inserted comments in the code aboutnew patterns and functions that they discovered. Upon finding suspect segments of code, stu-dents modified the contents of the executable and observed the effects to see if the problem waseliminated. They reverted back to the previous version of the executable if the modificationshad unexpected or undesired results. Finally, students implemented and tested their additional modifications. In the previousstage, students had been deliberate in taking notes and discussing various features to alter.Therefore, they simply explored the different ideas they liked most. In BinaryNinja, once theexecutable was altered, the graphical view would immediately reflect the result of the alterationon the program’s flow. Students
, "Developing systems thinking among engineers: Recent study findings," in IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon) Proceedings, Vancouver, BC,, 2015.[9] S. a. F. M. Kordova, "The T Shape dilemma (depth versus width) in education of industrial engineering & management and its reflection in the students team project," Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, 2010.[10] H. H. Cheng, "C for the Course," ASME Mechanical Engineering Magazine, pp. 50-52, September 2009.[11] M. Kamaruzzaman, "5 reasons to learn a new Programming Language in 2020:Learn a new programming language to boost your career and skillset in the new year," 27 Dec. 2019. [Online]. Available: programming
projects course on student retention,” in Proceedings ASEE Conference and Exhibition, 2003.[19] C. B. Zoltowski and W. C. Oakes, “Learning by doing: Reflections of the epics program.” International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, vol. 9, 2014.[20] National Academy of Engineering, Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting engineering education to the new century. National Academies Press, 2005.[21] J. A. Mejia, D. Drake, and A. Wilson-Lopez, “Changes in latino/a adolescents engineering self- efficacy and perceptions of engineering after addressing authentic engineering design challenges,” in Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2015, pp. 1–14.[22] C. B. Zoltowski, W. C. Oakes, and
be careful of actionsthat can be viewed as belittling, humiliating, ridiculing or shaming of students. It appears criticism,humor and raised voices are viewed as unhelpful by some students.Overall, there appears to be an increase in the number of student complaints. Maybe this is areflection of the increasingly litigious nature of society. Instructors need to evaluate periodicallytheir classroom policies to reflect the reality that expectations in 2020 are not the same as that of20 or 40 years ago, when many of today’s instructors were students.References:[1] C. Novoa, A.M. Ortiz, and K.G. Talley, Multi-Disciplinary Summer Orientation Sessions for First-YearStudents in Engineering, Engineering Technology, Physics and Computer Science, Paper
less constrained problem doesn’t always yield a higher solutiondiversity, and how in some cases, the structure of the course itself can be used to motivatestudents’ independent thinking in a design-based project. In future work we hope to analyzeways that the different pedagogical models influenced learning outcomes beyond solutiondiversity such as group dynamics.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation grant numberA451001 SF9018. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. We would also like to thank the students, teaching assistants, professors,and
from the undergraduate demographics inengineering. There were 18 Asian students, 4 Hispanic students, 8 White students and 5 Otherswho responded. Interestingly, there was a high number of first-generation engineering studentswho responded. 34% engineering students (12 students) indicated that they were first-generationstudents.A small number of the engineering students scheduled to graduate in four years changed theirmajor (4 students). This is not surprising considering that students often extend their time tograduation when they switch majors. Of the four students switching their majors, only twoswitched out of the College of Engineering.The first questions asked the students to reflect on their freshmen experiences in blockedscheduling. 51
National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE 1712186. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. This work was completed within the framework of University of Toledo protocol202214.References1. Crimson. Top 10 Jobs in 2030: Skills You Need Now to Land the Jobs of the Future: Future Skills. 2018 [cited 2019 January]; Available from: Vest, C.M., Infusing Real World Experiences into Engineering Education. 2012.3. Daigger, G.T., et al., Real World Engineering Education Committee. 2012.4
“simulation” as part of the modeling process after completingthis activity indicates the importance of varying student experiences with modeling. Studentscomplete many activities where they model equations visually, and this was reflected in theirpre-survey results. After experiencing the simulation, many students indicated this as an explicitpart of the modeling process, even though it is not necessarily required. Exposure to a widervariety of modeling tasks that include simulation may broaden student definitions.Future Work One purpose of this simulation was for students to engage in the mathematical modelingprocess by using the simulation to test the velocity equations that they derived. However, somegroups looked at the structure of the pre
outcomes and the development of "hard" and "soft"competencies related to their professional profiles [8, 9], teamwork vs. lecture-basedstrategies [10], and problem-based approaches [11].It is not a new issue that the type of teaching is something that it is notably important. It hasbeen shown that the use of student-centered learning strategies promotes learning and thedevelopment of various skills, such as teamwork, critical thinking, and reflection, amongothers. Considering this, the School of Engineering of the Universidad Andres Bello in Chile,where this research took place, has been investing effort into reforming how faculty membersteach classes and promoting active learning strategies. To trigger the needed transformation,the Educational
