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Displaying results 181 - 210 of 1900 in total
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) - Teamwork in Design Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sydney Kropp, University of Oklahoma; Doyle Dodd, The University of Oklahoma
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
) Students Self-Identify Group Work Habits Figure 6: Student responses to pre-survey questions. (a) Students self-reported average grades on previous group assignments. (b) Students self-identified their contributions toward group work compared to their peers.’ (c) Students reported how many days before a group assignment they finish their contribution.Post-Survey Students were given a post-survey on the final day of the course to assess their experienceusing the I-in-Team method. The first question in the post-survey asked students to report theirfeelings on writing a group report, specifically in this Chem-E course after implementing the I-in-Team method. Students reported an average of 3.96, falling
Conference Session
Technical Session 2 - Paper 3: Increasing Academic Success for Underrepresented Minority PhD Graduate STEM Students Through Self-Advocacy Education
2022 CoNECD (Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity)
Carmen M Lilley, The University of Illinois at Chicago; Gregory V Larnell, University of Illinois at Chicago
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
health disordersand decreased physiological health is well known [1-3], evidence-based practices of supportsystems specifically for minoritized graduate students to reduce the effects of climates ofintimidation are not common. Indeed, researchers have found that minoritized students “wouldbenefit if colleges and universities attempted to deconstruct climates of intimidation [4].” In a comprehensive study of Latinx graduate students in STEM at a Hispanic Servinginstitution found that “Faculty mentors played a greater role in their success compared to theirnon-Latino peers. In addition, Latinos/as were also more likely to use support services on campusthan their non-Latino/a peers” [5]. The same researchers also found that it was of
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Chrysanthe Preza, The University of Memphis; Stephanie S Ivey, The University of Memphis; Craig O. Stewart, University of Memphis
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
compriseundergraduate and graduate students at different stages of their studies, and all participatingstudents are graded and receive credit toward their degree for at least two years. Students choosefrom a wide variety of VIP teams based on personal interest. Participation in VIP teams providesthe time and context for students to [5]: • acquire in-depth experience and insights within their field of study; • learn and practice research and professional skills; • make substantial contributions to real-world projects; and • experience different roles on large, multi-disciplinary teams.The VIP structure provides opportunities for students to develop leadership and collaborationskills through peer support and peer management, which provide students
Conference Session
T1A: Readiness 1
2019 FYEE Conference
Natalie C.T. Van Tyne P.E., Virginia Tech; Lisa D. McNair, Virginia Tech
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Diversity, FYEE Conference - Paper Submission
differentenvironments, cultures and other phenomena, which may or may not be easily understood oraccepted. Reflection is a form of mental processing, according to Moon [1], which can bedirected at a specific outcome, such as building knowledge of a different culture in order torespond with intercultural competency [2]. Participants also develop meaning by comparingtheir new experiences to prior ones, and recognize that other ways of life are no less worthwhilethan their own. This last realization arises from reflection, according to Kember, McKay,Sinclair and Wong, who considered reflection as a re-examination of beliefs [3].Moon proposed a framework for reflection consisting of four stages, from descriptive to highlyreflective writing, where the final stage
Conference Session
Engineering Technology Division (ETD) Technical Session 8
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Lucas, Purdue University; Bhavana Kotla, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University; Lisa Bosman, Purdue University
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Engineering Technology Division (ETD)
, and (3)benefitting from peer feedback. The study aims to supplement traditional teaching techniqueswith an entrepreneurial and multidisciplinary-minded project that helps students reinforce skillsthat are relevant for the globally connected world. The results indicate that the interventionsuccessfully motivated students to develop their communication and collaboration skills. Thefindings of this study showcase the effectiveness of entrepreneurially minded andcommunication-focused projects that engineering instructors should consider integrating intomid-level discipline specific engineering coursework.1. Introduction1.1 Problem Identification The global connectivity offered by modern technology brings numerous advantages toadvanced
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 5
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Sumudu Lewis, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts Lowell
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Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
perspectives.Quantitative Data:To triangulate the qualitative data collected through journal entries and open-ended surveyquestions, we collected and analyzed quantitative data regarding the students’ perceived impactof the DEI sessions. In the online post-survey, using a Likert-style scale, we asked students torank eight aspects of the RAMP program with regard to the following two questions: 1) Howsatisfied were you with the following RAMP program activities? and 2) What have youaccomplished by participating in the RAMP program?For the first question, the RAMP program activities ranked included the following: Calculus class,Calculus tutoring, Introduction to Engineering, Industry partner meetings, Near-peer mentors,Writing computer programs, DEI sessions, and
