. Teams are formed depending on the class sizes. Assessments: There are weekly graphics assignments, quizzes, and four midterm exams. For the project, students are required to develop conceptual and technical design reviews. Weekly activities include discussion posts on technical and communication topics related to the design project. Peer evaluations are conducted via Purdue’s CATME Peer-Evaluation tool three times during a semester and serve as a measure of teamwork. Technical writing is considered a critical piece in the project documentation. Project deliverables such as oral presentations, design reviews, peer evaluations, and prototype testing are used to assess student learning objectives.Challenges due to COVID-19Higher Education
guidance in navigating academicspaces, a particular challenge for first generation students [2]. These factors, and more, maycontribute to low participation rates of undergraduate students participating in research. Forexample, from Spring 2019 to 2020 only 3.3% of mechanical engineering (ME) undergraduateswere enrolled in independent research at UC Berkeley, an R1 institution.Figure 1 illustrates one common pathway to becoming an undergraduate research scientist, wherean essential first step is being aware of research areas. Students may discover research areasthrough peer and family networks [3] or technical electives. Once students have identified theirresearch interest, they can begin seeking research positions through informal methods such as
mode to providereal-world IT experience for undergraduate students: 1) externships situated on-campus, underthe supervision of faculty and assisted by peer-mentors and industry mentors and 2) internshipssituated with local companies under the supervision of industry employees. When careerpreparedness elements were interwoven while learning and practicing new IT skills withinhands-on project deliverables, externs reported benefits such as increased confidence in seekingout employment opportunities, preparing for interviews, professional networking, leadershipdevelopment, and conveying their industry experience in their resumes and on LinkedIn.Lessons learned to date related to engaging and retaining targeted students include the need
% Quizzes/Attendance: 15%Homework: 20% Homework: 30%Research Proposal: 50% (comprised of): Research Proposal: 25% (comprised of): Outline 10% Outline 5% st st 1 Draft 10% 1 Draft 5% Final Draft 10% Final Draft 5% Presentation 10% Presentation 5% Peer Review 10% Peer Review 5%ExamsThere will be two exams, mid-term and final. Exams will occur in
“fresh start” when they begin theircapstone project.At the end of the AGV project we ask the students to reflect on their experience both on thetechnical and interpersonal dimensions. On the technical dimension, the project report requiresthe students to explain how they tested the subsystems, how they performed integration testing,and to evaluate how their prototype met (or failed to meet) specifications. The AGV reportevaluation rubric is shown in Appendix A. Regarding the human dimension, each student isrequired to submit a peer-assessment and self-evaluation in which they write at least one bulletedstatement on each team member’s strengths and areas needing improvement, as shown inAppendix B. All aspects of the project should be considered
, professional society, and annual conference activities. As a result of her efforts, in five years DOE CSGF doubled the number and overall quality of applicants, including a doubling and in some cases quadrupling the number of underrepresented minority applications. Under her directorship, the National Science Foundation STEM Talent Expansion Program at Miami Dade College witnessed development and implementation of novel programming for cross-engagement of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. She initiated a rapid start, and then engaged and retained students through online and learning communities, specialized courses, virtual and traditional seminars, peer and faculty mentoring, field trips, and other
provides a means of directing students to appropriate-level coursesand special programs and establishes realistic goals to be achieved in order for the studentto succeed in the program.Other important retention-related student needs include providing students with a realisticvision of the engineering profession, a sense of belonging to the program, imparting self-management skills for academic success, providing opportunity for peer interaction, andproviding a framework for the processing of the transition experience from high school tocollege.A student success (retention) program has been recently instituted by the School ofEngineering and Applied Sciences at the University at Buffalo. Components of theprogram include a new model for admission
Engineering & Design department at WWU has spent considerableeffort focused on supporting students with the goal of improving student sense of belonging andcreating inclusive and equitable learning environments. Efforts have included updating the firstyear curriculum to incorporate social justice [6], starting a peer mentor program focused onstudent engagement and belonging [7] [8] [9], integrating inclusive practices into thedepartmental makerspace [10] [11], creating a summer bridge program for engineering students[12], hosting events designed to increase belonging and engagement [8] [13], conductingresearch on impacts of curricular and co-curricular changes on belonging and identity [14] [15][16], and offering undergraduate research
