. The team shares knowledge as it designs,builds, and tests the robot and as the team participates in the robot competition. Collectivecompetence acquired by the team in the project is demonstrated through the robot’s performanceat the competition. Collective efficacy reflects the shared beliefs of the students in their team’scapabilities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources, and practical activities needed tocope with challenging robotics assignments.The concept of collective efficacy was developed in studies of group performance in workorganizations4,5 as generalization of the concept of self-efficacy that reflects perceived (i.e. basedon real experience) beliefs of the individual in his/her own capabilities to perform the given
going to motivate students towant to learn about and engage in sociotechnical thinking in their engineering classes, then wemust frame it around issues that students already care about and/or questions they have. We mustpresent students with interesting problems and ask them to engage with the topics in a personalway–asking their own questions about the implications of technologies and applying theideas/questions to their life. Finally, “we have to give the students opportunities to respond inauthentic ways” such as in discussions, and reflections rather than exams. [2]Much of the curriculum for engineering education is singularly focused on technical fundamentalsand the design of systems. While these methods of study are undoubtedly useful to
findings suggested that recruiters first wanted to hearabout engineering students’ experiences within student organizations, engineering projects, andinternships or co-ops. However, it was not enough to name involvement in these experiences.Students who effectively demonstrate engineering leadership communicate what they learnedabout their leadership through their experiences, connect their experiences, interests, and skills tothe company, and confidently interact with the recruiter. Communication centered on self-awareness, where a student reflected on their personal leadership development based on variousexperiences. Recruiters wanted to see that students showed an understanding of leadership asbeing more than just a position as identified in
academic and social needs.2.2. Engagement-based learning2.2.1. Experiential learning. Experiential learning allows students to apply specific conceptslearned in the formal environment to the informal environment through opportunities such asinternships, apprenticeships, competitions, clubs, practica, and cooperative education [9].According to Kolb and Fry [10], experiential learning theory is a four-part cycle. 1. The learner has concrete experience with the content being taught. 2. The learner reflects on the experience by comparing it to prior experiences. 3. Based on experience and reflection, the learner develops new ideas about the content being taught. 4. The learner acts on the new ideas by experimenting in an
) are related to mathematics and equations; two items (Nos. 31 and 30) are related toabstract vs. concrete thinking; one item (No. 9) is about problem solving in different contexts;and one item (No. 20) deals with reflection and self-regulated learning. These research findingsas well as their implications and significance are discussed.IntroductionEngineering Dynamics is a foundational, sophomore-year, required course in manyundergraduate engineering programs, such as mechanical, aerospace, civil, and environmentalengineering. Built directly upon college-level physics mechanics and engineering staticscourses, Engineering Dynamics involves numerous fundamental physics mechanics concepts, forexample, Newton’s second law, the principle of work and
De-stressor/ Check-in 8 Finals Preparation, Tackling Academic Reflection on Challenges: Fixed Personal Health vs. Growth Mindset 9 Introduction to Mental Health/ Tackling Major Selection Stress Management Academic Challenges: Fixed vs. Growth
settings, the workshop provides studentswith an opportunity to learn about and practice giving and receiving feedback on peers’ projectplans, and chosen design methods and artifacts.In the remaining sections of this paper, we describe the contents of the workshop in detail andsummarize student feedback on each implementation. Further, we reflect on how the workshopcan be further developed to better meet its intended learning outcomes and suggest ways inwhich instructors can alter it to suit different student disciplines, academic levels and courseobjectives.Importance of FeedbackFeedback is reaction or opinion regarding a product, the performance of a task, etc., that is usedto support improvement or confirm success. The education literature
research: To what extent did the teacher’s NOEviews improve after exposure to a NGSS-aligned engineering design challenge course? Howsuccessful was the teacher in executing the engineering design process as taught through anengineering design challenge? We provide here a single case analysis for one teacher as a pilotstudy for future research. The paper provides a brief overview of our case study research inregards to data, methods, and preliminary results. Our data sources include pre/post NOEassessment, in-service teacher written reflections, and assignments.Curriculum design Learning goals and overview: The three-credit master’s level course was for in-servicescience teachers and focused on the EDP through an engineering design challenge
