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Displaying results 1351 - 1380 of 1805 in total
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 8
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sidaard Gunasekaran, University of Dayton
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
- On Creativity, Generis/Berdyaev/qc.htm.[3] Barron, F., and D.M. Harrington. “Creativity, Intelligence, and Personality,” Ann. Rev. Psych., 32, 439 (1981).[4] Guilford, J.P., The Nature of Human Intelligence, New York, McGraw-Hill (1967).[5] Guilford, J.P., Way Beyond the IQ: Guide to Improving Intelligence and Creativity, Buffalo, Creative Education Foundation (1977).[6] Rogers, C.R., “Toward a Theory of Creativity,” in S. J. Parnes and H. F. Harding, eds., A Source Bookfor Creative Thinking, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons (1962).[7] Stein, M.I., “Creativity as an Intra- and Inter-personal Process,” in S. J. Parnes and H. F. Harding, eds., A Source Book for Creative Thinking. New York
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division: Capstone Design Practices
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly B. Demoret P.E., Florida Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
straightforward process. Table 1. Time Card Template: Weekly entry by each individualTEAM NAME: Team Awesome: WEEK 1- Jan 9th-15th WEEKLY STATUS FOR: Your Name Here (JOHN DOE) Day Location(s) & Time Activities, Contributions Time (hours) Class Lecture (3-4); Team meeting- Lecture. Team Meeting: agreed to get drawing feedback from Mon Mon TOTAL 2.5 Library (4-5); At home (9-9:30pm) Mr Jones & look at CDR. At home incorporated CDR feedback Machine shop(2-230); Mr Jones drawing feedback. Fixed dimensions on page
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jia G. Liang, Kansas State University; Rick Evans, Cornell University; Stacey E. Kulesza, Kansas State University
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
I canfix it because it is my idea, no one else.” She further explained the excitement associated with“real challenges” and “real applications”: “Different from other project teams, we work ondifferent problems each year, so we can’t carry over from year to year. …. All these things arechallenges that NASA hasn’t figured out. What we do actually contributes to something.”Likewise, Annie found her ESPT experience directly shaped “how [she] view[s] environmentalengineering;” she commented, “Water problems are really not very simple and they don’t oftencome just with one problem and solution.”Furthermore, ESPTs offered community. Nickie very much respected the other students that sheworked with, “the people that I have been able to work with
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division Technical Session 7
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Irina Nicoleta Ciobanescu Husanu, Drexel University; M. Eric Carr, Drexel University
Tagged Divisions
stopping distance of 301 m within13.8 s. The best of 10 trials for the brake have shown a stopping distance of 212 m within 10.3 s. Thisshows approximately a 30% reduction in the stopping distance. The standard does not require the brake tohappen within any specified timeframe, but the time was collected to help understand how the brake isperforming along with the ability to calculate the acceleration of the brake for Figure 15. When braking,the deceleration is on average 19% greater than without braking [5]. 120 Velocity vs Distance 0.00
Conference Session
Military and Veterans Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey Chase Hood MA, Kansas State University; Stacey E. Kulesza P.E., Kansas State University; Jia G. Liang, Kansas State University; Eric J. Fitzsimmons, Kansas State University; Jeff Zacharakis, Kansas State University
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Tagged Divisions
Military and Veterans
also testing if different interventions are moreeffective for different cohorts (e.g., Veteran students, students in different majors, students withdifferent social responsibility perceptions).Finally more research is needed to identify and test interventions that increase student retentionin engineering, specifically among underrepresented populations such as Veteran students.AcknowledgementsFunding provided by the National Science Foundation (Award #1738145). Opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the NSF. The authors express their gratitude to all surveyparticipants and members of the advisory board for their role in this
Conference Session
It's All About the Student: Integration, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Self-Efficacy
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Aliye Karabulut Ilgu, Iowa State University; Suhan Yao, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
