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Displaying results 1561 - 1590 of 22815 in total
Conference Session
Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Engineering: CE2016 Update
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Alan Durant, Milwaukee School of Engineering; John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University; Susan E. Conry, Clarkson University; Robert B. Reese, Mississippi State University; Herman Lam, University of Florida; Victor P. Nelson, Auburn University; Joseph L.A. Hughes, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Electrical and Computer
“CurriculumGuidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Computer Engineering,” also known asCE2004. The presenters are members of the steering committee leading production of the new“CE2016” document and represent the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS). Theywill summarize the new and refactored areas, discuss the additional focus on learning outcomes,and engage participants on ways of improving the report so that it reflects the state-of-the-art ofcomputer engineering education and practice that is relevant for the coming decade.GoalsThe goals of this session are to present the work of the CE2016 steering committee, to solicitsuggestions for improvement through audience participation, and to share results with theprofessional community.Session
Conference Session
Innovative Approaches to Ethics Instruction
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George D. Catalano, Binghamton University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
, successfully accomplish and reflect upon an activityreferred to as a compassion practicum. The compassion practicum sought to begin thedevelopment of a critical consciousness in students. Students’ projects fall into two categories:(1) a service learning type project which must in some way improve the quality of life of othersand involves a minimum of 15 hours of actual service; and (2) a guided, extensive visit of ananimal rescue society farm in which students confront animals typically used in biomedicalresearch projects and reflect on the entire experience.IntroductionBiomedical engineering is the application of engineering principles and techniques to medicine.It combines expertise in engineering with expertise in medicine and human biology to
Conference Session
Latest Trends and Implementations in Manufacturing Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael G. Mauk, Drexel University; Richard Chiou, Drexel University; Chetana R. Bayas
Tagged Divisions
different engineering and technology courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. His tremendous re- search experience in manufacturing includes environmentally conscious manufacturing, Internet based robotics, and Web based quality. In the past years, he has been involved in sustainable manufacturing for maximizing energy and material recovery while minimizing environmental impact.Ms. Chetana R. Bayas c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Machine Vision for Solar Cell InspectionIntroductionThe characteristics of surfaces are important because surface geometry (e.g.,smoothness vs roughness) and surface composition determine optical properties(e.g., reflection, absorption
Conference Session
Design and Implementation of Graduate Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mansfield, Arizona State University; Terry L. Alford, Arizona State University; N. David Theodore, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Misconception Clarification in Online Graduate CoursesAbstract“Muddy Points” (MP) is a commonly used instructional reflection tool used to collect feedbackabout student learning issues and points of confusion. This feedback can be leveraged to enhancestudent learning and further optimize an instructor’s course delivery. If used appropriately, thismethod can help students monitor their construction of knowledge and contribute to their self-regulation of learning. This then leads to deeper conceptual learning and improved achievementof their learning goals.In a face-to-face classroom setting, Muddy Points are typically collected at the end of a classsession. Feedback or response
Conference Session
Thinking Outside the BOKs: ABET, Ethics, Civil Engineering as Liberal Education, and 3-Year Degrees
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mueller PE P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Matthew D. Lovell P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; Michael Anthony Robinson P.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
recognizing the diversity of personalvalues among peers. Students delve further into ethical decision making in the context of academicintegrity during the first year with reflections on real-life scenarios.During the second year, students discuss the need for a purpose of a common set of ethicalstandards and review the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Code of Ethics when interpretingethical dilemmas. Students were introduced to an ethical decision-making process during fall oftheir junior year. This process is a step-by-step guide that includes reflection throughout theprocess of assessing and making a judgment on an ethical dilemma. During each quarter of juniorand senior year, students were given a real-life ethical dilemma, and they utilized
Conference Session
PCEE Resource Exchange
