and Informing Instruction”, International J of Science Education, 28.[8] Hawkins, S., M.B. Coney, and K. Bystrom (1996): “Incidental Writing in the Engineering Classroom”, J Engineering Education, 85.[9] ECET Students. (2006). Pressure Sensor Project Survey,Topics of Applied Design Lecture at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.[10]Kolikant, Y.B.D, D.W. Gatchell, P.L Hirsch, & R.A. Linsenmeier. (2006). “A Cognitive-Apprenticeship- Inspired Instructional Approach for Teaching Scientific Writing and Reading,” J of College Science Teaching, 36.3. Page 12.1597.20
Development. In addition, she has developed numerous tools to mentor young women considering engineering as a career and has been involved in the development of a women in engineering role model book for K-12 students.Patricia Carlson, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology PATRICIA A. CARLSON is professor of rhetoric at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. She is a long-time advocate of writing in engineering education. Carlson has been a National Research Council Senior Fellow for the U. S. Air Force, as well as having had several research fellowships with NASA (Langley and Goddard) and the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground. She has also been a research fellow at NASA's Classroom
Mechanical Engineering Obsolete?, in ASMENews. 2003.3. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, I., A Vision of the Future of Mechanical Engineering Education. 2004, ASME.4. Beeckmans, J.M., Viewpoint: General Practice Engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education, 1996. 12(6): p. 396-400.5. Caldwell, S.R., Educating the Engineer of the Future. 2006, ASCE: Dallas, Tx.6. Nelson, J. and S. Napper. Ramping Up an Integrated Egineering Curriculum to Full Implementation. in 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 1999. San Juan, Puerto Rico: IEEE. Page 12.908.15
Table 5 Meeting Task Assignment and Deliverables Use this table to document task assigned and deliverables completed/submitted by each group member at this meeting If deliverables were not completed, indicate the actions taken by the group on this individual. Deliverables completed & Actions taken by Name Task Assigned to team submitted from tasks group on non- members at this meeting assigned in previous performing meeting(s) memberThe Assessment Process for ABET OutcomesIn the advent of EC 2000, several
Dickinson andCompany (BD Medical-Medical Surgical Systems); Otis Elevator; Pratt and Whitney/ UnitedTechnologies; and Producto and Moore Tool Company. The DVD also included interviews withindustry CEOs; the Community College Chancellor; deans; faculty and students from the CTCommunity Colleges and COT 4-year partner institutions. The DVD was designed in 5 to 8minute sections. This allowed educators the flexibility to view particular segment(s) withouthaving to watch the entire DVD. The DVD was distributed statewide and nationally and wasvideo streamed on the COT RCNGM website ( statewide initiative was an ad that highlighted a Hispanic, female COT EngineeringTechnology alumnus from Norwalk CC who completed her A.S. degree
Thought to Thing. Harvard University Press12. Johnston S. (1996), Bucciarelli L. (2003), Engineering Philosophy. Delft University Press.14. The Royal Academy of Engineering: Ingenia, March 2006, Issue 26 Page 12.1453.14
time, students have a theoretical understanding of the operation of these gates, havingderived truth tables in lecture. In this activity, students wire up pushbuttons to the input(s) ofeach gate and connect the output of the gate to an LED. Stepping through all possible inputcombinations, the truth table for each gate is verified. This not only reinforces the theoreticalconcepts, especially for those students who have a more sensory, active learning style, butintroduces students to wiring and illustrates how a simple device such as an LED can be veryuseful in verifying circuit operation and in debugging a circuit.In order to complete the Exploration component of this laboratory exercise (a scrolling 7-segment display), students must be able to
unique to Michigan Tech’sapproach. Key responsibilities of these positions include: identification of projects ofappropriate scope, cost and duration, management of sponsor expectations related to projectoutcomes and deliverables, and overall management of sponsor relationships. Furthermore,these positions are organizationally housed within academic unit(s), as opposed to reportingdirectly through the University’s development or corporate relations offices. This structuremaintains the emphasis on Senior Design and Enterprise as educational programs, and allows thestaff to objectively address the needs and interests of the University, the students, and the projectsponsor. Moreover, Michigan Tech faculty can focus their efforts on the activities
