to succeed? 1) Experienced faculty trained faculty at schools new topersonal instrumentation at both in-person workshops and regular online meetings. Theexperienced faculty from within the project had worked together previously in the MobileStudio
14% than its runner-up.3.2. Remote versus Traditional in-person ClassroomsThe students from summer 2020 classes were surveyed with an extra question, shown in Table 2.These students totaled 124 in four different classes, where 70 of them had the synchronous methodwithout recording, 40 of them had synchronous method with recording, and 62 had theasynchronous method. The rationale behind this question was to reflect on remote classroomexperience and indicate if it can be related to a traditional in-person experience, given that by theend of summer 2020, the students have experienced at least two semesters of fully remoteclassroom experience. Figure 5 shows a summary of the results for the four given options. Whilethe traditional in-person
4 2.2 Total 186 100.0Individual Skill Development. Table 6 reports mean scores and their standard deviations foreach of the skills/scales assessed at the beginning (Week 1), middle (Week 6), and end (Week10) of the internship. These results reflect self-assessment by the students at the beginning,middle, and end of the summer program. Mean scores for the group increased for every skillarea. Scores for growth mindset and creative mindset remained stable. They were not explicitlytargeted by the curriculum for the program.Table 6. Individual Skills Assessments at the Beginning, Middle, and End of InternshipSurvey of Intern Team Effectiveness
motivational beliefs and learningstrategies. Qualitative data collected from individual interviews and focus groups is being codedand analyzed to provide a more complete understanding of what helps students persist tograduation in an engineering major. Recommendations for future work include investigationsinto the role student mindsets (growth vs. fixed) and student workload expectations play in theirretention.The material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1644119. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.6.0 References[1] O. Brown, M. Morris, R. Hensel, and J
Regret Elements Scale:Distinguishing the affective and cognitive components of regret,” Judgment and DecisionMaking, 11(3), pp. 275-286, 2016.[5] C. Saffrey, A. Summerville, and N.J. Roese, “Praise for regret: People value regret aboveother negative emotions,” Motivation and Emotion, 32(1), pp. 46-54, 2008.[6] N.J. Roese, G.L. Pennington, J. Coleman, M. Janicki, N.P. Li, and D.T. Kenrick, “Sexdifferences in regret: All for love or some for lust?” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,32(6), pp. 770-780, 2006.[7] K.D. Markman, M.N. McMullen, and R.A. Elizaga, “Counterfactual thinking, persistence,and performance: A test of the reflection and evaluation model,” Journal of Experimental SocialPsychology, 44(2), pp. 421-428, 2008.[8] J. Reb and
collecting more qualitative intervention data and quantitative outcomedata to examine the Undergraduate Systemic Change Model.References[1] Wigfield, A. and Eccles, J. S. “Expectancy-Value Theory of Achievement Motivation,” Contemporary Educational Psychology, vol. 25, no 1, pp. 68-81, Jan. 2000.[2] Bandura, A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.[3] Goffman, E. “On face-work: An analysis of ritual elements in social interaction,” Reflections, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 7-13, Spring 2003.[4] Aronson, J. “The threat of stereotype,” Educational Leadership. vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 14-19, Nov. 2004.[5] Rudman, L.A., Ashmore, R.D. and Gary, M.L. “’Unlearning
minoritization offemale students and some ethnicities/races, especially Black and Hispanics, in computing fields isan important topic that has garnered attention within universities and programs (Digest ofEducation Statistics).This shortage of computing professionals and the disparities between groups has made educationresearchers more reflective about strategies to attract and retain more students in computing fields,so as to keep pace with industry demands [6]. The persistence of students who have a contact in agiven program is a promising place to consider, because it not only includes the students whomatriculated in a computing discipline, but it also includes transferred students in addition to theones who ever showed interest in that program
given the NILA’s leadership framework and curriculum focus onthe development in these areas. The average mean for leadership self-efficacy increased from 4.0to 4.3. The increase was significant, and it shows that NILA had a measurable positive effect.Nevertheless, the effect may or may not be sustainable. Most of the change was explained by thelower values (pre-test minimum=2.6, post-test minimum=3.0), which is reflected in a smallerstandard deviation for the post-survey. This shows that the effect may be larger for those whocome in with lower self-efficacy than those who are already confident in their abilities. While thesample size was small, the EFA analysis is statistically significant to tentatively support ourhypothesis. However, this can
Education, 2021 Work-in-Progress (WIP): Exploring the Relationships between BME Student Perception of the Field and Career PlansIntroduction Biomedical engineering (BME) programs attract students with a range of post-graduationaspirations including medical school, graduate school, engineering-focused industry,biotechnology-focused industry, etc. [1]–[3]. This diversity in how students aim to utilize theirBME degree may reflect diversity in their motivation to study BME, their educationalexpectations, and even their perception of the field [2], [4]. Understanding the relationshipbetween these factors would allow BME programs, at both the curricular and individual courselevels, to better balance students’ interests and
as an extra credit work forfreshmen who are enrolled in pre-construction courses. Based on the evaluation of the PCLG, wewill modify existing modules while continuing to add scenarios. We expect to implement thisonline game in the upcoming academic year. After the successful outcome of the hypothesis test,the game will be introduced to other STEM majors.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by Texas State University Big Ideas. Any opinions,findings, and conclusions expressed in this material are those of the authors and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the Texas State University Big Ideas.ReferencesAlhaddab, T. & Alnatheer, S. (2015). Future scientists: How women’s and minorities’ math self-efficacy and science
feedbackregarding students’ choice to attend the camp, concerns about the sophomore year, reasons forchoosing the chemical engineering major, as well as specific feedback about the camp fromthose that attended. This information can be used to improve the camp and/or the sophomoreexperience.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2025035. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors would like to thank Dr. Timothy Reeves, Mr. Baker Martin, and Mrs.Catherine Belk for their input and discussions on this work and for reviewing drafts of
material are those of theauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References1. Kendall, M. R., Choe, N.H., Denton, M., Borrego, M., (2018). “Engineering IdentityDevelopment of Hispanic Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2018.2. E-mail from TAMUK Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, February 24,2021.3. Prince, S.P., Tarazkar, Y., (2013) “Mechanical Engineering Design Experience forHispanic and Low Income Students.” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, ConferenceProceedings, 2013.4. Meyers, K., Cripe, K. (2015) “Prior educational experience and gender influences onperceptions of a first-year engineering design project.” International
temperature by 1.5 degreesCelsius in order to ensure the continued life on our planet. Many nations have made impacts to becarbon neutral / net zero carbon by 2050. Policies such as the New Green Deal, Paris Agreementoutline initiatives to meet the goal. This requires not only behavior change on a national, butindividual level as well. On a local level, policies are in place to guide behaviors to a more efficientsociety.Closing the Loop: How Closed Loop Engineering Reflects Innovative Practices withinCircular EconomiesTechnological innovations drive our ability to adapt to the ever-changing demands of society,which have become increasingly complicated by the aforesaid environmental concerns. Thishas proven true whether one examines the era of the
. videos, virtual tours, websites) were offered surrounding that themeand awarded badges for participation/viewing, thus adding another element of gamification.Numerous questions in the CTF reflected the content offered. The CTF opened each day uponthe completion of the synchronous component and remained open until midnight. Figure 2 Sample Capture The Flag (CTF) CluesSynchronous DeliveryThe focus of the synchronous portion of the camp was to immerse the students in a “real world”simulation of a cyber crime there by introducing the concept of cyber security and developingthe skills of research and analysis, critical thinking, teamwork and written and oralcommunication which are