if any familymember holds a doctoral degree in any field to explore if such factor has any influence on theirbehavioral intention. Also, participants were asked to rate 18 likert-scaled items on a scale of 5(1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree). The 18 items include: six that were designed to revealthe participants‟ interests in pursuing a PhD degree, three that were used to reflect the subjectivenorm, and nine that were used to reflect the participants‟ attitudes toward enrolling in PhDprograms. The 18 Likert-scaled items related to the interests, subjective norm, and attitudesrevealed a reliability of 0.91. Descriptive statistics were calculated to obtain the measures ofcentral tendency as well as the measures of variability of each of
algorithm in ourlaboratory. After the calculations, the theoretical and experimental results were plotted andcompared.1. IntroductionFixed roadway lighting plays an important part in safe driving at night. Since automobileheadlights do not light a distance that is adequate for safe stopping at night. To provide safedriving at night, different design methods for roadway lighting was developed to obtain bettervisibility and visual comfort. The first time roadway lighting were desined, it was based on theamount of light striking the surfaces of the pavement (illuminance). However, it was later foundthat the brightness of a pavement related to the amount of light that is reflected from it(luminance). Since then, it has been proved that the ability to
currently offered. In this way academics willbe suitably rewarded in their career path. Yet reflection upon the effectiveness of teaching and Page 5.13.1learning has not always been a crucial practice for engineering academics and consequentlyattendance at formal courses has continued to be infrequent or non-existent. Staffdevelopment activities have also previously been boycotted by Australian academics forreasons of “lack of time available”, “anyone can teach” or “teaching is a personal matter”. Itappears that the Kugel Model of Development [2] can assist to explain this reasoning further.As the academic has been focussed purely on the teaching of a
or service-learning but these are not often connectedto the engineering, math or science. Linking these offers a multitude of opportunities to changethe conversation about STEM, engage the next generation of leaders and make our owncommunities a better place to live. It can also impact the diversity in our classrooms. Thisinteractive workshop engages participants in developing a plan for linking service-learning andSTEM. The Learning Objectives are:1: Describe at least 1 STEM community project2: List at least 3 standards that could be enhanced through service-learning3: Describe how to use reflection to enhance learning4: Describe at least 3 examples of engineering service-learning
focus fromoutcome to process was accomplished using in person grading where students were expected todescribe their code and any challenges they faced writing the code. Students were then askedquestions to help them reflect on their code and on their understanding of new concepts.Examination of midterm exam grades found a slight improve in scores with the implementation ofin person grading.KeywordsArtificial Intelligence, Assessment, ProgrammingIntroductionGenerative artificial intelligence (AI) has been the talk of the universities since the advent ofChatGPT in November 2022. The development of generative adversarial networks, transformers,and large language models in the last decade has allowed the creation of generative AI capable ofwriting
Recognition, and induction into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, placing her among the top 10% of Purdue Graduate students. Her academic journey reflects a commitment to advancing knowledge and contributing to technological innovation in XR control systems. Her professional aspirations include applying for an Assistant Professor position upon completing her Ph.D. This career trajectory aligns with her desire to leverage her accumulated experience and knowledge to mentor and guide emerging talents. A central component of her vision is inspiring and supporting aspiring scholars in pursuing academic and professional excellence, facilitating impactful change within our field.Dr. Farid Breidi, Purdue University, West
counterparts [8]. These experiences notonly contribute to a heightened sense of marginalization and demoralization among aspiringwomen engineers but also create a hostile work environment that hinders their career progressionand stunts their motivation to stay in the field.These problems are reflected in persistent departures of women from the field of engineering,indicating an urgent need for intervention [9]. Many women cite personal misalignment with thefield as the reason for their departure [9]. Furthermore, the number of women decreasesdramatically as one moves up the industrial ladder. While women may enter engineering roles,they are less likely to ascend to higher-level positions, resulting in fewer female leaders and rolemodels within the
EJE's relevance in addressing sustainability and social equity. By promotinginclusive pedagogical approaches and continuous reflection, we aim to equip students with theskills to design ethical engineering solutions. Through collective efforts, we aspire to contributeto a more sustainable and equitable future, fostering understanding and action in EnvironmentalJustice Education.Key words: Environmental Justice, Equity, Engineering Education IntroductionThe purpose of this Work in Progress research paper and ECSJ-DEED joint technical session isto highlight the crucial role of Environmental Justice Education (EJE) in bridging the gapbetween educators and students, particularly in the context of engineering