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Abeera P. Rehmat, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Marissa Christina Owens, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
’ materials.Materials Students had access to computers, books about weather and climate, climate data, andbuilding materials (e.g., cardboard, scissors, craft sticks, masking tape, construction paper, rulers,pencils, and empty paper towel rolls). A leaf blower was used to test the stability of theirstructure.Assessment Formative assessments were conducted via discussion, observation, and daily writtenstudent reflections. Students reflected each day on their experience and identified two things thatthey learned. Additionally, summative assessments occurred at the end of the activity, whichincluded creating the tornado proof structure and presenting it to the class. Students had to createa PowerPoint presentation, one per group, to share their
Conference Session
Fostering Business and Professional Skills in the Engineering Classroom
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Veera Gnaneswar Gude P.E., Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering
writing, exploratory writing,formal writing, informal writing and reflective writing exercises. This paper will present thetrends in student learning curves across two semesters. The evaluation criteria was based on thecomponents such as consideration of audience (15%), quality of solution (15%), rigor ofengineering analysis (25%), organization and focus (15%), clarity and coherence (15%), andprofessional appearance (15%). A comparison of student performance in terms of contentaccuracy, language issues and effect of writing expression between the three courses will bepresented. The relationship between the number of errors and the type of writing activity wasevaluated for the three semesters. The major differences in student performances among
Conference Session
Pre-college Engineering Education Division Technical Session 13
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Chelsea J. Andrews, Tufts University; Nicole Alexandra Batrouny, Tufts University; Kristen B. Wendell, Tufts University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
designs fail the test; groups testing iterate and continue testing, trying to improve their designs. Day 7: What can we learn by looking across all our design attempts? Reflection Groups reflect on their design attempts; teacher facilitates a whole class discussion comparing across designs. Day 8: How do engineers share their ideas through speaking and writing? Design Groups share their designs and design process with other students and members of the conference school and greater community. DESIGN BRIEF Goal: Design, build, test, and iterate on a retaining structure that keeps sand away from the model train tracks, allows the sand to support the weight of a model building, and stays up when
Conference Session
K-12 Activities
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leanne Hirshfield, Tufts University; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
provide students with personalized tutors through the use of educational software.However, without the authoritative involvement of a teacher, many students are not motivated tolearn material presented via computer. The challenge to educational software designers is tocreate environments that motivate students to think reflectively about content, encouraging themto invest time and energy in the learning process. One manner in which to accomplish this goalmay be to include student ideas when developing software. This paper presents the results of aresearch investigation that examined the inclusion of middle school students in the process ofdesigning educational software. Eight middle school students participated in a focus groupdiscussion, during
Conference Session
Women & New Faculty Development
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Miertschin, University of Houston; Carole Goodson, University of Houston; Luces Faulkenberry, University of Houston; Barbara Stewart, University of Houston
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators
withdifferent assessment techniques is to try them with respect to student achievement in one’s ownclasses. Use methods other than tests, or use tests to assess the effectiveness of different teachingtechniques. A faculty member might compare student performance on tests from year to year –after normalizing or statistically controlling for differences in the initial academic backgroundsof the classes being compared. Student backgrounds at the beginning of class might be measuredusing a student self-assessment technique.Use the results. Too often results of assessment are set aside with little thought or reflection untilan accreditation team or university review team requests the data. Instead, carefully consider theresults in a timely manner. If
Conference Session
New Approaches in Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ishbah Cox, Purdue University; Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering
students within thisseminar also take their first semester, first-year core engineering course together. This coursewill serve as one of many supported by a larger university initiative in which students engage incommunity-building inside and outside of the classroom.Course objectives include the following: 1. Identify and understand the importance of music in society. 2. Explain and demonstrate connections between music and engineering. 3. Explore the university’s history. 4. Demonstrate uses of campus resources that will enable academic success. Page 23.782.4 5. Participate in music-related service projects. 6. Attend and reflect on
