and what aligns most closelywith our conceptual definition. Our continuing work will reflect the revised definition. Weanticipate completing revisions to our definition soon and plan to publish our revised definitionand operationalization strategy at the Frontiers in Education Conference in Fall 2021.Using our definition of overpersistence, the historical sample (with known outcomes) isidentified and relevant data markers attached to each student in the sample using R [2]. Afterbeing compiled, the data is moved from R to SPSS [3] for analysis. We are using Chi-SquaredAutomatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) [4] to identify the indicators of overpersistence.CHAID requires large sample sizes and uses both F and chi-squared tests to create a
the choice between active and passive voice); judgments of the holisticeffectiveness of papers; and student comments in surveys, reflection papers, and interviews.3) The materials use a functional approach to language. That is, they emphasize to students (andfaculty) that words, grammar and organization have an impact on meaning. Effective writing isconnected to the accuracy and precision that are hallmarks of engineering, and writing choicesare connected to their impact on reader comprehension. The approach thus connects writing withthe practice of engineering, rather than describing writing in terms of stylistic choices andconventions that sound arbitrary to students.4) The materials use a direct, analytical approach for teaching writing
conceptual understanding of design).Making Thinking Explicit through Concept MapsModels of design are prevalent in textbooks and literature [4]. Once in action though, designpractitioners often synthesize and adapt their own experiences and learning into a mental modelof their design process. Engineering students demonstrate their design prowess and designlearning through either the creation of an artifact, or the documenting and reflection on theirengineering design process, or some combination of these. As design educators search for ameans to understand and evaluate what design learning may more faithfully look like, the notionof a spectrum of varying types and representations of individual students’ design processunderstandings has arisen
reflect thecurrent state of the profession’s identity. BOKs are dynamic, and must be systematically distilledand monitored as collection of activities and outcomes representing a profession’s most currentvalues, constructs, models, principles and instantiations. This monitoring entails continuousdiscovery and validation work by members of the profession with a goal of self-reflection andreproduction of the profession [6]. BOKs, then, are competency taxonomies that are specific butinclusive; updated and refined, i.e., “curated,” as profession changes; and guide, but not dictate,professional education, professional learning, and assessment. Professionals are not meant tomaster the breadth of the competencies in a BOK, but focus on the depth of
categories of change:dissemination, reflective, policy and shared vision [12]. The implementation of Scrum intodepartmental operations, encourages engineering department to engage in each of these changestrategies (Table 1) Table 1. Elements of Scrum associated with change strategies (adapted from Henderson, Beach, & Finkelstein, [11]) I. Dissemination Tactic: II. Reflective Tactic: • Scrum training • Daily Scrum • Instructional training • Sprint planning • Internal dissemination of knowledge • Sprint review • Scrum artifacts data share • Sprint retrospective III. Policy Tactic: IV. Shared Vision
improving students’ ability to recognize and resolve those types of ethical dilemmas that arise in the engineering workplace.In using MEAs as a learning tool - we have focused on two additional activities:• Assessing the effectiveness of MEAs in various dimensions including improving conceptual learning and problem solving: We have developed a series of assessment instruments to bet- ter understand and measure the educational benefits of using MEAs. Specifically, we are tri- angulating across three assessment instruments, which we created for this project: (1) pre- and post- concept inventories (or knowledge tests) to assess gain in conceptual understand- ing, (2) an online reflection tool to assess process, and (3) a grading
engineering students taking gateway or introduction toengineering classes. In this in-situ interdisciplinary intervention method, so far, we have engagedone of two cohorts of university freshman engineering students (16 students/cohort): one withActive Learning (AL) (with a culture of inclusion through video-based activity/interaction) andthe other with AL and creative video projects (CVP) activities in a 2-semester enrichment program.Our intervention investigated a new 100% (AL) method that combines video-based interactionamong student-faculty and group CVP (for ex., self-reflective biography of scientists) to inspire,motivate, and improve the retention rate within TAMIU’s engineering program, promoting aculture of inclusion. The CVP was created
projects and the definition ofanalogy intervention points for self-transformation.2023 Spring Pilot ImplementationDuring the 2023 Spring semester, two sections UNIV 1301 and MECE 1101 were selected toparticipate in the pilot study, in which a total of 8 instructors were involved. In the firstimplementation, each instructor followed the subsequent project guidelines: 1) MECE 1101sections used Arduino controllers for projects, 2) MANE 1101 section utilized a catapult kit and3D printing, 3) CIVE 1101 section used a paper tower project, and 4) UNIV 1301 sections usedjournaling, reflection, and guest talks. In this initial implementation, the faculty learned valuablelessons to improve their implementation. This effort to implement dual projects in UNIV
