management expertise,” Decision Support Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 51–60, Oct. 1997, doi: 10.1016/S0167-9236(97)00017-1.[6] S. Gillard, “Soft Skills and Technical Expertise of Effective Project Managers,” Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, vol 6, pp. 723-729, 2009. doi: 10.28945/1092[7] E. Miskioglu and K. Martin, “Is it Rocket Science or Brain Science? Developing an Instrument to Measure ‘Engineering Intuition,’” in 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Tampa, Florida, Jun. 2019. doi: 10.18260/1-2--33027.[8] J. Saldaña, The coding manual for qualitative researchers. SAGE Publications Limited, 2021.[9 J. Walther, N. W. Sochacka, and N. N. Kellam, “Quality in Interpretive
assignments. The tool takes a log file witha simple format as described above, which is the default for zyBooks (and hence immediately usable for2,000+ courses), but any auto-grader, commercial or custom, can have their log files auto-converted tothat format for importing to our tool as well. Assignment: Find max of three values Spec: Given three input integer values, output the max value. If input is 5, 9, 3, output is 9. --------------- Student1's submission (S1): #include using namespace std; int main() { int x, y, z; cin >> x >> y >> z; if ((x > y) && (x > z)) cout << x; else if ((y > x) && (y > z)) cout << y; else cout
professional ethics is alsoseen in the study’s conclusions where the authors call for more opportunities to “directly relate professionalethics and the technical content which students are learning” [11, p. 487]. The ethics reportedly taught bythe faculty and administration in a second paper in this project also seems to focus on professional codesof ethics and other microethical topics [6]. The Holsapple et al. [6] paper, however, does acknowledge thatengineering’s broader human impact (i.e. macroethics) needs to be a part of engineering education, whichis also seen in the desires of the students in Holsapple et al.’s [6] interviews. In the words of one of theirinterviewees, “I think it would be better for them to emphasize ethics in terms of your
enterprise) networkingapplications and don’t address the very topic that IoT applications are being used for – that ofoperational technology or OT. For those readers who are unfamiliar with this term the followingdefinition is fairly representative: operational technology or OT is a category of computing andcommunication systems to manage, monitor and control industrial operations with a focus on thephysical devices and processes that they use [9]. OT is another catch-all term for indicating theuse case(s) that the IoT application is addressing or acquiring data about.The Cisco networking curriculum does address Wi-Fi but it is dated and not very technical (recallthe skill set of the cable technician installing a cable modem mentioned previously
relationship between P and T relative to saturation conditions to determine the associated thermodynamic region.3. Students determined the boiling temperature of water in Denver, Colorado where the ambient pressure is 85 kPa.4. Students quantitatively explored the dependence of the specific internal energy (u), specific enthalpy (h), and specific entropy on temperature and pressure in the superheated vapor region. Graphs were generated showing the dependence of u, h, and s on temperature or on pressure. (an example of the student generated graphs is shown in figure 3 below)5. By varying pressure at constant temperature students observed an isothermal route from the superheated, through the liquid-vapor region to the subcooled liquid
in which students evaluated the efficacy of UI design(s) byapplying commonly reference usability heuristics and redesigning the UI(s) for optimal usability.Performing well in the report assignment, students found it and the module useful in expandingtheir critical thinking skills, building their roles as researchers and designers, preparing them forinternships and jobs, and creating portfolio artifacts. In completing this report, students gainedlifelong skills in understanding design and its impact on the user, society, and the economy.References[1] “User Interface Design Basics.” [Online]. Available: why/user-interface-design.html. [Accessed Mar. 5, 2021].[2] D. Saffer, Microinteractions: Designing
work at a college student conference.5. References[1] C. Herreid, "Case Studies in Science: A Novel Method of Science Education.," Journal of Research in Science Teaching, pp. 221-229, 1994.[2] V. Lee, "What is inquiry-guided learning?," New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2012.[3] J. L. David, "What Research Says About Project-Based Learning," Educational Leadership, pp. 80-82, 2008.[4] R. D. De Veaux, M. Agarwal, M. Averett, B. S. Baumer, A. Bray, T. C. Bressoud, L. Bryant, L. Z. Cheng, A. Francis, R. Gould, A. Y. Kim, M. Kretchmar, Q. Lu, A. Moskol, D. Nolan, R. Pelayo, S. Raleigh , R. Sethi, M. Sondjaja, N. Tiruviluamala, P. X. Uhlig, T. M. Washington, C. L. Wesley, D. White and P. Ye, "Curriculum Guidelines for
change--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 01 A 15 5 2 8 20 17 -3S 02 A 12 6 5 7 18 17 -1S 03 B 12 5 7 6 17 19 2S 04 B 13 7 6 4 20 19 -1S 05 C 18 5 3 4 23 21 -2S 06 C 13 5 6 6 18
differences (and similarities) across pathways. Futurelongitudinal analysis will also consider how the participants’ beliefs and identities may havechanged over time. Finally, as a preliminary finding of this work is that smartness can functionas an identity, we also are developing a conceptual model for how to integrate smartness intoengineering identity work based on our data and extant identity literature.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1920421. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] National Science Board