responded to an IRB-approved follow-up survey about their learningexperiences. Reflective student feedback from both multidisciplinary trips indicated thatengineering students deepened their understanding of chosen topics in consideration of global,cultural, and societal factors, and that the non-engineering students enjoyed the visits more thanthey expected and overcame initial fears about engineering-related coursework, discoveringengineering practices in many aspects of their social lives. Overall, the students gave positivefeedback about the multidisciplinary trips and demonstrated achievement of the learningoutcomes. In the future, the authors plan to continue collaborations to further integrate the coursemodules and regularly evaluate the
design and implementation of a student-driven laboratory method which supports the development of authentic leadership skills. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 But how do you Feel?Authentic Leadership Development for undergraduate students through a student-driven,experiential, and emotion-laden course using a laboratory method addressing the whole person.AbstractBased on 324 reflections written by 27 undergraduate students from two independent cohorts,this study examines the effectiveness of a semester-long authentic leadership developmentcourse which is based on a student-driven, student-centered, and experiential laboratory method.This study shows firstly
paper draws on a qualitative dataset of student responses to biweekly “reflection questions”integrated into routine course activity in a pilot implementation of a Wright State-likeEngineering Mathematics course. Alongside auto-ethnographic data from the course instructorand coordinator, this dataset illustrates the transformations involved in the scale-making process,and enables tracing the consequences of these transformations for the identities of people andsocial collectives involved in the course.IntroductionThis paper reports on the results of a study of an implementation of the Wright State Model forEngineering Mathematics at one university. Consistent with the LEES call for proposals, weadopt a human science theoretical approach to the
, 2024Beyond the Algorithm: Empowering AI practitioners through liberal educationAbstractAs AI technology continues to transform society, there is a growing need for engineers and technologists to developinterdisciplinary skills to address complex, society-wide problems. However, there is a gap in understanding how toeffectively design and deliver inter-disciplinary education programs for AI-related training. This paper addressesthis gap by reporting on a successful summer school program that brought together specialists from around theworld to engage in deliberations on responsible AI, as part of a Summer School in Responsible AI led by Mila -Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute. Through deep dive auto-ethnographic reflections from five
research team to acquire hands-on models that professional studentorganizations could use as a tool to increase engagement. This factor was also studied toascertain any insights into how the models enhanced the experiences of the event. Collegestudents wrote reflections after their interactions. This paper shares how community-engagedactivities not only change attitudes and outreach self-efficacy in all students but also might becritical in self-efficacy and motivation for minority women engineering students.I. IntroductionKennesaw State University (KSU) is thriving with nearly 43,000 students on two metro Atlanta,Georgia campuses. The adoption of strategies like providing incentives, such as scholarships andfinancial aid, for minority
theprocess of listening, learning and reflecting to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes andcommitments to engage across diverse groups in open, effective and socially responsible ways.Accordingly, this project adopts the three student learning outcomes for the UD International andIntercultural Leadership Certificate which identify that students will be able to 1. Explain how issues of social justice, power and privilege are shaped in a variety of contexts. 2. Use language and knowledge of other cultures effectively and appropriately to communicate, connect and build relationships with people in other cultural communities. 3. Express respect and thoughtful engagement with people across cultures.These outcomes focus on the
were morecapable of quality work than the engineering students in the comparison group. Moreover,preliminary results showed a significant drop in scores for expecting quality and having relevantKSA during the peak of COVID during online instruction and performance of both projects,followed by a rise in mean scores during the return to in-person classes. Reflections fromavailable qualitative data were paired to help understand the quantitative data results further.IntroductionThe increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the modern work environment requires engineeringprofessionals to have the ability to communicate and collaborate with others within and outsidedisciplinary boundaries [1],[2]. Further, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and
