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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 1145 in total
Conference Session
Technical Session III
2018 FYEE Conference
Jonathan Elliot Gaines, University of South Florida
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Diversity, FYEE Conference Sessions
scheduled design review days.Although this approach was not expected to provide students with as personal of an experienceinteracting with their partner as seen with other successful service-learning approaches in theliterature [4,5], it intended to minimize logistical challenges and provide reflection opportunitieswhere students could consider themselves in the role of the kid for which they were designing.The course was divided into three phases: (1) individual phase where students used CADsoftware to mock up potential solutions, (2) group design phase where students were grouped inteams based on shared ideas and worked to flesh out a design for fabrication, (3) groupmanufacturing phase where each group member adapted a specific role towards
Conference Session
Technical Session VIII
2018 FYEE Conference
Cheryl A Bodnar, Rowan University; Daniel D. Burkey, University of Connecticut; Daniel D. Anastasio, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Scott Duplicate Streiner, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
FYEE Conference Sessions
important to understand youraudience. Selecting the game-based activity that best accomplishes your learning goals shouldgo hand in hand with an activity that aligns with the interests of the participants. For instance,certain individuals do not engage well with competitive type games. In this case, use of acooperative game would be better suited for the class environment [9].Debriefing is a vital aspect of game-based learning strategies as it provides feedback to helplearners reflect on their experience and understand how games can improve overall instructionaleffectiveness [12]. Hays describes three phases of debriefing including self-reflection about thegame experience, guided reflection on their individual experiences and personal meanings
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erin J. McCave, University of Houston; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Cheryl A. Bodnar, Rowan University; Alexandra Coso Strong, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Walter C. Lee, Virginia Tech; Courtney S. Smith-Orr, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
more broadly?We are answering these questions through a two-phase qualitative study. Phase I leverages bothcollaborative inquiry and collaborative autoethnography, guiding our exploration of our livedexperiences and respective academic cultures. Initially focusing on our own experiences, as earlycareer engineering education faculty, allows a deeper understanding of our experiences, bothgood and bad, that may not be revealed in a less intimate approach. The longitudinal nature ofour approach also makes it possible for us to document and reflect on our experiences and howwe navigate obstacles. Phase II will use constant comparative methods to expand and refinePhase I findings through a series of semi-structured interviews with 12-15 additional
Conference Session
Assessment of Engineering Leadership Development
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Werner Zorman, Harvey Mudd College
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development
design and implementation of a student-driven laboratory method which supports the development of authentic leadership skills. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 But how do you Feel?Authentic Leadership Development for undergraduate students through a student-driven,experiential, and emotion-laden course using a laboratory method addressing the whole person.AbstractBased on 324 reflections written by 27 undergraduate students from two independent cohorts,this study examines the effectiveness of a semester-long authentic leadership developmentcourse which is based on a student-driven, student-centered, and experiential laboratory method.This study shows firstly
Conference Session
Imagining and Reimagining Engineering Education as a Dynamic System
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Janet Y. Tsai, University of Colorado, Boulder; Kevin O'Connor, University of Colorado, Boulder; Beth A. Myers, University of Colorado Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado, Boulder; Derek T. Reamon, University of Colorado, Boulder; Kenneth M. Anderson, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
paper draws on a qualitative dataset of student responses to biweekly “reflection questions”integrated into routine course activity in a pilot implementation of a Wright State-likeEngineering Mathematics course. Alongside auto-ethnographic data from the course instructorand coordinator, this dataset illustrates the transformations involved in the scale-making process,and enables tracing the consequences of these transformations for the identities of people andsocial collectives involved in the course.IntroductionThis paper reports on the results of a study of an implementation of the Wright State Model forEngineering Mathematics at one university. Consistent with the LEES call for proposals, weadopt a human science theoretical approach to the
Conference Session
Computing Track - Technical Session II
2018 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity Conference
Amber Manning-Ouellette, Iowa State University; Lora Leigh G. Chrystal, Iowa State University; Allie Parrott, Iowa State University
Tagged Topics
Computing, Diversity
Our intent is to explore student reflection and outcomes of service-learning throughqualitative methodology. We utilized narrative inquiry through large descriptive data sets(Denzin & Lincoln, 2018). Qualitative methods allowed us to review student narratives andunderstand reflective processes (Chase, 2018). The goal of this study was to examine studentexperiences and their reflection of material to better communicate outcomes and benefits ofenrolling in a service-learning course.A WiSE approach: Examining how service-learning impacts first-year women in STEM 7 We instituted purposeful random sampling (Light, Singer, & Willett, 1990) to recruitcollege women in STEM, enrolled in a service-learning leadership