the views ofthe NSF.References[1] P. S. Steif and A. Dollár, "Reinventing the Teaching of Statics," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 723-729, 2005.[2] A. Dollár and P. S. Steif, "Learning modules for statics," International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 22, pp. 381-392, 2006.[3] D. J. Pickel, G. W. Brodland and R. Al-Hammoud, "Hands-On Beam Models and Matching Spreadsheets Enhance Perceptual Learning of Beam Bending," in 123rd Annual ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, 2016.[4] R. Welch and J. L. Klosky, "An Online Database and User Community for Physical Models in the Engineering Classroom," in Proceedings of the 2006 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
machine—can effectively carry out”[6], [27]. As data and evidence “hold a primary position in deciding any issue” [28, p. 27] inscience as well as in mathematics, the practices of CT are at the heart of how scientists andmathematicians deal with and use data.Weintrop et al.’s [29] model for CT in mathematics and science includes four sets of practices:Data practices, modeling and simulation practices, computational problem-solving practices, andsystems thinking practices. Table 1summarizes tasks in each area. We find CT in mathematicalvariables, compositional reasoning, pattern matching, and procedural thinking [6]. Data-informed models, conclusions, and predictions are foundational for science. Bridging throughCT, mathematics, and science
Pedagogy,vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 86–106.[4] Coffman-Wolph, S., & Gray, K. (2020, June), Work in Progress: Student-generated Materialfor Artificial Intelligence Course Paper presented at 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual ConferenceContent Access, Virtual Online. 10.18260/1-2—35685[5] Miller, H. (2007). Designing effective writing assignments. Teaching with writing.University of Minnesota Center for Writing. Retrieved Mar. 8, 2021, from[6] Coffman-Wolph, S., “Online/Hybrid/Flipped EM Learning in a Programming 1 Course andBeyond (2021 KNC Session).” Engineering Unleashed,
development and adoption of design strategies that measure learning and teaching efficacies across his service in various institutions of higher education. A geophysicist by academic training, he began to design multimedia applications for teaching and learning in the late 1990’s, developing his first online course in 1996. Since then, he has helped a few hundred faculty from varied disciplines develop hybrid and online courses. He has also taught traditional, hybrid and online courses ranging in size from 28 to 250. He is also co-developer of a Digital Academy which was a finalist for the Innovation Award by the Professional and Organizational Development Network and an Innovation Award winner. He was recently named as
Summer 2020 semester, this limited research has been very useful in understanding theneeds of the students. Due to his engagement in such a flipped classroom model research, theauthor at his current institution lead the effort to transition his department faculty to an onlinemedium of instruction. For his efforts, the author received high accolade from his departmenthead and colleagues. References1. Maxwell, J. C. (2007), The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and People will Follow You, 10th Anniversary Edition, Thomas Nelson, Nashville, TN.2. Maxwell, J. C. (2011), The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential, 1st Edition, Center Street New York, NY.3. Asundi, S
Colonel Aaron Hill is an Assistant Professor and Design Group Director in the Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from West Point, a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management from Missouri S&T, a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. Aaron has served in the military for 24 years as an Engineer Officer with assignments around the world to include Afghanistan, Egypt, and Bosnia- Herzegovina. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Virginia and a Project Management Professional. Aaron’s primary
continuous learning platforms in place.Even though our industry advisors gave us mixed feedback on the proposal, we still felt stronglyabout the potential of offering digital badges to our students on topics outside the normalcurriculum. An additional motivating factor was the depth of our connections with true thoughtleaders with relevant expertise. We were confident that we would be able to attract very strongand engaging presenters. Luckily this turned out to be the case.We recognized that our badge topics must address 21st century skills such as those identified bythe ASME 2030 vision including the need to “[s]trengthen teamwork, communication, problemsolving, interpersonal, and leadership skills” [10]. We additionally were aware of topic areas
diversity among those ideas. During prototyping, the ideas andexplorations are taken out of heads and into the physical world – the more artistic theprototypes are, the more feedback (both negative and positive is collected) on these, thebetter. The sixth stage is testing but is not usually the last one since testing is an iterativeprocess that initiates the creation of the next version of the prototype, representing anopportunity to refine solutions and learn more about users (Branson S., 2020).Next-Gen Design thinking (or Future Design thinking (Taratukhin, 2020)) as a furtherdevelopment of Design thinking (aka Stanford Design Method), based on a significantnew understanding of Ideation and Prototyping stages, novel approach of usestoryboards
.[3] May, Vicki (2014). “Broadening the Path to Engineering,” Huffington Post. engineering_b_4941739.html. March 2014.[4] Mamaril, Natasha A., Usher, Ellen L., Li, Caihong R., Economy, D. Ross, and Kennedy, Marian, S. (2016). “Measuring Undergraduate Students’ Engineering Self-Efficacy: A Validation Study.’ Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 105, No. 2, pp. 366-395.[5] Hsieh, P., Sullivan, J. R., Sass, D. A., & Guerra, N. S. (2012). Undergraduate engineering students’ beliefs, coping strategies, and academic performance: An evaluation of theoretical models. Journal of Experimental Education, 80, 196–218.
