Hill (Colonel, US Army) Colonel Aaron Hill is the Deputy Department Head and Professor, U.S. Military Academy in the Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering responsible for teaching, scholarship, and leadership at the Academy and Department levels. He was commissioned as an Engineer Officer from the U.S. Military Academy in 1997, where he majored in Civil Engineering. He has served in a variety of assignments around the world including Afghanistan, Sinai Peninsula, Bosnia, and Croatia. COL Hill served in the department from 2006 to 2009 and again from 2016 to the present. Along the way, he earned Master’s degrees in Engineering Management (Missouri S&T) and Civil Engineering (Virginia Tech) and a Ph.D
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body., The first factor is the inclusion of gender issues in engineeringtraining, which can be further broken down into two parts: The first part would be to includegender equality within the engineering training program, the second part of this first factorwould be to include a preparation for entry into the world of work with a gender perspective,both parts aiming to lay the groundwork for gender equality in engineering.The second factor is being able to regulate and measure training on gender equality issueswithin teachers from the School of Engineering. Teachers are considered as points ofreference s and main actors in promoting an environment of gender equality in the classroom.The trainings must include gender equity in engineering and
,” presented atthe American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2022.[2] “The Entrepreneurial Mindset.” KEEN – Engineering Unleashed.https://engineeringunleashed.com/mindset-matters.aspx (accessed Feb. 6, 2022).[3] S. Pugh, Total Design: Integrated Methods for Successful Product Engineering, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Boston, 1991. Appendix A – Team Contract Template TEAM CONTRACT 1 ENGINEERING PROJECT Elizabethtown CollegeI. GENERAL INFORMATIONDate:Team Number:Weekly Meeting Time and Place:Team Members and Contact Information: Name
one of the implemented hardware and share it with the instructor. ● A middle ranked GPA student came up with his own design for negating numbers using 2’s complement. This student is currently working with one of the authors on implementing, testing, and publishing his own idea. ● Several students from varying GPA rankings were interested in doing undergraduate research on topics that are related to the course. The early involvement of students in research after their freshman year has created value for both students and instructors. The authors are planning to summarize this early interest in undergraduate research and how it was provoked by the added EML activities in a separate publication.Because these ratings
services.AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to thank J. Niehof for the beautiful images; P. Grochowski for review andcomments on the different versions of this paper; and the engineering librarians P. Grochowski,J. Niehof, and J. Thielen whose work and innovative thinking have made it possible to movethese efforts forward.Citations[1] N. J. Allee et al., “One Institution’s Experience in Transforming the Health Sciences Libraryof the Future,” Medical Reference Services Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 1–16, Jan. 2014, doi:10.1080/02763869.2014.866444.[2] J. Bail and M. Bragdon, “Getting on the Change Train: Facilitating a Reframing of theLiaison Model,” in Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Organization andEngagement, ACRL, 2021.[3] S. Carlson, The
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Bulgaria and U.S.,and Dr. Yan was impressed by their Bulgarian pride and cultural awareness. Even though not allideas on the cultural elements materialized, the ideas are presented in a blog post to show whatcould be possible https://yan.wcu.edu/bulgaria/bulgarian-pride/The survey results’ comparison is provided in Figures 3-6 and Table 4. Figure 2. The two groups that finished their projects after demonstrationsFigure 3 presents the results when the students chose “agree”, “neutral”, or “disagree” on thethree statements on teamwork. • I have spent a lot of effort on the team-based project(s). • I enjoy working with other people on a team. • The project rendered a tangible deliverable.Interestingly, after the PBL course, all the
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entails feelingconcern for another person, whereas “feeling as” another entails feeling the same emotion, or atleast feeling a congruent emotion, as another [6]. According to Cuff [6], distinctions betweentenderness and compassion are more nuanced. Compassion generally involves experiencing anurge to help another after observing their emotion(s), while tenderness emphasizes thevulnerability of the individual being observed [6]. These distinctions highlight the import ofscholar’s being explicit with their definitions of the empathy concepts or dimensions they study,including concepts that they situate as other-than empathy.Clark et al. [4] performed a systematic review on organizational definitions of empathy. Basedon their analysis, they argued
.’s work includes the six-leveltaxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Theselevels of cognition are interdependent, with recognition that real learning is an interactive anditerative process. In A Taxonomy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment [4], education theoristsand psychologists revisited Bloom’s cognitive domain, removed Bloom’s “synthesis” level, andadded “create” above evaluation [5]. These scholars also included separate taxonomies of thetypes of knowledge used in cognition: Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, ProceduralKnowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge. This study uses the revised framework to gaugewhether critical narratives can move students beyond lower-order thinking like
