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biggestchallenges [15].Acknowledgement: This content was created through the authors’ work with the KernEntrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN). For more information and additional sharedcontent, go to We also want to acknowledge Anna Engelke, UNC-Chapel Hill BeAM Education Program Manager, who helped to review the activities to furtherthe study.References[1] Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network: Engineering Unleashed. “The Framework” (accessed January 10, 2022).[2] J. L. Gorlewicz and S. Jayaram, "Instilling Curiosity, Connections, and Creating Value in Entrepreneurial Minded Engineering: Concepts for a Course Sequence in Dynamics and Controls," Entrepreneurship
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typically go through one or two fatigue test specimens during the hands-onlab. After conducting hands-on labs, the students compiled fatigue data from both virtual andhands-on experiments to plot the S-N plot so that they could predict the fatigue life of thespecimen material.In Spring 2020–Spring 2021, we implemented VLs enabling the opportunity for visualizing thedeformation and stress to enhance students’ understanding of these topics. In the improved VLs,we intended to provide examples of aerospace vehicle structures before the interactive VLmodules. To this end, Figure 2 illustrates the abstract flow of the pedagogical sequencedescribed above. Interactive Prelab Hands-on Lab report Start
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for their assistance withthe students, and the students from MEEN 360.References1 Griffin, Richard, Terry Creasy, and Jeremy Weinstein, “Laboratory Activity Using Rapid Prototyping and Casting,” ASEE Montreal, Canada, June 2002.2 Griffin, Richard B., Terry S. Creasy “The Development of a Combined Materials/Manufacturing Processes Course at Texas A&M University,”ASEE Albuquerque, NM, June 2001.AuthorsDr. RICHARD B. GRIFFIN has been at Texas A&M University for 27 years. He has taught a variety of materialsrelated courses. His research interests are corrosion and engineering education.Dr. TERRY S. CREASY has been at Texas A&M University for four years. He teaches materials related courses inmaterials science. His research
- TR-2, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA. Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Texas Tech University Copyright © 2004, American Society for Engineering Education2. Bagert D. J., Ardis, M. A., 2003, Software Engineering Baccalaureate Programs In The United States: An Overview”, Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference, Boulder, Colorado, USA, November 5-8, 2003, pp. S3C-1 to S3C-6.3. Bagert, D. J., Hilburn T. B, Hislop G., Lutz M., McCracken M., Mengel S., 1999, Guidelines for Software Engineering Education Version 1.0, CMU/SEI-99-TR-032, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA.4. Sobel, A. E
. 2. “Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability of PC-Based Data Acquisition Systems,” Fluke Corporation, URL: 3. A. Fanimokun, J. Frolik, “Effects of Natural Propagation Environments on Wireless Sensor Network Coverage Area.” 4. D. Culler, J. Demmel, G. Fenves, T. Oberheim, S. Pakzad, “Structure Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks.” 5. D. Maxwell, R. Williamson, “Wireless Temperature Monitoring in Remote Systems,” October 2002. Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Copyright © 2005
processing techniques, the second paper was to be selected from anappropriate portion of some peer-reviewed and published research paper. The third paper, near theend of the course, was to be a modest original project by the student involving image processing“research” for some actual image(s). The subject and material for each paper was the student’schoice, subject to instructor’s approval for appropriateness of content, level and length. Theseassignments required student exposure to a variety of sources and types of literature in the field ofimaging systems and applications and image processing techniques, ranging from commercialproducts to research literature. The titles of the three papers presented by each student are shown inTable 1.Depending
individual goals, getacclimated to the college environment, and connect them to resources. The intention is to actearly in the semester before the student faces academic consequences. However, students will beidentified at multiple points over their progress in the selected course(s). The COE retention andstudent success coordinator will be the main contact person. The proposed EAIS is shown inFigure 1. and consists of five steps. Figure 1. Proposed Early Alert and Intervention SystemStep 1. SolicitationWhat about the results of pre-test administered by the college? • Campus office, individual units, or course instructor identify students with at-risk behavior • Canvas Analytics may identify students with at-risk
. Kohser, 10th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pages 42-43. 4. Undergraduate Materials Research: Tensile Impact Toughness of Polymers, Mir Atiqullah, ASEE 2008 Annual Conference 5. ASTM D256 - Standard Test Methods for Determining the Izod Pendulum Impact Resistance of Plastics, 6. Experimental Study of Impact on Composite Plates with Fluid-Structure Interaction, Kwon, Young Wook, Angela C. Owens, A. S. Kwon and Jarema M. Didoszak, The International Journal of Multiphysics 4 (2010): 259-271. 7. Impact Bending Strength as a Function of Selected Factors: 2-layered Materials from Densified Lamellas, Milan Gaff, Daniel Ruman, Tomas Svoboda, Adam Sikora