andmodel behaviors that promote a successful college career. Connecting Mentor Partners forAcademic Success in STEM (CoMPASS) is an NSF S-STEM scholarship program developed tocreate a pathway to guide first generation students from the X Public School District to developtheir social capital through intentional mentoring throughout their first year experience at XUniversity and beyond. The multilayered mentoring approach introduced distinctive campusmentors embedded within scheduled programming to align with the student’s first yearexperience. The CoMPASS program began with virtual sessions in spring 2020 as students’ firstinteraction with the campus support network after CoMPASS scholars were accepted into theinstitution, but before they
] J. Sweller, “Cognitive load theory.,” in The psychology of learning and motivation: Cognition in education, Vol. 55, San Diego, CA, US: Elsevier Academic Press, 2011, pp. 37–76.[6] F. Paas, J. E. Tuovinen, H. Tabbers, and P. W. M. Van Gerven, “Cognitive Load Measurement as a Means to Advance Cognitive Load Theory,” Educ. Psychol., vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 63–71, Mar. 2003.[7] J. Leppink, F. Paas, C. P. M. Van der Vleuten, T. Van Gog, and J. J. G. Van Merriënboer, “Development of an instrument for measuring different types of cognitive load,” Behav. Res. Methods, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1058–1072, 2013.[8] S.-S. Abdul-Rahman and B. du Boulay, “Learning programming via worked-examples: Relation of
Circuits II courses as well as classes. classes. homework. Circuits II.What device(s) did you use primarily in your Circuits II courses? (For those who received a tablet)(n=10) 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 0% I only used the XP- I used the XP-Pen I used the XP-Pen I used another I only used I used three or
as the ranks ofcybercriminals have been expanded from common criminals to dangerous terrorists, includingeven foreign government agencies.News of foreign government attempts to influence the last national election by feedingWikiLeaks with information it obtained from hacked U S political institutions’ computer systemsis another example of the threats cyber criminals pose on our society. Cybercriminals are gettingmore and more sophisticated in their hacking skills. Every effort to improve Cybersecurity hasbeen challenged by modern hacking techniques. A recent report by Morgan [2] on Cybersecuritylabor market shows a projected shortage of manpower for Cybersecurity workforce. Therefore,there is an urgent demand for a continuous production of
Paper ID #33651Design Across The Curriculum: An Evaluation Of Design Instruction in aNew Mechanical Engineering Program.Dr. Sean Stephen Tolman, Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley Uni- versity in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning to BYU to pursue doctoral studies complet- ing a PhD in 2014. He spent 8 years working in the automotive safety industry specializing in forensic accident reconstruction before becoming a professor. He teaches
design approachsection.5. Design Approach Design 1: Keeping the worker in mind, students designed the top part of the machine guard to be closer to the grinding wheel on both sides. Therefore, the worker(s) could still use the wheel in the same manner, achieve the same quality of finish, and still polish wrenches in the same amount of time. Another feature they added to their design was a bottom plate so that the bottom of the grinding belt could not be accessed during operation. The plate includes a series of square holes and a piece of wire mesh so the dust could still settle at the bottom of the grinder and no objects could enter (figure 2a). The shaft and the nut that is on the side of the grinding wheel are both now guarded
has been incorporated intodecisions about future faculty development offerings, including the format of each workshop. Thisfeedback has driven new innovation, including the fellow awards program that launched in 2020. The2021 workshops new offerings have been developed based on empathy for faculty participants. Thetesting process continues to guide our process and evolve the workshops. The design systems modelreported here promises to revitalize (or reshape) faculty development offerings, ultimately transformingstudent experiences in and outside of the classroom.References[1] L. Bosman and S. Fernhaber, Teaching the entrepreneurial mindset to engineers. Springer International Publishing, 2017.[2] Stanford, “Stanford d.School
. For the initial cohort, the programdevelopers expected that the process would be primarily related to the number of applications.After our research results showed Cohort 1’s success was more dependent on personalconnections with a company, networking with companies was given a strong focus throughout2020. Networking was a stronger focus in the training for Cohort 2 students and they had greateropportunities to connect with companies through Bell Program sponsored career fairs. Part ofthis research will look to identify if the program changes made from the first research resulted intangible improvements for Cohort 2 co-op placement.III. Research StudyResearch QuestionThe research question focuses on the second cohort of students for the
1 shows asample of an interdisciplinary team composition. Student teams were asked to write a reportwhich consisted of the outline structure shown in Table 2. Table 1: Sample interdisciplinary student team for case study development. Student Team by Discipline Student´s Program of Study Environmental Design Environmental Design Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Surveying Electrical Engineering Table 2: Case study outline. Case Study Outline Title Description Actors involved Location
funding will aid inthe development of broader institutional change. A major development being undertaken in theproject’s fifth year will be the development of greater connections between our institution andother similar RED grant institutions. The collaboration with other RED institutes will allow theRevED team to have deeper connections with colleagues who wish to change their institutionsand enable broader research in diversity and inclusion.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underIUSE/PFE:RED Grant No. 1623053. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science