CSCL,” Interpers. Comput. Technol., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 56–77, 1995.[7] K. Alfrey and E. Cooney, “Developing a Rubric to Assess Critical Thinking in Assignments with an Open-Ended Component,” in 2009 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 2009.[8] T. Ceylan and L. W. Lee, “Critical thinking and engineering education,” 2003.[9] & R. Mattingly, Weatherton, Druzic, Frost, “Critical Thinking in the Curriculum : Making Better Decisions Critical Thinking in the Curriculum : Making Better Decisions,” 2010.[10] B. Arend, “Encouraging Critical Thinking in Online Threaded Discussions,” J. Educ. Online, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1–23, 2009.[11] J. C. C. Chan, K. F. Hew, and W. S
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Technical Session 9
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kamau Wright, University of Hartford; Ivana Milanovic, University of Hartford; C. Cy Yavuzturk, University of Hartford
Tagged Divisions
Mechanical Engineering
carefully selected problem(s)might be an effective way to demonstrate such enhancements. The main goal here is to establish assessment practices which impact the overall program,and the students. The second goal would then be identification of most positive or valuableexperiences, if any, during students’ Thermodynamics I and Thermodynamics II semesters.Looking at previous Thermodynamics I experiences, could help stimulate enhancement in futureThermodynamics I sections. Observing present Thermodynamics II activities, might lead toidentification of activities, if any, which can help improve any of students’ knowledge gaps andassociated performance, whether they love thermo-fluids, are typically great students, or are onthe opposite ends of
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell L. Springer PMP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathryne A. Newton, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
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Tagged Divisions
75%  Non-Hispanic Blacks participate in some college at a rate of 60%  Hispanics participate in some college at a rate of 60%When overlapping birthrates with the level of education of a child’s parents, the data suggestschildren whose parents have a degree at the bachelor’s level or more are more likely to attend somecollege than those children whose parents have not completed their H.S. education.  Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) have a bachelor’s degree or more is 87%.  Childs participation in some college, when parent(s) did not complete High School is 47%.Changes in Higher EducationIn reviewing the literature, it can readily be seen the demographics of the United States arechanging [8, 9, 10
Conference Session
New ECE laboratories
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tamer Omar, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Anas Salah Eddin, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Mohamed El-Hadedy P.E., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Hyoungsoo Kim, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
Design, Signal Processing, Image Processing, FPGA and ASIC implementations, Robotics, Big-data accelerators, Coherent Accelerators (Power8), and Genome Accelerators. He has two patent are pending and is writing another one. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.Prof. Hyoungsoo Kim, California State Polytechnic University Pomona Hyoungsoo Kim (S’04, M’11) received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Yonsei Uni- versity, Seoul, Korea in 2000. He received the M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA in 2004 and 2010 respectively. Dur- ing summer of 2008 and 2009, he has worked as a design intern in Lyric Semiconductor (now Analog
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Silveira, California State University, Chico
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Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
evaluated in terms of scattering parametersor S-parameters, with S21 giving the transmitted power wave and S11 giving the reflected powerwave both in terms of frequency.Setting up the filter design in Sonnet Lite involves defining power and ground planes, materials,transmission line geometries, and frequency sweep range. An example filter layout in SonnetLite is shown in Fig. 7 and example plots of simulated results for S11 and S21 are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7: Distributed-element filter layout in Sonnet Lite. Fig. 8: Distributed-element filter simulation results in Sonnet Lite.Autodesk EAGLE PCB LayoutAutodesk EAGLE is a free PCB design and layout package that is also capable of exportingGerber files used for PCB
Conference Session
Mechanics Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rania Al-Hammoud P.Eng., University of Waterloo; Chloe Gibson
Tagged Divisions