andtransdisciplinary course focused on engineering health equity. Using equity pedagogy, theinstructors aim to create a learning environment and learning objectives that will support studentsto become reflective and critical citizens that can help build a just society (McGee Banks andBanks, 1995). Moreover, a transdisciplinary framework with student-centered strategies toaddress social and structural determinants that influence health structures, systems, andtechnologies at an undergraduate level offers a holistic opportunity to explore complex globalproblems (Velez et al., 2022).Related WorkHealth equity courses have been implemented at the graduate level at the University of TexasAustin (Lanier et al., 2022), senior undergraduates and early graduate
and effective approach. Theircharacter education model is broken into five components: teaching about character; displayingcharacter; demanding character; apprenticeship; and reflecting on character [18]. This modelsupports a pedagogical approach which provides a foundation of understanding througheducation, provides mentorship and setting of conduct standards and adds reflection as animportant component which allows the student to assess their behavior and potentially adjust.As pragmatic as this approach might be, there are very few postsecondary institutions that try toreach this level of character education. To the contrary, most look to the ‘participation’ approachas noted above [18].a pedagogical approach to engineering virtue
andencourages students to use their initiative and reflect on their failures and successes [7]. Oneof the concerns in using PBL is that students themselves often find it difficult to assimilateold knowledge with new, which limits their ability to develop engineering judgement, eventhough as educators we recognise the importance of this assimilation. The concept ofapplying old knowledge and understanding to new situations and thereby creating newknowledge and understanding can also serve as the defining aspect of PBL, so long asstudents are given adequate instruction and scope to experiment with their ideas [8]. Studentswould require confidence in tackling a problem in addition to having acquired a broadconceptual understanding of the problem. In PBL
questioning and research topic was developed by thementor. The initial stages of the project and starting reference materials were likely also plannedout by the mentor. The mentees presented their work at the end of the summer, but they may nothave seen it through the arduous process of article writing, peer review, and publication. Thementees also did not see the follow-up stage of reflection on the remaining open questions in theproject and seeking inspiration for the next research topic.This research is not without limitations. For one, social desirability bias may have shapedstudents’ responses to the periodic assessments because they were aware that their mentorswould see their responses. Thus, students may have artificially inflated their
team members’ needs and perspectives maylead to conflict.Second, some approaches rely heavily on games, role-playing, and experiential exercise [e.g., 12,27, 34]. Students learn most from the experiential exercises [11]. In some cases, games aim atdeveloping and understanding trust rather than addressing conflict directly. In other cases, exercisesbuild skills in interviewing and giving feedback.Third, some approaches rely greatly on reflection, particularly written reflection [e.g., 27, 32, 34].As Powers and Kirkpatrick [27, p. 65] concluded: While oral debriefing is necessary, it is not sufficient for effective learning. Writing forces the student to organize the material in terms of personal experience, allows private
,” Commun. Teach., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 116–129, Oct. 2008, doi: 10.1080/17404620802382680.[10] J. Gilmore, M. A. Maher, D. F. Feldon, and B. Timmerman, “Exploration of factors related to the development of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduate teaching assistants’ teaching orientations,” Stud. High. Educ., vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 1910–1928, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1080/03075079.2013.806459.[11] M. Di Benedetti, S. Plumb, and S. B. M. Beck, “Effective use of peer teaching and self-reflection for the pedagogical training of graduate teaching assistants in engineering,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., pp. 1–16, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/03043797.2022.2054313.[12] J. Agarwal, G. Bucks, and T. J. Murphy, “A Literature
own.Groups of 4-5 students worked with a facilitator over 5-6 weeks. The course has anasynchronous and synchronous component to accommodate different time zones and schedules.A series of 5 video lectures guided students’ learning along the design path. The students weredirected to download a set of notes with blanks and encouraged to actively listen by filling in thenotes while watching the lecture. The length of the video lectures ranges from 8 - 32 minutes. Aset of 5 individual assignments (in the form of on-line quizzes) were created to support theasynchronous activities. After watching the video lecture, students are directed to complete aquiz. Responses to short-answer questions covered in the lecture and reflective exercises arecollected
