must respond proactively. The reportalso concluded that the current four-year baccalaureate degree was becoming inadequate foracademic preparation for the professional practice of civil engineering. CEEC ’95’s call foraction resulted in the adoption in 1998 of the first version of ASCE Policy Statement 465, whichsupported the “concept of the Master’s Degree as the First Professional Degree for the practiceof civil engineering at the professional level.”5 After further committee work, in 2001 ASCErevised the preamble of the policy to say that ASCE “supports the concept of a master’s degreeor equivalent as a prerequisite for licensure and the practice of civil engineering at theprofessional level.”6 This statement equated “practice at the
college students supporting their remote setup for a CDC that this paperevaluates.The authors use content analysis to find themes in the students’ inquiry-based learning as theydesign and configure their competition network. Using these coded themes, the authors examinehow the student conversations and questions change over time from the beginning of setup to theend of the configuration period. These coded themes are them examined in the context ofBloom’s taxonomy to see if the students are moving through the cognitive learning process withthis program.Bloom proposed a taxonomy of educational learning objectives which was based on a set ofconferences in the early 1950’s.8 The taxonomy is composed of a classification of variousobjectives which can
: Equivalence (C.A. 1), Couples & Equilibrium (C.A. 21)1 Common Errors: 6, 7, 10, 1117. A 200 N-mm couple acting counter- clockwise keeps the member in equilibrium while it is subjected to other forces acting in the plane (shown schematically at the left). The four dots denote equally spaced points along the members. Assuming the other forces stay the same, what load(s) could replace the 200 N-mm couple and maintain equilibrium?Analysis of Student Responses: Two of the five students responded with the correct answer E.These two students were able to identify that both the force and moment of the selected responseare equivalent to the given situation.Student A: “’s a couple moment because it has equal forces in opposite
68HC11. It is ableto access larger memory banks and additional peripherals yet remains code compatible withHC11's architecture and instruction set. It has become popular with users needing more speedand memory than the HC11 provides. The 68HC11/12 has gained momentum because of itssimple architecture and instruction set. A large selection of books, sample projects and freesoftware is available for this target. There are readily available kits that bring out all theresources of the HC11/12 as well as support hardware and prototype area.What the authors consider the best CISC architecture as an educational platform for its time wasthe Motorola 68000 family. It was one of the first 32-bit general purpose architectures thatcreated a paradigm in
, 2543-2556 (1998)], Intl. J. Heat & Mass Trans. 43(15), 2822-2823, (2000).[3] Oxley, P.; Brechtelsbauer, C.; Ricard, F.; Lewis, N.; Ramshaw, C.; “Evaluation of Spinning Disk Reactor Technology for the Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 39, 2175-2182 (2000).[4] Geraci G.; Azzopardi B.J.; van Maanen, H.R.E.; “Inclination effects on circumferential film flow distribution in annular gas/liquid flows,” AIChE J., 53(5), 1144-1150 (2007). AND Ramshaw C.; Cook S.; “Spinning Around,” TCE, 774-5, 42-44, (2006).[5] UOP Honeywell, Schematic of Parex Process, 2006.[6] Gogate, P.R.; “Cavitational reactors for process intensification of chemical processing applications: A critical review
for a successful career in engineering.Lastly, students can learn valuable life lessons by participating in student organizations.Important lessons related to people and time management are a major part of theseorganizations. Ultimately, student participation in organizations can greatly enhance the overalleducational experience and ultimately lead to students being better prepared for entry-level engineering jobs and beyond. Page 25.567.12BibliographyEngineering Student Organizations (2012). AccessedJanuary 2012.Hawkins, A.L. (2010). “Relationships Between Undergraduate Student Activity andAcademic
industry-sponsor liaisons to revise and update the summary sheet to ensure thatthe academic requirements and the important academic experiences of a senior-level capstoneproject is established and maintained. Faculty Advisor RoleDuring the first term of the course sequence the academic faculty advisors are provided with thefaculty/student guide and introduced to the selected project(s). The faculty advisor familiarizesthemselves with multidisciplinary course sequences and the common primary tasks. The tasksinclude: • Guide the team to follow the design process with a strong focus on “defining the problem” and meeting established benchmarks for process and time, • Foster the implications of engineering decisions based on business and
,‐Jan‐2009+PRN20090128.2. Ewo Y., All W., Mahmud R., and Baki, R. (2009). Computer games development and appreciative learning approach in enhancing students’ creative perception, Computers & Education, Elsevier.3. Kelly, H., Howell, K., Glinert, E., Holding, E., Swain, C. Burrowbridge, A., Roper, M. (2007). How to build serious games, Communications of the ACM, 50(7).4. Denner, J., Bean, S., & Martinez, J. (2009). Girl game company: Engaging Latina girls in information technology. Afterschool Matters, 8, 26-35.5. Game Maker Site: Project Site: Project Annual Report 2011
each studentwhile s/he practices. The course is three credit hours.There has been concern voiced regarding large lectures with respect to attendance rates,effectiveness of large lecture instruction, and connectivity between the instructor and students.To provide a more flexible learning environment and improve student learning outcome [2, 3, 6],starting in the fall of 2010 under the assistance of Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence(CTLE) at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University a hybrid version of the course wasimplemented. The hybrid sections are delivered on the regular basis each semester after oursuccessful initiation. The general format of the hybrid and traditional remains the same: 2 hoursof lectures per week and 2 hours of lab