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Best Papers
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Heather Kathleen Klok Bacon; J. Alex Birdwell, Northwestern University; Ordel Brown, Northwestern University; Emma Tevaarwerk, Northwestern University; Richard Wayne Freeman P.E., U.S. Coast Guard Academy; Wendy Roldan, University of Washington; Ken Gentry, Northwestern University; Amanda Rose Pokryfky
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
De-stressor/ Check-in 8 Finals Preparation, Tackling Academic Reflection on Challenges: Fixed Personal Health vs. Growth Mindset 9 Introduction to Mental Health/ Tackling Major Selection Stress Management Academic Challenges: Fixed vs. Growth
Conference Session
Teamwork and Student Learning in Design
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Erin Jobidon, University of Waterloo; Maria Barichello, University of Waterloo; Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Mehrnaz Mostafapour, University of Waterloo; Christopher Rennick, University of Waterloo; Ada Hurst, University of Waterloo; Jason Grove P.E., University of Waterloo
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Design in Engineering Education
settings, the workshop provides studentswith an opportunity to learn about and practice giving and receiving feedback on peers’ projectplans, and chosen design methods and artifacts.In the remaining sections of this paper, we describe the contents of the workshop in detail andsummarize student feedback on each implementation. Further, we reflect on how the workshopcan be further developed to better meet its intended learning outcomes and suggest ways inwhich instructors can alter it to suit different student disciplines, academic levels and courseobjectives.Importance of FeedbackFeedback is reaction or opinion regarding a product, the performance of a task, etc., that is usedto support improvement or confirm success. The education literature
Conference Session
FPD and DEEDs Joint Postcard Sessions
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathleen A. Harper, Ohio State University; Richard J. Freuler, Ohio State University; Lauren Corrigan, Parker School Hawaii
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education, First-Year Programs
grades. To determine whether studentsengaged in the kind of reflection and planning that was intended, the post-performancesubmissions from four of the nine course sections were collected and analyzed. Each of thesesections had nine teams of four, for a total of 144 students on 36 teams. All of these teams didwell enough that they did not have to submit analyses for the first two performance tests, andonly two teams were required to do an analysis for performance test four. This pattern wasconsistent with the rest of the course sections, as more than half of the teams fared poorly on thethird test, but passed the others, often with bonus points. Therefore, the analysis will focusexclusively on the responses to the third performance test
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 5
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas D. Fila, Iowa State University; Justin L. Hess, Indiana University-Purdue University of Indianapolis
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
), Verdasco (2) Immersion in Novel Experienced new elements of innovation due to Ella (4), Hannah Innovation Ecosystems substantive involvement in authentic innovation (1), Jessica (2), projects firsthand and reflecting on these new John (1), Sarah facets. Developed a broader understanding of the (3), Verdasco (3) innovation ecosystem. Learning from Acute Failure Experienced a failed prototype or implemented Elon (1), Esteban Failure design due to their natural approaches. They (1), Jerry
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division: Best Papers
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Dringenberg, Ohio State University; Amena Shermadou, Ohio State University; Amy Rachel Betz, Kansas State University
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
engineering students react to anin-depth growth mindset intervention?In order to address this question, two of the authors formed a Mindset focus group consisting ofeight first-year engineering students. This focus group met five times over the course of asemester to discuss their reading of and reaction to Dweck’s popular 2006 Mindset book.Students’ written reflections captured their reaction to the learning experience, and this data wassubjected to thematic analysis. Significant findings include the use of growth mindset as a toolto reflect and unpack past experiences, especially with respect to their personal experiences, theresulting behavior, and the role of external influences. Growth mindset proved to be a usefullens to reconsider past
Conference Session
Materials Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bre Przestrzelski, University of San Diego; Elizabeth A. Reddy, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
. This module was successfully implemented in Fall 2017 with 31students from General, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering. Students brought in their ownweeks’ worth of trash. The first portion of class time focused on materials categorization andclassification, engineering concepts they had been previously introduced to in class. A classdebrief challenged students to think about topics related to recycling in general and their largersocial responsibility in material choice as future engineers. In a subsequent reflection, studentsprovided feedback, suggestions for improvement and articulated their meaningful takeawaysfrom the module. Analysis of student responses shows that learning objectives were achieved.Lessons learned suggest improvements
