possible. REFERENCES 1. F. Fadul and R. Krahe, “The New Roles of Microprocessor Simulators in Education, ” 1992 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Toledo, Ohio, June 1992, pp. 1744-1746. 2. P. I. Lin, “Microcomputer Hardware/Software Education in the Electrical Engineering Technology: A Practical Approach, ” 1992 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Toledo, Ohio, June 1992, pp. 791-794. 3. B. Furht and P. S. Liu, “An Advanced Laboratory for Microprocessor Interfacing and Communication, ” IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol. 32, No. 2, May 1989, pp. 124-128. 4. G. Foster, “Team Projects in an Advanced Microprocessor Course, ” 1991 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, New Orleans, LA, June 1991, pp. 124-128
Interactive M o d e s Technically, the Web is a set of servers and browsers that communicate via HTTP transferrimzHTML documents between the servers and browsers. A more practical definition is that the Web is ;loosely coupled collection of information file servers that process file requests from clients, also knownas browsers. Popular browsers, such as Netscape and Mosaic, communicate via several Internet proto-cols, such as f tp, gopher, and http. This presentation focuses on the HTML aspects of Web-basedinstructional tools. The primary purpose of the HTTP/HTML Web systems is the exchange of multi-media infor-mation contained in files that are accessible via the Web-server. The power in the HTTP/HTML Websystems is that HTML documents
of this expression intoequation (16), one can immediately evaluate the various contributions to the minimum work requirement for agiven separation. (17)All of the terms involving P~’ cancel by virtue of the mass balance relationships. For a binary mixture that canbe modeled as an ideal solution, the last three terms involving the activity coefficient(s), y,, will equal zero since y,is unity for the entire composition range for each species, The effect of deviations from ideal behavior on theminimum work requirement are readily apparent. A system with positive deviations from ideal behavior (y i > 1
that engineering students make during their studies. These communications include informal connections to the student chapters of the professional engineering societies, our COOP and internship programs, S WE, NSBE, ROTC and others. Another important informal contact is with upper level undergraduates and with graduate students who help mentor in the course. The academic goals of the course include introducing them to effective hands-on experiences with the computer, development of communication skills, how to think about engineering design, and the foundations of manufacturing. These foundations include teaming, communication, vocabulary, a concept of quality, economics, design, ethics, and the
availability of people with these skills is making it difficult for U. S, industries to compete in the international market. To function effectively in today’s technological society, contribute to its growth, reap its benefits, and minimize its hazards, knowledge of the technology is essential. This is true whether one is pursuing a career in business, economics, law, education, health care, mathematical, physical or social sciences, humanities or the arts. Academic institutions, particularly engineering schools, have the primary responsibility for producing new graduates in sufficient numbers and with adequate knowledge of science and technology and skill to meet the needs of the industry and the society. However
, a_, b_, n_l : = S u m [ ( b - a ) / n * f[a+i(b-a) /nl, {i, l,nllcomputes a Riemann sum. Once the students have had a little experience computing area under the curve,they can begin to solve applications problems using this Riemann sum. Some illustrative examples:Problem: Find the work done hauling 40 feet of chain that is hanging from a window whose sill is 50 feetabove the street, if the chain weighs half a pound per foot.Solution: Since work is force times distance, and the distance is different for each point along the chain, wecan approximate the work done with a Riemann sum. For each slice, we can approximate its distance to thewindowsill by using the furthest point on the slice - thus using the Riemann rightsum. The
encouraged to pursue aspects of the material presented which interested them ingreater depth, the faculty member(s) need to be available for after class discussion and maintain flexibleoffice hours. Since many of the topics covered during the semester in this course are normally taught either asfull lecture courses or at the graduate level, the various lectures were presented to the students on aschedule to attempt to meet their needs for the background materials just prior to their need to use theinformation in the project.The outline of the lecture topics for the course is given below:I. Introduction to Polymers Types of polymers, molecular weight distributions, crystallization, etc. Blending of polymersII. Polymer extrusion