statisticalsignificance. This work will inform modifications to enhance the course in future semesters.Modifications to the course will be monitored and impact on performance and perception will bequantified. 1. Twigg, C.A., “Improving Learning and Reducing Costs: Redesigning Large-Enrollment Courses”, The Pew Learning and Technology Program, Troy, New York (1999). Available from Center for Academic Transformation, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2. U. S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development, Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, Washington, D.C., 2010. 3. WileyPLUS, http
Page 25.773.8 several key construction owners and administrators that want to become a part of that bridge system. The one thing that the educators must remember is that to invest in something the person investing must feel ownership if the outcome is going to be productive and sustainable and getting the investors involved in the actual process is a win-win for everyone involved. References 1. Blank, M. J., Johnson, S. D., & Shah, B. P. (2003, Spring). Community as text: Using the community as a resource for learning in community schools. In K. J. Pittman, N. Yohalm, & J. Tolman (Eds.), When, where, what, and how youth learn: Blurring school and community boundaries (pp. 107-120). San Francisco: Jossey
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general overview of productdevelopment process (see Table 3). Students form a start-up company and design a newproduct, develop a (rough) design of processes to manufacture this product, build acorresponding financial model and a business plan. This course is described in details in nextsection. Stage 2 is divided into two semesters: during the first semester lectures cover ProcessDesign and students are learning hands-on fundamentals of specialized software platform(s)for process modeling and simulation. Based on the knowledge and experience gained in the PPI class, in the following semesterstudent groups contact local companies, develop project proposals, and carry out projectsaccording to the joint agreement. Student teams offer services
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. To me, joining a leadership program seemed like the next logical step, but I had noidea how much of an impact it would make on my communication skills, leadership abilities, andgeneral outlook on life.Throughout the first three years of coursework in the program, I was continually challenged toreflect on my own personal growth and development. Without the program I know that I wouldhave thought I was „good enough‟ at all of the skills previously mentioned. As soon as thisthought pops into ones head, that is the end of any hope that one can make a difference. I thinkthat is one of the biggest lessons learned through the program‟s coursework. I feel that having agroup of people who know me and can give feedback so I can grow is the only way to
anticipated to rise 13% from 2009 to 2020, based on projectionsfrom the NCES’ “Projections of Education Statistics Through 2020” cited above. The Councilof Graduate Schools (CGS) also projects that graduate enrollments will increase as well (seediscussion below). The CGS Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees: 2000 to 2010provides information based on 655 responding institutions, receiving nearly 1.77 millionapplicants for admission to graduate programs.5Enrollments v. Long Term Projections for GrowthRecently, there has been a slight decline in graduate enrollments. The CGS reports that theenrollments for new students in US graduate schools declined for the first time in seven years forfall of 2010.6 Enrollment s fell by 1.1%, despite having
lives, and thevast majority possess large personal libraries and use digital music devices and services. Digitalmusic curricula have been used as positive and educational gateways in public and at-risk highschools in other countries. For example, some British schools host digital music workshopscombining the youth culture of musical “chatting” (British rapping) with music-creationsoftware3. Even before computers were useful tools for creating music, the 1980’s urban Hip-Hop movement provided ways for young people without musical training to compose and createmusic4.Howard Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences suggests that music may be one way thatchildren relate to the world and learn from their experiences5. Jeanne Bamberger’s research
:// Kochan, S. G., Programming in Objective-C, Addison-Wesley, August 2011.7. Green, D., Android vs iPhone Development: A Comparison.html, July 2009, Cocoa Developers Guide, Apple Developer Publications, December 2010, Deitel, H.M., Deitel, P.J., Java How to program, Prentice Hall, 200310. Android Developer Resources, Tutorials, iOS App Programming Guide, iOS Developer Library,
testing was designed specifically to observe the type/use andefficiency of individual heuristic(s) employed in a successful attempt in communicating relevantinformation (as determined by participant) to complete level 1. The task was designed to elicitparticipant’s spacial abilities, reasoning abilities, and conceptual knowledge which could beinferred from the placement and positioning of portals and objects on the submitted sketch. Thisalso gave insight into participants reasoning abilities, and procedural knowledge in terms ofjustification and selection of communication procedure and whether the participant saw fit toinclude a pathway or methodology to inform the perceived player.Participants were asked to complete as much of the computer
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), engineering education (active learning techniques), and high strain deformation of materials. She is currently a Co-PI in an NSF S-STEM and ADVANCE-PAID grants. She is actively involved in outreach activities that introduce middle school students to engineering.Dr. Mahesh C. Aggarwal, Gannon University Mahesh Aggarwal has been a faculty member at Gannon University since 1978. He graduated from Marquette University with a M.S. and University of Michigan with a Ph.D. in thermal science area. He has worked for numerous companies and currently working with GE Transportation in Erie, Penn. At GE, he is the Coordinator of GE/Gannon MS program. He has seven patents with GE Transportation over the last the last 10 years. He is
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