instructional anatomy videos: Student usage, self‐ efficacy, and performance in upper limb regional anatomy assessment,” American Association of Anatomists, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 461-470, December 2017. [Online]. Available doi: 10.1002/ase.1756.[5] V. Saxena, P. Natrarajan, P. O’Suillivan, and S. Jain, “Effect of the use of instructional anatomy videos on student performance,” Anatomical Sciences Education, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 159-165, July 2008. [Online]. Available doi: 10.1002/ase.38.[6] M.C. Box et al., “Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of three types of student- generated videos as instructional support in organic chemistry laboratories,” Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 164-170, January
Conference Session
College Industry Partnerships Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George Stefanek, Purdue University Northwest
Tagged Divisions
College Industry Partnerships
were unfamiliar to studentssuch as graphics packages would require careful planning and estimation of these tasks prior tobeginning a project. Additionally, early planning and careful estimation of high-risk tasksrequiring unfamiliar technologies may lead to a reduction in the scope of work for a project sothat it can be fully completed and debugged prior to delivery. Finally, many of the apps couldbenefit from more emphasis on UX and UI design to provide a better user experience.ReferencesBrown, Q., Lee, F., & Alejandre, S. (2009, April). Emphasizing soft skills and team development in an educational digital game design course. In Proceedings of the 4th international Conference on Foundations of Digital Games (pp. 240-247
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division Technical Session 4
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dave Kim, Washington State University, Vancouver; Charles Riley P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology; Ken Lulay P.E., University of Portland
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
greatly appreciate the support of NSF (DUE #1505066).7. Reference[1] N. S. Thompson and E. M. Alford, "Developing a Writing Program in Engineering: TeachingWriting to Teach Engineering Literacies," in 48th Annual Meeting of the Conference on CollegeComposition and Communication, Phoenix, AZ, 1997.[2] J. Parkinson, "The Student Laboratory Report Genre: A Genre Analysis," English for SpecificPurposes, vol. 45, pp. 1-13, 2017.[3] K. Walker, "Using Genre Theory to Teach Students Engineering Lab Report Writing: ACollaborative Approach," IEEE Transaction on Professional Communication, vol. 42, no. 1, pp.12-19, 1999.[4] D. N. Perskins and G. Salomon, "Transfer of Learning," International Encyclopedia ofEducation, vol. 2, pp. 6452-6457, 1992.[5] B
Conference Session
Research, Innovation and Careers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Klaus Bartels, San Antonio College; Dee Dixon
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Tagged Divisions
Two-Year College
:// pdf)[4]. M. Crowe and D. Brakke, "Assessing the Impact of Undergraduate-Research Experiences on Students: An Overview of Current Literature,” CUR Quarterly, 2008, 28(4) 43-50.[5]. S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock, J. McCulloug, "THE PIPELINE: Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences,” Science, 2007, 316 (5824), 548-549.[6]. G. Youssef, E. A. Ainsworth, C. A. Shapiro, H. W. Sayson, M. Levis-Fitzgerald, “Comprehensive Research Experience for Undergraduates,” Proceedings of the 2016 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2016.[7]. K. Patsavas and B. S. Caldwell, “Exploring the
Conference Session
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Harold R. Underwood, Messiah College
Tagged Divisions
Experimentation and Laboratory-Oriented Studies
-Based Electromagnetic Fields Course” in Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference, Penn State University - Berks Campus - Reading, PA, October, 2017.[4] M. Mitchell, D. Blandford and K. M. Chandler, “Student Projects for an Electromagnetics Course” in Proceedings of the 123rd Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June, 2016.[5] S. Wentworth, Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.[6] M. Iskander, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2/e. Longrove, IL: Waveland Press, 2013.[7] B. Notaros, Electromagnetics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011.[8] B. David, and J. Marshall, “Resolving Epistemological Tension in Project-Based Introductory
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Deciding on a Major
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J.w. Bruce, Tennessee Technological University; Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