. 𝑟𝑓 √𝑠𝑝 (𝑡)2 +𝑠𝑦 (𝑡)2 (2) 𝑣𝑒 (𝑡) = 𝑣𝑐𝑚𝑑 (𝑡) ∗ 𝑣𝑏 𝑒The estimated velocity 𝑣𝑒 (𝑡) is calculated from the commanded propeller output and thecommanded fin positions of the pitch and yaw fins, 𝑠𝑝 and 𝑠𝑦 respectively, on a range of -1 to 1.𝒗𝒃 represents the velocity of the AUV in m/s in a straight line with maximum propeller output.An exponential relation was identified between the deviation of the fins and the velocity of theAUV, which is approximated through the 𝑟𝑓 coefficient. The values for 𝑣𝑏 and 𝑟𝑓 are determinedthrough a guess-and-check python script used on recorded data for both the physical AUV andsimulation model.2.3 Test AUVValidation of the system was to be
improvement of the educational experiences of all students and guide policy and practice changes that en- sure equity within higher education. Her interests and research expertise are in quantitative and qualitative analytics related to equity in education. She holds a BA in biochemistry, ME in engineering management and PhD in civil engineering.Dr. Andrew B. Williams, The Citadel School of Engineering American c Society for Engineering Education, 2022 Paper ID #35545Andrew B. Williams, Ph.D. is the Dean of Engineering and the Louis S. LeTellier Chair at The CitadelSchool of
of Beams on Elastic Foundations by NASTRAN/PATRAN Finite Element softwareI: AbstractNASTRAN/PATRAN is one of the more commonly used Finite Element technique softwarepackages which can be used to obtain solutions for non-standard loading scenarios.One of the non-standard loading scenarios is “Beams on Elastic Foundations.” The Elasticfoundation can be continuous or applied at certain point(s) along the beam. Closed form solutionsfor Static Stress analysis for such structures are available for “Beams on Elastic Foundations” withvarious boundary conditions in classical textbook such as “Roark’s Formulas for Stress & Stain.”However, the formulas are tedious to use and apply to limited loading
to teach data science in aerospace engineering.References[1] Yilmaz, N., Atmanli, A. (2017). Sustainable alternative fuels in aviation. Energy, 140(2), pp.1378-1386.[2] ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator Methodology, Version 11, June 2018. protection/CarbonOffset/Documents/Methodology%20ICAO%20Carbon%20Calculator_ v11-2018.pdf[3] Kim, B., Fleming, G., Balasubramanian, S., Malwitz, A., Lee, J., Ruggiero, J., Waitz, I., Klima, K., Stouffer, V., Long, D., Kostiuk, P., Locke, M., Holsclaw, C., Morales, A., McQueen, E., & Gillette, W. (2005, September). Sage Version 1.5 Technical Manual. System for assessing aviation's global emissions (SAGE) incorporated into the
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theCapstone Mechanical Engineering Design course and designed, constructed and tested theexperimental setups: S. Brickner, C. Mazzini, T. Murphy, J. Small and T. Wingardner, A.Carbonar, M. Li, E. Tsirlis, A. Wyshogrod, D. Balogh, C. Emanuel, E. Paskalis, A. Sherman, C.Cashen, H. Li, S. McGinn, V. Swan, Z. Zhang, G. Blaney, I. Corey, Z. Jagla, and G. Tomic.Financial support for building this laboratory was provided by the university.6. References[1] D. Pusca, D.O. Northwood, “Curiosity, Creativity, and Engineering Education”, Global Journal ofEngineering Education 20(3), pp. 152-158, 2018.[2] J.R. Reisel, J. R., “Adding the Concept of Improving Product Value to a Design Project in a Course onInternal Combustion Engines” Paper presented at 2019 ASEE
(detailed survey and analytics). Theauthors are working on other related studies, where in one project, we are developing acyberrange environment that includes real-time measurement and monitoring of studentengagement while working on cyberrange related activities.References[1] (ISC)2, "A Resilient Cybersecurity Profession Charts the Path Forward, CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE STUDY," (ISC)2, 2021.[2] W. K. S. S. B. &. W. G. Newhouse, "National initiative for cybersecurity education (NICE) cybersecurity workforce framework," NIST special publication, 2017.[3] J. K. a. B. L. D. Nelson, "Partnership to Prepare Students for Careers in the Emerging Field of Cybersecurity," in ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, 2020.[4] D. A. Kolb, "What Is
Paper ID #37938Evaluating the Problem-Solving Studio Approach forTeaching Facilities Layout Planning & DesignDimantha Samarajeewa Kottawa Gamage Dimantha S. Kottawa Gamage is an Industrial Engineering PhD student at Montana State University. He received his bachelors degree in Management and Information Technology from University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He has served in the industry for 5 years as a lean practitioner and a change agent.Durward K. Sobek (Vice Provost) Durward K. Sobek II currently serves as Vice Provost at Montana State University after many years as a Professor in Industrial and Management