research at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and currentlycollaborates with the Urology Research Laboratory at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.Dr. Winston Erevelles is an Assistant Professor of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at GMI Engineering &Management Institute. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of CIM, Robotics, andManufacturing Systems. He has a B. S. in Electrical Engineering from Bangalore University, India, and M. S.and Ph. D. degrees in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri-Rolla. He has worked as aService Engineer and Plant Manager at Mykron Engineers, India. He is an active member of SME, ASEE,and AAAI
by way of oral and written (includes drawings,sketches, route sheets, bills of materials, parts lists, network and Ganttcharts, flow process charts and breakeven charts) reports. The design workis accomplished outsj.de of the class, but the remainder of the project iscompleted during the course laboratory sessl.ons. Each group of students isevaluated on how well it completes the laboratory actj.vity by comparing thegroup’s results with the original product and production design criteria.LAB 2: POLYMER AND METALLIC WELDING ASSIGNMENT The student is given lectures concerning various polymer and metallicwelding fabrication techniques. A presentation is provided concerningmetallic welding joint design. Each student 1.s required to
. According to the JapanScience and Technology Agency, Japan’s share in the exporting of high tech products in the world surpassed 3West Germany’s in 1981 and the U.S.’s in 1983. Table 2 shows the figures for 1992. Page 1.319.1 $iiiiiii’ F 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘.,JR13>: I
): 24.3. Ruth Anne Clark, !beec h Communication 101: Princides of Effective Public S-peaking, (Champaign, IL: Stipes Publishing Company, Fall 1994): 6.PAMELA A. HAYWARD Pamela A. Hayward is an Assistant Professor of Speech Communication at Lake Superior StateUniversity. Her primary area of research is Instructional Communication. Before coming to LakeSuperior State University, she taught at the University of Illinois. Page 1.367.4 $il&.} 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘..,,yyml’,
). As result of their participation in the ACE program, 58% of the participants indicated they wereconsidering a career in engineering, engineering technology, or mathematics.References1. U.S. Statistical Abstracts, National Data Book. U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Census, 1994 Edition2. “Declining Female Enrollments Threaten Gains of Early 1980’s”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, December 5, 1988, p. 41. MARYAM GHORIESHI is an Instructor in Electrical Engineering at the Pennsylvania StateUniversity - Hazleton Campus. She received the B.S. Degree in EE from the State University of New Yorkat Buffalo, the M.S. degree from Wilkes University. She is a member of IEEE and ASEE. WIESLAW GREBSKI is an
guidelines are general enough to provide university andcollege administrators an outline of a college instruction training program. Furthermore, the guidelines are Page 1.383.1 $!iii’ ‘...,Hyyc$? F 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings .specific enough to enable a student to build his/her own program of study. Briefly, the three goals consistof gaining formal academic training, practicing this new knowledge, and finally team teaching.The Program 1. Courses and Seminars s First and
regarded either as compulsory (steps can be omitted7, oras quasi-linear prescriptions to guide the problem-solver(s?. Almost all problems are too complex, and humanmental capacity too limited, to be solved directly; iteration (repeating revision) and recursion (breaking theproblem down into smaller tasks) are always needed. Humans also tend to use judgment and intuition to guidetheir work, in order to expend minimum effort. A problem-solving activity therefore may appear to the casualobserver to be random. Nevertheless, guidelines for procedure are always helpful, at least as a check-list forensuring completeness of the task, and to categorize the (written, drawn, etc.) records of activities. Considering level 3 of the hierarchy of designing