designers. In T. Hewett & T. Kavanagh(Eds.), Creativity and cognition. New York: ACM Press.13 ----- (2004). Expertise in design: An overview. Design Studies, 25(5), 427-441.14 Middleton, H. (2005). Creative thinking, values and design and technology education. International Journal ofTechnology and Design Education, 15, 61-71.15 Ho, C.-H. (2001). Some phenomena of problem decomposition strategy for design thinking: Differences betweennovices and experts. Design Studies, 22, 27-45.16 Ertas, A. & Jones, J. C. (1993) The engineering design process. (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.17 Arora, J. S. (1989). Introduction to optimum design. New York: McGraw-Hill.18 Statnikov, R. B. (1999). Multicriteria design: Optimization
, W. C. (2004). Construction project planning and scheduling. Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.10. Mubarak, S. (2005). Construction project scheduling and control. Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.11. Feigenbaum, L. H. (2002). Construction scheduling with Primavera Project Planner®. 2nd ed., Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.12. Hegazy, T. (2002). Computer-based construction project management. Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.13. Buttelwerth, J. W. (2005). Computer integrated construction project scheduling. Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.14. Lucko, G. (2005). “Reviving a mechanistic
. Todd, R. and Magelby, S. “Creating Successful Capstone Programs by Considering the Needs of Stakeholders” Journal of Engineering Education, 19934. Kirschman, J. and Greenstein, J. “The use of groupware for collaboration in distributed student engineering design teams,” Journal of Engineering Education, Oct 20025. Latcha, M. and Oakley, B. “Toying with a capstone design course,” Journal of Engineering Education, Oct 20016. Hargreaves, D.J., "Addressing Transition to Tertiary Education in Engineering," European Journal of Engineering Education, 1998, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 79-89.7. Hansen, J. and Andersen, A., “Engineers of Tomorrow and Beyond: Knowledge, Insight and Skills Needed to Work Across Borders”, Proceedings of
9 10 s ts ut pu np ut -i
AC 2007-1351: A PORTFOLIO OF STUDY ABROAD OPTIONS FORENGINEERING STUDENTS TO GAIN INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCEDonna Reese, Mississippi State University Donna S. Reese. Professor Reese is currently the Associate Dean for Academics and Administration for the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering at Mississippi State University and a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. She has been on the faculty at MSU for 17 years. She may be reached via email at Greenwood, Mississippi State University Allen G. Greenwood. Dr. Greenwood is a Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Hearin Eminent Scholar. He is also the International Programs Coordinator for the
any outbound communication. This means the essential requirement of dynamicfirewall software. Zone alarm firewall is a good choice for VNC as it validates bothinbound and outbound communication, does not slow down the connection, does notrequire much of the computer’s resources, and is also available freely.ConclusionThe paper presents a set of laboratory exercises for learning two software tools, VNC andVisual Route, and the logic behind combining both tools for increased security. Theseexercises are designed by the author(s) using the open source network testing tools to Page 12.1593.16complement the existing laboratory exercises in
Engineerign Education, 95, 1 (2005).2 Dally, J. W. and Zhang, G.M., “A Freshman Engineering Design Course,” Journal of Engineering Education, 83, 2(1994).3 Quinn, R. E., “Drexel’s E4 Program: A Different Professional Experience for Engineering Students and Faculty,”Journal of Engineering Education, 82, 4 (1993).4 Froyd, J. E. and Ohland, M. W., “Integrated Engineering Curricula,” Journal of Engineering Education, 94, 1(2005).5 D. K. Ludlow and K. H. Schulz, "Writing across the chemical engineering curriculum at the University of NorthDakota," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 83, pp. 161, 1994.6 J. A. Newell, D. K. Ludlow, and S. P. K. Sternberg, "Progressive development of oral and written communicationskills across and integrated