forimprovement. Similar to typical engineering classes, the instructor tends to assess the activity byquizzing the technical content but often ignores the instant feedback about the activity itself aswell as the emotional aspects, i.e. “Do you enjoy this activity?” We solicit information fromstudents about improvement of teaching towards the end of semester, but this would seldom focuson one particular activity and thus not add on much value. We recognize the importance of timelyfeedback after the activity. If a student notices his/her input is valued and taken into redesign theactivity, the feeling of ownership [22] may enhance the engagement.Student response to active learning is reflected in the question set 2[1] summarized in Table 4.Overall
more amenable to theirlearning than in a classroom full of other students at a set time. These advantages addressmultiple levels of diversity amongst learners.The newly found “class time” gained by delivering content outside of class rather than in theclassroom is then often used in F2F courses for activities that help students learn and retaininformation better. Some of these in-class activities could potentially be just as well done by astudent on their own; working on a calculation problem, reading and interpreting a passage,studying and interpreting a figure or graph, reflecting and writing a minute paper, to name a few.Other activities benefit significantly from the interactions between students or students andlearning facilitators
, physical, and mechanical properties and durability performance of infrastructure materials, with a focus on sustainable concrete materials technology. He also researches new strategies to improve STEM education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Implementation of a laboratory experience in reinforced concrete coursesIntroduction College students enrolled in an engineering curriculum learn in a variety of ways (e.g.,sensory vs. intuitive, visual vs. verbal, inductive vs. deductive, active vs. reflective, or sequentialvs. global). In a reinforced concrete design course, where students learn how to designcomponents of large structures, it can be
included teachers explaining how to usestudents’ computational models to test their designs or guiding students to reflect on their priorknowledge to consider how certain materials may or may not be accessible to students withphysical disabilities.Table 4. Epistemic, practical, or not practice-based teacher talk by class. Epistemic Practical Not Practice-Based Lesson Orange Blue Orange Blue Orange Blue All Lessons 7% 17%+ 66% 67% 27%+ 16% Design 6% 15%+ 66% 75%+ 28%+ 10% Test 0% 11%+ 82% 79% 18%+ 11% Communicate 12
iGens or not. The observations of the authors thus farsuggest that many STEM university students reflect the iGen trends and are no different.Helping iGen Prepare for the Workplace and LifeAs students enter the university, there is an implied requirement to help students mature fromwhere they are to where they need to be upon graduation. Van Treuren and Jordan addressed therole of the university in the formation of student maturity [18]. The university is a communitywhere personal development occurs. A function of the university is embodied in the phrase “inloco parentis.” Legally, it means “in place of a parent” and refers to the obligation of a person ororganization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. At any
exploring constructionist learning for a new generation of young people. In after-school and out-of-school settings, educational robotics became uniquely supportive for applyingconstructionism to engineering design education [22]. Similar to the early promotion of Logo,the hands-on engineering design affordances of educational robotics is purported to advance stu-dents’ knowledge and skills by flattening the hierarchy between concrete and formal thinking[23], [24], [25], [15]. As children engage in robotics activities they are given the opportunity to learn-by-doing,a foundation to constructionist design that reflects real world enterprises and encourages the ma-terial exploration of “big ideas” [26], [12], [2], [27]. Robotics kits for out
undergraduate mentors to reflect on theirassumptions. They re-conceptualized learning as a collaborative action as opposed to thetransmission of knowledge from a teacher to students [23] and overcame their frustrations andstruggles with the program. Accordingly, they began to play the role of a collaborator and partnerwith children and developed productive and meaningful learning experiences for themselves andthe children.In our work, for several years, we have been implementing workshops for teachers and theirstudents, to allow them to jointly learn the fundamental concepts, engineering design, andengineering practices through hands-on learning with robotics. Using the characteristics ofinformal learning [16], we identify our workshops as a semi
differences in the mean between the two samples. In thisstudy, statistical significance is assumed to be referring to a significance level of 5%. It isclarified that, although a more accurate statistical analysis that would account for properprobability distributions and sample sizes is possible, the analysis presented here is consideredsufficient to identify trends within the context of this study.According to these tables, the proposed assessment model clearly improves the quality of courseinstruction and learning environment during the semester and results in higher studentsatisfaction, particularly as this latter is reflected in the overall rating of the course and instructor(Q7/Q8 and Q16 in Tables 1 through 6, and several questions in Tables 7
: “Compared to other PD I participated (not a part of the SfT PD series),the amount I learned in this PD was:” 66.4% answer Much more, 23,7% Somewhat more and8.6% About the same. This affirmative answer is also reflected in the responses of the open-ended questions.When asked the question: “Overall, the course was:” 71.1% answer Excellent and 25.7%answerVery good. – Open-ended questionsAfter reviewing the response of the open-ended questions, it is possible to see some patterns.These common constructs are presented below:To the question: "What elements of the PD most contributed to your learning?", the vastmajority expressed that the use of hands-on activities to develop the concepts. Also, to constructthe artifacts involved in each module was