Conference Session
Design and Implementation of Graduate Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph H. Holles, University of Wyoming; Larry Schmidt, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Profile (DCP) to createdata management plans for research projects. A DCP is a tool designed to cover all areas ofRDM and to allow data management specialists to work with researchers to develop specific datamanagement plans. The class used the Data Curation Profiles Toolkit from Purdue[22-25] todevelop a DCP for their subsequent use. The class developed DCP was then used by the studentsas part of the Final Project (Table 2) to interview faculty members to obtain the information forthe subsequent “project DMP.” Course assignments and objectives are shown in Table 2. The student work can bedivided into four categories: 1) Individual assignments reinforcing topics from the class, 2)Student’s reflection on guest speakers focused on
Conference Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avneet Hira, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Chanel Beebe, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kayla R. Maxey, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
bestpractices for educational Makerspaces.RationaleIt has been half a decade since the launch of Maker Ed, and Makers and proponents ofeducational Making have conducted research and published opinion pieces on the potential ofMakerspaces and the need to establish them in formal educational settings such as schools.Several new Makerspaces have been set up in schools and other formal and informal educationalsettings. Now we are faced with the challenge of reaping their claimed educational benefits inschools, and our first line of defense is our ever so brave teachers. In a reflective paper that wepublished in 2014, we predicted the opportunities and challenges that educational Makerspacesare harbingers of. Since that work, we have instructed more than
Conference Session
Professional Skills for Graduate Students
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy Roldan, University of Washington; Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
Paper ID #23904’I Came in Thinking There Was One Right Practice’: Exploring How to HelpGraduate Students Learn to Read Academic ResearchWendy Roldan, University of Washington Wendy is a first-year PhD student in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Wash- ington.Dr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make
Conference Session
Curricular Transformation
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas D. Fila, Iowa State University; Seda McKIlligan, Iowa State University; Steven Joseph Abramsky, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
scenarios,describing how educators systematically explore problems and promising solutions in their dailywork.This paper presents a case study of the cognitive heuristics used by a cross-functionalinstructional design team as they modified a second-year embedded systems course for electrical,computer, and software engineering students. In this study, we conducted a qualitative analysisof 15 transcripts (over 17 hours of audio) of meetings during which the team following acollaborative instructional model for course design. Interviews, reflections, design artifacts, andinformal conversations supplemented and contextualized the primary data. Through weeklymeetings and course interventions, the team aimed to promote design thinking, systems thinking
Conference Session
NGSS & Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Debra J. Coffey, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
EngineeringIntroduction With the publication of the Framework for K-12 Science Education (National ResearchCouncil, 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), emphasis is now placed onthe integration of engineering principles and practices into K12 science education. Although only18 states and the District of Columbia have formally adopted the NGSS, other states, includingSouth Dakota, Montana, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia have adopted similar standards.Unlike the previous set of national science education standards (NRC, 1996), the Framework forK-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012) places engineering and technology alongside the naturalsciences for two critical reasons: to reflect the importance of understanding the human-builtworld and to
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Martina Margaret Moyne, University College Dublin; Maxwell Herman, Harvard University; Conor Walsh P.E., Harvard University; Donal Padraic Holland, University College Dublin
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NSF Grantees Poster Session
education, and a case study to demonstrate its capabilitiesas a method of collecting and analyzing data from student design teams. The system isintended to support educators in coaching and monitoring student designers, encouragestudents in reflective reporting on their experiential learning, and to serve as a data collectiontool for education researchers.This poster also presents the results of a case study of a proposed framework involving DEFTdata to evaluate project-based design courses. The research consisted of interviews with thelead instructor of the classes (n=1), weekly observation of the student groups and the analysisof self-reported student design process data (n=12) to review the efficacy of the design class.The poster concludes by
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew D. Lovell P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
also surveyedto determine their perception of the enhanced specification course versus that of other traditionalcourses they have taken in the past. Finally, this paper includes a reflection of theimplementation of specification grading, a reflection on the appropriate competencies forreinforced concrete design, and the potential benefits for use in broader civil engineeringeducation.Introduction and BackgroundA picture of traditional grading as providing constructive feedback and serving as an impactfullearning device sounds both noble and desirable. However, traditional grading, at least intraditional engineering courses, often falls short. Rather than profound guidance, grading oftenmanifests itself as a cutthroat point competition