has been designed as an autoethnography, specifically a collaborativeautoethnography is defined as “engineering in the study of self, collectively” [9]. The intent ofcollaborative autoethnography is to engage in a process that reflects on the experiences of acollaborative effort, it is “a process because as the researcher studies and analyzes their ownexperiences, meaning is made influencing future experiences and reflections” [10]. Thecollaborative autoethnography approach merges together three distinct research methods andapproaches: (1) the reflexive study of self through autobiography, (2) a lens from the study ofculture through ethnography, and (3) the multiple perspectives from a group throughcollaboration [11]. This method was chosen
from one of the state colleges in our state. In order to create a shared understanding of the assetsthat transfer students bring to our institution, two faculty worked closely with two undergraduate studentsand one adviser. Data collection involved guided reflection writing by the two students and adviser ontopics as informed by the theoretical framework. These reflections bring to light some psychological,social, cognitive, and environmental resources that students in transition can draw on to maximizesuccess and minimize the transfer shock phenomenon.IntroductionTransfer students and their transitions to four-year institutions from two-year/community collegeshas been the focus of many investigations and programs. Research has shown that
Paper ID #14502Engineering Education: Moving toward a Contemplative Service ParadigmDr. George D. Catalano, Binghamton University Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Binghamton University Previously member of the faculty at U.S. Military Academy and Louisiana State University. Two time Fullbright Scholar – Italy and Germany. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2016 Ten Steps for Improving Critical and Reflective Thinking Skills in the Engineering Classroom: Moving towards a Contemplative Paradigm AbstractThe present work seeks to develop and implement
practices [38-41]. Despite the questioning of theapplication of learning style research and assessment tools in the classroom, learning styleassessment is still widely utilized in classroom settings in many different types of courses.Of the many models, there are three learning style models that are utilized in engineeringeducation [13, 16, 42, 43]. The first is Kolb’s Learning Style Model [23]. Learners are classifiedinto four types. Type 1 are concrete and reflective. They ask “why” and want to connect howcourse materials relate to their experience, interest, and future careers. Type 2 are abstract andreflective. They ask “what” and connect with information that is presented in an organized andlogical order. They will then think about the
the content and spirit of the BOK as much as possible.The BOK is a formal embodiment of what the U.S. Civil Engineering Profession values in itsstudents and practitioners.While ABET accreditation may be viewed by some as a compliance activity, at its heart is anassessment program to demonstrate continuous improvement in student learning. It is axiomaticthat students learn better when they know the expectations or goals of the particular learningactivity. In terms of performance, the program outcomes represent the faculty’s learningexpectations of the student. Since the department’s student learning outcomes (SLOs) areconstructed to reflect the ASCE BOK, they are also a representation of the profession’sexpectations of the students
. Off the six groups in the class, only two did a complete analysis of the water balloon drop incorporating both the physical device and video footage. While all groups tested their devices and redesigned them for second and third attempts, it was a little disappointing to see only two groups actually incorporate the video footage into their design recursion process. For instance, the group “Team Six” used the video footage from the first drop to see how the balloon actually broke. One member of Team Six, reflected on this process saying “the high speed camera was extremely useful in the process of designing the
inthe higher levels of learning, as it encourages students to reflect on their learning processes anddraw connections between course-work and “real-world” experiences. Specifically, ePortfoliosencourage novice engineers to consider their learning processes over time, drawing connectionsbetween coursework and their intended profession, as well as cultivating an online identity thatsupports their efforts to pursue a career in Engineering. The use of ePortfolios is one method forfostering integrative learning, focusing on the application of digital communication andassessment and awareness of self- competence. By training students to archive digital artifactsrelated to their learning, ePortfolios encourage student to draw connections between