suggest. Immediatelyfollowing the pitch, each student writes a short written reflection about how peer andinstructor feedback may have modified the focus or scope of their project, or helped thestudent identify additional resources.With their final paper topic fully vetted and scoped, each student writes an annotatedbibliography and 6-8 page rough draft, which is peer reviewed in class and commentedon by the instructor. Each student writes a reflection on how they will edit their draft dueto feedback they received in peer review or how they were inspired to do somethingdifferently by reading another student’s draft. The final draft is due at the end of thequarter. See selected topics for final papers in Table IV. Table IV. Select Examples of
] V. Sampson, P. Enderle, J. Grooms and S. Witte, “Writing to Learn by Learning to Write During the School Science Laboratory: Helping Middle and High School Students Develop Argumentative Writing Skills as they Learn Core Ideas,” Science Education, vol. 97, pp. 643-670, Sept., 2013. doi: 10.1002/sce.21069[31] L. Martin, “The Promise of the Maker Movement for Education,” Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), vol. 5, pp. 30-39, Jan.-June, 2015. https://doi.org/10.7771/2157-9288.1099[32] S. Sheppard, K. Macatangay, A. Colby and W. Sullivan, Educating Engineers: Designing for the Future of the Field, Book Highlights. Stanford, C.A.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2008
13.203.5Figure 4- Airplane System and Its Components – Drawn by a Student 4It may be mentioned that DyKnow allows an instructor to share students’ panels with allstudents. In-class polling was done to seek students’ feedback on how they felt about their workbeing shared with peers in class. Here’re the results: Statement: I like the panels are shared back with the class Strongly agree (20%), Agree (28%), Neither agree nor disagree (23%), Disagree (4%), Strongly disagree (5%), Invalid data (20%) (Sample size: 235)It can be seen that majority of students like seeing other students’ work and are possibly findinglearning from peers to be a positive experience.2.1.2 Other Tablet Applications: Like in fall 2006
) respect for students at all levels of development—are embedded throughout each lesson.In each Math Out of the Box K-5 lesson, students are: 1) given variety and choice in learningtasks; 2) expected to communicate their thinking both verbally and in writing; 3) providedopportunities to model and practice with other students, with the expectation of constructivefeed-back from peers and the teacher; 4) given tasks that are student-centered in nature; and 5)expected to work cooperatively in various group configurations to accomplish tasks. Whatfollows are excerpts from each phase of the learning cycle from a fifth grade lesson, Lesson 6:Creating a Growing Pattern11 with commentary explaining how the lesson components satisfythe Felder/Brent
learning must be identified at the very outset of theprogram design. This will consist of: 1. The student will identify an engineering problem 2. The student will write the goals and objectives of the project or investigation 3. The student will develop completion and performance criteria of the project 4. The student will demonstrate knowledge of theories to best apply to the project 5. The student will write the specification of assessment methods for each phase of the project Page 7.1107.2Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Copyright © 2002
to the project 5. The student will write the specification of assessment methods for each phase of the project 6. The student will conduct and manage proper peer evaluation of the project in class with the help of the instructor 7. The student will collect feedback of evaluation from the peer and instructor to continuously improve the project till completion 8. Finally, the student will publish for the class the final evaluation resulting in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor outcomes as suggested by the following instrument.The outcomes in the higher-level cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains are to bewritten by the student after the completion of each phase of the project using the
Session 1453 Freshman Mentoring: Creating a Baseline for Faculty Involvement David R. Haws Boise State UniversityAbstractMentoring may have become a lost art in higher education. Even at its best, faculty mentoringwas typically limited to the paternal protection of a promising young colleague. Occasionally,this involved a gifted undergraduate. Seldom was such benevolence exhibited toward those “at-risk” freshmen most in need of developing a connection with the university.In more recent years the mentor function has been transferred to peers. While this may be lessstressful
