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% preferred to use both an onlineresource and calculator. Page 26.1614.9The majority of the responses for the choice(s) of technology was due to (1) ease of access; (2)simple usage; (3) not knowing other technologies. The interview responses regarding to thegraphing problem indicated the following outcomes for the majority of the participants:• Lack of ability to use the programming languages they learned (such as C, C++, Java, Excel) during their high school years for solving a graphing problem in mathematics;• Those who learned how to use a calculator in high school continued using it during their
arealways more viscous. Students also compare their results to the ASTM D6751 biodiesel viscosityspecification data. Figure 3 shows a typical experimental graph of dynamic viscosity versustemperature showing that the relationship between viscosity and temperature is not linear, but thetrend is comparable for all three fluids. Equipment for this lab is listed in Table 4, and shown inFigure 4. Viscosity vs Temp 5 Dynamic Viscosity, kg/m-s x .001 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5
, or in a subset of domains in the database.4.1 Polysemy Tool OverviewThe polysemy tool interface looks a lot like the clustering survey application used previously: itshows a term and its concepts in semantic clusters that can be changed via a threshold slider. Inaddition, the polysemy tool adds utilization of all terms and concepts in the database, and alsoprovides the ability to filter results by domain(s). The figure below shows the new tool divisionon the Termediator web app and the view of a single term in the polysemy tool. Figure 5. Polysemy web tool interface.The polysemy tool allows you to search for a single term, or automatically generate the mostdissonant terms in a set of domains.Findings from the