Conference Session
Improved Pathways to Graduate Studies
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis; Alin Wakefield, University of California, Davis; Jean S. VanderGheynst, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Kara Moloney Ph.D., University of California, Davis
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Tagged Divisions
Graduate Studies
parents are frequently unable to help them navigate their educational pathway. 2) Knowing the Rules or Ambiguity: LIATFG graduate students may be unclear about the expectations of graduate study. They may perceive that their peers know the “rules of the game” while they do not know what is expected or how to navigate the system. 3) Living in Two Worlds: Families of LIATFG students are often supportive of college, but may be less understanding of the value of graduate education. LIATFG students may not feel they fully belong to either their family/culture, or within academia. 4) Seeking Support: LIATFG students can have difficulty building the necessary support systems (whether they be social, academic and/or
Conference Session
Technical Session 5c
2017 Pacific Southwest Section Meeting
Deana R. Delp, Arizona State University
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Diversity, Pacific Southwest Section
assist ASD students, however somestudents will sign up for this assistance, while others do not. Beyond the college resources theinstructor must fill in the gaps to ensure student success. First, the instructor must recognize theASD student’s learning style. The needs of the student and the learning styles vary by individual.For freshman year instructors it may be difficult to determine these needs in a timely manner,since most students do not self-disclose their disability. Observation and communication with thestudent are key in this step. Many first year engineering courses utilize individual and groupwork with both written assignments and “hands-on” projects including writing, drawing,problem solving, scheduling, budgeting, and craftsmanship
2024 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Chan-Jin Chung, Lawrence Technological University; Joshua E Siegel, Michigan State University; Mark Wilson, Michigan State University
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publishingconcepts, mentored in designing and testing hypotheses, and then involved in two challengesrelated to self-driving and networked vehicles. Two teams of 4 designed, implemented, testedvarious self-drive and V2X algorithms using real vehicles on a test course, analyzed/evaluatedtest results, wrote technical reports, and delivered presentations. After the summer program wasover, the technical reports were published in peer reviewed conferences and journals.Survey results show that students attained significant & real-world computer science skills inautonomous vehicle development leveraging real vehicles available. The programs alsoProceedings of the 2024 ASEE North Central Section ConferenceCopyright © 2024, American Society for Engineering
Conference Session
Integrity and the Problem of Cheating
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Teresa Ryan, East Carolina University; Bernd Steffensen, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt; Colleen Janeiro, East Carolina University
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Tagged Divisions
Engineering Ethics
as in AppendixTable A1. The original research at the East Carolina University in the US included 20 scenarios.For the German study, the last scenario (the use of online solution manuals or solution servicessuch as was dropped as analogous resources are not known to exist in Germanlanguage sources. It should also be noted that the translation was conducted without additionaloversight or verification of validity. Two of the instrument items are not dishonest actions andwere included as a kind of negative control on the pooled responses: Scenario 3:Writing-quotedwith citation and Scenario 14:YouTube to study. The remainder are designed to present gradationsof similar situations. This list includes shortened descriptor phrases to
ASEE-NE 2022
Emily Deterding, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Nathan Agyeman; Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Carter Keough, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Sumudu Lewis, University of Massachusetts Lowell; Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts Lowell
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gender identities that have been historically underrepresented in engineering programs. Using participatory action research (PAR) and qualitative research methods, this study explores whether engaging students in a series of focus groups can help disrupt negative teamwork interactions and encourage inclusive student engagement with team projects in an Introduction to Mechanical Engineering class. All participants in this study are engineering students at a college of engineering in New England, and include 6 undergraduates in the focus groups and two undergraduates (one junior, one senior) who served as peer facilitators. This work-in-progress paper describes the process and challenges associated with recruiting participants, training student
Conference Session
Pre-College Engineering Education in the Formal Classroom
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cara N. Morton, Washington State University; Kira J. Carbonneau, Washington State University
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education
self-evaluation. Reading &Writing Quarterly, 19(2), 159-172.Schunk, D. H., & Hanson, A. R. (1985). Peer models: Influence on children's self-efficacy and achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(3), 313.Sungur, S., & Güngören, S. (2009). The role of classroom environment perceptions in self- regulated learning and science achievement. Elementary Education Online, 8(3), 883- 900.Usher, E. L., & Pajares, F. (2006). Sources of academic and self-regulatory efficacy beliefs of entering middle school students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 31(2), 125- 141.