Conference Session
Engagement in Practice: Engaging the Community through Educational Outreach
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sara Jordan-Bloch, Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University; Shoshanah Cohen, Stanford University
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Tagged Divisions
Community Engagement Division
program and the Haas Centerfor Public Service to build both an educational program and research agenda that emphasize the value ofreciprocity, partnership, reflection, evaluation, and respect for diversity. In this paper, we present thelessons learned from our pilot year, including: the results from our feasibility evaluation, an assessment ofour partnership model, and our approach to scaling. Assessment of the students and their progress isongoing.Project Background and MotivationUnderrepresentation of women in computer science and engineering fields is a persistent phenomenon. Inthe US, while women earn 53% of undergraduate bachelor’s degrees overall, they represent only 18% ofcomputer science graduates [1], [2]. Underrepresented minority women
Conference Session
Faculty Development Work-in-Progress Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angeles Dominguez, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico and Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile; Maria Elena Truyol, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile; Genaro Zavala, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico and Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile
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Faculty Development Constituency Committee
], [3], [4].We need to motivate teachers to change their teaching and learning paradigm by creatingopportunities that allow them to reflect and rethink their practices. They will be willing to changewhen they entertain the possibility of increasing classroom interactions and decrease teachercontrol while achieving the course objectives and improving learning outcomes. In this scenario,the Continuous Faculty Development Program and the Workshop on Active Learning inEngineering at the School of Engineering are designed to provide tools that allow the teacher toincorporate active learning methodologies in their teaching under the following assumptions: i. Active learning strategies are central to professional development in engineering [1], [5
Conference Session
ET Pedagogy I
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mohammad Moin Uddin P.E., East Tennessee State University; Keith V. Johnson, East Tennessee State University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
participation, feelings of inadequacy, and other distractions (Griner, 2012). Thesenegative experiences - which may reflect hostile, hurtful or tense interactions with students whoare categorically different from them - can impair student learning and cognitive development.Instructors may make flawed assumptions of students’ capabilities or assume a uniform standardof students (often referred to as racial color blindness). Instructors may themselves feel out ofplace based on their own dominant cultural traits. Despite the fact that some progress has beenmade to reduce gender bias and racism in college classroom, recent trend and literature suggestthat fragment of it still exists. Engineering and engineering technology programs at universitieshave
2018 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Maria Pantoja, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo; Zoe Wood Wood, Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo
algorithm can be efficiently implemented in computer graphics and parallel programming development settings (for example using GLSL shaders and then openCL or CUDA). 3. Reflection. A culminating document is required in the form of a laboratory report. Teams are required to work together to solve the two labs. We ensure collaboration by requiring each student to submit a lab report with students expected to be able to answer questions about any part of the lab by the TA or instructor. Students report computational timings for both implementations (CG and PP) and explanations for the differences in these timings.Section II ResultsTo assess the students, experience with the inter-class collaboration we used an anonymous
Conference Session
Design, Assessment, and Redesign of Writing Instruction for Engineers
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Livingston, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Sarah Summers, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Mary Jane Szabo, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
. ● Principle 3 promotes varying activities that increase interest and self-regulation. For example, integrating weekly reflective writing prompts.Studies suggest that incorporating these principles into course design increases learning andengagement for all students [5, 6]. Despite these wide-ranging benefits, research about implementing UDL in science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields primarily focuses on accessibility,including the use of technology accommodations, due to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and Web Content Accessibility (WCAG) requirements for online learning environments [7].From the ASEE archive, one paper authored by Monemi, Pan, & Varnado (2009) suggested theuse of UDL for course design
Conference Session
Integrating Experiential Learning into the Curriculum
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amy Hodges, Texas A&M University at Qatar; Yasser M. Al Hamidi, Texas A&M University at Qatar
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education
