engineeringdevelopment issues relevant to any region. Further, this work explores the efficacy of this newpedagogical approach in meeting learning outcomes related to engineering ethics by analyzingstudent reflections following their participation in the role-playing exercise. Qualitative analysisof student work demonstrates deep engagement with the material, growth in performing research,and strengthened communication skills. Lastly, suggestions for improving the ethics role-playingactivity and corresponding assignments are provided.IntroductionEstablishing and strengthening undergraduates’ appreciation for the complexities and importanceof engineering ethics is a persistent need and challenge for engineering educators. Finding waysto instill an understanding
differences in power or values among other individuals leading to stalledprogress [17]. Norming occurs once a team has determined structure and established goals andtargets, or once they have resolved existing conflict. The team will typically have adopted amindset of ‘we’ as opposed to ‘I’ established stable roles and rules, and will typically reflect ontheir processes and progress. During the performing stage, the team will be driven towards theirgoals, be task oriented and they may be the most creative during this stage as they are moretrusting, open and enabled by their team members [17]. Finally, the adjourning stage representsthe end of the team’s work together. Depending on how the team functioned, they may celebrate,reflect or reminisce or
) brings to a short-term intensive study abroad program for undergraduate engineering students at a predominantly-White Institution such as the University of Missouri (MU). Created by the Office of Diversity and Outreach Initiatives and the International Engineering & STEM Programs office EDGES (Engineering Diversity Global Experience & Service) is an academic program that combines a social science and engineering curricula to provide students with hands on leadership, diversity, and project management skills in a global context. Using a mixed method methodology, this research study uses the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), personal reflections, and
engineers work with great autonomy, graduating engineers must have themetacognitive skills necessary to negotiate the problems they encounter in practice.Recently graduated engineers agree with the importance of problem solving abilities on the job.Passow (2012) found that problem solving was one of the top ABET competencies thatgraduated engineers value. This same study found that life-long learning was ranked in themiddle in terms of perceived importance, but the study also found that life-long learning can bepositively tied to the highest ranked competencies, including problem solving.In Schon’s (1983) work on the “reflective practitioner,” he describes that professionalsconsistently face “messy” problems that require reflecting on one’s actions
thinking needs further attention.2The complexity in defining and understanding critical thinking is one of the major challenges forengineering educators and students.25-27 Hicks, Bumbaco, and Douglas argued that exploration ofinterconnection between different philosophical concepts, in particular critical thinking,reflective practice, and adaptive expertise, may help educators to better understand and applyeach concept.28 Yet, some scholars critique the traditional viewpoints on critical thinking. Clarisand Riley identified four major themes that engineers generally have given too little attention, orno attention at all: power/knowledge relationships, transgressive validity, reflection andreflexivity, and praxis and relationality.29In this paper
module. The students are required to write a short reflection covering thefollowing three questions: What are the main points?, How is the material useful to you?, Whatmore information do you think should be included?.LaboratoryThe three-hour laboratory each week developes a diversity of hands-on skills covering the basicsof each discipline and associates the lecture and laboratory exercises toward the guided designproject, a physical prototype of a medical research device. Laboratory topics were developedthrough interactions with and input from our student advisory committee (BSAC), studentsurveys, industry including co-op and employer surveys and the external advisory board. Theskills that were utilized most frequently by students in their
activities.Instructional videos were developed to provide students with an alternative way to understandeach of the models and their related concepts. The videos are also used as a teaching approach toshow students how mechanics concepts are applied. Learning takes place through a combinationof observational learning, experiential learning, activity preparedness, and reflective learning.Upon completion of two out of the seven activities, the students were shown one of the videosduring class and guided to the rest of the video series to watch on their own. Students were ableto gain greater perspective on the activities they participated in. For those activities they wereunable to interact with, they had the opportunity to learn about the same concepts through