Conference Session
Computers in Education Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Neelam Soundarajan, Ohio State University; Swaroop Joshi, Ohio State University; Rajiv Ramnath, Ohio State University
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Computers in Education
. Page 26.1763.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 Work-in-Progress: Conflict-Driven Cooperative-Learning in Engineering Courses Abstract Conflict and cooperation would seem to be ideas that are diametrically opposed to each other. But, in fact, classic work by Piaget on how children and adults learn shows that when learners engage with peers in critical discussion of ideas concerning which they have different understandings, that contributes very effectively to learners developing deep understanding of the concepts involved. At the same time, getting students in undergraduate engineering
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Behzad Beigpourian, Purdue University, West Lafayette ; Matthew W. Ohland, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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Women in Engineering
collaboration, quality of peer evaluation, the strategy of teamformation, and communication among team members can raise issues related to the genderand race. These problems can be solved by educating students to deal with possible issuesand understand the importance of diversity. Also, facilitating teams during the semester isessential for reducing any conflict related to gender or race. But, the most important one isthe perception of professors because no problem can be solved if professors do not believethe importance of gender and race in teamwork AcknowledgmentWe would like to thank Dr. Godwin for her guidance in writing this paper. We also want tothank Maizey Benner for her contribution
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claire L. A. Dancz, Clemson University; Elizabeth A. Adams, Cuesta College; Nihal Orfi, Fresno City College; Carol Haden; Yushin Ahn
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Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
, including those who remain in theprogram after transfer, are supported with annual scholarships of up to $6000, depending onfinancial need. In addition to scholarship money, students participate in a variety of programactivities throughout the school year in the form of academic seminars, extracurricular events,professional development, faculty mentoring, peer mentoring, academic advising, andundergraduate research opportunities. Noteworthy elements of the program in years three and fourinclude 1) the selection and award of the fourth and final cohort entering the program, 2) atransition of leadership to a new principal investigator for the program at the two-college, and 3)the increase in number of students who have continued with the program
Conference Session
Pre-College: Techniques and Programs for Promoting Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristen B. Wendell Ph.D., Tufts University; Chelsea Joy Andrews, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach
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Tagged Divisions
Pre-College Engineering Education Division
curriculum materials to create a learning environment where all students canfully participate in engineering design? What kinds of classroom norms do we need to establishfor productive engineering work to take place? These questions may be especially important inschools where students do not frequently have opportunities to engage with their peers in thekind of collaborative decision-making required by engineering design.    To begin to answer these important questions, we are conducting a multi-year design-basedresearch project investigating engineering language and literacy demands, resources, andsupports in economically disadvantaged urban U.S. elementary classrooms using the EiEcurriculum. This work involves identifying more and less
Conference Session
Mechanical Engineering Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
J. Alex Birdwell, Northwestern University; Michael Peshkin, Northwestern University
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Mechanical Engineering
 equations,  drawn  on  chalkboards  or  whiteboards.  In  capturing  lectures  on  video  however,  these  traditional  props  become  liabilities:  the  presenter  must  turn  away  from  the  audience  to  write  or  draw  on  the  board,  and  the  presenter’s  body  often  obscures  the  material.        We  developed  the  Lightboard  to  create  visually  compelling  videotaped  lectures,  to  avoid  the  liabilities  of  chalkboards,  and  furthermore  to  be  able  to  produce  upload-­‐ready  video  segments  with  no  post-­‐production.    The  Lightboard  is  a  glass  board,  carrying  light  internally  from  LED  strips  along  its  edges.  A  video  camera  captures  the  presenter  and  his/her  writing  by  viewing  through  the
Conference Session
Trends in Accreditation and Assessment
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Rebecca A. Bates, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Cheryl Allendoerfer, University of Washington; Ronald R. Ulseth, Itasca Community College; Bart M. Johnson, Itasca Community College
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
students to show theyunderstand were first developed by National Academic Advisory Board member Denny Davisand then revised with feedback from other board members, faculty, the TCE Industry AdvisoryBoard and students. Figure 2 is the poster shown on Twin Cities Engineering walls andpresented to all students during incoming student orientation. It is also used as the cover pagefor student portfolios, so is revisited through each of their four semesters as they gather portfolioevidence for each outcome.In gathering portfolio evidence, students go beyond the straightforward administrative task ofgathering copies of work they have done and write a brief statement that reinforces theirlearning. The statement should assert in what way this particular
Conference Session
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) Technical Session 3
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanko Kranov; Robert T. Bailey P.E., Loyola University Maryland; Suzanne Keilson, Loyola University Maryland
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED)
