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Displaying results 1291 - 1320 of 1849 in total
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Adebayo Iyanuoluwa Olude, Morgan State University; Pelumi Olaitan Abiodun, Morgan State University; Oludare Adegbola Owolabi P.E., Morgan State University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
illustrated. Learners are alsoactively participating in the activity. Finally, the instructor asks the same sets of questions toassess how well students comprehend the experiment. ECP Module Instructional Design Template Module Information Synoptic/Purpose of Instructional Instructor Module Process Reflection a. Developers/Instructors a. Essential Questions a. Materials needed/Expected Reflection Institution for use. b. Module Objectives b. Mobile Title/Topic b. Procedures c. Placement within
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harpreet Auby, Tufts University; Namrata Shivagunde, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Anna Rumshisky, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Milo Koretsky, Tufts University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
disciplinary and everyday language in students’ responses. This can help us make thetool a more inclusive generative AI tool that understands the various language students may useto explain their thinking. In turn, instructors and researchers will be more aware of the diverselanguage and thought patterns students use to wrestle with challenging concepts in the discipline.AcknowledgmentsWe acknowledge the support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through grant EEC2226553. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of theauthors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] H. Auby, N. Shivagunde, A. Rumshisky, and M. Koretsky, “WIP: Using machine learning to automate coding of student
Conference Session
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED) Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Grace Lynn Baldwin Kan-uge; Carol S. Stwalley, Purdue University ; Robert Merton Stwalley III P.E., Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative and Experiential Education Division (CEED)
persistence among low socioeconomic status students," Journal of Experiemntal Social Psychology, vol. 72, pp. 45-52, 2017.[22] R. M. Stwalley III, "Assessing improvement and professional career skill in senior capstone design through course data," International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 7, no. 3, pp. 130-146, 2017.[23] R. M. Stwalley III, "Professional career skills in senior capstone design," in ASEE Capstone Conference - Columbus, Washington, DC, 2016.[24] J. McCarthy, "Reflective writing, higher education, and professional practice," Journal for Education in the Built Environment, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 29-43, 2011.[25] G. Bolton, "Narrative writing: reflective enquiry into professional practice," Educational Action
Conference Session
Robotics and Circuits
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl Joseph Murzynski, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Hussein - Abdeltawab, Wake Forest University; Omar Ashour, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College; Ahmed Sammoud, Pennsylvania State University, Behrend College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
Exercise DescriptionThe robotic platforms were used in an operating systems and systems programming course at PennState Behrend as a part of a lab exercise to demonstrate concepts related to task design, timing,synchronization, and mutual exclusion mechanisms. The exercise was divided into sections:Introduction to the robotic platform operation, task design using timing and synchronizationmechanisms, and feedback and reflection on the lesson learned.The tudentts were first introduced to the basic operation of the robotic arm using manual controland Application Programming Interfaces (API) control through a Python control program. Thechallenges of moving the arm in space using different coordinates and keeping track of the arm’sposition were
Conference Session
Engineering Physics and Physics Division Technical Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derek Breid, Saint Vincent College; Stephen Jodis, Saint Vincent College; Stacy Birmingham, Saint Vincent College
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Physics and Physics Division (EP2D)
on this positive interest from students, a committee of faculty who taught in math andsciences was convened to develop the program. Because of the institution’s historical strengths inthe sciences, the committee recommended that the institution offer a B. S. in EngineeringScience, which was subject to the same ABET criteria as B.S. programs in Engineering andEngineering Physics.[7] It was also believed that the program named Engineering Sciencewould be better accepted at a liberal arts institution where a degree such as engineering might beviewed by some as a strictly vocational major. The intent of the degree to equip students with abroad and general engineering background also reflected key principles of the liberal artsapproach.The