Ap ACTIVITIES nA plie llo he P dR Training Labor wa ese ce nc arc rien ents rofes h e d s es p tu tiv e x n E rS
leaders in service to our nation.USCGA provides the U. S. Coast Guard (USCG) with approximately 190 new Coast Guardofficers each year. Each graduate earns both a commission (as Ensign, USCG) and a Bachelor ofScience degree in one of eight academic majors. Four of these majors are in engineeringdisciplines: Civil; Electrical; Mechanical; Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.A typical cadet day at USCGA involves academics, leadership and military training, and somesort of athletic activity (NCAA division III or intramural). At least once each semester, eachcadet is required to participate in an outside community service project either individually or as agroup. All cadets must complete the academic requirements for their chosen major
students’ attainment Page 12.1335.2of the outcome. If it is possible to pass a course while not accomplishing the associatedoutcome(s), then the course grade cannot possibly be a valid measure of outcome achievement.Furthermore, if your professors grade on a curve, then the course grades have no absolutemeaning and cannot be used as the basis for measuring performance against a standard.Program: Okay, then I will administer surveys to my students with questions as to how wellthey feel they can meet specific outcomes.Expert: Student self-assessment surveys are indirect measures of performance. They tell ushow well students think they are learning
mathematical models or formulas. Groups should be able to calculate important numbers like number of people, cost per house, cost per person, etc. IV. Test the group’s model using the supplied data. Determine which type(s) of housing would make the best solution for the tsunami village. Most effective solutions may have one type of house or different types. Solutions should be designed based on your list of important items.4b. Teams are to brainstorm to find the important characteristics which must be supplied orassumed, the characteristics of an acceptable solution, and useful formulas they may need. Someexamples are given: (number of families) * (cost for one family shelter) = (total cost to house families
statement.Students strongly disagreed about the idea of using the calculators (70%), MP3’s (80%), or cellphones (79%) to disconnect when the professor or the class is boring, or when they do notunderstand the class.There was a high variability in the times students reported spent in activities like internet,messenger, playing games, or talking in the phone or cell phone. On average students said theyused a laptop to navigate through the internet for approximately 4.2 (SD 2.6) hours daily. Theyuse a messenger system for 3.7 (SD 3.4) hours daily, talk on the phone and cell phone 1.7 (SD Page and 2.3 (SD 2.2) hours daily, respectively. In general, a
), and conducting a facilitateddiscussion with the team about constructing an action plan to deal with the perceived problem(s).This intervention was designed to provide relatively rapid feedback about team functioning, andto help team members understand more fully how individuals can influence the behaviors of theirteammates. However, over a three-semester assessment of this intervention, the conclusion wasthat the teams receiving this brief facilitated reflection-planning intervention did not functionmore effectively overall than those who did not receive this intervention.17 Page 12.266.5 We were (and are still) interested in improving
:// National Bureau of Economic Research.24. S. Tobias, "Women in Science - Women and Science", JCST, March 1992, pp. 276-278.25. Society of Women Engineers Web site. URL. swe-061406.htm, assessed January 5, 2007.26. Seymour, E., and N.M. Hewitt, Talking About Leaving. Factors Contributing To High Attrition Rates Among Science, Mathematics, & Engineering Undergraduate Majors: Final Report To The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation On An Ethnographic Inquiry At Seven Institutions, Bureau of Sociological Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994, p. 1.27. Ref. 2328. NSERC/Nortel Joint Chair for Women in Science and Engineering in Ontario Web Site:
