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) will be given during the lecture period(s). Other areas showed successes as well across the breadth of the ResCS topic areas. Fully functional prototypes either in additions to the Grid Game, real time data simulators, microcontrollers, etc. were completed in over half of the projects. Given only several weeks at the end of the semester to focus on projects, this is considered a notable result. Most projects Table I. A summary of student project accomplishments out of ten projects Full/Partial/Low mastery of expected outcomes. Fully Partially Not Satisfied Expected Outcome Satisfied Satisfied 10 0 0 Complete Development of Concept 6 4 0
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experience Has clearly participated in civically Has experimented with some civic and shows initiative in team and team leadership of civic action, focused actions and begins to reflect activities but shows little internalized leadership of complex or multiple with reflective insights or analysis or describe how these actions may understanding of their aims or effects civic engagement activities, about the aims and accomplishments benefit individual(s) or communities. and little commitment to future action. accompanied by
topic was question D4, in which the students’ appeared to understand theimportance of effective communication on the job site. There was also improvement in allobjective questions, with three questions scoring a 100% in the late semester showing ofthe video. This is likely due to the fact that these topics are covered extensively throughoutthe semester. The question that scored the lowest was question D9, which was thedefinition of the USCS acronym. The lower than expected result was due to strict gradingadopted by the professor. All four words had to be identified, spelled correctly, and in thecorrect tense. If a student defined the first “S” as Soils, then the answer was incorrect as thefirst “S” is not plural (i.e. Soil). After the
(1999)Management Challenges for the 21st Century. New York: HarperBusiness.10 Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton (2001) Now, Discover Your Strengths. New York: The FreePress.11 Laura Morgan Roberts, Jane E. Dutton, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Emily D. Heaphy, Robert E. Quinn(2005) Composing the Reflected Best-Self portrait: building pathways for becoming extraordinary inwork organizations, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 30, pp. 712-736.12 Laura Morgan Roberts, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Jane E. Dutton, Robert E. Quinn Emily D. Heaphy, andBrianna Barket (2005) How to play to your strengths, Harvard Business Review, January, pp. 1-6.13 David A. Whetten and Kim S. Cameron (2005). Developing Management Skills (6th Ed.) PearsonPrentice Hall.14
,different work paces Patience, perseverance, tolerance Manage emotions Respect for other people´s perspective Balance academic and project Load Lack of an organized work schedule Develop new skills Apply technical knowledge effectively Communicate respectfully Oral communication 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Percentage of students (%) Figure 8. Primary personal challenges students recognize when participating
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partnerships with universities in the developing countries will have a major impact on the quality of education.vii. There are many youngsters who are looking for jobs; it will be productive to investigate ways to create jobs and seek solutions for this problem.viii. Educational services are expensive; therefore, it is essential to debit the financial aspect of education system in the country. 6. References1. Baha, B., Baha, Z., “Technical Vocational and Engineering Education in Afghanistan,” Proceedings of the 2008 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2008.2. Samady, R. S., ”Education and Afghan Society in the Twentieth Century,“ United Nations Educational
find desired calibration constants Team A (mm/s) a (mm) Blue 3820995 191.83 Orange 6683258 259.65 Red 3325083 195.59 Table I. Sample calibration constantsSpecification WritingOnce a working prototype was achieved, the students could write a detailed specification thatwould provide the necessary information such that the form, fit, and function of their designcould be replicated by a subcontractor. The form of the specification was taken from that used bythe United States military.9,10 This format greatly helps the students
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, Materials, Structures, Transportation, or Water Resources) • How would you describe your enthusiasm about pursuing a civil engineering degree? Select one. (High, Moderately High, Moderate, Moderately Low, and Low) • What teaching method(s) do you feel is (are) effective? Check as many as you wish. (Lectures on the board, Lectures on slides, Discussions, and Group work) • What modern educational tool or teaching innovation would you like to see introduced into the civil engineering program? • What activity best allows you to learn the material out of class? Select one. (Textbook problem sets or Projects) • How do you study and work on assignments most of the time? Select one. (Individually or
prerequisite for ENER 340. ENER 240 covers single-variable calculus and particle dynamics. For example, ENER 240 covers (i) trajectory ofa particle moving in air under gravitational force and (ii) friction force. ENER 240 shouldprovide the students with an opportunity to review applied mechanics course(s) they hadtaken in their two-year diploma programs. Both ENER 240 and 340 are designed with theidea that polytechnic students would be able to learn mathematics better if they are alsolearning simultaneously their applications.ENER 340 is delivered in 6 weeks during the Summer term, and each week has 6 hoursof lectures and 6 hours of tutorials. The course load per week (pacing) is twice as that inregular Fall (September-December) or Winter (January
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