Conference Session
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON) Technical Session 3 - Innovative Pedagogy
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hang Song, Auburn University; Karen McNeal, Auburn University; John T. Solomon, Tuskegee University; Lauren E. Beckingham, Auburn University; Kelly Lazar, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering Division (ENVIRON)
with the specific focus of each survey section, we aimed toensure the relevance and coherence of our assessment tools. This alignment provides a clearerframework for understanding the survey results and reflects the complexity and interconnectednessof sustainability in engineering education.Research Questions: 1. Impact of Active Learning Approaches: How are active learning strategies and hands- on curricular implementations in engineering classrooms related to changes observed in undergraduate engineering students' responses in a six-section pre-post sustainability survey and their open-ended feedback? 2. Comparative Analysis Across Disciplines: How do the pre-post sustainability survey results differ among students
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - Best in DEED
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wangda Zhu, University of Florida; Rui Guo, University of Florida; Yuanzhi Wang, Cornell University; Wanli Xing, University of Florida; Eddy Man Kim, Cornell University; Chenglu Li, The University of Utah
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
frustrated when it happened.Discussion This study investigated how students perceive generative AI (GAI) for designing mood boards ina computer-aided design (CAD) course regarding design creativity. Specifically, we introduced a workshopand a homework assignment that incorporated the GAI tool Midjourney into the students' final CADprojects, aiming to teach 20 students how to use GAI in conceptual design. Through surveys and interviews,we examined students' creativity in the mood board design process and the final products, comparing themto those created without GAI. Our findings revealed that most students (17 out of 20) believed GAI boostedtheir creativity, although expert evaluations of their works did not reflect this. Additionally, we
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova, West Virginia University; Daniel Mackin Freeman, University of Washington; Robin A.M. Hensel, West Virginia University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
in Spring 2023Overall, compared to previous years [18],[19] the gender and racial diversity of the eligibleapplicants and ACCESS scholars decreased despite the wide range of outreach efforts, some ofwhich specifically targeted underrepresented groups of students. The decline in diversity,especially compared to Cohort 1, may partially be due to the fact that many current WestVirginia University students from underrepresented groups, who were eligible for the ACCESSscholarship, applied and were selected in the earlier years of the ACCESS project. In addition,decreased diversity may be reflecting the broader trends in college enrollment, broader genderand racial disparities in Computer Science and
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diego Alejandro Polanco-Lahoz, Texas Tech University; Jennifer A Cross, Texas Tech University; Kelli Cargile Cook, Texas Tech University; Mario G. Beruvides P.E., Texas Tech University; Jason Tham, Texas Tech University; Md Rashedul Hasan, Texas Tech University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
al.’s researcher identity scales, which aim to measure the sameconstructs as in the current research, originally contained 26 total items, but were reduced 16total items following the factor analyses of these scales and those of the related identities(scientist and engineering). One unique advantage of Perkin et al.’s approach is that many of theitems provided a more detailed reflection on the specific context of doctoral education. Forexample, the dissertation advisor is proposed as a critical external source of recognition and thusthe following item was added: “My advisor(s) see me as a RESEARCHER.”2 Similarly, thecompetence scale in Perkins et al. work focuses more on specific competencies associated withresearch, such as delivering
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division (WIED) Technical Session 4 - Hands-on Learning
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nathan Delson, University of California, San Diego; Huihui Qi, University of California, San Diego
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering Division (WIED)
68% 84% 0.0327Class SurveysA weekly reflection and survey were conducted with Likert scale multiple-choice questions. Forthis study, only the results from the beginning of the class (pre) and end of the class (post) wereanalyzed. The complete wording of the Likert questions and answer choices are shown inAppendix I. The survey results analyzed by gender are shown in Table 4. The table shows thesum of the top 2 Likert responses, such as Effective and Very effective to indicate the percentageof students with a positive assessment in each topics area. To show the effect of training moreclearly both the pre- and post- questions are shown when the same question were present in bothsurveys. In Table 4 the pre- and post- questions