to the scripts of Whitenesswithin engineering environments. The CAE approach adopts a collaborative stance towardcritical self-reflection and can manifest in diverse forms, such as gathering personal memory data(e.g., through journaling), conducting mutual interviews, fostering deliberate dialogue, orobserving one another (e.g., in educational settings). It's important to note that CAE doesn'tunfold in a linear fashion; rather, it necessitates an ongoing dialogue involving conversations,negotiations, or even disagreements among team members over an extended period, spanningmonths if not years. Leveraging our distinct positionalities and years of collective experience,our discussions were fruitful, allowing us to scrutinize how Whiteness
their students to consider advanced manufacturing careers.This work-in-progress paper provides an overview of the establishment of the RET framework and theexperience of the first cohort within the program. Specifically, it outlines the activities within the firstcohort’s experience, the evaluation framework and initial results related to teachers’ self confidence indiscussing manufacturing changed during the program, changes that will be implemented between the firstand second cohort, and reflections of the RET leadership team on the benefits and challenges facilitating aresearch program for teachers versus undergraduates on a research campus.OverviewBetween 2023- 2025, this RET site will host will 30 high school teachers in three
another to promote development of their own deep conceptual of content and aframework for understanding, recalling, and using that knowledge. One tool for this is clickerquestions, for which 104 multiple-choice questions were created that cover the nine coursetopics. Another tool to promote conceptual development is a set of Homework Preview ProblemConcept Map Quizzes where students must fill in blanks on diagrams of conceptual connectionsof materials structure and properties. Also, to engage students in content from mini-lectures,engagement activities were created for every class. Finally, the third principle is for instructors tofoster student metacognition. This was done with an end-of-class Reflection Points question setthat requests students
the makerspace lab environment available, it is possible to readily integrateexperiential learning. This can occur as an informal practice or as a project-based assignmentwithin a course. The reflection portion of the experiential learning cycle as proposed by Kolb [9]enables the student to transform experience into learning. Thus, begins a reflection on our actionsand experiences as a department.Continuous Improvement MindsetAs a department managed by engineers, it is not surprising that each semester is approached witha continuous improvement mindset. Taking the time to reflect on the successes and challenges ofprevious efforts. The management of the S-STEM awards broadens those reflections beyond thecurriculum content and places more
, consequential learning.” Inthis paper, we encapsulate our work in this last year (no cost extension) of the grant through thelens of our 17 published or in preparation journal articles.Our research in equity and inclusivity has had three foci: student climate, conceptualization ofoppression and privilege, and organizational change. This research has addressed themes of peerrelations, the relation between epistemology and climate, assessment metrics for understandingsystems of power, reflection on problematic norms that frame engineering culture, anduncontested informal practices that produce gendered and racialized inequities across theinstitution. Our research in meaningful, consequential learning has focused on activities andassessments that align
yetimplemented at another university have been developed.In an effort to broaden the impact of this project a summer workshop was held with a select groupof invited universities. Results from that summer workshop indicate a range of approaches fornew engineering pathways for pre-service teacher preparation will be required to reflect theparticular culture of the universities. Potential approaches identified include:• The use of a minor in STEM education to complement an existing engineering degree, this reflects additions to existing undergraduate engineering degrees• Post-Baccalaureate degree programs –this minimizes impact to undergraduate engineering degrees• Working with educational technology programs –they tend to have greater flexibility
observation is impractical. Extensivework shows that student self-reports alone can be unreliable. Students may under- or over-report Commen ted [1]: do you have any citations for self-their degree of misunderstanding based on any number of external factors, or they may legitimately reports?not know the degree of their misunderstandings relative to certain topics. Instead of relying onlyon student self-observations, this study uses a triangulated approach incorporating instructors,teaching assistants, and students each completing a weekly reflection. T he reflection asks aboutthe difficulties or misunderstandings experienced in the classroom during the past week. Theprotocol consists of five items that are tailored to the instructor, T A