under a “Book” menu itemin Mathcad running under Windows 3.1 or 95. It is made available on a file server at no cost and a hard copy ismade available at a very modest cost. For a sampling of the book and related teaching material including studentprojects, the reader may see Harger3 Access . is easiest with Mathcad 6.0’s built-in Web browser. Alternatively,Mathcad can be easily installed as a helper application in Netscape (with the type/subtype designationapplication/x-mathcad and extension mcd). The Computer Classroom The computer classroom is a natural evolution of the traditional classroom that makes a reasonabledemand for new teaching and
. Reducing the uncertaintyin temperature measurement alone will not satis~ our requirement since setting it even to zero reduces theuncertainty in density to 10/o. Thus, acquiring more expensive temperature measurement device for betteraccuracy is unnecessary. By improving the pressure measurement and reducing its uncertainty to 0.3°/0, theuncertainty in density reduces to O. S”/O. The key point in this exercise is to show how the students may vary theuncertainties in each measured variables as they select proper transducers based on manufacturers’specifications apriori to purchasing the transducers. It also illustrates how quickly and conveniently the valuesof measured variables and associated uncertainties maybe varied in Mathcad@ and obtain
was conducted. This test is similar to the t test except that it allows the standard deviation of theGPAs in the class to be used instead of the standard deviation of the underlying student population fromwhich the students came. For this test, the variable t' is defined as7 Mq − Mm t' = (1) S 2q S2m + nq nm Page 1.454.2 1996 ASEE
whether facultyassessors could perceive differences between the competence of students in Wright’s “structured active Page 1.213.2 ~’iiiiii~ 1996 ASEE Annual Conference proceedings ‘O,plly’:lem’~ (S&)-section and the comparison section. The design required faculty outside of theChemistry Department to conduct oral exams with groups of students drawn from both sections. Thefaculty were not aware of the section in which the interviewed students were enrolled. Moreover, thegre%rnajority of the participating faculty were unaware of the methods used by either
educational activities should be aimed at developing study and course material forsuch courses. Virtual reality-based course material is currently being developed at Rennselaer PolytechnicInstitute, and we hope that other similar efforts for formal texts will be pursued soon. We are even moreconvinced that, given a proper level of detail, a similar course can also be offered as an elective at theundergraduate level.References1. GOLDMAN, S., “A New Production Paradigm for Society,” Iacocca Institute, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA (1992).2. GUPTA, P. and NAGI, R., "Process-Partner Selection in Agile Manufacturing using Linguistic Decision Making," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, June, 1995.3. IYER, S. and NAGI, R
references that can be used in preparation of proposals are included. Thevarious sections of a proposal, such as the budget, are reviewed with information on types of material to includein each. Additionally, general advice for fust time authors is included. Following these basic guidelines will aidin the writing of a s~cc=ssful grant proposal.What Is A Grant? A grant is an award of money for an idea or project. Grants are given for research, training, service,education, etc. Grants may cover all costs associated with a project (direct costs) or may include money to helpdefray administrative costs at the university (indirect costs). Granting agencies include the government, which isthe m-ost abundant source of funds; privat; foundations
references that can be used in preparation of proposals are included. Thevarious sections of a proposal, such as the budget, are reviewed with information on types of material to includein each. Additionally, general advice for fust time authors is included. Following these basic guidelines will aidin the writing of a s~cc=ssful grant proposal.What Is A Grant? A grant is an award of money for an idea or project. Grants are given for research, training, service,education, etc. Grants may cover all costs associated with a project (direct costs) or may include money to helpdefray administrative costs at the university (indirect costs). Granting agencies include the government, which isthe m-ost abundant source of funds; privat; foundations
improvements in student involvement in lectures byconstantly challenging them to solve problems and answer questions (S. Eakins & S. Below, personalcommunication, May 17, 1995).Department of Geology This team’s strategy consists of three components. First, they plan to use the award in a couple ofintroductory courses the team members teach regularly. They envision the integration of interactive tutorialsin small classes and labs, and plan to introduce concepts with the aid short animations and video clips assupplements in introductory lectures held in large classrooms. Second, they plan to improve the delivery ofcomputer models and programs instruction to majors. This will include the teaching of high-level modeling,mapping, and logging