Conference Session
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD) Technical Session: Engineering Leadership in Industry
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
B. Michael Aucoin, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Leadership Development Division (LEAD)
professionals who will enter management and leadership roles. Nonetheless, research andanecdotal experience have indicated that both students and practicing professionals shy away fromstrategic networking, a stance that can hinder their careers. This paper reports on work-in-progress ofdesign and evaluation of course interventions to promote strategic networking among undergraduateengineering students. These experiences are part of a course in Engineering Leadership at Texas A&MUniversity. This paper offers first a literature review and then detail on our course content, networkingactivities, and a reflection connected with effective strategic networking for this class. Mixed-methodsanalysis of the results of student surveys provide insights of
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 24
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bradley J. Sottile, The Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
statistically significant differences for Scenario 3.LimitationsThere are several limitations inherent to this work. Given the diffuse subject recruitment strategy,it is possible that ethically minded individuals are overrepresented in the sample (i.e., thatethically minded individuals would be more likely to respond to a voluntary survey onengineering ethics). Further, this survey examined individuals at one Research 1 institution in theUnited States and the results may to a degree reflect that (e.g., individual’s views on code sharingmay be influenced by institutional academic integrity culture and rules). Subjects were askedabout their perceptions of the views of industry, but contemporaneous surveying of individualsfrom industry was not an
Conference Session
MECH - Technical Session 1: Foundations of Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, American Institutes for Research; Alexander John De Rosa, University of Delaware
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering Division (MECH)
introductorymechanical engineering design course that involved both lecture (2 credits) and laboratory (1credit) sessions. Learning objectives for the mini-mill experience were to: (1) learn the safetyand controls of a manual milling machine and basic milling operations that included fixed,material scaffolds designed by the course instructor; (3) practice reading and manufacturing fromstandard engineering drawings; and (2) independently apply knowledge of milling machinecontrols and operations to create a basic part with adaptive, pedagogical scaffolding fromteaching assistants and machinists. All deliverables for this exercise were individually completedby students and required a mixture of hands-on activity, written reflection, and online trainingand survey
Conference Session
Faculty Development Division (FDD) Technical Session 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Feruza Amirkulova, San Jose State University; Lalita G Oka, California State University, Fresno; Arezoo Sadrinezhad, California State University, Fresno; Sue Rosser, San Francisco State University; Kimberly Stillmaker PE, California State University, Fresno; Maryam Nazari, California State University, Los Angeles; Jessica C Bennett; Younghee Park, San Jose State University; Lizabeth L Thompson P.E., California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Division (FDD)
simultaneously. Most of these foreign nationals areeventually naturalized and become citizens. While the immigration status of these faculty istransitional, their specific cultural and racial identity carries forward. Unfortunately, theclassification of these individuals in URM/Non-URM status is complicated [25], as 1) the URMdefinition used by NSF is based on underrepresentation in STEM fields relative to the overall U.S.population, but FB faculty are drawn from the world population where the ethnic groups adverselyaffected by systemic inequities may or may not align with the U.S. definitions; 2) FB faculty ofBlack and Hispanic backgrounds are included in URM, which raises the number of URM facultybut does not reflect an improvement in the including of
Conference Session
Technology Integration in Manufacturing Curriculum
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ismail Fidan, Tennessee Technological University; Perihan Fidan, Tennessee Technological University; Suhas S Alkunte, Old Dominion University; Orkhan Huseynov, The University of Alabama in Huntsville; Mohammad Alshaikh Ali, Tennessee Technological University; Vivekanand A Naikwadi, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Manufacturing Division (MFG)
manufacturing under guidance of Dr. Fidan. He also works as student manager of iMakerSpace Innovation lab at Tennessee Technological University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Unique Instructional Delivery of Additive Manufacturing: A Holistic ReviewAbstractAdditive Manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D Printing (3DP), has emerged as atransformative technology compared to traditional manufacturing across industries such asaerospace, healthcare, and automotive. With this evolution, the demand for specialized educationand training in AM is growing. This brief concept paper provides a condensed review ofdistinctive instructional delivery methods in the field of AM, reflecting the dynamic nature
Conference Session
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD) Technical Session 4
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Frenkel, New York University; Hebah Emara, New York University ; Amanda He, New York University ; Lindsay Anderberg, New York University ; Samuel R. Putnam, New York University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Libraries Division (ELD)
existed in convenience and ethical consideration [18]. Karunaratne and Adesina [19]used a survey to examine the use of ChatGPT in the information retrieval process amongstudents at higher education institutes. Through their survey they found “ChatGPT has reducedthe anxiety of information search, and increased the confidence with which students seekinformation” [19]. Lo [20] proposes the “CLEAR framework” (Concise, Logical, Explicit,Adaptive, and Reflective) as a mechanism “to optimize interactions with generative AI languagemodels. The focus of Lo’s work is on improving prompt engineering skills of people usinggenerative AI tools [20]. Jin [21] discussed potential use cases for generative AI in medicalliterature indicating potential
Conference Session
Simulations and Virtual Learning
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David J Gagnon, Field Day Lab @ UW-Madison; John M. Pfotenhauer, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Arganthael Berson, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Luke Swanson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Tagged Divisions
Computers in Education Division (COED)
tasksinto instructional activities, making the assessment process less intrusive and more reflective ofstudents' actual learning processes [23]. Assessment tasks are designed to be directly relevant tothe learning objectives and often require students to apply their knowledge and skills in authenticcontexts. This approach enables educators to assess not only the final product of learning but alsothe learning process itself, including students’ problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, andability to apply knowledge in real-world situations [24].Embedded assessment comes with many challenges. Teachers must be skilled in designingassessment tasks and in interpreting the evidence of learning these tasks provide [25]. Due toembedded assessment’s
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 6
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Syed Ali Kamal, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Syeda Fizza Ali, Texas A&M University; Matilde Luz Sanchez-Pena, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
toconsider the various aspects of wellbeing for the design of instruction as well as policy.Acknowledgements We thank Erin Rowley, the engineering librarian at the University at Buffalo, for hersupport in the database selection and helpful recommendations for conducting this systematicreview. We also thank Joseph McCusker, engineering student at University at Buffalo, and anundergraduate researcher at DARE to CARE lab, for his invaluable assistance with the review ofthe studies. This material was partially supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No.2147193. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National
Conference Session
Voices of Diversity: Perspectives and Experiences in STEM Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire MacDonald, The University of Texas at El Paso; Palvi Aggarwal, The University of Texas at El Paso; Xiwei Wang, Northeastern Illinois University; Yun Wan; Shebuti Rayana, The State University of New York at Old Westbury; Rudy Caraballo; Sherrene Bogle, Cal Poly Humboldt
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
internships because they believe companies “preferto hire students who have completed their entire degree program at a single institution." There isno proof that being a transfer student will put them at any statistical disadvantage in the job orinternship market as a student who finished their whole degree at one university. These issues re-veal deeper insights outside of registering for classes and choosing a major. They reflect a lack offlexibility and support for non-traditional students who juggle employment and education, as wellas misconceptions that can negatively influence students’ perceptions and decisions.5 Conclusion and future workRising costs at 4-year universities are bringing a shift in acquiring a bachelor’s degree by attendinga
Conference Session