issues which are not related to a team’s task [4]. Relationship conflict isusually expressed through tension, animosity, and annoyance between group members [5]. It cancause team members to spend more time focusing on off-task issues and make team membersless cooperative and receptive to others’ ideas [4]. While there is conflicting research regardingthe impact of other conflict types on performance, there is a broad consensus that relationshipconflict has an adverse effect [6]–[8]. Relationship conflict is considered to negatively affectperformance regardless of when it occurs in a team’s lifecycle [9]. Task conflict is the result of differences in opinion regarding the content of a group’swork [4]. This type of conflict reflects
developcategories of students for further inquiry. Students (n = 22) completed a systems engineeringdesign task, The Solar Urban Design, in which they worked to optimize solar gains of high-risebuildings in both winter and summer months within Energy3D as a part of their engineeringscience classroom. Energy3D is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) rich design tool withconstruction and analysis capabilities. As students design in Energy3D, a log of all of theirdesign actions and results from analyses are logged. In addition, students took reflective noteswithin Energy3D during and after designing. We computed percentile ranks for the students’design performance for each of the required design elements (i.e. high rise 1 and high rise 2) foreach of the required
Our intent is to explore student reflection and outcomes of service-learning throughqualitative methodology. We utilized narrative inquiry through large descriptive data sets(Denzin & Lincoln, 2018). Qualitative methods allowed us to review student narratives andunderstand reflective processes (Chase, 2018). The goal of this study was to examine studentexperiences and their reflection of material to better communicate outcomes and benefits ofenrolling in a service-learning course.A WiSE approach: Examining how service-learning impacts first-year women in STEM 7 We instituted purposeful random sampling (Light, Singer, & Willett, 1990) to recruitcollege women in STEM, enrolled in a service-learning leadership
new modules we plan to develop shown in Figure 1. Therefore, it emerged as the mostappropriate model to use and became our primary framework.Multicultural awareness focuses on an individual’s understanding of their own social identities incomparison with the identities of members from other groups (Pope, Reynolds, & Mueller,2004). The competency of awareness encourages students to engage in critical reflection abouttheir own underlying assumptions to ensure that individuals with differing cultural perspectivesare not invalidated. Multicultural knowledge focuses on the pursuit of cultural knowledge andthe comprehension of new and or existing theories regarding race, class, and gender (Pope,Reynolds, & Mueller, 2004). This competency
courses. Followingthe first round of exams, students select the course in which they wish to improve theirperformance most significantly and then complete both an exam wrapper survey and learningstrategies survey to evaluate their preparatory behaviors, conceptual understanding, andperformance on the exam. Each student develops an action plan for improvement based on theirresults and begins implementation immediately. Following the second exam, students completean exam wrapper survey followed by a learning journal, in which students evaluate and reflect ontheir adherence to and effectiveness of their action plan and performance on the second exam.We propose that engagement with this exam wrapper activity in the context of the EntangledLearning
applied, transformative, purposive knowledge and growth.51, 52Because professionalization is also an important goal in engineering education, our listculminates with several goals that build from affective, ethical, and cognitive foundations to themore specific abilities we expect of graduating engineering students. Each student and program instructor will be able to 1. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their rights and responsibilities to themselves, others, society, and the natural world 2. recognize in context, discuss, and demonstrate attitudes, behaviors and personal reflection about their habits and growth, as well as others’, and the implications of
depending on external, “teacher-centered” authority to a more self-assured ability to reconcile multiple perspectives, to tolerate ambiguity, and to reflect on the process itself (meta-cognition). Page 12.156.2 • Encourage students to develop the social skills needed to work with a team through the sharing of ideas, the ability to provide meaningful, constructive feedback, and the ability to accept peer critiques.Unfortunately, integrating effective peer-review sessions into a course requires much effort onthe part of the instructor. Karen Spear [13] enumerates several of the pitfalls associated withpeer-review of
that it should be contextualized for strongestretention of the cognitive skills17. One related study by Renaud and Murray26 found thatstudents performed better in a critical thinking assessment when they had the opportunityto practice critical thinking in a subject-specific context. Debate on this questioncontinues as exemplified by Ennis9 in his comprehensive review on contextualized vs.non-contextualized approaches.Critical thinking experts have proposed several definitions of critical thinking that aresimilar to the Delphi report, but reflect these differences in cognitive skills & disposition,and context-based vs. context free. Giancarlo and Facione13 emphasize that criticalthinkers use a core set of cognitive skills in a given context