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results support the generalizability of Doebling et al.’s findings. We too observed that womenstudents attended office hours more frequently than men. Similarly, we observed that URM statusdid not have a statistically significant association with office hours usage.5.2 LimitationsOne limitation of our study is that we cannot disentangle remote learning from the pandemic. Asa result, the pandemic could have caused interesting student behaviors without affecting usagepatterns. Because remote learning was immediately adopted following the onset of the pandemic,we cannot separate how remote learning and pandemic onset interacted in our final results.An example of possible interference would be if pandemic onset caused widespread mental
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current system and assess improvement opportunities. • Evaluate the flow of parts in the system and devise a solution(s) to improve the performance of the system. • Devise an inventory policy that minimizes the total annual inventory cost of raw material.3.2 Relevant Coursework within Industrial Engineering CurriculumThe interactive nonlinear storytelling and simulation-based learning game module wasimplemented in the second Operations Research course within the Industrial Engineering B.S.curriculum at Pennsylvania State University, The Behrend College. This course covers the topicsof Poisson processes, Markov chains, queueing theory, inventory theory, and dynamicprogramming and is a required senior-level course for students
/ SEP760 course. We have reimagined a student learning experience and would like to get your honest opinions. FACILITATORS PRESENT THE PROTOTYPE(S) AND OBSERVE INITIAL RESPONSE/REACTION. • Is there anything that surprises you? If yes, what? • Is there anything you expected to find that is not there? • What is unnecessary if anything? • If you had a magic wand, what would you change about this experience?Reflect, Iterate, and ImplementThe researchers had an opportunity to reflect individually and debrief as a group following eachfocus group interview and discussed what was learned. The following questions helped guideresearchers’ reflections on understanding learning from the student perspective: • What did I learn
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Paper ID #37259Board 435: Work in Progress: Teaching Ethics Using Problem-BasedLearning in a Freshman Introduction to Electrical and ComputerEngineeringDr. Todd Freeborn, The University of Alabama Todd Freeborn, PhD, is an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing at The University of Alabama. Through NSF funding, he has coordinated REU Sites for engineering students to explore renewable resources and speech pathology. He is also the coordinator for an NSF S-STEM program to prepare students for gateway courses across different disciplines of engineering to support and retain students
as an Exemplary Faculty Member for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 On ACCESS Program Support for Students’ Academic Success in the Cybersecurity FieldAbstractThe goal of the NSF S-STEM funded program “Attracting and Cultivating Cybersecurity Expertsand Scholars through Scholarships” (ACCESS) is to increase the cybersecurity-related degreecompletion of high-achieving undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need and thushelp address the tremendous unmet need for highly skilled cybersecurity experts. The ACCESSprogram has successfully awarded scholarships to three cohorts of students and has achieved itsgoal
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yetbeen completed. Thus, Question 3 has not been adequately addressed. In addition, studentcomments are anonymous. There may be some benefit to connecting the qualitative contributionsto the quantitative student assessments. This connection may help identify if social loafingstudents bond with the individual prototyping and testing assignments and produce at a higherlevel. However, it is recognized that not having anonymous comments may limit the candid andhonest comments the students provide.References[1] A. Akera, S. Appelhans, A. Cheville, T. De Pree, S. Fatehiboroujeni, J. Karlin, D. M. Riley,“ABET & Engineering Accreditation—History, Theory, Practice: Initial Findings from aNational Study on the Governance of Engineering Education
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, effectiveness, and pedagogical value ofstudent-generated stories in a fluid mechanics course part of the mechanical engineeringtechnology curriculum. This application, which addressed Accreditation Board for Engineeringand Technology (ABET)’s Criterion 3 and Criterion 5c, was implemented in a four-credit hour(ch) senior-level applied fluid mechanics course, with a 3ch lecture and 1ch laboratorycomponent. The course is the second in fluid mechanics’ sequence and covers topics likepipeline systems design, pump selection, flow of air in ducts, lift and drag, etc. The originalinstructional design used a blend of traditional in-class lectures and problem-based learningfocused on project-based and other laboratory exercises.To further improve the students