potential we did some limited trials with latexpours. These did not produce great results– colors seem more likely to blend, potentially due toviscosity of paint mixtures being too low. Despite these challenges, the act of acyrlic pourpainting can be very enjoyable and create attractive paintings.The paint spinning apparatus (Fig. 11) developed for this project costs ~$150 and consists of a12V 250W electric DC motor, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) speed controller, and a 12Vbattery. The motor is rated for 3000 RPM, but has a built in gear reducer of about 10:1, makingthe maximum operable speed about 300 RPM. The motor is mounted on wooden frame madefrom 2x4’s. A small adapter plate made by welding the motor output shaft gear to a 2.5
an increase in thenumber of cadets and other students in the high school enrolling in CS and Cybersecurity coursesand extracurricular activities at the schools. We would also expect to see more students (cadetsincluded) taking AP CS Principles. Given the Project’s focus on ensuring that underserved schoolsand schools with underrepresented students see growth that is on par with the other schools, wewould also expect to see that this increase is equitable across all schools.As part of our analysis, we surveyed the school teams to understand how COVID-19 impactedthe school’s implementation of their plans to include CS and Cybersecurity education in theirschools. Of the 23 schools that responded to the open-ended question about COVID-19’s
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Paper ID #36943Adapting Chaos Theory for Undergraduate ElectricalEngineersBenjamin C. Flores (Professor)Hector A. Ochoa (Assistant Professor) Dr. Hector Ochoa is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stephen F. Austin State University, where he develops curriculum and laboratories in engineering physics. Dr. Ochoa graduated with his doctorate and M.S. from the University of Texas at El Paso, and a Bachelor’s degree from The University of Guadalajara, Mexico. His current research interests include Radar Image Processing, Compressive Radar, and Engineering Education.Chandra S. Pappu (Assistant Professor
Conference and Exposition, Columbus, 2017.[9] M. X. Rodriguez-Paz, J. A. González-Mendivil, I. Zamora-Hernández and B. Sanchez, "A Hybrid and Flexible Teaching Model for Engineering Courses Suitable for Pandemic Consitions towards the New Normality," in IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2021.[10] H. Mu, L. Xue, Y. Xue and J. Wang, "Discussion on “Online Hybrid” Teaching of Engineering Drawing Course under the Background of Epidemic Situation," in International Conference on Educational and Information Technology, 2021.[11] J. Grodotzki, S. Upadhya and A. E. Tekkaya, "Engineering education amid a global pandemic," Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, vol. 3, 2021.[12] F. Suárez, J. C. M
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andWriting Center are implementing plans that are effecting university-wide curricularchange. The Interaction between the Writing Center and Cullen College of EngineeringSenior Capstone DesignThe capstone design course in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at theUniversity of Houston has been around since the early 1960’s. In the mid-80’s theDepartment of Industrial Engineering (IE) joined the course so that project teams werecomposed of both ME and IE students, but the relative sizes of the Departments (annualgraduations rates of about 60 BSME and 10 to15 BSIE) and the nature of the projects(mostly ME in nature with only a few in IE) prevented an interdisciplinary experience forall design teams. Six years
- Session Management FunctionPCF- Policy Control FunctionAUSF- Authentication Server Function IntroductionWireless communication aims at providing a reliable and high quality communication and hasachieved this over the years by the introduction and implementation of standards by the ITU-T andindustry standard group-3GPP, respectively. The mobile cell phone technology started its evolutionjourney as far back as late 70’s. The evolution was from 1G to 5G, and each of the generation isdefined by a set of standards with details of its technological specifications and implementation ofthe use cases like bandwidth, speed, and latency1. The positive impact of cellular network evolutionhas led to an increase in the
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Binomial theorem? To see how the Pascal’s triangle is related to binomial expansion, we write the coefficients of the expansions in a triangular array as follows: In this array, called Pascal’s triangle after Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662), each entry other than the 1’s is the sum of the closest pair of numbers in the line above it. The pattern continues forever. (a + b)6 = a6 + 6a5b + 15a4b2 + 20a3b3 + 15a2b4 + 6x1y5 + y6 6 6 6 6 6 = a6 + ( ) 𝑎5b1 + ( )a4b2 + ( )a3b3 + ( )a2b4 + ( )a1b5 + b6 1 2 3 4 5 Binomial Theorem
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Diagrams for Audio Recorded in Preschool Classroom Sathvik S. Datla, Prasanna V. Kothalkar, John H.L. HansenCenter for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS), Eric Jonsson School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA {sathvik.datla, prasanna.kothalkar, john.hansen}@utdallas.edu Dwight Irvin, Jay BuzhardtJuniper Gardens Children’s Project (JGCP), University of Kansas, 444 Minnesota Ave #300, Kansas City, KS 66101, USA {dwirvin, jaybuz}@ku.edu AbstractThe ability to assess conversational interactions creates a