Conference Session
Student Learning, Problem Solving, & Critical Thinking 3
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric L. Wang, University of Nevada, Reno; Ann-Marie Vollstedt, University of Nevada, Reno
Tagged Divisions
Educational Research and Methods
Page 24.66.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 A Method for Adjusting Group-Based GradesAbstractGrades for assignments completed as an individual are a reflection of a student’s actual work,whereas the grade for a group assignment is easily confounded by the effects of their teammates(positively and negatively). Assigning grades to individuals for a group project is importantbecause instructors want to assign grades that reflect effort as well as content. Since all studentsin a group typically receive the same grade for a group assignment, group grades have theundesirable effect of obscuring a student’s true performance. Thus, it is desirable to develop amethod which could be
Conference Session
New Trends in ECE Education
2003 Annual Conference
Peter Idowu
‘teaching situation’ is identified in widely varying ways by therespondents within the sample. This is revealed in the conceptions of teaching identified in thestudy. The conceptions range from student-focused strategy aimed at students changing theirconceptions to a teacher-focused strategy with the intention of transmitting information tostudents. The former, in a two-way transmission leaves students in control of portions of contentand learning, while the latter reflects a one-way transmission where the instructor controlscontent, and may not take students’ conceptions into account.The effect of curriculum organization on study progress in engineering studies was recentlydocumented by Hulst and Jansen 7. Curricular characteristics were shown to
Conference Session
Inservice Teacher Engineering Education
2005 Annual Conference
Sharon Kurpius; Dale Baker; Chell Roberts; Stephen Krause
actions and knowledge about their current practice. Consequently,we used four analytical themes (Reflections on Practice, Changes in Practice, Intentions toChange Practice, and Change in Knowledge) to examine the likelihood that what teachersencountered in the course would transfer to their classrooms. Three graduate students allowed usto gather data over a semester to develop in-depth cases. The teachers were Alice, an elementaryteacher; Denise, who taught at a Science Center; and Dana, a high school chemistry teacher.Alice intended to change, or changed things, such as teaching the design process explicitly,learning the science behind engineering concepts, developing activities for young children, usingeveryday contexts, and planning a model
Conference Session
Teams and Teamwork in Design
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Senay Purzer, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education
observing all teams when teaching and providing feedback on theirprocesses, a metacognitive structure was used to engage students in self reflection and groupprocessing. The MERIT kit has three key components that are designed to address commonchallenges we face in teaching and assessing collaborative learning and teaming skills. Thesethree components are: (a) “Vicarious Learning Experiences” using case study videos (e.g., PBSDesign Squad clips) along with group processing with MERIT cards, (b) the “I Know My TeamMembers” document, and (c) a “Performance Assessment Task” used for pre and postevaluation. Next steps, in the validation of the MERIT kit, is wide dissemination and evaluationof the kit in supporting individual student learning.Factors
Conference Session
Improving Teaching & Learning
2004 Annual Conference
Sandra Courter; Mary McEniry; Cid Freitag
2230 Professional Development On-line: Ways of Knowing and Ways of Practice Sandra Shaw Courter, Cid Freitag, Mary McInery University of Wisconsin – MadisonAbstract“Ways of Knowing and Ways of Practice” is an on-line professional developmentopportunity for faculty and instructional staff at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.This pilot distance learning experience occurred during Spring Semester, 2003. Theproject was designed to help faculty 1) engage in reflection and continuous improvementof learning, both their own and their students, 2) facilitate conversations
Conference Session
Best Zone Papers
2004 Annual Conference
Margaret Pinnell; Leon Chuck
stoves. In the Materials Laboratory, students manufactured three formulationsof insulative bricks and assessed their properties by conducting various mechanical and physicaltests. The educational goals of this project were to provide the students with a hands-on, service-learning experience to enhance their technical, program management, computer andcommunication skills. Another educational goal of this program was to expose the students toideas of appropriate technology, environmental responsibility and ethics, cultural diversity andcultural sensitivity. This paper will focus on the educational objectives and outcomes associatedwith this service-learning project. Details of the project including student responsibilities,reflection and methods