investigate this tradeoff between computational complexity and convergence. I 5 Real-Time Implementation and Internet The dSPACE hardware is used to generate the step input and measure the output voltage as shown in Figure 3. A train of step input signals are generated by the digital-to-analog converter (DAC), and the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) measures both the input and the output voltage of the circuit. ❑ nnn 0 0 Square s I
Officeof Instructional Support, Cornell University, 1994.Tobias, S., They're Not Dumb, They're Different: Stalking the Second Tier, Tucson, AZ, ResearchCorporation, 1990.Widnall, S. E., "AAAS Presidential Lecture: Voices from the Pipeline,'' Science, 241, 1988,pages 1740-1745. 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings Page 1.171.8References[1] Eschenbach, E. A., M. R. Taylor, and G. Rehkugler, "Implementing a Teaching AssistantProgram with Continuous Improvement," In Proceedings of the 1993 Annual Conference of theAmerican Society for Engineering Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993,pages
first fully public university.13 In the 1850's, the agricultural press and variouslocal and national agricultural societies joined forces to demand the establishment of what werecalled "democracy's colleges."14 Evan Pugh of Pennsylvania15 and Jonathan Turner of Illinois16played major roles in galvanizing public sentiments in favor of such project. In 1862, PresidentAbraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act, which was introduced by Justin Morrill as a bill inCongress in 1857, providing for federal aid to agricultural and mechanical colleges. 17 The passageof the second Morrill Act of 1890 significantly increased the amount of federal aid to theseland-grant institutions.18 The Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 helped provide the resources for
facilityconditioning equipment is available to measure and operation, and the acquisition and analysis of Page 1.40.2 .“”s% @H~ 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings ‘..,,yy~c.: . I .— ....experimental data. This experiment is the classical term report which summarizes the results of theprobl~m’of a cylinder in crossflow at moderate
‘..+,llll?j .B. Lee Tuttle Dr. B. Lee Tuttle is Professor & Program Director of Manufacturing Systems Engineering at GMIEngineering & Management Institute. He has a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester PolytechnicInstitute, and an M. S. and Ph.D. in Metallurgy from the Pennsylvania State University. He involved in thedevelopment of educational experiences at the undergraduate and graduate level in Engineering Materials,Manufacturing Processes, Design for Manufacturability and Assemblability, and Engineering Design. He is anactive member of ASEE, AFS, ASM, ASME, and CEF. Page
. ● Demonstrate and present the working design to class.7 Introduction of the second project Design a Bathroom Weighing Scale to ●The project has the option of using weigh up to 300 lb. the theoretical base and experimental “ The students have the option to use any knowledge discussed in weeks 1-6 principle of their choice to design the or follow a new approach. system. i.e. They need not use strain ● The project has significant industrial gages. and s oc~al relevance. ●The design must be functiontil
. Bibliography1. Gaff, J. G., New Life For The College Curriculum: Assessing Achievements and Furthering Progress in the Reform of General Education, Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, 1991.2. Strong Foundations: Twelve Principles for Improving General Education Programs, Association for American Colleges, Washington, DC.3. Etouney, S. M., “A New Model for Integrating Engineering into the Liberal Education of Non- Engineering Undergraduate Students,” Journal of Engineering Education, V83, N4, October, 1994. Page 1.492.5 ~fix~~ 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings
. Table 1: Illustration of Formatting Changes Used for HTML Normal Format Appearance on Web 2H2(g) + O 2(g) 2H 2O(g) 2H2(g) + O2(g) --> 2H2O(g) c=3.0x10 8 m/s c= 3.0x10^8 m/s H=C PT Delta H = (Cp)(Delta T) It is difficult to illustrate good problem solving technique without making a graphicalequation. In HTML, all formatting commands must be entered into a text line. Many 1996 ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings