connect withone another and reflect on the information they have been exposed to throughout the day.As shown in fig. 6, the majority of teachers have already used, or are intending to use the activitykit provided. Some have even mentioned using activities from the website that were not part of thetrack they attended at the workshop but fit their classroom curriculum. There was a wide breadthin the ways teachers implemented their classroom kits. Some teachers mentioned they use theactivity as an introduction to a new concept, while others used them as hands on reinforcement ofa concept they had already taught in a traditional fashion. Teachers who used the kits mentionedthat they encouraged them to try new teaching strategies in their classrooms
-Technologist [30], [31] and sequencing exercises such as explaining how to put on a coat verbally to another girl. 7. Expand data collection to include reflection, usually in the form of exit slips at the end of class. 8. Design tools specifically targeted at the CT skills and practices relevant in the lesson of the day. 9. Add real-time in-class data collection hardware, such as Swivl video systems to capture conversations at multiple locations in the classroom.Data Analysis. Quantitative data, such as the engagement surveys, will continue to be analyzedby descriptive analysis. The small participant size excludes the application of popular methodsfor affective construct analysis. All qualitative data will continue
have been skewed by thepresentation of the topics in classes and the assignments. However, the data was collected across6-7 sections of the course taught by different instructors in each of the two years during whichdata was collected. Therefore, the data should reflect some averaging. For example, if oneinstructor taught sustainability well and with enthusiasm in one class, while another taught thetopic poorly, then the responses of students from one class should offset the responses from theother class when the data is pooled.Summary and Conclusions A survey-based study of first-year engineering students was conducted at the University ofNew Haven to determine their personality types and interest in topics such as visualization
[23], a Reacting To The Past game about climate change that was part of the Fall 2017 andFall 2019 semesters. Environmental movie nights took place on Wednesday nights at 7 PM at thelibrary with the librarian and the professor in attendance. Movies were also open to the widercampus community and the public. Students were encouraged to attend via a passport program.Climate Change World Café In addition to the environmental movie nights, first-year engineering students wereinvited to take part in a World Café on climate change during the Fall 2018 semester. One way tofoster resilience is through communication as students are bombarded with information aboutclimate change without the opportunity to digest, reflect, and consider steps for
modernized bachelor-level program at BSU’s MBE Department was developedbased upon a range of stakeholder inspirations, one of the most critical being student feedback.Through course evaluations and direct reflection of learning, undergraduates had requested moreflexibility with class selection, more hands-on engineering, and more themed learning tracks.The faculty recognized these inquiries to be of similar premise to those presented by numerousmechanical engineering education reform initiatives and publications. In these documents, thediscussion of the disassociation between industry needs and what mechanical engineers new totheir careers are prepared to provide is relentless. With the understanding that the presentcurriculum had not been
mathematicians, scientists, and engineers contains acode of ethics or a statement of ethical behavior. For example, ACM’s code of ethics states,“Computing professionals’ actions change the world. To act responsibly, they should reflect uponthe wider impacts of their work, consistently supporting the public good” [1]. This statementmakes it clear that a student cannot consider their work in a vacuum, and it also makes clear that astudent must connect their work to the impacts of that work.ABET accreditation guidelines for colleges and universities include a student outcome thatstudents from an ABET accredited undergraduate program will have “an ability to recognizeethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations” [2]. The merging of
– Introduces a number of methods that can lead to new business ventures, including recognizing societal trends and market gaps, and discovering different ways to develop solutions to societal needs. 12. Innovating to Solve Problems Under Organizational Constraints – Introduces different types of innovation and problem-solving techniques in order to create a portfolio of practical solutions that reflect organizational boundaries and constraints. 13. Innovative Client-Centered Solutions Through Design Thinking – Describes two human- centered design thinking cycles and teaches how to apply design-thinking skills to a client-centered challenge. 14. Learning from Failure – Describes the difference between