comprises a series of design decisions that are madeover multiple semesters.Significant research about faculty development of interactive teaching practices has beenconducted 2–5. Earlier work by McKenna, Yalvac, and Light examined how to createcollaborative partnerships between engineering faculty and learning scientists toencourage collaborative, reflective, and improved teaching. They state, “An extension ofthis work would be to examine the trajectory of change in teaching approaches, that is, toinvestigate the process of change.” (p. 25) 4 We expect learning and change to happenthrough faculty development, and we propose a framework for scaffolding that process ofchange much like engineering education research has proposed constructing
, constructing one’s sense of self throughconstant development and self-reflection [5]. It includes the traits and characteristics, socialrelations, roles, and social group memberships that define who a person is within a particularsetting. Engineering identity, especially for students, reflects their acceptance of and recognitionas part of the engineering field, influencing their decision to enter and persist in the field [6].When students possess a strong engineering identity, they tend to perceive themselves as futureengineers, fostering their commitment to their pursuit of an engineering career [7]. This identitycontinues to impact their learning, serving as a guiding force throughout their studies [8]. Morelock synthesized the disperse
data sets anddevelop equity-focused projects. This approach is designed to simultaneously teach computingtechnical skills while integrating social, economic, and political dimensions into engineeringwork. The course redesign includes three main components: 1. Small group and whole-class discussions led by the instructor and supported by Equity Learning Assistants (ELAs), who are trained in equity pedagogy. These activities, typically once a week during a lab session, aim to make students aware of the societal implications of their engineering decisions and encourage them to critically evaluate data and technology within broader sociopolitical contexts. Each lab is followed by a reading and reflection assignment to
thinking and reasoning. To be effective problem-solvers, students mustunderstand the relationship between the MKT, SRC and SRM throughout the problem-solving activities.Four research questions will guide the research: (1) How do students perceive their self-regulation ofcognition (SRC) and motivation (SRM) skills for generic problem-solving activities in EM courses; (2) Howdoes students’ metacognitive knowledge about problem-solving tasks (MKT) inform their Taskinterpretation?; (3) How do students’ SRC and SRM dynamically evolve?; and (4) How do students’ SRCand SRM reflect their perceptions of self-regulation of cognition and motivation for generic EM problem-solving activities?A sequential mixed-methods research design involving quantitative and
. • Developed Separate evaluation instrument for each focus area. • Conducted several evaluations site visits.Faculty involved: Seven (7)ResultsIn this project, faculty peer observation was conducted in two groups, with one group focusing onthe flipped classroom model and the other on lecture-based teaching method. Both groups startedby developing a peer observation instrument that was specific to their teaching modality. The maincontent for these two instruments is shown below in table 1. This instrument was used to gatherfeedback from peers on various aspects of teaching, including course design, classroommanagement, and student engagement. The results of the evaluation showed that the peerobservation process encouraged instructors to reflect on
programming constructs, (2) facilitatingcollaborative learning, and (3) implementing pedagogical strategies for differentiation. Thesethree practices are not novel; in fact, they are supported by extensive research in computingeducation and cognitive science [7, 8, 9, 10]. We provide reflections on strategies to adapt thesepractices to support instructors in resource-constrained settings in enabling computing for all.MethodologyThe approach discussed in the paper is exploratory and incremental. The first author, who alsoteaches an introductory programming course, observed that towards the end of the semester, manystudents who completed his introductory programming course voiced uncertainty regardingvarious concepts covered in the class. The
equipping faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to create such opportunities. This work is integrated with Dr. Zastavker’s efforts to understand the ways in which such environments may be sup- ported by critically reflective practices and how these environments serve to induct engineering students into educational careers. One of the founding faculty at Olin College, Dr. Zastavker has been engaged in development and imple- mentation of project-based experiences in fields ranging from science to engineering and design to social sciences. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Lessons Learned doing Secondary Data Analysis in Engineering