: Perceptions of engineers and engineering work amongst domestic and internationalstudents,” Intl. J. First-Year in Higher Educ., vol. 6, no. 1, pp.89-105, March 2015[Bie2016] A.R. Bielefeldt and N.E. Canney, “Humanitarian Aspirations of Engineering Students:Differences between Disciplines and Institutions,” J. Humanitarian Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1,pp. 8-17, 2016[Bra2017] M.M. Bradley, & P.J. Lang, Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW): Instructionmanual and affective ratings. Technical Report C-3. Gainesville, FL: UF Center for the Study ofEmotion and Attention, 2017.[Cav2007] M. Cavalli, L. Stanlake, and S. Tolbert, “Investigation of Retention and Perceptionsamong Freshman Engineering Students”, Proc. 2007 ASEE Midwest Sectional Conference
Conference Session
ConstDiv Technical Session 2 - Safety
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhen Shuai, Ohio State University; Michael Parke, Ohio State University; Fabian Hadipriono Tan P.E., Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Construction Engineering
. Haslam, S.A. Hide, A.G.F. Gibb, D.E. Gyi, T. Pavitt, S. Atkinson, and A.R. Duff,“Contributing factors in construction accidents,” In: Applied Ergonomics, 2005, 36(4), pp. 401-415.[4] Y. Gao, V.A. González, and T.W. You, (2017). “Serious Games vs. Traditional tools inConstruction Safety Training: A Review,” In: LC3 2017: Volume I – Proceedings of the JointConference on Computing in Construction (JC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Greece, pp. 655-662.[5] D. Nikolic, S. Jaruhar, and J. Messner, “An Educational Simulation in Construction: TheVirtual Construction Simulator,” In: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 2009, pp.633-642.[6] A. Deshpande and S. Huang, “Simulation Games in Engineering Education: A State-of-the-Art Review,” In
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 11: Leadership and Collaborations in Engineering
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gemma Henderson, University of Miami; Meagan R. Kendall, University of Texas, El Paso; Ines Basalo, University of Miami; Alexandra Coso Strong, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Columbia University and the Cooper Union in New York City. She received her PhD from Columbia University in 2006, where her research focused on the mechanical and frictional properties of articular cartilage. Dr. Basalo ’s teaching experience includes Thermodynamics, Computer Graphics, Materials Science and laboratory courses. Since 2015 she has been actively involved in the University of Miami College of Engineering’s ”Redefining Engineering Education” strategic plan on educational innovation. As part of this plan, Dr. Basalo worked with 2 other faculty members to organize inaugural Senior Design Expo in May 2017, an exposition where over 200 senior students showcased their Capstone projects to the University of Miami
Conference Session
Faculty Development Round Table
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oksana Zhirosh, Innopolis University; Joseph Alexander Brown, Innopolis University; David Tickner, Faculty professional development consultant
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Tagged Divisions
Faculty Development Constituent Committee
participants who spent their time responding the surveyquestions.References[1] T. Stanko, O. Zhirosh, P. Grachev, “Innopolis University, a Center of a Newly-Developed IT Hub in Russia: TheResults of Four Years of Academic Operation”. In: Teaching and Learning in a Digital World. ICL 2017. Advancesin Intelligent Systems and Computing, Auer M., Guralnick D., Simonics I. (eds), vol 715. Springer, Cham[2] D. Kondratyev, A. Tormasov, T. Stanko, R. C. Jones and G. Taran, "Innopolis University-A new IT resource forRussia," 2013 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL), Kazan, 2013, pp. 841-848.doi: 10.1109/ICL.2013.6644718[3] S. Karaperyan, A. Dolgoborodov, S. Masyagin, M. Mazzara, A. Messina, E. Protsko. “Innopolis Going
Conference Session
A Technology Potpourri III
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Juliet E Kaiser, Purdue University Northwest; Omer Farook, Purdue University Northwest
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Technology
) {Gyro_Y = -Gyro_Y - 180;} Fig. 5 Gyroscopic Readingsg. Bluetooth Module (1) The Bluetooth (HC-05 Module) module connects to the microcontroller and receives data inputs from an Android Bluetooth app, "Arduino Bluetooth Control" by Broxcode.6 Each direction is simplified to a letter; 'G' for "Move forward" ("Go"), 'L' for "Turn Left," 'R' for "Turn Right," and 'S' for "Stop movement," which is sent to the microcontroller to be read by its serial monitor. From there the listing passes through 6loops within the code and, if no sensors detect an external "threat," the vehicle acts onthese signals and moves accordingly. Directly in the "Safety
Conference Session
ERM Technical Session 22: Perspectives and Evaluation of Engineering Design Education