Profile (DCP) to createdata management plans for research projects. A DCP is a tool designed to cover all areas ofRDM and to allow data management specialists to work with researchers to develop specific datamanagement plans. The class used the Data Curation Profiles Toolkit from Purdue[22-25] todevelop a DCP for their subsequent use. The class developed DCP was then used by the studentsas part of the Final Project (Table 2) to interview faculty members to obtain the information forthe subsequent “project DMP.” Course assignments and objectives are shown in Table 2. The student work can bedivided into four categories: 1) Individual assignments reinforcing topics from the class, 2)Student’s reflection on guest speakers focused on
bestpractices for educational Makerspaces.RationaleIt has been half a decade since the launch of Maker Ed, and Makers and proponents ofeducational Making have conducted research and published opinion pieces on the potential ofMakerspaces and the need to establish them in formal educational settings such as schools.Several new Makerspaces have been set up in schools and other formal and informal educationalsettings. Now we are faced with the challenge of reaping their claimed educational benefits inschools, and our first line of defense is our ever so brave teachers. In a reflective paper that wepublished in 2014, we predicted the opportunities and challenges that educational Makerspacesare harbingers of. Since that work, we have instructed more than
" mentoring which focused developing theresearch skills of inexperienced undergraduate researchers, whereas the other five provided"supervisory" mentoring continued to concentrate on obtaining technical (research) results fromundergraduate researchers.This paper focuses on the first implementation of a new mentor workshop designed to includedesirable training practices from previous programs, but also to incorporate significant elementsof trainee self-reflection and small-group sharing, as well as practice in communicating thebroader context and motivation of research. The workshop was designed and delivered incollaboration with higher-education science-communication and professional-developmentspecialists based at Museum of Science Boston was
serves as a learning space and as a showcase of best practices related to sustainable design and construction;• Increase their interest and self-efficacy in sustainable design;• Connect concepts related to tiny house design across disciplines;• Compare and contrast interdisciplinary design options and decisions;• Reflect on their learning.Students in six different courses on campus are collaborating to design the tiny house. This pastsummer, students in Architecture I investigated different sites at the Organic Farm and preparedsite plans for 3 different sites. This winter, students in Architecture II and III will work onarchitectural designs and plans using one of the sites proposed by the Architecture I students. Inaddition, students in an
” were structured to encouragestudents to reflect, respond, and share new ideas. Early topics introduced different designaesthetics and covered broad background, such as the theory of design, a historical approach todesign, or how design paralleled art in the 20th century. Other class sessions explored theaesthetic properties of styles from Romanticism and Gothic Revival to current trends like 8-bitand steampunk. Case studies from art, industrial design, architecture, music, and engineeringincluded successful designs such as the Treepodb, Philips Pavillionc, Piaggio Vespad, BoxAppetite, REMLshelff, Paipei 101g, Soccketh, Zendrumi, Oyster Pailj, London Telephone Boothk,John Deere Tractorl, and the Apple IIm.a Two of the six Flow Vis assignments
-up,educational goals, challenges and opportunities. In Part II, we then move on to a closer look atthe technical design of the project. Finally, in Part III, we revisit the educational goals set out atthe outset, make a reflective assessment of the experience, and propose insights andrecommendations for instructors working with similar experiences or sets of challenges. Page 26.468.2Part I: Educational Goals, Challenges, and OpportunitiesBefore diving more deeply into reviewing the educational goals, it would be important to explorethe background of the institution and other contextual matters that scaffolded the experience.The project was
and varying models have been developed. For example, Crismond and Adams5present a robust matrix illustrating the design learning trajectories of K-16 students. Their matrixderives from existing literature and explores nine design strategies, from “understanding thechallenge” to “reflecting on the process.” Compared to beginners, informed designers aredescribed as continual learners who work creatively and make decisions based on their skills andknowledge. Similarly, Cross10 compares the behaviors of expert and novice engineeringdesigners. For instance, when solving a problem, expert designers focus on “breadth-first Page 26.1131.3approaches
answer these questions when she teaches some of these methods to engineering, design, business, and law students. Her courses use active storytelling and self-reflective observation as one form to help graduate students and leaders traverse across the iterative stages of a project- from the early, inspirational stages to prototyping, to prototyping some more - and to delivery. Barbara likes to paint pictures.Mr. Ville Mikael Taajamaa, University of Turku Ville M. Taajamaa, MSc (TECH) is in his fourth year of Ph.D studies focusing on engineering education reform. The main focus in the action based research is to create a new model for global interdisciplinary engineering education: O-CDIO where emphasis is more in the