, a portfolio approach isalso being implemented this term. For the learning module materials, each student completes apre-exercise survey asking about their prior knowledge, provides evidence of their attempts toperform the exercise, and then writes a reflection about what they have learned.The opportunity has presented itself to use CATME [12] to create and assess student teams. Thissoftware, developed at Purdue University, has three elements: one for team creation, another forpeer evaluation, and a third for students to practice peer evaluation on “standardized studentteam members” which allows for some rater norming and reliability. This tool is not being usedin EG397 during the Spring 2023 term but is being examined for future
Conference Session
Works in Progress: Curricula and Pathways
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marcia Pool, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Rohit Bhargava, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; P. Scott Carney, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Dipanjan Pan, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Andrew Michael Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Educational Research and Methods
, which are presented withoutconnecting the use of concepts to real-world problems. Currently, less than half of the threemillion students entering higher education to pursue a STEM field persist to earn a STEMdegree3. The drop-out rate from STEM is even more prominent in minorities and women4;however, participating in undergraduate research and developing a strong peer network has beenshown to increase persistence5,6,7,8,9. While we seek to engage students in research experiences toencourage persistence, in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign’s (UIUC)Bioengineering Department attrition is not a major problem, but by engaging students in focusedresearch experiences we seek to increase persistence in scientific research after graduation
Conference Session
Factors Influencing Curriculum Development: International Division Technical Session 4
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Johnny Crayd Woods Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Homero Murzi, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Maia Greene-Havas, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Abram Diaz-Strandberg, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Sophia Vicente, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Tagged Divisions
. just communicate, just um, have a little bit problem.”Making Experiences of interactions and “In engineering especially, it is soFriends relationships with U.S students. hard to get close with people because you start talking to them and the subject just does not get any deeper.”Working in Academic experiences in “I was in high school we write ourTeams collaborating with U.S. peers in group paper by our own, and when I go here projects
Conference Session
Multidisciplinary First-year Experiences
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tanya Kunberger P.E., Florida Gulf Coast University; Chris Geiger, Florida Gulf Coast University
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
experiences for first year studentsa. By 1982, over 175 educators acrossthe country came together to discuss first-year seminars, and the following year the AnnualConference on the Freshman Year Experience was born. Today, an effective first-yearexperience has been identified as a high impact educational practice by the Association ofAmerican Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). Although these experiences differ significantlyfrom university to university, ranging anywhere from a single course specifically taken in themajor itself, through more involved practices including live-learn communities, Kuh emphasizesthe most influential points of a first-year experience include a “strong emphasis on criticalinquiry, frequent writing, information literacy
Conference Session
NSF Grantees Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Trina C. Kershaw, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Susan Thomson Tripathy, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Hong Liu, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Kavitha Chandra, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Tagged Topics
Diversity, NSF Grantees Poster Session
Next stepsDuring the Spring 2023 semester, we continued to support students as they progress on theirprojects. As of May 2023, we conducted three workshops to support students as they work onone of their final products, writing and presenting an academic paper. The first workshop wasfocused on tools to organize the literature review, such as summary tables and synthesis matrices(cf. [18]). The second workshop revisited the Message Box [22] to help teams think of theiraudience for the academic paper, and also provided an opportunity for peer review, which allowsfor critique and revision of their work, the sixth feature of gold-standard PjBL [19]. The thirdworkshop focused on effectively presenting research via spoken presentations and posters
Conference Session
Women in Engineering Division: Retaining and Developing Women Faculty in STEM
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Patricia Mason, Rochester Institute of Technology; Margaret B. Bailey P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Elizabeth Dell, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Carol Marchetti, Rochester Institute of Technology (COS); Maureen S. Valentine P.E., Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Andrea Gebhart Rommel, Independent Scientific Consultant; Laurie A. Clayton, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Women in Engineering
peer editing, targeted computing grant proposal writing and career-life balance discussions including remote call-ins from faculty role models at other institutions.A faculty member from the Department of Biomedical Engineering was funded by a Connect grant todevelop a peer mentoring network. This project included addressing the challenges raised by thereviewers of a declined grant submission, leading to resubmission of this proposal. This wasaccomplished using an external mentor who provided guidance on designing effective experiments.This process enabled the grantee to broaden mentorship to other experts in their research area andsupported their professional development by establishing their research lab and assisting with becomingknown as a