’ practices and values also alignedfor both factors indicating they did what they believed was best for their success. There was,however, no alignment between students’ prioritization and their values. Early interventions thathelp balance students’ priorities, supported with ongoing reflective practice, may help bringstudents’ priorities, practices and values into alignment.LimitationsWe believe that the participants in this study represent all Canadian undergraduate engineeringstudents, but recognize they are not statistically representative. The findings of this survey mayhave a bias associated with non-response. Students who chose to complete the survey may havedifferent views from those who did not. It is also not known what other factors may
, University of Pittsburgh. She conducts research on education projects that focus on active learning and engineering professional development. Current research includes the propagation of active learning throughout the Swanson School and the use of systematic reflection and metacognitive activities within coursework. She received the Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and the MS in Mechanical Engineering from Case Western. She has over 25 years of experience as an engineer and analyst in industry and academia. She completed her post-doctoral studies in engineering education at the University of Pittsburgh. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020
FIGURE 8-23 FRONT PANEL FOR TEMPERATURE IN GREENHOUSE FIGURE 8-24 BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR GREENHOUSE The thermocouple was plugged into the system and calibrated. The thermocouple used is a K-type, and the tip of the thermocouple is the part that actually detects the heat. The tip of the thermocouple needs to be oriented in such a way that it gets direct heat from the light bulb and not reflections. The light bulb and fan are part of the experiment. The fan gets actuated so that when the
as adjuncts to the substantialfinancial aid programs created to assist low-income students.”12 Therefore, “[t]he history ofTRIO is a fascinating story of unique Federal Government experiments to address the problemsof poverty by providing educational opportunities in higher education.”9 Furthermore, to addressissues within the society, Gullatt & Jan, state that, “the services provided by pre-collegiateoutreach programs aim to counter negative school or community influences (lack of rigorouscurriculum, poorly trained teachers, lack of role models) by providing the missing elements thathelp students aspire to, prepare for, and obtain college enrollment.”10 As found by Hexter, thesimilarity in aim is reflected through a similarity in
used in solvingengineering problems. They succeed at algorithmic problem solving but have difficulty explainingthe physical systems being described. This is reflected in low scores on concept inventoryexams.1,2 Continued poor performance in thermodynamics courses is linked to students notgrasping the key concepts and failing to recognize how to apply relevant concepts in solvingproblems.3 Even when students pass thermal and fluid science courses, many fail to achieve a deepunderstanding of the fundamental concepts. For example, students may be able to solve problems Proceedings of the 2017 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Section Annual Conference Organized by The University of Texas at Dallas
%. Two main aspects were studied:students’ success in the class and students’ results per gender and ethnicity.The first finding refers to students’ success in the class: The percentages of mixed-modestudents successfully completing Statics and advancing to other courses was in average morethan 5 percent points higher than the F2F sections. The grade distribution also reflected animportant increase in A’s and B’s with a decrease in C’s, D’s and F’s.Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were conducted. From univariate analysis, it wasfound that race, level, overall GPA prior to the course, gender, number of prior attempts andinclusion of mixed-mode instructional delivery approach are potentially important variables forpredicting future
hands-on immersion experience at FERL (describedpreviously) and co-enrollment in numerous course offerings. This knowledge helps createsbalanced teams which is critical to ensuring healthy competition in the fourth phase. During the competition, teams assume the identity of a design-build firm, dividing upindividual roles by sub-discipline as outlined previously. Team leaders are charged withproviding overall guidance and ensuring the final products reflect a fully coordinated design andconstruction plan between sub-disciplines. Teams compete to “win” the job by having the mosttechnically sound approach and best integrated design. Examining Table 1 highlights a few important similarities between The Crucible and theASC design-build
course ends (e.g., as peer tutors or project mentors), • help improve the course (e.g., by creating new active-learning exercises over the material, or scoping out new technological developments that could be incorporated into the course), and • keep you in contact with current industrial practice (e.g., by serving as a scrum master or training others in the practice).This way of looking at a course reflects a subtle, but important, difference in devising courseprojects. The question is not, How can I specify projects that will familarize students with thecourse content? but rather, How can I design projects that will help students find their role inpromoting their own learning and that of their classmates? This