often longer; and they are designed to becompatible with the understanding of the university as a complex ecosystem governed by a rangeof stakeholders and competing interests. The recent report on systemic change to STEM post-secondary pathways by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicinereferenced this work and highlighted PLCs as reflecting these important features (NationalAcademies of Sciences and Medicine, 2016). This report also indicated the importance ofsimultaneously addressing incentive practices and the values of the academy in order to ensurethe institutionalization of the instructional shifts. In designing our PLC, we ensured each of theseelements were present and will expand on each in turn
engineering from Belgrade University, and both M.S.M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Washington.Dr. Jennifer A Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make effective teach- ing decisions, and the application of ideas from complexity science to the challenges of engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Engineering with Engineers: Fostering Engineering Identity
experiences may be the most effective approach to achieve it and thatprogrammatic initiatives had little impact on development [4]. Despite this growing body ofknowledge, a long road lies ahead before the field reflects a complete, data-driven understandingof engineering leadership development.The Engineering Leadership Identity ProjectSchell and Hughes proposed a multi-staged grounded theory approach [39] to understanding thedevelopment of engineering leadership identity [40]. Their project consists of three stages: aninitial quantitative stage, a subsequent qualitative stage, and a final grounded theory stage. Seetheir literature for a fuller discussion of the project and methods (e.g. [41], [42], [43]). Thiscurrent research is focused on
domain-general intellectual development models. Descriptions of each model are givenbelow.A. Reflective Judgment Model For almost 30 years, Dr. Karen Kitchener and Dr. Patricia King have been researchingthe development of epistemic cognition and its relationship to the ability for students to solveopen-ended problems[22]. Their research produced seven sets of assumptions on knowledge andhow to obtain it. These sets became the stages in their Reflective Judgment (RJ) model[23]. Theseven stages are divided into three group described below. • Pre-reflective (Stages 1-3) – In these stages, knowledge is obtained only from authorities or firsthand experience and that knowledge is “known” to be correct. • Quasi-reflective (Stages 4
, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, orcommunication, as a guide to belief or action.” The three key elements of critical thinking thusare reason, reflection, and judgment. Fundamentally, critical thinking is thinking about thinking,a meta-cognitive process. The combination of reflection and reason leads to the final element,belief in the validity of a premise, process or solution to a problem, which also can lead to action.Critical thinking develops conclusions by deducing or inferring answers to questions and thenreflecting on the quality of the reasoning; the end result is conviction, and in many cases action,based on those conclusions.Bailin et al.4 point out that much literature to that point characterized critical thinking simply
students perform a self-evaluationthat encourages them to reflect on their work.In formulating a problem-solving action plan (window shown in Figure 1), students select frompossible student and system actions listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, and shown to the leftof the main window in Figure 1 (some possible actions are intentionally spurious). Choosing themarket research option in the first year precluded any expansion alternative during the first year.However, the problem description suggested that hiring the marketing firm would both tightenthe demand forecast and increase demand somewhat. Page 8.703.3 Proceedings of the 2003 American
examine how on-line assessment can beimplemented.1. The PortfolioA portfolio consists of a collection of materials assembled over a period of time that is used toboth demonstrate and document one’s ability in a particular subject. Portfolios are commonlyused in the artistic professions. For example, photographers who specialize in weddings willpresent to the inquiring engaged couple an assembled collection of their work. By constructing aportfolio photographers have the opportunity to reflect upon their work as they select the bestresults from their photographic sessions; similarly, the couple looking to hire someone for theirwedding can use the portfolios to evaluate the ability of each photographer. So not only is theportfolio a means to
estimated and actual time andprovide a brief narrative as to what worked well and what they would change in the next phase.This reflection document is submitted along with work products associated with the phase.At the conclusion of a project, groups meet in class to identify the top three process improvementitems from their individual reflection documents. As a class we consolidate the group lists into aclass-wide list, and target a subset of these for tracking during the next project. Many of thesuggested improvements are what one might expect – start the project sooner, don’tprocrastinate, read the project description, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and so on. Thereflection session also provided the opportunity for students to share scripts