. Through this progression they were able to master most if not all of the challengesand learning outcomes.In this paper we will look at some examples of sessions based on these learning blocks and wewill examine if the camp met the expectations of the campers based on pre- and post-activitiesfor particular learning blocks and the end of camp surveys. We will also look at their level ofengagement during activities as well as how formative assessment was built into the campthrough one of the self-reflection pieces that was part of the process.Materials and MethodsThe primary design strategies for our camp were based on the implementation of learning blocks,which were strongly focused on formative assessment strategies, Blooms Taxonomy
not trivial for a first-year student. (2) The design requirements can be structured to allow for many different designs or more highly constrained to force an outcome of more specific designs. (3) The cost of materials needed for the project is relatively low and all materials are easily obtained. The project could easily be changed by simply changing the allowable materials for construction.In both implementations, students were asked to write a short reflection on the skills acquiredafter completing the project. Reflections were categorized based on reflection themes todetermine common themes and trends. This assessment, while largely qualitative in nature,provides a snapshot of how well students internalize the
there must be a forward transmitted and backward reflected wave at adiscontinuity in the characteristic impedance in order to conserve energy. We exploit thisconsequence to calculate the attributes of the transmission line. This project can be conductedunder the pretext of a power company or communications company who want to locate faults intheir transmission lines.CharacteristicsStudents are asked to find: 1. velocity of propagation in the transmission line, 2. length of the transmission line, 3. attenuation coefficient of the transmission line, 4. impedance of an unknown termination.Initial ConditionsThis project is best presented a laboratory project. In other words, the only equipment need is anoscilloscope, function generator
grades. To determine whether studentsengaged in the kind of reflection and planning that was intended, the post-performancesubmissions from four of the nine course sections were collected and analyzed. Each of thesesections had nine teams of four, for a total of 144 students on 36 teams. All of these teams didwell enough that they did not have to submit analyses for the first two performance tests, andonly two teams were required to do an analysis for performance test four. This pattern wasconsistent with the rest of the course sections, as more than half of the teams fared poorly on thethird test, but passed the others, often with bonus points. Therefore, the analysis will focusexclusively on the responses to the third performance test
distinguishes and connects the current or actual level ofdevelopment of the learner and the next level attainable through the use of tools and facilitationby a capable adult. The authors believe that this area has to be considered carefully in thecurriculum development so that the students’ initial reluctance and hesitation are designed out.They decided to adopt a hybrid model adopting and mixing Instructivism and Constructivism.Instructivism in this context places emphasis on the educator in control of what is to be learnedand how it is to be learned, and the learner is the passive recipient of knowledge whileconstructivism emphasizes that people construct their own understanding and knowledge ofthe world through experiencing things and reflecting on
validate a sustainable design rubric to bothscaffold student application of sustainable design principles, as well as provide a tool to capturestudents’ sustainable design skills. Adapting Benson’s Model for construct validation, the first(substantive) stage included producing a set of cross-disciplinary sustainable design principlesthrough review of literature, published rating systems, and reflections from professionals.Currently, we are engaged in the structural and external stages to complete validation of theSustainable Design Rubric. In particular, we are piloting application of the rubric as a formativedesign tool in capstone design courses at various institutions to compare intercorrelationsbetween rubric items and expected performance
the form of a reflective essay. Eachstudent member of the group is required to prepare and submit a separate,individual, 4 to 5-page write-up explaining his or her experience over the fourcredit hour course. The student members are expected to identify theircontributions as well as comments on the contribution of fellow members of the Page 12.291.4particular group in question (Edgerton, Hutchings, & Quinlan, 1991; Forrest, 1990;Cerbin, 1994). They are also expected to discuss merits and demerits of the project inadditions to strengths and weaknesses of the team members (Cambridge and Williams,1998). This is of course evaluated by the instructor
, they were asked to identify anything that can affect the health and wellbeing of thesummer camp students. Upon completion, they presented this HHM to the chief risk manager forthe summer camp. In the second HHM exercise, students were given a magazine articlediscussing the consequences of the 2010 oil spill catastrophe in the Gulf15. Students were brokeninto two competing groups and each group was asked to construct a separate HHM thatillustrates the factors associated with deep water drilling risks. The two groups compared theirindividual HHMs, discussed the differences and integrated their insights into a single,comprehensive HHM. Upon reflecting on the resulting model, students were asked to identifysome conflicting stakeholder needs and
multiculturalenvironments, understand the business context of engineering, and adapt to changingconditions have become requirements for engineers in our global environment [1].Teaching ethics is increasingly a component of science and engineering professionaleducation, reflected in the growing attention paid to ethics courses by accreditingagencies, particularly in engineering as reflected by requirements such as those in theUnited States instituted by its national engineering accreditation organization, ABET.Ethics is increasingly being integrated into engineering curricula, in recognition of thecomplex professional and personal issues facing scientists and engineers in modernworkplace [2, 3]. It is essential that students understand that science and technology
process, an emphasis that distinguishes ELT from other learning theories.1According to Kolb, students must complete four learning stages in order for learning to takeplace. Learners, if they are to be effective, need four different kinds of abilities- concreteexperience abilities (CE), reflective observation abilities (RO), abstract conceptualizationabilities (AC), and active experimentation (AE) abilities. That is they must be able to involvethemselves fully, openly, and without bias in new experiences (CE). They must be able to reflecton and observe their experiences from many perspectives (RO). They must be able to createconcepts that integrate their observations into logically sound theories (AC), and they must beable to use these theories to
framework integrated into courses in several engineering disciplines, assessingwhether this framework increased student motivation and, if so, what facets of learning benefitfrom this approach.The EGC framework, as implemented here, follows a series of six stages that progress fromstatement of the problem, through exercises that teach a foundational concept using an EGCexample, to reflection on the role of engineering in addressing the problem. The framework wasimplemented in three diverse courses: a computational methods course taken by all first-yearengineering students, an upper-level signal-processing elective in electrical engineering, and adesign course for upper-level students in environmental engineering. Instructors for each of
learning is commonly referred to as learning by doing and typically involvesdiscovery and exploration with a focus on learning through experience. Extensive research hasbeen done regarding the need to shift toward experiential learning. Kolb originally identified fourmain components of experiential learning as shown in Figure 1 and also described below:11 1. Concrete Experience – The key to learning is active involvement. Kolb’s research indicates that an individual can’t simply read, watch or listen but to learn effectively they must do. 2. Reflective Observation – Reflection on the new experience while focusing on any inconsistencies between experience and understanding. 3. Abstract Conceptualization – Reflection gives
Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition Copyright© 2004, American Society of Engineering Education Term and Definition Sourceachievement or growth characterized by strong vision ofcontent, skills, and processes addressed….… a portfolio is a purposeful, systematic anthology of Ury16the student’s work over time that includes studentparticipation in selection of content, evidence of studentself-reflection, criteria for selection, and criteria forjudging merit”.We define a webfolio as a tightly integrated collection of Gathercoal1Web-based multimedia documents that includescurricular
organization oftheir major fields and learning to think like practitioners in those fields, undergraduates shouldalso learn from a properly constructed major program of study “the necessarily partial vision” ofthe field and critically reflect on “the successes and limitations of any particular approach toknowledge” (p. 535).Interdisciplinary Evaluation. Despite the increase in the number of interdisciplinary programs oncollege and university campuses36, some have argued that methods and criteria to evaluate theeffectiveness of these programs are lacking or weak4,37. In order to “perform” interdisciplinaritysuccessfully, students and faculty need to be able to evaluate the effectiveness ofinterdisciplinary work. The seeds of interdisciplinary
ethical principle, teachingethical reasoning skills appropriate for sustainability is problematic. While the classic approachin professional ethics education makes intensive use of behavioral codes and retrospective casestudies, these approaches are limited in their ability to prepare students for the unfamiliar andforward-looking problems of sustainability. Moreover, the classic read-discuss-writepedagogical strategies typical of the humanities emphasize abstraction and reflection at theexpense of two modes of learning more familiar to many professionals (e.g., engineers andphysical scientists): experimentation and experience. This paper describes the results of a novelexperiential approach to ethics education that employs non-cooperative game