mentored to provide such labeling seemsvanishingly small. William S. Cleveland has provided useful insight on how to design graphicsfor clarity and to eliminate distortion of data,18 but his work is not generally cited in Engineeringpublications and courses.Problems with publishing research (questions about anomalous data, duplicate publication,authorship status, plagiarism, and copyright violations) have been addressed by numerousresearchers.19,20,21 Much of this work, however, has come out of the medical community, whichhas developed ethical codes in response; as an example, see the explanation of applicable codeson publication and authorship developed by the American Psychological Association.22Responsible Conduct of Research (2003)23 uses
analysis.IntroductionThe authors of the National Academy of Science report Rising above the Gathering Storm1 writewith urgency of the need for the United States to strengthen the scientific and technical buildingblocks that lead to economic prosperity. The number of Master’s and Ph.D. degrees awarded inengineering has decreased approximately 7% and 13%, respectively, from 1996 to 20012 and thenumber of Ph.D.’s awarded in mechanical engineering has decreased approximately 19% from1996 to 20043. Engineering dynamics, which encompasses areas such as flight dynamics,vibration isolation for precision manufacturing, earthquake engineering, structural healthmonitoring, signal processing, and experimental modal analysis is naturally affected by thisdecrease in numbers
.Before actual measures of network growth can be discussed, the concept of strong andweak ties must be defined. Within a network or community, there are variations in thestrength of the connections between different members. For engineering education, hereare some example ties, listed in order of increasing strength: 1. heard of a person and/or her work 2. met that person once 3. talk with that person semi-regularly, regularly or frequently 4. cite the other person’s scholarly work 5. collaborate with the person on proposal(s) or conference paper(s) 6. coauthor a journal article with this personTo run a social network analysis, the researcher must decide which level is mostappropriate to the study. For example
20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 Analysis of experimental data Phase Equilibrium Conservation of mass Atomic species balances Heat of Reaction Recycle/By-pass/Purge Heat of solution Ideal solution vs. nonideal solution Conservation of mass Phase equilibrium Conservation of energy Types of systems Process classification Conservation of mass S-S
. (1999). The incredible shrinking pipeline unlikely to reverse. Retrieved March 14, 2002 from, P., Hoonakker, P., Marchand, S., & Schwarz, J. (2003). Job characteristics and quality of working life in the IT workforce: The role of gender. Proceedings of the 2003 SIGMIS Conference on Computer Personnel Research, 58-63.Chapple, K., and Saxenian, A. (2001). Mediating careers: The role of labor market intermediaries in facilitating the entry, retention, and advancement of women and minorities in the information technology workforce. NSF IT Workforce Research Conference. Boulder, Colorado, October 14-16.Chiu, W., & Ng, C. (1999). Women
based on model transport equations for theturbulence kinetic energy (k) and its dissipation rate (ε). The transport equations are based onassumptions that the flow is fully turbulent and the effect of the molecular viscosity is negligible.Transport Equations for the standard k-ε model ∂ µ (ρκ ) + ∇(ρκV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇k + Gk + Gb − ρε − YM + S k …..(3.a)∂t σk µ 2 ∂ (ρε ) + ∇(ρεV ) = ∇ µ + t ∇ε + C1ε ε (Gk + C3ε Gb ) − C 2ε ρ ε + S ε …..(3.b)∂t σk k k k2where the turbulent
= ψ(r, Ω) πR2 Page 12.1358.6 R→0 4πThis is the confirmation that φ is the same as the ICRU fluence rate. R S xFigure 1: A point source S with a sphere centered a distance x > R away. Compute the volumeaveraged scalar flux over the sphere. Students must also be asked not to over interpret this result: for a finite sphere the rate at whichparticles enter the sphere divided by
with the conventional output/input ratio analysis. Defining basicefficiency as the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to the weighted sum of inputs, the relativeefficiency score of a test DMU p can be obtained by solving the following DEA ratio model (CCR)proposed by Charnes, et al.1: Page 12.697.4 3 s ∑v k =1 k y kp max m ∑u x