aninternational branch campus in the Middle East. Over the course of three semesters, a technicaland business writing course was redesigned by integrating prototyping, collaboration, andentrepreneurship skills.Drawing upon survey data, we evaluate the effectiveness of our interdisciplinary, integratedapproach to engineering education. From the perspective of writing and communication, studentsgained a stronger understanding of workplace audiences and expectations. Additionally, theexperiential learning focus in the course engaged students in deeper reflective practices in bothwriting and engineering.We conclude with recommendations for others redesigning courses and curricula for 21st centuryliteracies and global entrepreneurship. We also examine future
Conference Session
Design and Implementation of Graduate Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Meredith Welch-Devine, University of Georgia; Ramana Pidaparti, University of Georgia; K. Paige Carmichael, University of Georgia; Janet E. Rechtman, University of Georgia; Brandy B. Walker, University of Georgia; Julie A. Coffield, University of Georgia
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
training model is to impart the following competency themes:interdisciplinary mindsets; community engagement; understanding self as a leader; professionalidentity; and STEM scholar leader. First cohort of graduate students was recruited in summer 2016.After students completed the training model, the assessment and reflective student posts indicatedthat students indeed do develop most of the competencies. Based on our preliminary experience,specific scenarios for community collaboration as well as challenge projects should be explored tofurther promote competencies in graduate education.KeywordsGraduate Education, Training Models, Competencies, Leadership, Community, Engagement 1IntroductionRapid
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary Engineering Programs
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Huihui H Wang, Jacksonville University; Lee Ann Jerome Clements, Jacksonville University; Cindy Leong; Misha M. Chalkley; Crandall Maines, Jacksonville University
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Tagged Divisions
Multidisciplinary Engineering
that emphasizes student discovery. Scholars are selectedannually based on academic ability and financial need. Faculty mentoring, tutoring, peer studygroups, college survival skills training, career development, and undergraduate researchexperiences are all tools to help the scholars. Some MEP Scholars are actively participating inthe following research projects: 1) Design and Development of an e-Health System, 2) Designand Development of an Electronic Health Records program, 3) Study of the Field Effect onCharge Transport through Conductive Polymers Injected in Vascular Channels of AngiospermLeaves, and 4) A 3D-printed desk organizer. In this paper, MEP Scholars briefly present theirprojects and share their thoughts and reflections about the
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Isabel Hilliger P.E., Pontificia Universidad Catholica de Chile; Constanza Miranda, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
forentrepreneurship and innovation. Although studies have analyzed how students perceive this typeof training, few of them have unveiled its influence on behaviors and career goals. The formativeuse of the assessment instruments employed is limited, so more efforts are needed to evaluateentrepreneurial training towards its continuous improvement. This article proposes a methodologyto involve students in curriculum evaluation so they become partners in curriculum delivery andteaching practices. To explore its benefits, we applied it on a Major focused on engineering design,entrepreneurship and innovation. During classroom sessions of three Major courses, a form wasused to generate individual reflections and collective discussions about course methods
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Division Technical Session 4 – Systems Thinking Integration and Systems Engineering Skills Evaluation
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peizhu Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Systems & Enterprises); Jon Patrick Wade, Stevens Institute of Technology (School of Systems & Enterprises)
Tagged Divisions
Systems Engineering
Feedback provided to learners (dialog, email, etc.) o Recommendations accepted/rejected o Instructor’s observations  Simulation Output: o Last phase/cycle completed o Results of schedule, cost, range and quality o Final status charts o Final score  Self-Reflection: o Reflection feedback provided to the learner o Learner’s reflection inputALATs provide the capability to visualize the experience performance data, userrecommendations, and user actions. Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the Learning Analysis Tool.For example, instructor could use this tool to visualize the weight recommendation for APSdepartment by a specific student, and analyze the actions made before each
Conference Session
International Engineering Education Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiaojiao Fu, Beihang University; Deborah M. Grzybowski, Ohio State University; Qing Lei, Beihang University; Dongya Cheng, Tibet University
Tagged Divisions
potentiallymake improvements in curriculum based on these findings. Therefore, this paper takes theFirst-year Engineering Honors Program at the Ohio State University in the United States andthe Engineering Experimental Class at Beihang University in China as their case studies ofinternational comparison of the entire first two years’ curriculum. As an intermediary ofteaching activities and the basic guarantee of achieving educational goals, course is ablueprint and plan for cultivating what types of people. This paper takes courses as theresearch object, compares the whole course setting, and studies the syllabi of basic coursesand teaching methods reflected in the syllabi. Methodologies including text analysis,frequency analysis, comparative research