literature reviews andannotated bibliographies.During the workshops students were divided into groups based on their major to focus their talksto their research interests. During the first workshop, group discussions focused on how tosynthesize many texts to follow a particular research theme and how to then describe andevaluate the text for an annotated bibliography. The students discussed potential problems withtheir literature reviews and ways to overcome the pitfalls. By organizing the students by major,the group dynamics allowed the participants to have more detailed conversations regarding theirspecific research projects. Participants were given materials from Writing at the University ofToronto5 and the Purdue OnLine Writing Lab (OWL) 6 on
LaboratoryAbstractThis paper describes a construction materials laboratory that interfaces what are often lessdesirable activities for engineering students (i.e., writing, presenting) with physical experimentsand calculations. The paper’s primary objective is to present the recent incorporation of panelevaluations to expose students to presenting and to emphasize competition. Writing exerciseshave been part of the laboratory for years, and are described in some detail. Emphasis is on oralcommunication. As might be expected, student responses to these panels have varied widely,though overall assessments to date seem to indicate value added to the laboratory experience.1.0 Introduction and BackgroundTechnical communication (oral and written) is a formidable
.) • Writing Consultant (CLEAR) 4910 15 to 30 3 • Oral Presentation Consultant (CLEAR)Original Instructor Team Model within the Professional Skills SpineAs initially conceived, each of the three courses utilized an instructional team to organize,facilitate and delivery instruction, and provide feedback to the students. Table 2 shows typicalclass sizes, the number of times that the class has been offered in an academic year, and theinstructor team in each of the courses. The instructor teams and the courses were specificallydesigned to integrate with the Communications, Leadership, Ethics, and Research (CLEAR)Program in the College of Engineering at University of Utah.In the original model, the lead instructor was a
videography, and fine art or folk pieces” (p. 95). Findings were positive for im-proving writing skills, increasing interest in the field, and fostering critical thinking. The potentialfor transformative learning seems inherent in teaching creatively as well (Coate and Boulos 2012). Specific to engineering instruction, comparative results showed improved performance andsatisfaction in a thermodynamics class following pedagogical changes such as including “activelearning” (students designed a mock television game show, for example) and using multimedia topresent information (Byerly 2001). In her thermodynamics course, Dillon’s (2014) students created“poems, videos, collages, songs, sculptures, devices, and photographs . . . [which led to
required to develop conceptual and technical design reviews. Weekly activities include discussion posts on technical and communication topics related to the design project. Peer evaluations are conducted via Purdue’s CATME Peer-Evaluation tool three times during a semester and serve as a measure of teamwork. Technical writing is considered a critical piece of project documentation. Project deliverables such as oral presentations, design reviews, peer evaluations, and prototype testing are used to assess student learning objectives.III. Challenges in Teaching and Learning at the regional campusHigher Education institutions especially land grant institutions have relied upon the traditionalstudent population admitted to the central campus. With the
quizzes. Activereadings serve as pre-work, as mentioned in section 3, to prepare students for completing in-classactivities by enhancing their foundational knowledge, especially the remembering andunderstanding levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT) [34, 35] for relevant concepts. Next, we have arange of in-class activities where students follow guided instructions and discuss with peers intheir small groups. During each of these in-class activities, students perform at least one of thefollowing tasks: code completion, code snippet debugging, answering multiple-choice questions,writing pseudocode, and drawing flowcharts. Each of these tasks falls under different BT’scategories, demands the use of different skills, and requires students to pay attention
lecture time can be repurposed for a moreblended learning experience in future offerings thus creating weekly modules. The weekly laboratory period focuses on directly training the students in technical skills,such as those listed above that were previously offered on an ad hoc basis, in order train studentsto solve a multidisciplinary guided design project using these skills in teams. The laboratorieswere designed and are taught in conjunction with BME faculty instructors by undergraduateBME student assistants (SAs), allowing them to gain valuable teaching experience while givingour sophomore students an opportunity to learn from and interact with their peers. The guideddesign project requires the student teams to incorporate the knowledge