AC 2007-2442: CHEM-E-CAR COMPETITION: INCORPORATING SAFETYWITH THE HELP OF INDUSTRY PARTNERS.Sundararajan Madihally, Oklahoma State University He is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BE in ChE from Bangalore University and his PhD from Wayne State University in Chemical Engineering. He held a research fellow position at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School/Shriners Hospital for Children. His research interests include tissue regeneration and the development of therapies for traumatic conditions.Randy Lewis, Brigham Young University Randy S. Lewis is Professor of Chemical Engineering at Brigham Young University
45 18 27 6 0 11The design project task was to prepare a functional layout design for one of the student spaces inSeaton Hall, housing the BAE department. Eight options were provided, and each student teamin each lab section selected one of these eight spaces (without duplication within a lab section).The selection of was design project spaces was ordered according to a class-determined rankingof the creativity exhibited in the outcome of an in-class team ice-breaking assignment.The objectives of the design project were to (1) engage the student in a problem solving/designprocess, in which s/he identifies a problem, locates relevant information, develops and analyzespossible alternatives, and formulates
toughness b. Compared to monolithic structure layered composites exhibited either a larger tensile strength, a larger fracture toughness or both. c. Reinforced composites exhibited a very high tensile strength associated with a large level of fracture toughness.References1. Evans, A. G. et al., Model for the robust mechanical behavior of nacre, J. Mater. Res. 16, 2475-2484 (2001).2. Katti, D. R., Pradhan, S. M. & Katti, K. S., Modeling the Organic-Inorganic Interfacial nanoasperities in a Model Bio-Nanocomposite, Re. Adv. Mater. Sci 6, 162-168 (2004).3. Yao, N., Epstein, A. & Akey, A., Crystal Growth via Spiral Motion in Abalone Shell Nacre, JMR 21
increasing their representation in the non-traditional fieldsof study and are becoming more knowledgeable of technology’s multi-facet components,there still remains significant under-representation of females in areas such as IndustrialTechnology. Nelson (2004) 33 indicated that lack of female representation in technologymay be due to a threefold purpose: “(1) women of the world lack knowledge oftechnology, (2) technology alienates and often exploits women, and (3) decisions abouttechnology are made without women’s voices” (p.2). This is reflected from Mayer’s(1995)27assertion that females comprise only 30 percent of the industrial workforce. Thisglobally illustrates moderate but consistent initiatives. The U. S. Department of Labor(2003)38 reported
Companies, a professional services firmspecializing in risk and insurance services. Based on reviews of the fire literature,andunderstanding of the use of the space, and a survey of office plans, students selected an officeload of 52 kg/m2 as a representative fuel load. Realizing that flames were still observed at thecollapse time of 102 min, students estimated a burn time for the 96th floor of WTC1 of 120 min.Finally, students used the estimated office load, total floor area of 2873 m2, and estimated burntime to approximate an overall burning rate of 21 kg/s. Scale analysis was then used in order todesign a small scale office load producing similar dimensionless local and overall burning ratesand burn times. The students designed 150 mm x 150 mm x
’ ways ofsimulating this. The students added scopes and similar probes at various points and times in thedevelopment to help them see what was happening. 1+2z -1+z -2 200 1 s+100 Chirp Signal Zero-Order Discrete Filter Zero-Order Hold Hold1 T ransfer Fcn Scope FIGURE 5 DSP
, Columbia University; and Jeffrey Russell, University of Wisconsin atMadison. Page 12.732.6References1. Lawson, W. D. (2002). “In defense of a little theory.” Journal of Professional Issues in Engi- neering Education and Practice, ASCE, 128(4), 206-211.2. Harichandran, R. S. (2006). “Current research thrusts in civil and environmental engineering and implications for education: a Big 10+ perspective.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, June 18-21.3. Goodings, D. J., and Ketcham, S. A. (2001). “Research versus practice in transportation geo- technics: can we bridge the chasm?” Journal of Professional Issues in
shown), may reach apseudo-steady-state condition (population cycles through time), or may be unstable (divergent). Page 12.1.8Generalized ‘Kangaroo’ Population SimulationsIn the third ‘Kangaroo’ assignment, students are tasked with improving the population modelthrough the addition of any effects they consider useful, necessary, or simply interesting(enjoyable).Model changes enter in two possible methods: changes or improvements to the base model orrandom external effects on the population(s). The differences are clearer to the students as theymake their own decisions, build their models into the program(s) and observe the effects. Simulation
International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, June 2006. 3. Willis, C.L., and Miertschin, S.L. (2004), “Tablet PCs as Instructional Tools or the Pen is Mighter than the Board”, SIGITE, Salt Lake City, Utah. 4. Jeschke, S., Knipping, L., Rojas, R., and Seiler, R. (2006), “Intelligent Chalk-Systems for Modern Page 12.1351.8 Teaching in Math, Science and Engineering”, ASEE International Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL.5. Lord, S., and Perry, L., (2006), “Tablet PC- is it Worth it? A Preliminary Comparison of Several Approaches to using Tablet PC in an Engineering Classroom”, ASEE
. Huang, Meirong and Kurt Gramoll, “Online Interactive Multimedia for Engineering Thermodynamics,” ASEE Annual Conf. Proc., Salt Lake City, UT, 20-23 Jun 20045. Ngo, Chean Chin and Kurt Gramoll, “A Web-based Electronic Book (eBook) for Fluid Mechanics,” ASEE Annual Conf. Proc., Salt Lake City, UT, 20-23 Jun 2004.6. Homsy, G. M., Aref, H., Breuer, K. S., Hochgreb, S., Koseff, J. R., Munson, B. R., Powell, K. G., Robertson, C. R., and Thoroddsen, S. T., Multi-Media Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 20007. Liggett, J. A. and Caughey, D. A., Fluid Mechanics: An Interactive Text, American Society of Civil Engineers Press, 19988. Philpot, T., "MDSolids," Introduction to Mechanics of Solids,
.036 5.370 1.114 25.894 satm 5.036 1 .025 1.001 1.000 1.002 sex(1) 1.117 1 .291 .656 .300 1.434 minority 7.307 2 .026 minority * Completed 2 or more workshops 4.496 2 .106 gender * Completed 2 or more workshops .020 1 .886 .853 .096 7.583 Constant 4.198 1 .040 2.322a Variable(s) entered
, Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi and is a licensed professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Page 12.23.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007 A Controller for Robotics and Microcontroller Applications InstructionAbstractA controller board inspired by the Handy Board, but based on a pair of Atmel ATmega128’s, isdiscussed. Elements of the hardware design and input/output interfaces are detailed, includingparallel and serial I/O, analog I/O, an LCD interface, and dc motor control interfaces. Firmwarefor hardware drivers written in AVR assembly language and a
. Teaching Design Skills in the Freshman Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of the 1996 Annual ASEE Conference, June 1996, Washington, DC.3. S. Chattopadhyay. Freshman Design Course at IPFW, Proceedings of the 2004 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2004, Salt Lake City, UT.4. R. E. Musiak, E. W. Haffner, S. Schreiner, A. K. Karplus, M. B. Vollaro, and R. A. Grabiec. Forging New Links: Integrating the Freshman Engineering Curriculum, Proceedings of the 2001 Annual ASEE Conference, June 2001, Albuquerque, NM.5. L. S. Baczkowski, J. D. Enderle, D. J. Krause, and J. L. Rawson. NDSU Undergraduate Design Projects for the Disabled, Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, volume 26, pp. 95-99, 1990.6. S. M. Blanchard and R. P. Rohrbach
instructions. At times, multiple buildingprojects were in progress simultaneously; on average there were 2 simultaneous projects.When the children decided to construct something with the blocks, they may or may not elicit theassistance of 1 or more classmates. Sometimes, a child decided to start a project solo and wasthen approached by an interested classmate. The classmate first asked for permission to assistand then joined in if permission was granted – if permission was denied they either started theirown project or moved along to another play area. Permission was rarely denied and rarely, if atall, did the other children just watch. If the child had already decided what s/he wanted to buildthen they would give verbal instructions and guidance to
the history of the facility, the nature, ore gradeand geologic morphology of the uranium deposit, and the mining technique(s) used torecover it. It was turned in as a one page writeup or three slides. Table 1: Course Schedule Time Topic / Activity HW / Test / Project Week 1: Introduction; Fuel Cycle Overview 8/31/06 Week 2: History, Hot Topics: 9/5, 9/7 the AFCI, GNEP, Transmutation Week 3: The Front End: 9/12, 9/14 Uranium Mining and Supply, Conversion Week 4: The Front End: 9/19: Written 9/19, 9/21 Enrichment, Fuel