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lori C. Bland, George Mason University; Margret Hjalmarson, George Mason University; Anastasia P. Samaras, George Mason University; Jill K. Nelson, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
scholar with signature work in self-study research methodology including co-editor of Polyvocal Professional Learn- ing through Self-Study Research (2015) and author of Self-Study Teacher Research (2011) and lead editor of Learning Communities In Practice (2008). She is recipient of the Dissertation Research Award, Uni- versity of Virginia, the Outstanding Scholar Award, University of Maryland, a Fulbright Scholar, and a Visiting Self-study Scholar. She served as chair of S-STEP from 2013-2015 and is a current Co-PI of two National Science Foundation (NSF) funded grants: Designing Teaching: Scaling up the SIMPLE Design Framework for Interactive Teaching Development and a research initiation grant: Student-directed
Conference Session
Curricular Advancements in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gina Martinez, Lewis University; Safwan Omari, Lewis University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
principles 3. Leveraging as automation and tools as much as possible 4. Amortization and distribution of workThe last three principles are quite straightforward and may be viewed as common sense,however, the first principle may diverge from current prescribed best practices. It has long beenadvocated that accreditation and assessment should be by-products of good practices andprocesses rather than the main objective for designing the program. However, in small tomedium liberal arts colleges, especially those with limited exposure to engineering programs andengineering accreditation, “getting started” is often the biggest hurdle. There is often no in-houseexpertise and likely, the engineering program(s) is(are) newly-established. In this case
Conference Session
Engineering Management Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Emily Kloos, University of Dayton; Sandra L. Furterer, University of Dayton
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management
Engineering.” Journal of STEM Education: Innovations and Research, 18(3), 13–19, 2017. Retrieved from e&db=eric&AN=EJ1156917&site=eds-live[7] JL Sliko, A. Morales, S. Agili, R.Asempapa, “Keeping women in stem majors: the penn state Harrisburg stem scholars program.” Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 2018;50(6):@Abstract no. 103-3. e&db=guh&AN=844143-50&site=eds-live. Accessed March 17, 2019.[8] S. Bhatia S, JP Amati, “If These Women Can Do It, I Can Do It, Too”: Building Women
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Macarena Zapata P.E., Universidad de Chile ; Sergio Celis, Universidad de Chile
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Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
global challenges of the 21 st Century. World Economic Forum: A Report of the Global Education Iniciative, (April), 184. Duval-Coetil, N., Reed-Rhoads, T., & Haghighi, S. (2011). The Engineering Entrepreneurship Survey : An Assessment Instrument to Examine Engineering Student Involvement in Entrepreneurship Education. The Journal of Engineering Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 35–56.8. Graham, R. (2012). Achieving excellence in engineering education: the ingredients of successful change. The Royal Academy of Engineering (Vol. 101). Recuperado a partir de Astin, A. W. . A. O. (1966). A Program of Longitudinal Research on the Higher
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Design in the First Year
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lorraine Francis, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; David John Orser, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Kia Bazargan, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Susan Mantell, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Joshua M. Feinberg, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Russell J. Holmes, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
 ​Proceedings,  IEEE  Frontiers  in  Education,  36th  Annual  Conference​,  San  Diego,  CA,  October  26  -31,  2006. Session S3G, pp. 1–6. [6]  G.  Heitmann,  “Project-oriented  study  and  project-organized  curricula:  A  brief  review  of  intentions  and  solutions,”  ​European  J.  of  Engineering  Education​,  vol.  21,  no.  2,  p.  121-131, 1996. [7]  H.  Qi  and  H.  Jack,  “A  scalable  course  project  to  accommodate  academic  variation,”  presented  at  the  2016  ASEE  Annual  Conference  &  Exposition,  New  Orleans,  LA,  June  26-29, 2016. Paper ID: 15437. [8]  K.  Meyers,  B.  P.  Conner,  and  A.  S.  Morgan,  “3-D  printing  in  a  first-year  engineering  design  project
Conference Session
Course Transformation in ECE
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chaomin Luo, Mississippi State University; Zhuming Bi P.E., Purdue University Fort Wayne; Wenbing Zhao, Cleveland State University