my academic “pulse” comes simply and solelyfrom a heart of curiosity and desire for knowledge. In terms of identity development, Iexperienced the same curriculum as my peers but may have received them differently due to mydiffering motivations. It is with this background and initial sense of self that I approached the writing of thethree narratives that follow. Within each narrative there is analysis that comes from myimmediate processing of the experience. After each narrative, I provide further analysis whichhelps to connect the narratives and place them in the larger context of personal-professionalidentity alignment. At the end of the paper, I present a final analysis of how my experiencesmight be useful in thinking more broadly
development, and engineering education. Through these research topics, Raissa has been publishing papers for peer-reviewed journal and conference pro- ceedings. Also, she is part of Dr. Siyuan Song’s research lab, the Safety Automation and Visualization Environment (SAVE) Laboratory, which integrates technologies and education themes to improve build- ing performance and safety engineering.Dr. Siyuan Song, The University of Alabama Dr. Siyuan Song is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental engineering at the University of Alabama. Her research interests include Occupational Safety and Health, Training and Workforce Development, Engineering Education, Building Information Modeling
side. Finally, the student “Evaluates” the final equations and calculates the unknown quantities.Also, as part of the “Evaluation” step, the student inquires if the answers make sense and are consistentwith initial estimates of reasonable answers.The author acknowledges Dr. Robert Abel of Olympic Community College, who used the 5-Step problem-solving method, which the author modified to be the SOLVE method.C. Instructions for Writing Lab ReportsGeneral instructions for all labsConducting experiments, tests, measurements, and other studies and writing reports about them is animportant part of the engineering profession and something you need to learn and practice. We haverules and conventions for reporting information so that peers and
in the course. Not only would thishelp engineers better communicate to others the benefits engineering provides, something theCommittee on the Engineer of 2020 also says is necessary, we, as instructors, could begin theconversation. To accomplish this objective we required numerous writing assignments, requiredoral presentations, and ensured that there was ample class discussion. For the second version ofthe course we added the requirement that each student read a national newspaper on a regularbasis and, at some point of their choosing in the semester, provide a copy of an article they readrelated to engineering and public policy and their analysis of the article and the policy issue.Course DesignAlthough the course was designed to meet the
of computational fracture mechanics. Page 11.429.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Developing a Freshman Introduction to Engineering TextbookAbstract What should a freshman introduction to engineering course achieve and how will anappropriate textbook help meet the course goals? In this paper, we summarize our experiencessearching for a text and ultimately how and why we decided to write our own book. It can be said that the primary purpose of a first year introduction to an engineeringcourse is to win the hearts and minds of first year college students who are considering anengineering
two weeks, which a student completes in a group with a partner.The class sizes range from about 10 up to 30 students, depending on the section, and each lab isscheduled for 160 minutes. Each term, between 10-15 sections of lectures and labs (each) areoffered. Given four lab exercises each term, each student is responsible for writing at least two ofthe reports, while the other partner at a minimum helps with the experimental setup and dataacquisition during the lab meeting. The students usually have one week to write-up their finalreport. The student who is not responsible for the writing of a specific lab is often of limited helpduring post-lab analysis of data, and is often not prepared for the material prior to coming to thelab
] .MULTIPLE REPRESENTATIONS OF TURING MACHINESAlan Turing provided a mathematical definition of computation in 1936 [41]. In the same year,Emil Post independently developed algorithm machines that have come to be known as Postmachines [29]. Turing machines and Post machines are proven to be equivalent and their theorydeveloped in 1930s and 1940s has provided the foundation of the theory of computation. Turingmachines are the most popular models for recursively enumerable sets mentioned above.Following Cohen [6], we define Turing machines as follows. A Turing machine is composed of six components: 1. An alphabet, , which is a finite non-empty set of symbols from which input isbuilt. 2. A READ/WRITE TAPE, divided into a sequence
code captured any decision points that educators made that would impact all students in the college including those that they had no direct contact with. For example, one faculty member while seeking assistance in writing a large research grant proposal considered options that would create potential learning opportunities for all students. Page 11.388.6 Magnitude students affected Increase in