other educational goals important toK-12 science educators.Iteration “3” ( bottom row left ) applies Velcro to the bottom of each pixel, which prevents pixelsfrom bouncing back out of the holes once they initially fall into position. With this designevolution all ( or nearly all ) of the holes should eventually get filled, however the orientation ofthe pixels should only be correct 25% of the time on average. ( The rest of the “3”s will besideways or upside down. )Iteration “4” ( bottom row center ) replaces the single piece of Velcro with two smaller pieces,one the “fuzzy” side of the Velcro and one the “hook” side. This adjustment reduces the bondingforce to hold pixels into the holes, but ensures that they can only stick into the holes in
originalmembers of this group, and 14 of them eventually became President of the Society. Dueswere $3.50 per year and one could become a Life Member for $50 in 1910.Early members had to be proposed by two members who knew the candidate and then theproposed member had to be elected by the Council (S.P.E.E.'s governing body) by atleast three-quarters support. Members of the Council had 3 year terms with one-third ofthe Council being retired each year. By 1910 there were 121 colleges teachingengineering and 938 members of S.P.E.E. consisting of 767 teachers and 171practitioners1.The Journal of Engineering Education began in 1910 and much of the information forthis paper was obtained from this source. Since this journal was the S.P.E.E.'s means
AC 2007-348: INTEGRATING TEAMWORK ACROSS THE CURRICULUMCharlie Edmonson, University of Dayton Charlie P. Edmonson is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Industrial Engineering Technology at the University of Dayton. Prior to joining the faculty at UD, he retired from the U. S. Air Force after 30 years of engineering design, industrial engineering, and experience at various levels of management.Donna Summers, University of Dayton DONNA C.S. SUMMERS, Ph.D. is a Professor of Industrial Engineering Technology at the University of Dayton. Her major areas of concentration are Quality Assurance and Human Factors. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the
AC 2007-375: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO TEACHING ASSISTANTTRAINING AND ORIENTATIONRonald Kane, New Jersey Institute of Technology Ronald S. Kane is Dean of Graduate Studies and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Before that he had been Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, and Continuing Professional Education and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and before that served as Mechanical Engineering Department Chair at Manhattan College. He has industrial experience in the energy and aerospace industries and worked for a number of years on nuclear safety and alternative energy systems, with focus on modeling and
AC 2007-378: THE DOCTORAL PATHWAY, AN INSTITUTIONAL JOURNEY OFDEVELOPMENTRonald Kane, New Jersey Institute of Technology Ronald S. Kane is Dean of Graduate Studies and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at New Jersey Institute of Technology. Before that he had been Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, and Continuing Professional Education and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology and before that served as Mechanical Engineering Department Chair at Manhattan College. He has industrial experience in the energy and aerospace industries and worked for a number of years on nuclear safety and alternative energy systems, with focus on modeling and
⎜ − ⎟⎪exp⎜ ⎟ + exp⎜ − ⎟⎪ 2πuσ y σ z ⎜ 2σ 2 ⎟⎨ ⎜ 2σ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2σ z2 ⎟⎬ ⎝ y ⎠⎪ ⎝ ⎩ z ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎪ ⎭ Q = source emission rate [g/s] u= wind speed [m/s] y = crosswind distance from stack of point of interest [m] z = vertical height of point of interest (0 for ground-level concentration)[m] H =effective stack height [m] (includes plume rise) σy =horizontal stability parameter (a function of downwind distance x, and stability) [m] σz
/ChoicePoint, (accessed October 10, 2005).[3] Scatlet S. D., 2005, The five most shocking things about the ChoicePoint debacle, CSO Magazine, May 2005,, (accessed January 5. 2007).[4] Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, A Chronology of Data Breaches Since the ChoicePoint Incident,, (accessed March 10. 2007).[5] Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, Chronology of Data Breaches 2006: Analysis,, (accessed March 10. 2007).[6] Data Loss Archive and Database,, (accessed January 5. 2007).[7] Hasan, R. and Yurcik, W. 2006