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
as learning rate, number of hidden neurons and number of epochs to see what it will happen. They record the results and discuss their observations. Students must plot the generated function and original function of exponential function. o Students should utilize some functions for function approximation to make the robot trajectory illustrated in Fig. 1 from S (2,2) to T (27,27) in blue circles. Student should clearly write their function mathematically in the milestone reports. Fig. 1 Illustration of a function approximation for a robot navigation case3. The Project Description and Consideration3.1 Function ApproximationIn general, a function approximation issue seeks to select a function among
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ramiro Jordan P.E., University of New Mexico; Indira Nair, Carnegie Mellon University; Kamil Agi, SensorComm Technologies Inc.; Donna M. Koechner, eNova Solutions, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
slowly into engineering education mostly through extracurricular activities sincethe 1980’s, especially in Europe with the different versions of “Ingénieurs SansFrontières” (ISF)-France, founded in the 1980s and chapters in Spain and Italy in the 1990’s. In2001, the US organization of Engineers without Borders (EWB) founded by Bernard Amadei ofthe University of Colorado and EWB-Canada initiated a spate of student engineering work byU.S. students in needy communities all across the globe [6].In the first Peace Engineering symposium at Bucknell University (2003), the late Aarne Vesilindbrought engineering educators together for a day-long event to ask: “Is the accumulation oftechnical skills enough for engineers to be effective in practicing Peace
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexa Rihana Abdallah, University of Detroit Mercy; Diane L. Peters, Kettering University; Gloria Guohua Ma, Wentworth Institute of Technology; Stephanie G. Wettstein, Montana State University; Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado, Denver; Karinna M. Vernaza, Gannon University; Christina Keenan Remucal, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Tagged Divisions
Women in Engineering
University Distinguished Faculty Award and 2013-2014 Gannon University Faculty Award for Excellence in Service-Learning. Dr. Vernaza does research in engineering education and high-strain deformation of materials. She is currently the PI of an NSF S-STEM.Dr. Christina Keenan Remucal, University of Wisconsin-Madison Associate Professor Christy Remucal (n´ee Christina Ren´ee Keenan) leads the Aquatic Chemistry group at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She is a faculty member in the Department of Civil & Environ- mental Engineering, the Environmental Chemistry & Technology Program, and the Limnology & Marine Science Program. She holds an MS (2004) and a PhD (2009) in Civil & Environmental Engineering from
Conference Session
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles J. Robinson, Clarkson University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Entrepreneurship & Engineering Innovation
these tablesare collected and sent to a Tomra commercial recycling unit where their labels are scanned andthe items crushed. The throughput of the Tomra is much slower than our counting tables. Sincethey have such variety, cans are either sent to a large table (~12’ X 12’) for hand sorting and bag-ging, or they are put through the Tomra machine. Using an Omega LC101 S-beam load cell anda Red Lion Strain Gage Conditioner (LD2SG5P0) that has a large 2.25” high 5-digit LEDdisplay, the students constructed a hanging scale with a calibrated 1 to 1000 gm range to weighfilled can bags. It was a good idea but we soon found that can weights varied widely from onebrand to another and even within a brand, so the scale idea was abandoned after a center
Conference Session
Professional Development for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Fogarty, California State University, Sacramento; Corinne Lardy, California State University, Sacramento
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
, conclusions, and recommendations expressed inthis paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the university.ReferencesAdams, A.E., Miller, B.G., Saul, M., and Pegg, J. (2014). “Supporting Elementary Pre-Service Teachers to Teach STEM Through Place-Based Teaching and Learning Experiences.” Electronic Journal of Science Education (Southwestern University), 18(5), 1-22.Banilower, E. R., Smith, P. S., Weiss, I. R., Malzahn, K. A., Campbell, K. M., & Weis, A. M. (2013). Report of the 2012 national survey of science and mathematics education. Chapel Hill, NC: Horizon Research, Inc.Bush, S. B. & Cook, K. L. (2016). “Constructing authentic and meaningful STEAM experiences through university