, none of the available tools accurately reflected the laboratory materialenough to warrant use in the course. Most of the existing simulators either did not use thedesired antenna configurations or did not facilitate altering the desired parameters of interest.The tools that did allow the detailed examination of the desire parameters of interest were toocomplicated and contained too many features for the simple pre-lab exercise. Also, none of thetools attempted to explain the underlying theory in a way suitable for students. Thus, it wasdetermined that a simulation tool should be developed by the university to facilitate the needs ofthe dipole antenna laboratory study.The end product of this development is a suite of four simulation tools
approach of this research is to employ an outreach program as a non-classroom basedpedagogy of engagement. A number of non-outreach opportunities outside the classroom forengineering students have been studied to determine if they do indeed encourage intentionallearning goals and active reflection by the student on what he or she learns throughout theexperience.[22-25] These opportunities range from volunteer community service to field education,such as internships and co-ops.[26] Research has shown that these experiences not only allowstudents to gain a sense of civic responsibility, but that they also help students to developprofessional teamwork and communication skills, assist in identifying career paths, preparestudents for the demands of
disciplines to utilize this new teaching/learning paradigm, developproject-centric coursework, deploy the project-centric course to BSC students, and form the basisfor continuous improvement in the curriculum as needed to reflect this new teaching/learningparadigm. The BSC professors were provided the necessary mentoring and tools to develop anddeploy a course that facilitates multidisciplinary teaching/learning, thus advancing thepreparation of current and future generations of scientists, engineers, and educators.Project-Centric Cyberinfrastructure Education: Course DevelopmentImplementation of a project-centric teaching paradigm was aimed at engaging students inapplying the concepts of cyberinfrastructure. During the process of course development
, and a take-home activity; details for each are included below.Within a set of activities, the middle school students should be exposed to educational activitiesranging from basic comprehension to design and evaluation to reflecting on what they’ve learnedat home. The design team used Bloom’s Taxonomy7 as a guideline in this, and similar goalshave been set for other middle school engineering modules8. Kits developed to date include HeatTransfer, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy, Solar Power, and Wind and Water Power.Instruction Manual: The instruction manual consists of a guide sheet, lesson plans, handouts,and assessment forms. The contents of the Instruction Manuals are available online so teacherscan browse and decide which kit(s) to use
that welearned is to have all of the required materials prepared well in advance.This EDP was also more difficult for the students. They have a large variety of materialsto choose from (as opposed to being restricted to a two-liter soda bottle) and amultifaceted problem: focus on scoring or attacking the opponent, speed versecontrollability, etc.; the number of tradeoffs is significant. The LEGO sets are capable ofbuilding very complex machines but the rules of the contest limit the size that the cadetscan use and a single nine volt battery power supply rewards those who design efficiently.The student satisfaction with the EDPs throughout the course is reflected in the followingstudent comments: “The past 26 lessons have been quite
misconduct. These will always be fundamental concerns. But there ismore to engineering ethics than this. There is the more positive side that focuses on doing one'swork responsibly and well, whether in the workplace or in community service22.Service learning may be defined as22: Credit-bearing educational experience in which studentsparticipate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and reflect onthe service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of the course content, abroader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.The concept of service learning is not new to higher education, or to the engineeringprofession22. The idea of integrating service with education has
multidisciplinary senior capstone design class and the criteria that itspecifically was responsible for meeting. It was (and is) felt that this course was the maincomponent that links the curriculum together, and, therefore, it was also the linchpin of verifyingfulfillment of the various criteria.The first document also focused on certain curriculum issues that were present at the time in2000. Several of the survey and interview questions used for all data sources (students, alumni,industry recruiters, etc.) reflected concerns about certain classes, course sequences, and overallcurriculum flow. Although not intended as such, this document provided a history of these issuesfor new faculty to review and become familiar with history of curriculum development