Conference Session
Track 7: Technical Session 2: Lessons Learned from Development of an Elective Undergraduate Course on DEI in STEM
2024 Collaborative Network for Engineering & Computing Diversity (CoNECD)
Leigh S McCue, George Mason University; Christopher Alexander Carr, George Mason University; Kevin William Kuck, George Mason University; Dhiambi Otete; Violet Veronika Reges
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CoNECD Paper Sessions, Diversity
artificial intelligence titled ”Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Double- Edged Sword,” which was given at the World Engineering Education Forum & Global Engineering Dean’s Council in October 2023. His work demonstrates his keen interest in cutting-edge technology, engineering solutions, and a passion for DEI topics. In addition to his academic pursuits, Kevin has gained valuable experience through various internships and work roles. He served as a Mechanical Engineering Intern at Jacobs, where he contributed to HVAC and MEP design projects, created energy models using HAP, and performed essential calculations for mechanical equipment selection. His involvement in report writing summarizing ultrasonic pipe testing
Conference Session
Construction Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Piyush Pradhananga; Mohamed ElZomor, Florida International University; Gabriella Santi; Lu Zhang, Florida International University
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Tagged Divisions
Architectural Engineering, Construction Engineering
Simulation Trainings. Toanalyze students’ presentation skills improvement through the VR-activity, the authorsconducted peer evaluations for pre and post-activity presentations. Additionally, after the VRactivity, the authors conducted an exit survey, obtaining the students’ perception of theactivity. The data obtained from the different surveys and evaluations allowed the authors to(1) develop an ordered probit regression model to understand the influence of several factorssuch as academic level, gender, first-generation and international status; (2) identify themajor deficiencies in CM students' communication and presentation skills; and (3) assess theeffects of VR-based presentation simulations on CM students’ presentation skills. The
Conference Session
Track: Special Topic - Identity Technical Session 10
2019 CoNECD - The Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity
Andrea Haverkamp, Oregon State University; Ava Butler, Oregon State University; Naya Selene Pelzl; Michelle Kay Bothwell, Oregon State University; Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University; Qwo-Li Driskill, Oregon State University
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Diversity, Special Topic: Identity
justice and engineering with the aim of cultivating an inclusive and socially just engineering profession.Dr. Devlin Montfort, Oregon State University Dr. Montfort is an Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engi- neering at Oregon State UniversityDr. Qwo-Li Driskill, Oregon State University Qwo-Li Driskill is an Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University. They hold a PhD in Rhetoric & Writing from Michigan State University. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019Exploring Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Engineering UndergraduateExperiences through
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Courses in Emergent Areas
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taryn Melkus Bayles, University of Pittsburgh
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Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
majors and career fields. The factors that havebeen studied fall into three broad categories: individual attributes(17-20), environmentalconditions(7,21-28), and learning pedagogy(19,23,25,29-31). The academic and career experience forwomen in STEM has been characterized by isolation, a lack of mentors, and a shortage of rolemodels(26). Faculty and peer interactions have substantial influence on the satisfaction andretention of students(2,3,32). Specific faculty influences include the frequency of interaction withfaculty, the quality of teaching by faculty and TAs, and the availability of female faculty and TArole models. Peer interactions affect the classroom climate and influence women’s confidenceand sense of belonging(29). Peer interactions
2019 ASEE PNW Section Conference
David Pinkerton, Boise State University; Krishna Pakala, Boise State University
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succeed.Outside-of-class activities that involve online communication tools already familiar to studentslike social media, blogging, and video sharing platforms, are extra useful for breaking the ice andgetting students to know each other. Peer-created content is also useful for fostering community[2]; students can write a blog or post an instructional or response video on a shared drive that thewhole class has access to.Materials made by the professor, such as videos or notes, are more personal than third-partymaterials like textbooks or YouTube videos. Posting original content demonstrates acommitment on the part of the instructor and makes the class unique and memorable. Surveyshave shown that students use virtual office hours not just for content but
Conference Session
Diverse Pathways: Exploring Inclusive Practices and Outreach in Engineering Education
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amr Hassan, University of Pittsburgh; Mohamed A. S. Zaghloul; Irene Mena, University of Pittsburgh
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Tagged Divisions
Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
can be accessed easily through the CATME®website [12] as the authors used the default set of questions.The qualitative data in this paper consists of open-ended responses provided by students in their peerevaluations. As part of these evaluations, students are expected to complete peer-to-peer comments, inwhich they provide comments to each teammate, as well as write comments about themselves [14]. Theinstructor then releases these comments so that they are visible to the entire team via CATME®.This paper looks at the peer-to-peer comments submitted by students as part of their third peer evaluationassignment, completed at the end of the semester. Data analysis consisted of open coding, in whichcodes and categories emerged from the data [15