the selection process is made by the students.Like we saw in our results, the students’ motivators tend to change throughout the years, thismainly because of how they get to know their field, through enrolling specialized courses in theirmayor, and levels of maturity. All of these factors can and will be tabulated to get a betterunderstanding of how the students tend to think, when it comes to selecting a mayor.V. References 1. Kierkegaard, S. (1962). The Point of View for My Work as an Author: A Report to History. New York: Harper Torchbooks. 2. Gonzales-Barreto, D., Gonzales-Quevedo, A., Applicant’s Profile Study for Improving Undergraduate
, pp. 917-924.7. Muryanto, S., “Concept Mapping: An Interesting and Useful Learning Tool forChemical Engineering Laboratories,” Int. J. Engng. Ed., Vol. 22, No. 5, 2006, pp. 979-985.8. Evans, D. L., McNeill, B. W. and Beakley, G. C., “Design in Engineering Education:Past views and future directions,” Engineering Education, July/August, 1990, pp. 517-522.9. Dym, C. L., Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views, Cambridge University Press,New York, 1994.10. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I: Cognitive Domain, Longman, NewYork, 1956.11. Safoutin, M. J., Atman, C. J., Adams, R., Rutar, T., Kramlich, J. C. and Fridley, J. L.,“A Design Attribute Framework for Course Planning and Learning Assessment,” IEEETransactions on Education, Vol
, and tactics can readily be adapted to other engineeringdisciplines as well.Bibliography1. 2006-07 Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission,Baltimore, MD.2. P. Goodyear, “Pedagogical frameworks and action research in open and distance learning”, European Journal ofOpen, Distance, and E-Learning, 1999, R. E. Mayer, “Should there be a three-strikes rule against pure discovery learning? The case for guided methodsof instructions,: American Psychologist, Volume 59, Number 1, 2004, pp. 14-19. Page 12.622.134. W. S
Brigham Young University. His research interests include thermophysical properties, phase equilibria, and environmental engineering. He received his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1981 and his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Rice University in 1985.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University and an Adjunct Professor of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BS and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, respectively. His research interests include biomaterials development and the
by Stacey Lane Tice, Nicolas Jackson, Leo M. Lambert, and Peter Englot; Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2005, p.89.8 Riley, Robin L. and D. Lyden Murphy, “The multidisciplinary possibilities of feminist pedagogy,” in University teaching : a reference guide for graduate students and faculty, edited by Stacey Lane Tice, Nicolas Jackson, Leo M. Lambert, and Peter Englot; Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, 2005, p. 91.9 Webb, L. M., K. L. Walker, and T. S. Bollis, “Feminist pedagogy in the teaching of research methods,” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 7 (5), 2004, pp. 415-428.10 A Better Tomorrow: Transforming the Classroom through Feminist Pedagogy, a video available from Division
, DC: The National Academies Press. [3] Banks, J. (1982). Teaching for social justice, diversity, and citizenship in a global world. Education Forum,vol. 68(4), pp. 296-305. [4] Grant, C. and Sleeter, C. (1986). Race, class and gender in education research: An argument for integrativeanalysis. Review of Educational Research, vol. 56(2), pp. 195-211. [5] Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American EducationalResearch Journal, vol. 32(3), pp. 464-491. [6] Malveaux, J. (2005). Dimensions of diversity. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, vol. 22(19), pp. 31. [7] Jones, S., Bhandari, A., Clapp, L., Fennell, D., LaPara, T . and Tull, K. (2006). Diversity in environmentalengineering: The good and bad
Engineering Current Status: Needs Design Comparison of Desired End State: Analysi s Alternatives What is? What should be? Value System Decision Design Implementation
of this task has been a stepin the right direction toward engaging students in mathematics used to help solve criticalproblems in applications of interest. Additional tasks are currently under development.For additional information on the Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, please visit: additional information on the Mathematics Education Collaborative (MEC), please visit:[1] Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership, Five-Year Strategic Plan. July 2006.[2] Blue, C. E., Blevins, L. G., Carriere, P., Gabriele, G., Kemnitzer, S. (Group Leader), Rao, V., and Ulsoy, G., “The Engineering Workforce: Current State, Issues, and Recommendations”. Final Report to the