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM) Technical Session 20
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dorian Bobbett, University of Michigan; Jeanne Sanders, University of Michigan; Larkin Martini, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Mark Vincent Huerta, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Karin Jensen, University of Michigan
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods Division (ERM)
graduatestudents. Items that received lower average scores focused on mentoring skills related tocommunication, coordination, personal relationships, and career planning. This was reflected inthe open-response questions, where participants frequently cited these areas as problems orpoints of stress in their relationships with their advisor(s). Items that received higher averagescores focused on research skill building, resource acquisition, feedback, and trust. These areastend towards some of the more technical aspects of mentoring that advising requires, whichengineering doctoral advisors may feel more comfortable with. For example, setting researchgoals with students may come more naturally for faculty members than helping students preparefor a career
2022 CIEC
Joseph Untener; Philip Appiah-Kubi
can be found in appendix II. This allows the students to reflect and reviewtheir project performance relative to the other team members. As part of the peer review, eachstudent assigns three attribute codes (such as late for meetings, effective team member) to eachmember. Once the peer reviews are received and reviewed, the faculty advisors populate themand discuss the anonymous summary with each team member. This provides the faculty advisorsthe opportunity to appraise the team dynamics which helps in addressing most team andindividual challenges. In the middle of the semester, faculty advisors complete and review witheach team their strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), during which time ateam midterm grade is assigned
Eman Hammad, Texas A&M University; Connor McLaren, Texas A&M University; Justin Leiden, Texas A&M University
licensing and the number of users differ from commercial setups. • Domain Experience: to help bridge the OT/ICS domain experience, we consider a phased approach where we first focus on example processes that are representative of classes of industries. In such processes, we start with a testbed setup, including devices and processes reflecting the lower levels (Levels 0 - sensors/actuators, Level 1 - simple control/PLC) of the Purdue Model. We progress in later phases to higher levels of the Purdue model. To further make the domain expertise accessible to students, multiple resources were developed to walk students through building, configuring and operating the testbed with details including
Daniel Bang; Saira Anwar; Syeda Fizza Ali; Alejandra Magana
course activities have with students. The less likely students will pay attention andlearn appropriately in class. Also, the study methodology indirectly helps the instructors toevaluate their classes and classify in-class activities using the ICAP framework. AcknowledgmentWe acknowledge the support of Dr. Anwar Startup Funds provided by Texas A&M Universityfor this research. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in thismaterial do not necessarily reflect those of Texas A&M University. We also thank the studentsand instructor who helped us collect the data. References1. C. C. Bonwell and J. A. Eisen, "Active learning: Creating
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Matthew Levi Giles, University of Southern California; Joy Uehara, University of Southern California; Haylee Mota, University of Southern California; Emma Katharine Singer, USC Viterbi School of Engineering; Matthew R Gilpin, University of Southern California; Akshay Potnuru; Jessica Aftosmis, University of Southern California
problems have a “right” answer. Successful completion of theAME 341 sequence requires students to develop their own intuition and independence in alaboratory environment. Bridging the classroom and work environment, the laboratoryexperiments are specially designed to ensure that students stop, think, decide, and discover. It istherefore crucial for all graduating AME students to receive the full laboratory experience. This paper aims to present the accessible solutions developed for the AME 341 coursesequence, and reflects on the experience from the point of view of instructors, teaching assistants,and a visually impaired student. It initially was found that there were no ready accessibilitysolutions for test and measurement hardware. Thus, USC
Conference Session
Track 7: Technical Session 2: Lessons Learned from Development of an Elective Undergraduate Course on DEI in STEM
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Leigh S McCue, George Mason University; Christopher Alexander Carr, George Mason University; Kevin William Kuck, George Mason University; Dhiambi Otete; Violet Veronika Reges
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