, PWI …).Acknowledgments This project is supported through the National Science Foundation (NSF-RAPID)program under Grant No. (NSF 2028811). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Special thanks to all student and facultymembers that participated in this research.References[1] A. E. Clark, H. Nong, H. Zhu, and R. Zhu, “Compensating for academic loss: Online learningand student performance during the COVID-19 pandemic,” China Economic Review, vol. 68, p.101629, 2021.[2] A. M. Werner, A. N. Tibubos, L. M. Mülder, J. L. Reichel, M. Schäfer, S. Heller, D.Pfirrmann, D. Edelmann, P. Dietz, T
thing even when no one is looking, since instructors cannot completely remove everyopportunity for cheating. Students need to understand how this then translates into professionalengineering ethics. Trust must be built between students and faculty. Time is best spent byfaculty in explaining and emphasizing to students how they need to develop the necessarycapabilities, and if they cheat through school, they will not succeed on the job as thediscrepancies will eventually become apparent.References[1] B. E. Whitley, "Factors Associated with Cheating Among College Students: A Review," Research in Higher Education 39 (3), pp. 235-274, 1998.[2] D. D. Carpenter, T. S. Harding, C. J. Finelli, S. M. Montgomery and H. J. Passow, "Engineering
Statistics. Computer and Information Technology Occupations: Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2020, [Online]. Available:[3] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employed Persons by Detailed Occupation, Sex, Race, and Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey, 2020, [Online]. Available:[4] U.S. Department of Labor. Covid-19 Impact, 2020, [Online]. Available:[5] J. M. Barrero, N. Bloom & S. J. Davis. COVID-19 Is Also a Reallocation Shock, 2020, [Online]. Available:
library guides and resources," TheElectronic Library, vol. 38, no. 5/6, pp. 943-962, 2020, doi: 10.1108/EL-03-2020-0055.[6] S. O. Adodo, "Effect of Mind-Mapping as a Self-Regulated Learning Strategy on Students’Achievement in Basic Science and Technology," Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,2013, doi: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n6p163.[7] J. Turns, C. J. Atman, and R. Adams, "Concept maps for engineering education: a cognitivelymotivated tool supporting varied assessment functions," IEEE Transactions on Education, vol.43, no. 2, pp. 164-173, 2000, doi: 10.1109/13.848069.[8] S. C. O. Conceição, A. Samuel, and S. M. Yelich Biniecki, "Using concept mapping as a toolfor conducting research: An analysis of three approaches," Cogent Social Sciences, vol
content to entire classrooms using picoprojectors. In 2008, he established Class on a Chip, Inc. to commercialize an array of micro-experimental devices for use in engineering, physics, and MEMS classes. In 2014, he established a new class in the Whitacre College of Engineering, Technology Start-up Lab, which takes students through a process to develop their own technology projects for commercialization. Each summer, he teaches a class entitled Solar Energy, which includes a hands-on solar energy design project. Dr. Dallas has served as the principal investigator for two National Science Foundation sponsored Scholarships in STEM (S-STEM) projects, a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site, a Course Curriculum and
included drop-down selections for questions including course level, enrollment,whether the course is required or an elective, how many times the instructor has taught thecourse, and the manner in which the course is taught (e.g. face-to-face) with an “other” optionfor this final question. The characterization section asked questions regarding the classificationof the university (e.g. public, 4-yr., undergraduate only), the length of time the respondent hasbeen teaching, the primary discipline of the respondent (e.g. civil engineering), and any teachingdevelopment workshop(s) the respondent might have attended.Questions addressing the importance and frequency of use comprised the bulk of the survey andconsisted of 27 different teaching methods
completethem outside of the classroom. The pre-course survey was administered prior to the first session.After asking for consent and basic demographic data (major, gender, race, and first generationidentity), the following statements were judged by the participants using a 5-point Likert scalefrom “Strongly Disagree = 1” to “Strongly Agree = 5:” • I feel like I have been encouraged to partake in research projects • I have started to actively seek research positions • I have participated in undergraduate research • I feel confident in engaging in research projects • I have a good understanding of graduate student research Table 1: Research seminar schedule for Fall 2021 Week Speaker(s
Management (Missouri S&T) and Civil Engineering (Virginia Tech) and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (The University of Texas at Austin). He has taught several courses in the civil engineering curriculum ranging from structural engineering and steel design to infrastructure systems and construction management. Each spring, he co-teaches Project Management Professional prep classes to the West Point community. His research interests include topics in structural engineering and engineering education. He serves as the Vice-Chair of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Partners in Education Committee and as a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Committee on Education and Committee on Faculty