analysis because all the reports required a discussion of the results(In some labs, students were not required to include all the report sections). Moreover, scores onthe discussion section were deemed likely to reflect students’ understanding of content Tables 6 and 7 provide comparison of students’ lab report scores on three lab reportsections (i.e., abstract, results, and discussion) in the junior and senior level courses, respectively.In the junior course, four lab reports were required (as shown in Table 6); other laboratoryactivities required only informal writing, such as lab notebooks, and so they were not included inthe analysis of technical writing skills. In the senior course, lab reports were required for all fivelabs
terms of performance, we did not find a significant effect of the quiz mode on studentscores, when the quiz was administered in class. The only exception was when the quiz wastaken at home (b), in which case the mean score (Mquiz=7.41/8) was significantly higher thanall other modes (F=23.78, p<0.001). Although the quiz was open-notes, open-book in everycase, we believe there is an apparent effect of stress when the quiz is taken in a classroomenvironment that immediately affects student performance. However, we do not claim thatthe higher score reflects greater learning gains and more investigation is needed for a safeconclusion. Nonetheless, the evaluation results indicated that the specific design of movingtesting time right after lecture
. Purposivesampling of students who remained on campus was used for the interviews to ensure theirperspective was captured by the researchers.Results show a significant number of students, regardless of where they spent the break, studiedinefficiently during the break from school, which is reflected in their academic performance; andstudents who remained on campus while most of their peers left, found the time lonely andlargely unproductive.IntroductionAlthough a fall break has become the norm for many universities in Canada, little research hasbeen conducted to determine the impact of fall breaks on students, whether it is an evaluation asto whether the stated goals of the break – which typically focus on stress and mental health [1] –are being met, or
92% with a standard deviation of 5% (shown in Figure 4). Thestudents’ grades demonstrated that the students effectively applied the systems engineering toolsand methods to model the food justice system. An example of the instructor’s grading rubricsfor the first two phases are provided in tables 6 and 7. The instructor assessed how well that the students learned the material by grading thephase reports. The average grade across all teams and phases was 92% with an average standarddeviation of 5%, as shown in Figure 4. The instructor was pleased with the learning.Additionally the students completed a reflection on the food challenge experience
began toorganize around what seemed to be a natural division of physics into its constituent parts –electronics, mechanics, chemical, etc. While engineering became specialized in theorganizational structure of a technical business, schools reflected this specialization as well bycreating majors and even specifying different types of engineering degrees – e.g., mechanical,electrical, industrial. Companies hired based on these degrees. “We need to hire 4 electricalengineers, 6 mechanical engineers and 5 industrial engineers.” Departments were created tomanage these areas of engineering specialization – grouping engineers of similar training – andthe organization pyramid began to form. Each department has group leaders, section heads anddepartment
Paper ID #30141Integrating Entrepreneurial Mindset in a Multidisciplinary Course onEngineering Design and Technical CommunicationDr. Kevin D. Dahm, Rowan University Kevin Dahm is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Rowan University. He earned his BS from Worces- ter Polytechnic Institute (92) and his PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (98). He has pub- lished two books, ”Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” and ”Interpreting Diffuse Reflectance and Transmittance.” He has also published papers on effective use of simulation in engineer- ing, teaching design and engineering economics, and
nature of the ABET organization—a federation of professional societies—and its resourcing model. In April 2017, despite ASCE’s opposition, the Board of Delegates approved the natural sciences initiative and formally changed the names of the Applied Science Commission and the Applied Science Area Delegation to reflect their expanded scope of responsibilities.• Major criteria revisions – In 2009, the ABET EAC initiated a major revision to Criteria 3 and 5 of the EAC Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs—the first such change since the Engineering Criteria 2000 initiative of the late 1990s. The EAC disseminated the first draft of this revision to Member Societies as a “pre-proposal” in July 2014. Revised draft
-sampling and down-sampling strategies depending on the class. SMOTE creates syntheticcases for a minority class by randomly selecting the nearest neighbors. Once we are satisfied withthe dataset itself, the features selected from the random forest output will be ultimately combinedwith associative classification to discover relationships between student-LMS interactions andpersistence decisions.AcknowledgementsThis paper is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under AwardNumber 1825732. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References1. Seaman, J. E., Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2018
of diffusion better, but thecurrent curriculum structure and learning activities leave room for improvement in helpingstudents understand the connection between all the representations of diffusion.5. AcknowledgementsThis work was made possible through generous support from the National Science Foundation(grants CNS-1138461, CNS-1441041, DRL-1020101, DRL-1640201 and DRL-1842374) andthe Spencer Foundation (Award #201600069). Any opinions, findings, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of thefunding organizations.6. References[1] R. G. Christianson and K. M. Fisher, “Comparison of student learning about diffusion and osmosis in constructivist and traditional