other training materials were included in an experimental design: Video‐based modeling. We expect that these video‐based materials are more engaging, because they demonstrate teamwork behaviors using scenes from popular movies. Nevertheless, "engaging" does not necessarily mean "more effective." The use of these videos is acceptable under "fair use" copyright guidelines as long as these videos are shown live in class and cannot be downloaded by students. In‐class teamwork reflection. This is an exercise to serve as a default comparison case the frame‐of‐reference and video‐based training. It presents some brief scenarios that can occur in teams for teams to discuss how to manage those
Director of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia. Dr. Sochacka’s research interests span interpretive research methods, STEAM (STEM + Art) education, empathy, diversity, and reflection. She holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Epistemologies and a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering from the University of Queensland.Dr. Joachim Walther, University of Georgia Dr. Joachim Walther is an Associate Professor of engineering education research at the University of Georgia and the Founding Director of the Engineering Education Transformations Institute (EETI) in the College of Engineering. The Engineering Education Transformations Institute at UGA is an
theme that emerged involved the impact of training on presentation and communicationtechniques. This theme included reflections on how the participants changed their presentation orhow they communicated with the public. Some examples of this theme included participantstalking about how they planned their presentation or how their presentations andcommunications were received by the public. “I was thinking about a slide presentation. But after Monday’s training I realized that’s probably not a good idea.” – Alena “I definitely was trying to think about how to engage in a way that makes people think about their personal lives, and examples, and pull in some of those pieces.” – Kacey “So I decided to put up 4 pictures
(referred to as “interventions” in the research questions). Thus, ourpreliminary findings are related to the first part of research questions one and four and researchquestion two. We will focus on three qualitative measures: teacher pre-academic year interviews,observations of classroom activities, and student reflections of the classroom activities.Preliminary Findings. Because our research is in early stages, our analysis and findings to datehave focused on helping us revise, adapt and improve our classroom activities and relationshipswithin our developing partnership. We are analyzing data by summarizing notes and throughformal coding process. Overall we are taking an approach consistent with Miles and Huberman(1994) [18].Teacher Interviews
reflect onperformance early in the course would improve student outcomes. In particular, we examinedcounterfactual thoughts, thoughts about “what might have been.” These thoughts contribute tocausal reasoning and play an important role in making plans for the future. Additionally, weexamined behavioral intentions, specific plans for future actions in the course, which researchhas also shown improves student outcomes.After the first exam in a large-enrollment class taken by first-year engineering majors, 290students were randomly assigned to either generate counterfactuals about what they personallycould have done differently that would have resulting in doing better on the exam (vs. describetheir actual performance) and to either generate
the key mathematical thinking skills. It is the ability to create mathematicalrepresentations of the problem at hand. In fact mathematical modeling tasks are often thought tobe the best mechanisms by which students can develop confidence with solving ill-structuredproblems[2]. This research will contribute to the body of knowledge around how students usemathematical thinking to solve engineering problems. After independently completing a 3 hourdesign task students were invited to reflect on their beliefs, attitudes and perception ofmathematical and design thinking through a semi-structured interview. In this paper, our intentis to explore their responses and understand how students perceive their abilities and the enablingand hindering
are the teachers’ and their students’ perspectives on the efficacy of the Research–Practice Partnership (RPPs) professional development model for computer scienceeducation in Indigenous-serving schools?1.2 Literature reviewResearch–practice partnerships or RPPs offer a useful strategy for education and closing the gapbetween research and practice (Datnow et al., 2023). Research partnership is a non-traditionalapproach to help joint reflection and reciprocal learning between professionals (Eisen, 2001).Partnership with teachers for professional development has been found beneficial as it can allowcollaborative work in the classroom to be relevant to practice (Jung & Brady, 2016). This couldbe particularly useful for teaching in rural areas
Award for Employee Recognition, and induction into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, placing her among the top 10% of Purdue Graduate students. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to technological innovation in XR control systems. Her professional aspirations include applying for an Assistant Professor position upon completing her Ph.D. This career trajectory aligns with her desire to leverage her accumulated experience and knowledge to mentor and guide emerging talents. A central component of her vision is inspiring and supporting aspiring scholars in pursuing academic and professional excellence, facilitating impactful change within our field.Dr. Farid Breidi