of Jarvis’s model are reflected inour proposed model for LTS programs. However, a learning model alone is not sufficient forfully coming to grips with designing or operationalizing (i.e. implementing) an LTS program.A model which comes from the LTS literature, and therefore was formulated more specificallyfor this pedagogy is Butin’s four models for community engagement.6 Butin’s models actuallydescribe four goals commonly associated with community service learning: technical, cultural,political, and anti-foundational. These models reflect the differences in learning goals identifiedby faculty who use service learning: • Technical; LTS is used primarily to increase content knowledge and retention of knowledge. • Cultural: LTS
meaning of the world and gain knowledge; identitydevelopment refers to a process of securing and trusting an internal compass; and relationshipdevelopment refers to maintaining one’s internal compass, while engaging in maturerelationships. In order to support student development toward self-authorship, educators first Page 25.1215.2must be aware of the importance of student this construct.More specifically, one strategy that has been shown to both challenge and support studentdevelopment is reflection—making meaning of past experiences. Reflective activities thatencourage and challenge students to engage with difficult and often murky areas have
question of what they want students to learn. Andthis is an important part of the answer. Engineering professors must select content that will beimportant in the students’ future work as engineers. But unless the goals also reflect attention to thekinds of learning that are achieved in relation to that content, the educational results will still be adeficient learning experience. What kind of language and concepts can engineering professors useto construct a worthwhile set of learning goals for a curriculum? They can be cast into six catego-ries, which include the kinds of learning goals contained in the new ABET 2000 accreditation list(a-k), plus some additional ones that seem important for future engineers. They are: foundationknowledge
diversity and inclusioninitiatives. The course culminates with the project competition. Students are also required towrite reflections and a roadmap to their careers. We hypothesize that the multidimensionalapproach to the course will develop belonging to the profession and STEM Efficacy. STEMEfficacy is the students' beliefs about their abilities to perform STEM learning activities [22-23].II.2. Engineering Speaker Series, Reflection Paper, and Career RoadmapEvery semester, a minimum of 10 professional speakers are invited to speak about the threedimensions through 1. their specific field, 2. the skills to be successful in the field, 3. their story and insights on how to succeed in college, as an engineer, and as a professional for
multipleevidences that support each proposed interpretation and use. The concept of reliability reflectshow consistently the instrument measures what it is designed to measure—in other words, howmuch the scores are consistent [1], [7]. Finally, fairness is about considering and avoiding thedifferent ways the instrument might be biased against or in favor of certain groups, both in termsof how they are scored and how the scores might impact groups differently [8]. These threeconcepts are important when considering the development of an instrument because evidences ofthese concepts can ensure that the information one gets from the instrument are relevant for awide population and that it actually reflects what it is intending to measure [5].With the rise of
AC 2010-466: STUDIO STEM: NETWORKED ENGINEERING PROJECTS INENERGY FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYSChristine Schnittka, University of KentuckyMichael Evans, Virginia TechBrett Jones, Virginia TechCarol Brandt, Virginia Tech Page 15.1138.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Studio STEM: Networked Engineering Projects in Energy for Middle School Girls and BoysAbstractThe US workforce of the 21st century reflects an increasing need to train and hire engineers,scientists, and technologists.1,2 Whereas, the current trend is to seek expertise from foreignnationals, the new agenda is to place a concerted effort on the training and
sample. The instrument wasadministered on-line and over 500 students completed it. The results were subjected topsychometric analysis to investigate reliability and validity and to extract trends in the data withrespect to field of study and gender.IntroductionThe Index of Learning Styles©, created by Felder and Soloman,1 is designed to assess preferenceson four dimensions of a learning style model formulated by Felder and Silverman.2 The ILSconsists of four scales, each with 11 items: sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, active-reflective, andsequential-global. Felder and Spurlin3 summarize the four scales as follows: • “sensing (concrete, practical, oriented toward facts and procedures) or intuitive (conceptual, innovative, oriented