showcased his skills for technical reading and writing and being able to bridge the gap between client and engineer. In his role as an Intern Engineering Inspector at CES Consulting LLC, Kevin demonstrated a strong commitment to quality assurance and control, ensuring that construction aligned with design plans and bringing errors to the attention of senior inspectors for correction. His involvement extends beyond his work and academic pursuits; His membership in the National ASME and AIAA organizations reflects his commitment to his field and his versatile interests. Additionally, he has taken on leadership responsibilities as the GMU ASME President, where he has organized informa- tional sessions and collaborated
2024 South East Section Meeting
Stephanie Laughton, The Citadel; Timothy A Wood, The Citadel
Notes Notes taken WITH Notes do not reflect the Notes reflect more Section clarity and accuracy- entirety of the assigned than one of the does not directly copy resource OR are negative criteria (4x Points) content from resource inaccurate to the text OR listed to the left but instead show significant direct rephrases/abridges copying of the resourceLive PollingPlicker Cards were employed in CIVL103 as a live multiple-choice question polling tool. Theseare preferred by many instructors in the Civil Engineering Department at The Citadel becausethey do not require students
2024 South East Section Meeting
Brian Aufderheide, Hampton University; LaNika M. Barnes, Albemarle County Public Schools (Charlottesville, Virginia); Otsebele E Nare, Hampton University; Garrick E. Louis, University of Virginia; Daniel Webster Fairley II, 100 Black Men of Central Virginia
Tagged Topics
. Economic disparities in these areasdisproportionately impact marginalized communities, reflecting a broader trend observed in manyregions. To address these challenges, the implementation of free and low-cost peer-to-peer andnear-to-peer collaborative programs is recommended. These initiatives can offer guidance,support, and role models, assisting young individuals in navigating the complexities ofadolescence.To bridge existing gaps, it is essential to establish programs that actively involve middle and highschool students, as well as their families, with working professionals, professors, andundergraduate and graduate students from colleges and universities. This collaborative approachrepresents a significant step towards providing emotional
2024 South East Section Meeting
Arezou Shafaghat, Kennesaw State University; Mohammad Jonaidi; Hoseoen Lee; Craig A Chin, Kennesaw State University; Ali Keyvanfar, Kennesaw State University
Tagged Topics
capabilities, Python, and DALL-E,enhancing its functionality and providing a comprehensive platform for educational assistance.In this study:'Y' (Educational Interests) explored are: - General Education Courses topics - Major-Specific Courses topics - Elective Courses topics - Beyond Curriculum topics (Career Development, Skills Enhancement, etc.)'Y' (Engagement Spectrum) explored are: - Forerunners: Always at the forefront, first to adopt new ideas and technologies. - Steady Engagers: Consistent and reliable in participation, regularly contributing. - Gradual Engagers: Initially less engaged, becoming more involved over time. - Silent Engagers: Quietly engaged, need observation and reflection over vocal participation. - Unsure
2024 South East Section Meeting
John W. Brocato, University of Georgia
Tagged Topics
Brenner10 Pronunciations” and “The AutoHen Email Exchange” • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, • Presentation-criteria exercise: what do you Rebecca Skloot11 consider to be the five most important criteria for an excellent presentation? • “Columbia's Last Flight: The inside story of • Reflection assignment: “What about Your the investigation — and the catastrophe it laid Own Professional Persona?” bare,” William Langewiesche12 • “The ‘Korean Skyscraper’ Incident”: can a Tae Bo class really simulate an earthquake? • Preparing to present: theatre exercises and Dr. Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk3
Conference Session
Track 4: Technical Session 4: The Pink Paradox: Tensions in How STEM Toys are Marketed Toward Girls
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Theresa Green, Purdue University; Artre Reginald Turner, Purdue University at West Lafayette; Ruth Wertz P.E., Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
Tagged Topics
CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
often involves using traditional gender stereotypes inorder to capture girls’ interest. Sweet [11] found that toy marketing has fluctuated throughout the20th century in terms of using gender stereotypes to sell products to children. At certain points,stereotypes were prominently used in advertisements and marketing materials to drive sales andinfluence consumer behavior. Sweet notes that these actions "added to -- and helped toperpetuate -- evolving cultural narratives about gender" (p. 221). Feminine toys highlighteddomesticity, the adoption of nurturing qualities, and emphasis on attractiveness, while masculinetoys encouraged building, aggression, and action. Through continued play with gendered toysthat reflect societal stereotypes, girls