Conference Session
K-12 and Pre-College Engineering Division Curriculum Exchange
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shelley Goldman, Stanford University; Maureen Carroll; Molly Bullock Zielezinski, Stanford University; Aaron Loh, Ministry of Education, Singapore; Eng Seng Ng, Stanford University; Stephanie Bachas-Daunert, Stanford University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
; Page 24.440.2 discuss experimental outcome. 8. Reflection: Students reflect in writing on the prompt: “Describe the process & outcome of building a water filtration system. What 3 recommendations would you make for others doing this for the first time?” For more activities, download our complete curriculum:
Conference Session
Student Learning and Research
2005 Annual Conference
Abi Aghayere
4.06 4 8 4.0 4Student Feedback on the Impact of the Module SurveysTo gauge the impact of the module surveys on student learning from the students’ perspective,the students were asked to answer the following two additional open-ended questions whichwere to be submitted with the last module: How well did you reflect on the course topics (orintended learning outcomes) in the course modules before completing the module survey? Howdid the module survey impact your learning in this course? Here are representative samples ofstudent responses:“It was a good tool at going over the important points in my head and holding me accountable tolearn them. I’ve gone back a couple of
Conference Session
Exploring Trends in CPD
2005 Annual Conference
M. Zoghi
University and Columbia University.The National Society for Experiential Education (Honnet and Poulsen 1989) delineatesprinciples of good practice in combining service and learning involving an effective andsustained program. Based on these principles, the people with needs are able to define theirneeds and those providing the service are engaged in responsible and challenging actions for thecommon good. Furthermore, there are training, supervision, monitoring, support, recognition,assessment included in the process and it provides structured opportunities for people involved toreflect critically on the service experience. In particular, the reflection characteristic of service-learning endeavor distinguishes it from traditional design-across-the
Conference Session
Assessment Issues II
2004 Annual Conference
Barbara Stewart; Carole Goodson; Susan Miertschin; Luces Faulkenberry
agencies.Most academic institutions also have internal plans and evaluation requirements directed atassuring quality of programs and services. Evaluation data can make a case with decision makersfor increased support for under-resourced areas.While evaluation is then imposed on faculty by various authorities, it is also a matter ofprofessional integrity. Faculty members want to deliver good programs that enable their studentsto gain secure, stimulating and satisfactorily remunerative employment, as well as ensureemployers of the competence and potential of program graduates. Evaluating programs allowsfaculty to reflect, to better understand how a program is working, and where it is headed. Itenables faculty to catch potential problems related to
2001 Annual Conference
James Dally; Abhijit Nagchaudhuri
freshmenhave reflected that the activity has influenced “learning outcomes” of a richer flavor anddimension encompassing civic responsibility and life-skills over and above academic outcomes.Moreover, a survey of the pre-college students who participated in this endeavor indicates that 1 University of Maryland, Eastern Shore (UMES) offers an ABET accredited Engineering Degree in collaboration with ClarkSchool of Engineering at University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) to the residents of Eastern Shores of Delmarva peninsula, Page 6.449.1 Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference
2001 Annual Conference
Edmund Tsang
definition ofservice-learning: “Service-learning is a form of experiential education in which studentsengage in activities that address human and community needs together with structuredopportunities intentionally designed to promote student learning and development. Page 6.1156.1Reflection and reciprocity are key concepts of service-learning." Jacoby continues:“Service-Learning is based on the pedagogical principle that learning and developmentdo not necessarily occur as a result of experience itself but as a result of a reflectivecomponent explicitly designed to foster learning and development. Reflection shouldinclude opportunities for participants to
1998 Annual Conference
Carol Fulton; Barbara L. Licklider
no meansexhaustive - they simply reflect what has worked for us and what has guided our decisions alongthe way. We offer them by way of suggestion for those embarking on similar journeys. Alongthese same lines, we conclude the article by suggesting implications of our work for widespreadchange. What we do and why - Six guiding principles• Focus on learning and learnersProject LEA/RN embraces an active view of learning. This perspective grounded in two decades 3of research in cognitive psychology has changed what we know about learning and learners.This perspective emphasizes the active participation of the learner in the process
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - Teamwork in Design Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brian Roth, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott
Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
researchers applied their methods to the formation of small (threeperson) teams of business students who worked on short-term class projects. Their results werepromising enough to invite applications in other academic disciplines.This paper presents an “academic practice / design intervention” that adapts and extends thework of Lane and Pearlstein to engineering capstone design team formation. It adopts theirapproach of incorporating both student and instructor perspectives in the team formation process.It extends their work by adding an experiential activity that offers insight into potential teamdynamics. It also incorporates a reflective exercise that guides students toward more holisticteammate preferences.The impact of this new team formation
Conference Session
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL) Technical Session - Professional Practice 2
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brett Rocha, United States Military Academy; Scott M. Katalenich P.E., United States Military Academy
Tagged Divisions
Civil Engineering Division (CIVIL)
education; infrastructure; sustainable design; and clean, renewable energy. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Work-In-Progress: Application of Employee Appraisal Forms to Facilitate Assessment of Student Outcomes in the Engineering Capstone CourseAbstractA critical component of educating civil engineering students and preparing graduates to enterprofessional practice is the engineering capstone course. This paper describes a work-in-progress to evaluate the use of employee appraisal forms to facilitate self-reflection andcounseling as a metacognitive strategy in engineering education. The authors have developed a“capstone support form” that mimics an employee evaluation report support form
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brittany Lynn Butler-Morton, Rowan University; Darby Rose Riley, Rowan University; Eduardo Rodriguez Mejia M.Sc, Rowan University; Cheryl A Bodnar, Rowan University; Yusuf Mehta, Rowan University; Kaitlin Mallouk, Rowan University
Tagged Topics
NSF Grantees Poster Session
Paper ID #42666Board 362: Reimagining Civil Engineering Graduate Programs: A Research-to-PracticeApproach for Shaping Future Transportation EngineersMrs. Brittany Lynn Butler-Morton, Rowan UniversityDarby Rose Riley, Rowan University Darby Riley is a doctoral student of engineering education at Rowan University. She has a special interest in issues of diversity and inclusion, especially as they relate to disability and accessibility of education. Her current research is focused on the adoption of pedagogy innovations by instructors, specifically the use of reflections and application of the entrepreneurial mindset. Her
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division WIPS 2: Students and Peer Mentors
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Tan, Michigan Technological University; Amber Kemppainen, Michigan Technological University; Mary Raber, Michigan Technological University; A.J. Hamlin, Michigan Technological University; Matt Barron, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
other aspects of the curriculum.After attending a Teaching and Learning Studio and being asked to document their ownlearning journey through an activity [1], two of the co-authors wanted to help students in thefirst-year engineering courses reflect on both their learning and emotional journeys throughouttheir first course. In particular, we wanted to focus our study on this study of MATLAB andidentify where students struggled in the learning of the material and where they struggledemotionally in the content.Student Learning Journey MappingOne definition of a journey map is a visual representation of a person’s journey throughout anexperience. Figure 1 below shows the version developed by the and explains how thelearning
2000 Annual Conference
Hamid Khan
• Simulation Application Steps and strategies used in developing Outcomes Based Evaluation QuestionnaireSchon (1983) stresses that reflective practice demonstrating the outcomes of learning is grounded in thestudents’ appreciation of the system (i.e. repertoire of values, knowledge, theories, and implied practicesexpected of the student learners) [4]. Consequently the preparation of reflective student practitionersrequires not only the elements of the reflective process but also increasing the range and depth ofknowledge in each student’s appreciation of the system.The strategies suggested for the development and inclusion of student reflection in projects included (a)Communicating that knowledge is socially constructed – students were given
1997 Annual Conference
Kara B. Wright; Charles T. Wright; Christine L. Collier; Lawrence Genalo
bumper sensors, they were given a special lightsensor that could be commanded to emit a light and measure the amount of light reflected back tothe sensor. Such a sensor, called a reflective sensor, produced values in the range from 0 to 255inclusive and is regarded as an “analog” sensor (in contrast to the “digital” sensor that producesonly two values, 0 and 1). The students were encouraged to experiment with the reflective Page 2.445.3sensors applied to various surfaces to see what range of values would typically be produced whenlight was reflected from a nearby surface.The students discovered that reflective sensors could be used to determine