Higher Education. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office.4. Tinto, V. (1988) Stages of Student Departure: Reflections on the Longitudinal Character of Student Leaving The Journal of Higher Education: Ohio State University Press. Page 12.387.105. Rendon, L. I., Jalomo, R.E., and Nora, A. (2000). Theoretical considerations in the study of minority student retention in higher education: In Rethinking the Departure Puzzle: New Theory and Research on College Student Retention, edited by J. Braxton, 127-156. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.6. Kuh, G.D. (2001). Assessing what really matters to student learning
distributed in differentlocations in order to design products for a global market. Using teams distributed in differentlocations over the world implies that the design team is representing a broader and diversecommunity and, therefore, making more significant, creative and widely accepted contributionsto the final product. Global design also implies a commitment to create safe consumer productsto benefit the international community, protecting the global environment, supporting culturaldiversity, and respecting international agreements and standards.It is evident that if the world is changing the academic programs should change also to reflect thenew tendencies the future engineers are going to be facing. Most of the engineering programshave a design
take some pride in the work that they have completedincluding getting their work submitted to this university symposium. Additionally, steps arebeing taken to institute a seminar-type environment where students that complete undergraduateresearch will have the opportunity to present their work to the other students within thedepartment.Conclusions, Reflections, and the FutureAlthough having students do work with industry is not a new concept, recognizing the synergismof enhancing student growth and learning as well as advancing the success of local industry is amore recent concept. Eastern Washington University is situated close to many smallmanufacturing companies that are vital to the economic and technological success of thesurrounding area
university,reflects the uniqueness of the traditional land-grant institution, which combines professional,vocational and liberal arts pursuits. The University provides baccalaureate and graduate Page 12.342.3studies that are compatible with the times to all qualified and capable individuals who areinterested in further developing their technical, professional, and scholastic skills andcompetencies. AAMU is located in Huntsville, Alabama, which is known internationally as acenter of aerospace and defense technology. Huntsville is considered as a leader in high-techresearch, engineering services, information systems design and in the manufacturing
. Furthermore, the descriptors describe what was rather than perhaps what ought to be.Finally, the data are also collapsed from numerous sources and may not necessarily reflect aparticular economic endeavor or locale.References1. Rogers, G. (n.d.). The Language of Assessment: Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall . . . . Retrieved October 14, 2007, from UPDATE/Assessment/Assessment%20Tips3.pdf2. U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges. (n.d.). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (4th Ed., Rev. 1991) – Parts. Retrieved January 17, 2008, from O*NET Resource Center. (n.d.). About O*NET. Retrieved October 14, 2007, from
time frames between ninety minutes5, 10-12 and one day1, 13.Regardless of the time frame, all authors cited here employ repetition as a tool to highlight thedifference between non-Lean production and Lean production. The shorter time frames allowfor just two or three rounds to be used as a basis of comparison. For example, the exercisedescribed by Billington6 uses three rounds (push, pull with lot size = 3, pull with single-pieceflow) to demonstrate to students how Lean can reduce work-in-process (WIP). An advantage formultiple sessions, though, is that it provides the students with time to reflect on the events of aprevious exercise and plan for the next. The added time permits a less-structured exercise, asstudents are able to develop their
zoom functions built in. In order to accommodate different studentpreferences, these functions can be controlled by either moving the mouse in the 3-D space, bykey combinations using the “←”, “→”, “↑”, “↓”, “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys, or by gamekeys “A”, “D”, “W”, “S”, “E” and “R”. During the experimentation, any changes in parametersand variables are immediately reflected numerically and graphically as a response to the students’inputs. For example, by selecting a different airfoil type from the “Model Selection” list, allcorresponding outputs are refreshed automatically. This design is expected to create a strong feelof immersion in the represented space for the students. Figure 14: GUI of virtual airfoil and wing
-week science apprenticeship program on high school sophomores and juniors. In thisstudy the metrics for success were based on concepts advocated by the National ResearchCouncil in its National Science Education Standards5, which encouraged learning science withinthe context of real-world problems. This concept of learning by doing is the basis for manyapprenticeship programs. However, in the study by Bell, et al., the students were found to havechanged their ideas of science and scientific inquiry very little between the beginning and end ofthe program. The sole student who had a significant positive change in these areas was found tohave done significant reflection on the project throughout the experience.Another example of a high school